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And Now, It's You: Always & Forever, #2
And Now, It's You: Always & Forever, #2
And Now, It's You: Always & Forever, #2
Ebook129 pages1 hour

And Now, It's You: Always & Forever, #2

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About this ebook

Once upon a time, I found my happily ever after.
Until one day, fate tore him away from me.
My husband and best friend was killed in a tragic plane accident, bringing my world crashing down.
I was devastated and grief-stricken, left all alone with only our baby girl to keep me trudging forward.
Now a widow and single mother to our four-year-old little Mia, I'm still trying to figure out how to make it through this thing called life.
I miss you like it's the first day, and I know that my chance at love has come and gone.
Until Killian Walsh came waltzing into my world.
I tried pushing him away, but once again, fate came into play.
It's always been you, but now, it's him, too.
My love for you will never waver, but now I don't know if I'll be able to back out and walk away.

PublisherBella Emy
Release dateApr 9, 2021
And Now, It's You: Always & Forever, #2

Bella Emy

Bella Emy is a bestselling multi-genre, award-winning author. To stay up to date on all things Bella, join her FB readers' group, like her page, or follow on her Twitter or Instagram!

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    And Now, It's You - Bella Emy

    And Now, It’s You

    And Now, It’s You

    Always & Forever, Book 2

    Bella Emy

    AND NOW, IT’S YOU © 2021 by Bella Emy


    In accordance with the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, the scanning, uploading, and electronic sharing of any part of this book without the permission of the publisher constitute unlawful piracy and theft of the author’s intellectual property.

    If you would like to use material from the book (other than for review purposes), prior written permission must be obtained by the author who can be contacted at [email protected].

    Thank you for your support of the author’s rights.

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Copyright © 2021 Bella Emy

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    Once upon a time, I found my happily ever after.

    Until one day, fate tore him away from me. 

    My husband and best friend was killed in a tragic plane accident, bringing my world crashing down.

    I was devastated and grief-stricken, left all alone with only our baby girl to keep me trudging forward.

    Now a widow and single mother to our four-year-old little Mia, I’m still trying to figure out how to make it through this thing called life.

    I miss you like it’s the first day, and I know that my chance at love has come and gone.

    Until Killian Walsh comes waltzing into my world.

    I’ve tried pushing him away, but once again, fate came into play.

    It’s always been you, but now, it’s him, too.

    My love for you will never waver, but now I don’t know if I’ll be able to back out and walk away.



    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven


    Thank You

    It’s Always Been You

    It’s Always Been You Snippet

    About the Author

    Also by Bella Emy

    Follow Bella



    It’s funny to think about the way we had ended up together. We had always been best friends, always there for one another. You were my everything, except for the one thing I should have realized sooner. It took me years to figure out you were the one for me, but thankfully, you didn’t give up on me, on us, and we finally found our way into one another’s arms.

    You were my one true love. It’s always been you, and to this day, it will always continue to be you. Even if now I’m not by your side and fading away.

    It’s kind of unfair that not long after we found our happily ever after, my time with you was cut short. I regret not realizing I loved you sooner, but I don’t regret our story one bit. I miss you more than you can imagine, but somehow, watching over you reminds me every day that you still feel the very same way.

    My heart breaks every time you shed a tear for me. It hurts to see you so sad and broken four years after that tragic accident took me away. Had I never gotten on that plane to go on that business trip, you’d be in my arms right now. I had the choice to stay back with you and Mia, my precious, Mia, but I thought I was doing the best thing for our family by going on that trip. Nor you or I knew that as I waved goodbye to you and Mia from those gates, it would be the last time I’d see your beautiful faces smiling back at me.

    I love you, my darling wife, and I always will. Until we meet again at those pearly white gates, I’ll keep watching over you and our baby girl. You have to trust and believe me when I tell you that your happily ever after didn’t end with me. Of course, I was a big part of your fairytale, but the story is not over yet, my princess. You will smile once again, and that’s when I will finally rest.

    Chapter One


    You know that saying, it’s better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all? Well, I’d gladly love to challenge that. I’d gladly trade in the tears and heartache and the reason why some days I still couldn’t get out of bed without reminding myself that everything I do is for my Mia. But then again, maybe I don’t know. I don’t regret my past or anything that’s brought me here. I cherish the memories and time I had with Chase. I take a deep sigh and snap right out of my musings, trying to focus once again on the matter at hand.

    Don’t worry, Louisa. I’ve got everything under control, and you will have the perfect wedding you’ve been dreaming for your whole life… absolutely, don’t you worry one bit. I’ve got you… Okay, I’ll be in touch soon, Louisa. Thanks again. Buh-bye. As I hang up the phone with my current client, reassuring her that her wedding will not be a disaster–there had been a misunderstanding at her final dress fitting–a wave of sorrow crashes over me.

    Honestly, I usually am not like this. Being a wedding coordinator, making fairytales come true, has been my passion for so many years now. It has been my dream job. I especially love when I have the ability to make the impossible happen.

    For instance, this case with Louisa’s dress. I had already been on top of it since she called me crying last night. The diamond white ballroom gown she had ordered came in last night for her final dress fitting, but lo and behold, it was the wrong shade. An off-white colored one stared back at her, and needless to say, I was the one she called while she was a sobbing mess. Her mother and best friend had been with her at the time, trying to calm her down, but she was going on and on about how her wedding was in just three days and now it would be ruined.

    So, what did I do last night as soon as she called me? I hopped into my mini coup and drove over to the bridal shop, saving the day, per usual. Of course, the owner of the shop was already double checking the paperwork, but once they saw me walk in through the doors, they knew it was time for business. I’m one of the best wedding coordinators in town and well known by most of the bridal shops and wedding vendors. And ten times out of ten, I make sure my clients get exactly what they want.

    So, Louisa’s wedding would be saved. She’d be getting married in just two days to the man of her dreams. They’d met in high school and had been together and inseparable since. Which reminds me so much of my darling husband… and the reason for the sorrow coming over me as soon as Louisa was happy and laughing on the phone with me as we’d hung up. My beloved Chase had been taken away from me four years ago, and not a day goes by that I don’t miss him one bit.

    But besides being my husband, he was my best friend. No, I’m serious. You know how most people say their spouse is their lover and best friend? Well, mine really was. Meaning that we were actually best friends for years before we had ever hooked up. I spent so many years longing and wishing he could be mine, but instead, he never realized his feelings for me until we were on a road trip that changed our lives. I’d watch him bounce from relationship to relationship, always being there for him, hoping that one day he’d notice me. Well, he finally did during that trip, and it’ll be one that I will never forget.

    Especially now that he is no longer in my life. How can I possibly let go of all the beautiful memories we shared? We did everything together. He was it for me, and now that he’s gone, my soul has been dead right alongside with him.

    Well, sort of. I have to keep pushing and keep moving forward for our beautiful daughter, Mia. She’s four years old, going on eighteen. She’s truly the spitting image of her father, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Chase lives through her, and I’m so grateful for that.

    So, while I do love my job, it is a brutal reminder of everything that I’ve lost. My own wedding with Chase had been a fairytale in itself. We had the whole white horse and carriage experience surrounded by a hoard of our family and friends. Then we honeymooned in Hawaii for two full weeks, and it was completely blissful. I’ll never forget those precious memories, as much as it still hurts to think back.

    I let out a huge sigh and mark some notes in my planner

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