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Love Nishi
Love Nishi
Love Nishi
Ebook41 pages27 minutes

Love Nishi

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About this ebook

Letters from a daughter to her father.


What will you do if you were left to fend alone in your household?


Your father is alive but he's absent.


He expects you to be the woman of the house since your mother has passed away.


What will you do to survive?

PublisherAnjali Sinha
Release dateMar 31, 2021
Love Nishi

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    Love Nishi - Anjali Sinha


    About The Author

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    Copyright © 2021 by Anjali Sinha.

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    Edited by Anjali Sinha

    Cover Design: Anjali Sinha

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    Printed in India

    First printed, 2021

    The letters:

    P apa, where were you the whole day, yesterday?

    He doesn't say a word. He glares at me. He just freaking stands there and looks at me with a vile, repugnant look that makes me want to throw up.

    Like glaring will solve all your problems in life, huh? I shrug my hands in front of him, walking in the kitchen to make him a glass of lemonade.

    What does Rahul wants now? His

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