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Just After Midnight The Darlie Routier Story
Just After Midnight The Darlie Routier Story
Just After Midnight The Darlie Routier Story
Ebook217 pages2 hours

Just After Midnight The Darlie Routier Story

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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On June 6, 1996, a mother named Darlie Routier did the unthinkable: she murdered her two sons, Damon aged 5, and Devon just one week shy of his 7th birthday, in cold blood while they slept in their luxurious home in Rowlett, Texas.


This capital murder case, built on detailed, abundant, and damning circumstantial evidence, continues to generate national publicity, roil people's emotions, and raise lingering doubts of her guilt.


Meanwhile, Darlie awaits death by lethal injection in a Dallas prison.


And many are left wondering if Darlie Routier is truly the murderer she is believed to be, or if an innocent woman is being put to death for crimes she didn't commit.


Many of Darlie's supporters claim that she never had enough time to stab her two boys, stage the crime scene, and inflict her own wounds before calling 911.


But what if Darlie started her crime spree…

"Just After Midnight"

Release dateApr 7, 2021
Just After Midnight The Darlie Routier Story

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Reviews for Just After Midnight The Darlie Routier Story

Rating: 4.142857142857143 out of 5 stars

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Readers find this title to be an informative and comprehensive review of the police evidence and the changing stories of Darlie and Darin Routier. It answers questions that may have made readers think she was innocent and convinces them of her guilt. The book is praised for being to the point and a good read.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    It was really informative. Honestly, every question that made me think she was innocent was proven to be answered. Answered and leaving me believing she is in fact guilty. I loved the to the point of the book too. Good read.

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I loved it. I have been researching about her case and from whatever physical evidence available on the internet, I have been convinced of her guilt. But reading these details made me retch and cry, and then grieve. RIP Devon and Damon, she did not deserve you precious babies

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Informative and comprehensive side-by-side review of police evidence and Darlie & Darin Routier’s many changing stories.

    1 person found this helpful

Book preview

Just After Midnight The Darlie Routier Story - W.G. Davis


Iwant to start by saying that the purpose of writing this book is not to disprove the statements that are being publicly shared by the Pro-Darlie camps. And it is not to support the statements that are being publicly shared by the Anti-Darlie camps.

Throughout this book, you will see where I tackle the misinformation that is being shared by both camps.

My goal is not to be 100% one-sided on sharing the facts and disproving the foolishness that is being shared as facts.

Over the years the Darlie Routier murder case has fascinated many people. This case has a cult following divided into three camps.

#1 the people who believe that Darlie is 100% innocent based on what they have read online or watched on television.

Sadly the online information is mainly based on the information that Darlie’s family has released as fact to the public.

If you get the chance to sit down and read this information with an open mind you will see how ridiculous this information is.

Most of the information is real facts that are twisted to make the narrative match their belief that Darlie is innocent.

And to be honest, who would find fault in a mother or any family member at that trying to prove her daughter innocent of murdering her children.

However, people take that information and add an additional spin to the facts, and now it is impossible to read some of this information without laughing at the idiocy in these people’s beliefs.

If you only rely on the pro-Darlie camp’s version of the story, you will walk away believing that:

Darlie slept through the vicious killings of her two boys just feet away from her even though she couldn’t sleep in her bed because the baby turning in his bed would wake her up at night.

Darlie was almost decapitated from her neck wound.

The bloody sock was a marathon’s distance from the house.

The police never even questioned Darin regarding the death of his kids.

They believe that because the court reporter screwed up the transcripts that she never received a fair trial even though the jury physically viewed the evidence in the case.

They also claim that the jury never saw photos of her injuries even though the court documents clearly show that the wounds on her were presented in-depth to the jury.

They also claim that the jury ignored all of the physical evidence that contradicts Darlie’s version of the facts and based their guilt solely on the video that shown her smiling and laughing as she sprayed Silly String on the graves in celebration, singing Happy Birthday to her son Devon on his 7th birthday just a week after the murders.

They also claim that the necklace on her neck saved her life.

Now the second camp is those who believe 100% that the police have arrested the right person and have taken the time to look at the facts of the case and ignore the ridiculous spins that are put on the story.

And then we have camp #3 who rely on the internet stories and comments and are so confused by what they have read that they sway from guilt to innocence like a playground swing in a tornado.

I want to clarify that I am in no way trying to distort any of the facts in this case to sway the reader one way or the other. As a former police officer myself, I will compare Darlie’s version of the story against the physical evidence that the police found at the crime scene.

I will not use emotions or my personal feelings to try and sway you to believe one way or another.

And when you are done reading this book I will be confident that you will have read the facts of the case and compared them to the crime scene through an unbiased investigation of only the facts.

And one of the facts of this case was brought up in detail during the trial when Darin was testifying.

Question, Would it be fair to say, that really back on June the 6th, by your version, we have got a real lucky intruder, don't we?

Answer, There was an intruder.

Question, A lucky intruder?

Answer, Why lucky?

Question, I mean, after all, he picked a house where the window just happened to be open to the garage, right?

Answer, Yes, sir.

Question, Just happened to pick a house where on that night, the alarm system is not turned on or armed, correct?

Answer, Yes, sir.

Question, Lucky that in fact once he gets past the alarm system off, he gets through the window, open, when he gets to the utility room, he just happens to find a sock available to him for his use that night, right?

Answer, Yes, sir.

Question, And lucky enough that when he does that, he gets into the kitchen and lo and behold there in the butcher block he finds a weapon to attack your two children and your wife, right?

Answer, My understanding is that it is called an opportunist.

Question, No, my question is, he was lucky enough that evening, that once he got past all that, the murder weapon is actually provided inside the house; right?

Answer, Yes, sir.

Question, Lucky enough that while he is attacking both your children, your wife doesn't wake up, right?

Answer, Yes, sir.

Question, Lucky enough that after he attacks her, that in fact, she doesn't even get a good look at his face, right?

Answer, Yes, sir.

Question, Lucky enough, that as he is leaving the house, he drops the knife on the floor there, and your wife doesn't pick it up and doesn't use it against him, right?

Answer, Yes, sir.

Question, Lucky enough that when he gets into the garage that he doesn't deposit any blood on the floor, no blood on the window, correct?

Answer, I don't know anything about that.

Question, And then lucky enough that when he leaves out that garage into your back yard, that he either scales that fence without leaving a mark, or he opens up that gate and he then latches and closes it without anybody detecting that either, right?

Answer, Yes, sir.

Question, A real lucky guy, wasn't he?

Answer, Yeah, and I want him dead.

Question, So do I. No further questions.

The Events Leading Up To a Nightmare,w_720/5ed52a6d7ac373001ce46e15.png

BY ALL OUTWARD APPEARANCES, the Routiers seemed like a happy family living in an affluent suburb of Rowlett, Texas just twenty miles northeast of Dallas in 1996.

The Routier’s seemed to have it all.

Darin and Darlie were married in August of 1988. They had their first son, Devon, just ten months later on June 14th, 1989.

Two years later on February 19th, 1991, their family grew with the birth of their second son, Damon followed by a third son named Drake, born in 1995.

The Routiers owned their own electronics company, called Testnec, which provided them with a comfortable lifestyle.

However, beginning in 1995, the company wasn’t making as much money as it did in its earlier years. Even though the Routiers were far from broke their financial situation changed in the mid-90s.

The couple was having issues in their personal life too. The stress of dealing with vehicle issues and bills that had to be paid with limited income was starting to put pressure on the couple’s relationship.

To top it off, they were denied a $5,000 loan from their bank due to their financial situation.

By June 1996, the Routiers had less than $2000 in the bank.

It was around this time that Darlie had been dealing with bouts of depression.

In May of 1996, Darlie wrote a suicide note to her children in her journal.

I hope that one day you will forgive me for what I am about to do. My life has been such a hard fight for a long time, and I just cannot find the strength to keep fighting anymore. I love you three more than anything else in this world...I don’t want you to see a miserable person every time you look at me. Your dad loves you all very much and I know in my heart he will take care of my babies. Please do not hate me or think in any way that this is your fault. It’s just that I...

Many people look at this suicide note and scream OH MY GOD SHE MUST HAVE KILLED HER CHILDREN BECAUSE SHE WAS DEPRESSED!

Depression affects many mothers. And I am not going to sit here and say that just because she contemplated suicide that she must have killed her children.

After she wrote this letter she called Darin and told him to come home.

When he arrived home she showed him the letter and together they cried and talked about the situation as husband and wife.

I will say that Yes, Darlie was dealing with depression at the time that her children were murdered. And yes it could be a factor in the vents that lead up to that night.

Just over a month after Darlie wrote this entry in her journal contemplating suicide, another tragedy would befall the family.

A House of Love

routier house.jpg

WE WILL USE THE STATEMENTS made by both Darlie and Darin to the Rowlett police on June 8, 1996, (two days after the murders) Darlie’s bail hearing on August 26, 1996, and testimony from Darlie’s trial in January 1997 to put together the Routier’s version of what happened on the night that Devon and Damon were murdered.

Whenever I find an inconsistency between the timeline that they give to the police and the statements that they made, I will notate them in the storyline.

Wednesday, June 5th, 1996

June 5th started like any other day in the Routier’s home.

The two older boys rode their bikes with their friends until their father came home from work with their aunt Dana just after 6:00 pm.

At this time Darlie had a woman named Halina Czaban who had moved to the area just two months earlier working for her three days a week. She stated that she worked on Tuesday and Wednesday, and was suppose to work also on Friday of that week. She stated that she was paid $50 for three days.

She met Darlie because her daughter worked for Darin at his electronics company.

She said that she did the laundry, and if she had time, she would do some house cleaning.

She was also teaching Darlie how to cook some authentic polish meals.

Halina was also at the house on the previous day, Tuesday, June 4th doing laundry.

On Wednesday, June 5th she was doing laundry, but according to her testimony, not so much.

After the laundry, she also dusted in the family room by the kitchen and vacuumed the downstairs of the home.

Halina stated that she had left the vacuum near the pantry door where it was normally kept after she finished up vacuuming.

We are going to point out the location of where Halina left the vacuum only to clarify some misinformation that the Anti-Darlie camp is saying about the vacuum cleaner location.


**THE FACT THAT HALINA is the one who did the laundry in the Routier’s home that week will play a big part later in the timeline.

Later that afternoon Darlie brought the jewelry box down from the second floor and showed Halina some of her jewelry.

This jewelry box was found by the police in the living room area of the home by the armchair where Halina stated that she had seen it that day. During the trial, it was identified as State's Exhibit 99-A

Halina testified that while Darlie was showing her the jewelry in the jewelry box she told her that she needed $10,000.00.

Halina also testified that Darlie’s jewelry was already located on the kitchen counter area of the house between the kitchen and the living room.

She testified that Darlie asked her to bring the jewelry to her and after she looked at them she asked her to place them back on top of the kitchen counter where the police would discover them the next morning.

I added this fact about the jewelry on the counter because many people are saying that Darlie took off the jewelry that evening before going to sleep. And we just wanted to clear that fact up as it is a highly believed scenario in the overall storyline.

I will also suggest that everyone PLEASE read the trial transcripts of Halina

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