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Stolen Magic
Stolen Magic
Stolen Magic
Ebook163 pages2 hours

Stolen Magic

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Aurora made a decision using her dark magic and now those around her are suffering... at her hands.

It's been four months since Aurora made the decision that changed her life. As queen of the under kingdom, she makes the rules. Her subjects love her. At least that's what she thinks. But when Lucretia returns, she gets a taste of her own medicine.

With Paxton's help, she must find out the truth about the fairy realm, and rectify the consequences of her actions, or war will destroy everyone. And it'll be her fault.


FAIRY ACADEMY (Series MUST be read in order.)

Hidden Princess

Broken Curse

Stolen Magic

Release dateApr 6, 2021
Stolen Magic

RaShelle Workman

Booklover Legion brings together authors and readers who love: ya fairytale reimaginings, supernatural suspense, paranormal cozy mysteries, steamy contemporary romance, heartfelt romantic suspense, sweet romance, sexy ya science fiction, and paranormal romance.Authors include:RaShelle Workman ~ YA Fairytale ReimaginingsRachel James ~ Supernatural SuspenseBess Morgan ~ Paranormal Cozy MysteriesRuby Carr ~ Steamy Contemporary RomanceLayla Jones ~ Heartfelt Romantic SuspenseAnn Hardy ~ Sweet RomanceShelly Saber ~ Sexy YA Science FictionCaroline Asher ~ Paranormal RomanceBooklover Legion is a subsidiary of Polished Pen Press, LLC.

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    Book preview

    Stolen Magic - RaShelle Workman


    If ever I flutter into the night sky,

    I shall sail up through the clouds by and by.

    A bird without feathers, but wings just the same.

    I will reach for the moon and call her by name.

    Higher. Higher. Passing through the inky abyss.

    Embracing the heavens, I shall stroke them a kiss.

    The poem from my aunties secret book of spells repeats itself in my mind. Whenever I allow myself a moment of quiet, the words materialize. Sweet and slightly silly, I sink into the picture the poem creates and focus on my wings in the bathroom mirror.

    I wipe away the steam and purse my lips as my wings flutter like those of a butterfly’s. I am a bird without feathers. My wings not paper-thin but strong, nearly indestructible. Could my wings fly me high enough to embrace the heavens in the night sky? Possibly. I think to add something to the poem about passing the millions of twinkling stars in all of their vast glory. The idea of soaring like that sounds beautiful and yet utterly terrifying. But a lot has changed recently, especially me. I am no longer afraid of flying. At least not like a few months ago.

    Queen Aurora. Maleficent shouts from outside in the hallway as she pounds on the door. I know Sam is nearby. They are basically the same wicked fairy. Neither is too far from the other.

    I’ll be out in a moment, I holler back and frown at my reflection. Because the trivial poem has no place in my thoughts. Sam and Maleficent might be wicked, but neither compare with what I’ve become.

    Chapter One

    Hang her by her feet. I bark the words at Sam from my magically-made throne in the oversized common room of the Fairy Academy. My extravagant seat is the color of a new bruise and sparkles with dark magic, each pointy spire along the back sharp as the tip of a needle. I feel the chair quiver and hum against my body. Created from my dark magic, it supports me in a way nothing else ever has.

    Of course, queen Aurora. Sam winks and uses her wand to lift Strata off the ground, turning her upside down.

    I’ve told Sam more than once to call me Rory, but down here in the under kingdom, Aurora does seem more fitting even from my closest friend.

    All around me students jeer and laugh. I join in as Maleficent hands Sam a rope. It sparks and flashes the whole time Sam uses a fairy spell to thread the bond through the center chandelier. Several of the chandelier’s lights wink out as the little Brownies fluttering in their positions to keep the crystals sparkling are knocked away and fall to the ground, dazed. Sometimes I forget the Brownies are the reason the Fairy Academy isn’t consumed in utter darkness. I should treat them better, but it’s hard. Especially when I’m distracted by my game. The one where I get to torture Strata.

    I study the fairy student. Her eyes are wide and filled with unshed tears while her navy, aquamarine, and sky blue wings beat spastically behind her. She’s frightened but doesn’t speak. After four months of suffering through my bullying, she knows better.

    Payback baby!

    She should’ve considered the consequences before lying and leading me into the Olclag like I deserved to die. At the memory, my dark magic ripples around me as my fury rises, though my wings stay tucked away. I’ve grown more accustomed to them over the months, but I still feel more comfortable without them.

    Once Strata is dangling a couple feet off the ground, I snap my fingers and a baseball bat materializes in my hand. Since my birthday, my dark magic has grown even more powerful. I barely have to think about what I want, before it happens, particularly if my intentions are sinister as they are in this moment. I want to hurt Strata. Make her feel fear and suffer the way I did.

    Sure, I could kill her, but where’s the fun in that. Get her swinging, I shout, leaving my throne and move through the crowd toward the center of the room where my classmate is suspended. Like a child preparing to hit a pinata, I wind the bat.

    There’s a chime to indicate lessons will start in five minutes, but no one moves, not even the teachers. They linger in the back. Some whisper to each other. Others don’t speak. I know they’re afraid which is exactly as it should be.

    It’s been like this since I defeated Lucretia on the field those many months ago. There is lots of partying. Some bullying. And a constant stream of games at another fairies’ expense. I guess those who don’t like the way I rule can leave, but really, where would they go?

    Once you choose the under kingdom, you aren’t welcome back to the upper kingdom. It’s the way things are since Lucretia cursed me eighteen years ago. Since then, even Lucretia didn’t break that protocol. I guess the disgruntled fairies could go to another of the many realms, including the human one. But our kind aren’t allowed there either.

    Truth or dare? I ask, raising one brow as I watch Strata twirl and spin.

    I meant to disband the under kingdom’s army after Lucretia’s demise, but they’ve been useful in keeping fairies honest when playing my dangerous games or running clandestine missions. At the word honest, I chuckle internally.

    Truth, Strata says quietly, her bottom lip quivering.

    You always choose truth. Disappointment is evident in my voice. A dare is much more fun. Why did you lead me into the Olclag? It’s a simple question. The same one I ask every time. I step close so she can feel the strength of my magic. It rolls around me like a dark cloud.

    As I told you before, queen Aurora, I didn’t mean to, but Lucretia put a spell on me and made me do it. Her voice begs me to believe her.

    I don’t and force myself not to roll my eyes as I smack the bat into her stomach. Lies, I shout, knowing exactly what a lie looks like. I’ve told more than a few fabrications myself.

    The wind is knocked out of her and her face goes stark white as her breath hitches in her throat. I swear that’s the truth, she says after she recovers. A tear falls from one eye and lands on the ground.

    Sam, do you believe her? I ask the girl that is my closest friend in the under kingdom. She is shocked I hit Strata. It’s like that every time and I force myself not to bark an obscenity.

    Hit her again, Maleficent shouts wildly appearing beside Sam.

    I do, sending Strata swinging and spinning into the air. As Strata cries out, the irritating feeling I so desperately keep at bay is back. Grounding my teeth, I stomp it out. Strata deserves whatever I give her. She nearly killed me. If it wasn’t for Paxton, I would be dead.

    At the thought of Pax, the little voice inside my head reappears and starts to give me a talking to. But I use my magic to silence that part of myself. Just as I did Pax. He’s deep below the Fairy Academy, in a dungeon he can never escape. Not even Lucretia can save him.

    During the first month after our fight, I thought I destroyed her, but there’s talk from some who say they’ve seen her or heard from someone else that they saw her. I don’t doubt it. Her death was too easy. She played me just as Paxton said. That one decision—almost killing her—brought out the darkness in me. Do I wish my dark magic wasn’t so strong and powerful? Occasionally, but not today. Besides, I can’t do anything about it now. With a secret sigh, I give in to the darkness so prevalent within.

    Though truthfully, I’m grateful Lucretia isn’t dead. In the moment, I was killer angry. Sure, I’m wicked right now and enjoying the deliciousness of my dark magic, but at least I’m not a murderer.

    Not directly anyway. Truth or dare? I ask Strata again, steeling myself against my guilt.

    She sniffles and I feel the protective barrier over my heart crack. I can’t let that happen. In the time since I took over as queen of the under kingdom, Troy left. His displeasure in my choices too strong for him to remain and witness. Before he went, he said he hoped I would come to my senses. That was three months ago.

    Not happening, I think.

    Since my ascension to queen, I also could have gone to see my parents. That had been one of my greatest desires. But that was before. Nearly daily, I end up talking myself out of it.

    I’m living in the moment villain style.

    I don’t think about Pax.

    Or Troy.

    Or my parents.

    Definitely not my dear aunties.

    And not my friends from the human realm. They wouldn’t recognize me anyway.

    Dare, she whispers between hiccupping sniffles.

    My heart leaps with excitement. It’s about time. Obviously, she’s grown tired of my game. I dare you to go into the Olclag and remain there for ten minutes. If you are still alive when the timer is up, I’ll think about forgiving you. I glare, watching her eyes get wide as saucers. It’s a lie anyway. I have no intention of forgiving her.

    From the corner of my vision, I see the shadow of wings and wonder who it could be sneaking around the outskirts of the room. I refrain from looking directly to keep the element of surprise and make it a point to keep my gaze on Strata.

    Aurora. The sound of my name flutters to my ears and I know it’s Pax. He’s somehow escaped the dungeon the guards swore was unbreakable—unless they’re on his side. They will pay for their insolence.

    Pax believes he can save me. Maybe he’s right.

    Sam, cut her down, I shout, ignoring Pax and my trembling heart. You and Maleficent get her to the Olclag. Those who wish to can watch from the observation room with me. I tug on the bodice of my black dress. It’s suddenly stifling and sweat pools under my breasts and along the back of my neck.

    A cheer rises from the crowd as Strata crashes to the ground. Two of the guards appear and help her stand. Sam and Maleficent lead as they all make their way to the Olclag and the observation room.

    The observation room is a new addition to the school. I created it using my magic by turning one classroom wall into shatterproof glass. It makes watching those fairies I send into the Olclag much more entertaining.

    Freeing my wings, I lift to the air, hovering above everyone. Pax is around somewhere. I can feel his frustration from here, but I don’t see him.

    Strata is no longer walking, but making the guards drag her. What’s worse? She’s openly weeping. Please, Aurora, don’t do this. I don’t want to die!

    Sam and Maleficent laugh and I join them.

    When they reach the door to the Olclag, I yell, Toss her in. I fly over the crowd until I reach Strata. The girl will suffer the way I did, except she won’t have Paxton there to save her.

    The guards hesitate only a moment before one opens the door and the other works to shove her in.

    But she clings to the door, holding on tight. No. Don’t. Please. No!

    I keep my features blank, but I notice even Sam is cracking. We all know sending her in there is a death sentence. It’s only ten minutes though. She might survive.

    The guards work to peel her fingers from the door.

    Stop this! Pax shouts. He’s behind me and I flinch.

    The fairies in the room seem to hold their breaths at the authority in his voice. When I turn, he looks more shade than fairy and a shudder pierces my veins.


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