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Closer to Fine: A Novel
Closer to Fine: A Novel
Closer to Fine: A Novel
Ebook304 pages2 hours

Closer to Fine: A Novel

Rating: 1 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Closer to Fine is the story of Rachel Levine, a young, Jewish,
bisexual woman finding her adult footing in a world full of
uncertainties. Rachel has many teachers along the way—a stubborn
grandfather, a progressive rabbi, a worldly girlfriend, a wise
supervisor, and an insightful therapist—but in the end, it is her own
anxiety that is the best teacher of all. As Rachel learns that accepting
that which she cannot control is the mark of true growth, she becomes
ever more connected to the people who matter most in her life.
Release dateMay 25, 2021
Closer to Fine: A Novel

Jodi S. Rosenfeld

Jodi S. Rosenfeld is a clinical psychologist specializing in anxiety and acceptance-based therapies. She is a graduate of Tufts University and the Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology (now William James College). She plans to enter rabbinical school in the very near future. Closer to Fine is her first novel. She lives with her husband and two teenage children in Phoenixville, PA.

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