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Quantum Light Consciousness
Quantum Light Consciousness
Quantum Light Consciousness
Ebook61 pages1 hour

Quantum Light Consciousness

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Consciousness (my scientific discovery) is enshrined within Quantum Light inside inner recesses of human brain. Ordinarily Quantum Light is not visible. The secret is to focus and meditate to make it visible. Then start designing your life from within this latent power in which entire life's blueprint is stored in Quantum Code hidden behind. Creator has made consciousness as the epicenter of our Universe. Science is still searching for it and I have discovered finest secrets of its scientific structure from sub-quantum level. The knowledge in this book would benefit humanity and can establish Peace and Love on Earth instead of vilence and wars which are escalating. People need to change from within. This is the real secret. Until this happens from within your consciousness, people are onto hiding to nothing. Wake up wonderful people, every life is precious. Be grateful to Creator who has made everyone of us from before the incpetion of our Universe

Release dateJul 1, 2019
Quantum Light Consciousness

Mukesh Chauhan

Author is a qualified Oral Surgeon from London with substantial postgraduate training in USA France etc when a Quantum shift took place in hs life which changed his life. Doing Yoga and Meditation from an early age helped to form base and internal power which was to help author through monumental difficulties in life in his Journey in Search of Original God which took 14 years to find...this Journey continued further 

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    Quantum Light Consciousness - Mukesh Chauhan





    Quantum Light  and Quantum Code knowledge readers will find in my book was given to me by directly by Creator or Infinity… 1st person on Earth to reveal practical Infinity or Mind of Original God. There is no knowledge of Quantum Code in any books. Finding Creator or Infinity was the hardest part of my Journey which started from London …it took me 14 years continuous search to find Creator. It has taken me 23 years to reach thus far and reveal some of the finest secrets of our Universe and origin of Life. I have discovered the mystery of  human consciousness enshrined in Quantum Light and Quantum Code. 

    by Dr. Mukesh Chauhan (UCH, UCL, London MC-Theory on Origin of Life:

    Physics with love of God is Quantum Light Delight

    Quantum light gives Quantum of solace

    "To solve the Mystery of Origin of Life,

    Make invisible Quantum light visible"

    Quantum Light solves the Mystery of Origin of human Life....23 yrs. work

    First chain of knowledge on the Origin of Life is missing:

    First chain of knowledge is missing with the Origin of Life Quantum Code and Light forms a separate space for human consciousness which is separate from physical brain. 

    Quantum Light, Quantum Code and Quantum Universe form a triad of knowledge which constitutes Intelligent Design which is hidden on Earth and is made by Infinity or Creator. The answer for the Origin of Life comes from Quantum Light: 

    Human beings simply do not have the depth of perception or power of their energy levels to see and experience the arrangement of Quantum lights in plants, trees, cells, animals. This is far too diffused. The best way to appreciate the value of Origin of life is to dwell into human Quantum light which has the highest organisation of all life processes on Earth- it has the intelligent design which gives Standard Model of Particle physics Symmetry and Super symmetry. It has Consciousness which Scientists do not know about as they cannot see it.

    Intelligent design:

    Main energy source is hidden inside human body. Infinity's Intelligent Design comprises of 3 things:

    ​Quantum Code, 

    Quantum Light 

    Quantum Universe

    This power source is hidden and can only be seen by a certain process which requires greater consciousness. The answer lies in a power source which is present inside human beings of which they are NOT aware of.

    This power source is the human Quantum light from which provides all the supply of Photons which provide all the sparks or high energy electrons which starts human life at the Pituitary-Hypothalamus and Pineal Gland. This is the intelligent design concept which has eluded Science in the quest for Origin of life.

    What Science has not been able to answer the question is who controls the reaction of Quantum Photon of light from Particle to a wave form. This equation is the key in understanding the entire chain of energy and how Life started on Earth. This human Quantum light has both Proton gradients as well

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