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Help, My Child Wants to Be a Youtuber!
Help, My Child Wants to Be a Youtuber!
Help, My Child Wants to Be a Youtuber!
Ebook128 pages42 minutes

Help, My Child Wants to Be a Youtuber!

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"I'd rather have Twitch ban me than lose all my videos."

"I think I've been Shadow banned"

If you don't understand these phrases that are constantly repeated in your house you need this book. Your kids are growing up and they are no longer just watching videos on your mobile, they are already fully immersed in the digital universe.If you stay behind you are out, and being out means leaving them alone. Help, my child wants to be a youtuber! is a guide to get up to date on what the children of the XXVI century are going to find on the net, from the direct experience of a digital parent.

Release dateMar 15, 2021
Help, My Child Wants to Be a Youtuber!

Joan Pont

Joan Pont, que publica sus grandes sagas con el pseudónimo J. P. Johnson, vive en la isla de Mallorca. Ex-guardaespaldas de autoridades militares y broker de bolsa, actualmente se dedica en exclusiva a la literatura. Es autor de las célebres sagas El Quinto Origen, La Venganza de la Tierra y El Diablo sobre la isla, además de la serie de autoayuda Sí, quiero. Sí, puedo.LIBROS DE J. P. JOHNSON.Serie El Quinto Origen1-Stonehenge2-Nefer-nefer-nefer3-Un Dios inexperto4-El sueño de Ammut5-Gea (I)6-Gea (II)Serie La Venganza de la Tierra1-Mare Nostrum2-Abisal3-Phantom4-Un mundo nuevo5-Ultra Neox6-Éxodo.Glaciar. (Ecothriller)La Chica de la Gran Dolina. (Tecnothriller)The Black Book. Una historia del metaverso.OBRAS DE JOAN PONT.Serie El Diablo sobre la isla1-El Diablo sobre la isla.2-Venganza.3-Perros de Guerra.Serie Benet.1- Jamm Session. (La primera entrega del detective Toni Benet)2- Puro MediterráneoNO FICCIÓNSerie "Sí quiero. Si puedo" (Traducida a múltiples idiomas)1-Cómo escribir tu primer libro y publicarlo online.2-Consejos imprescindibles para prosperar económicamente en la vida.3-¡Socorro, mi hij@ quiere ser youtuber!4-Los 12 mandamientos de la autopublicación independiente.5-En Busca de Tu Equilibrio. Las claves del pensamiento estoico.Serie juvenilUna mascota para Tom (traducido a múltiples idiomas)Encuentra a J. P. Johnson / Joan Pont en:Email: [email protected]: @J_P_JohnsonFacebook: j.p.johnson1

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    Book preview

    Help, My Child Wants to Be a Youtuber! - Joan Pont


    Welcome to this book.

    If you have started reading its pages, it is because at this moment your daughter or son is locked in his or her bedroom, talking to himself or herself.

    Ah, isn't that so?

    Read on, because it will be. Sooner or later.

    Is that a bad thing?

    Not at all.

    Not so long ago our kids would go outside to play because they were bored at home. When they came back all kinds of accidents could have happened: bleeding knees, sprained ankles, broken glasses... It was a lot more dangerous than it is now.

    So why are we so scared that they are now recording themself so that thousands of strangers from all over the world can watch their videos whenever they want?

    The answer is that it is so new that it has caught most mothers and fathers on the planet off guard. No one has taught us how to manage this new form of entertainment, of which we ignore almost everything.

    What's so interesting for our kids to watch a two-hour video where a person is playing Bloxburg, basically an app for building and decorating houses? That person's face is framed in a little square on the left side of the screen and, through a colorful headset with microphone, sitting on a spectacular gamer chair, he narrates all the movements of the avatar (a cartoon) he uses to build his house and move around the virtual city?

    Your daughter or son gawks at that on the screen of their cell phone, tablet, computer or living room TV while you think, Is that healthy for them? Am I raising a monster?

    No, you're not raising a monster, thankfully, although you never know. What they are doing is CONSUMING THE ENTERTAINMENT THAT OUR SOCIETY HAS MADE AVAILABLE TO THEM.

    In short, society is also formed by mothers and fathers, because, with little chance of error, while you are thinking about the issue of raising abnormal children, you have your cell phone in your hand, in your pocket or on the kitchen counter, and you are going to consult it in the next fifteen minutes ...

    So we are part of the problem, or rather, we HAVE CREATED THE PROBLEM.

    So let's try not to be and let's look for solutions.


    It is very easy to blame everything on new technologies, but they have burst into our lives in the form of an unstoppable tsunami that no one knows how far it will penetrate the earth. To make matters worse, there are no studies on their impact on the psychology of our children, because it is too early.

    (An aside: in the eighties and nineties of the last century, child pedagogues' consultations focused on one thing: my child watches too much TV. Those screen-addicted children are the mothers and fathers of today, and no one in their right mind believes that watching too much TV in their childhood affected their lives today).

    In the first half of the new millennium the situation is exactly the same. Psycho-pedagogues bill thousands of consulting hours answering an identical question adapted to the times: My daughter or my son uses the cell phone too much.

    Of course there is something else in this context that no one could have foreseen: the irruption on the scene of a new virus that has caused the first global pandemic in the history of mankind, something unprecedented and for which no one was prepared.

    As we all know, this new creation of Nature, the COVID-19, is transmitted by the particles expelled by people and spreads by proximity, so it has forced most of the world's population to carry out something extremely strange and for which the human being is not prepared at all: social isolation.

    It has been in the worst moments of the pandemic, condemned to strict confinement within homes, that many mothers and fathers have discovered that their children could leave their homes and enter other virtual worlds accompanied by other children, often their own friends.

    So the situation has radically turned around. Social networks are no longer seen as useless entertainment, and the idea is taking shape that this will be the new form of social development for our children in the future.

    Until now, many mothers and fathers saw the online universe as a threat: the source of bullying, a gateway to pornographic content and a cause of social isolation, among others, and their children's use of them should be dominated by resentment and caution.

    At last all that has changed.


    Free for several reasons:

    1 -We can, and must, enjoy together this new universe that has come to stay and that already envelops us completely.

    2 -Many of our daughters, and our sons, will develop in the future studies, careers and professions related to social networks, and our duty is to know and use them, because we must accompany and advise them throughout their lives.

    3 - Our own world, that of today's mothers and fathers, is already dominated by the Internet and new technologies, at home and at work, so knowing them and enjoying them in order to supervise our children's use of them is also part of our duties.

    4 - On the way there will be problems, because all the threats listed above are still there: the use of networks to harass children and adolescents, access to content unsuitable for their age (sex and violence) and abuse or addiction to certain games or applications is something that exists and that we, as parents, must be aware of and try to avoid.


    Our children are digital natives, even if we are reluctant to admit it. They will grow up with your cell phone in their hands as soon as they can hold it, simply because you will give it to

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