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Virtualis: Topologies of the Unreal
Virtualis: Topologies of the Unreal
Virtualis: Topologies of the Unreal
Ebook84 pages58 minutes

Virtualis: Topologies of the Unreal

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About this ebook

Virtualis: Topologies of the Unreal is a poetic investigation of melancholia and the baroque. As a collaborative reading of writers such as Walter Benjamin, Christine Buci-Glucksmann, Giorgio Agamben, Gilles Deleuze, Charles Baudelaire and Arthur Rimbaud, David Dowker and Christine Stewart have created a series of linguistic interjections that run from the allegorical barricades of the baroque to the topological confound of the modern, incorporating (for example) Medusa and the Sphinx, aestivating snails and the alchemy of bees. Lush and extravagant, this is writing tuned in to the terrestrial spectacle.
PublisherBookhug Press
Release dateMay 9, 2013
Virtualis: Topologies of the Unreal

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    Virtualis - David Dowker



    Topologies of the Unreal

    David Dowker & Christine Stewart

    BookThug · 2013


    Copyright © David Dowker & Christine Stewart, 2013

    The production of this book was made possible through the generous assistance of The Canada Council for The Arts and The Ontario Arts Council.

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

    Library and Archives Canada

    Cataloguing in Publication

    Dowker, David, 1955-

    Virtualis : topologies of the unreal / David Dowker and Christine Stewart.


    ISBN 978-1-927040-71-3

    I. Stewart, Christine, 1962- II. Title.

    PS8607.O98747V57 2013      C811’.6      C2013-901281-8


    I. Phantasmagoria, or the Empire of Senses

    II. Grid Meridian

    III. The Flowery Realm of the Barricades

    Some Readings

    I. Phantasmagoria, or the Empire of Senses

    No longer a phantasm and not yet a sign, the unreal object of melancholy introjection opens a space that is neither the hallucinated oneiric scene of the phantasms nor the indifferent world of natural objects. . . . The topology of the unreal that melancholy designs in its immobile dialectic is, at the same time, a topology of culture.

    – Giorgio Agamben, Stanzas: Word and Phantasm in Western Culture

    Patience arrays its strategies.¹ The blue sky faience

    and the startling flows. Tincture of days passing.

    Rapture of plant consciousness, suppliant plaintive

    refrain. Sidereal inertia of the earth return posture

    and the vibratory distances between dreams.

    This time the vertigo is temporary. It effects a textuality

    of sex. Brazen

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