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Thoroughly Tousled: A Modern-Day YA Paranormal Rapunzel Retelling
Thoroughly Tousled: A Modern-Day YA Paranormal Rapunzel Retelling
Thoroughly Tousled: A Modern-Day YA Paranormal Rapunzel Retelling
Ebook158 pages2 hours

Thoroughly Tousled: A Modern-Day YA Paranormal Rapunzel Retelling

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My first week of college, and I already had an embarrassing mishap with magical jungle juice. On the plus side, I also got my first toe-curling kiss. Too bad the guy with the amazing lips is off-limits. At least, he should be. ♥

After escaping my lonely prison, all I wanted was to attend Gothel Springs University. Filled with humans and supernaturals, it seemed the perfect place to hide. Even with a magical spell protecting me, there are those who know what I am, and they will do anything for my blood. That's why I've always stayed away from vampires. My parents taught me how to slay them before I learned how to ride a bike.

But what if the man I'm beyond attracted to has become one?

I can't tell, and I don't want to because I want more of his kisses. I'm already half-way to falling for him. And with vampires, love is eternal.



★ Eternally Entangled

★ Thoroughtly Tousled

★ Infinitely Intertwined

Release dateApr 6, 2021
Thoroughly Tousled: A Modern-Day YA Paranormal Rapunzel Retelling

RaShelle Workman

Booklover Legion brings together authors and readers who love: ya fairytale reimaginings, supernatural suspense, paranormal cozy mysteries, steamy contemporary romance, heartfelt romantic suspense, sweet romance, sexy ya science fiction, and paranormal romance.Authors include:RaShelle Workman ~ YA Fairytale ReimaginingsRachel James ~ Supernatural SuspenseBess Morgan ~ Paranormal Cozy MysteriesRuby Carr ~ Steamy Contemporary RomanceLayla Jones ~ Heartfelt Romantic SuspenseAnn Hardy ~ Sweet RomanceShelly Saber ~ Sexy YA Science FictionCaroline Asher ~ Paranormal RomanceBooklover Legion is a subsidiary of Polished Pen Press, LLC.

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    Book preview

    Thoroughly Tousled - RaShelle Workman


    Wysteria’s story is told over three volumes.

    Eternally Entangled

    Thoroughly Tousled

    Infinitely Intertwined

    Eternally entangled

    My first week of college, and I already had an embarrassing mishap with magical jungle juice. On the plus side, I also got my first toe-curling kiss. Too bad the guy with the amazing lips is off-limits. At least, he should be. ♥

    After escaping my lonely prison, all I wanted was to attend Gothel Springs University. Filled with humans and supernaturals, it seemed the perfect place to hide. Even with a magical spell protecting me, there are those who know what I am, and they will do anything for my blood. That's why I've always stayed away from vampires. My parents taught me how to slay them before I learned how to ride a bike. 

    But what if the man I'm beyond attracted to has become one?

    I can't tell, and I don't want to because I want more of his kisses. I'm already half-way to falling for him. And with vampires, love is eternal. 



    ★ Eternally Entangled

    ★ Thoroughly Tousled

    ★ Infinitely Intertwined




    Since receiving my freedom and my memories returning, I’ve wondered on more than one occasion what happens after we die.

    I’m not ashamed to admit that I hope there is something more. That somehow my murdered parents are out there somewhere. 

    As I ride up the elevator in Irvine Hall to my floor, I can’t help thinking about the latest murder victim and offer a silent plea on their behalf.

    Thankfully, this most recent death didn’t occur on campus.

    Gossip circulates about the dean closing the school.

    Selfishly, I don’t want that to happen. Even as I think about it, I worry about Sage. I should’ve asked the policeman if he knew the identity of the dead. 

    Vampires are behind the murders.

    That’s what everyone is saying.

    I don’t doubt it, but why? They’re committing an act of terror, as stated in the laws.

    The Supernatural Task Force is undoubtedly around.

    Which leads me to think about Austin.

    Somehow, he’s a vampire. I know it, even though I don’t know how.

    I know he’s been changed.

    Next chance I get, I’m going to ask Christopher. 

    At the door to my room, I unlock it cautiously and go inside.

    Even though it’s four-thirty in the morning, Sage isn’t here.

    Her bed is an untidy mess of covers, but she isn’t amongst them.

    On her bedside table is a stone bowl with smoke rising out of it.

    I rush over and flinch as the stench hits my nose. It smells horrible. I pick it up and turn in a circle, debating what to do with it. I could dump it down a toilet, but if what’s in the bowl is the remnants of a spell, that would be bad. 

    My training comes back in a whoosh of emotions, and I must sit down.

    While other kids went on ski trips or camping trips with their families, I went on outings where I learned how to capture and slay different supernaturals.

    As a kid, I found the training fun.

    My parents kept it upbeat.

    But now, as I watch the blue liquid turn to red and then gray, I know the time for games is over. 

    But what can I do? And where to start?

    If the spell Sage concocted hurts someone, she will be kicked out of school and possibly imprisoned.

    My throat constricts, and I glance at the digital clock on my nightstand.

    The party can’t still be going, and I’m worried.

    Sage wrote her cell number on the whiteboard hanging on the door, and I walk to it.

    Write the number on my hand and head out, passing the communal bathroom on our floor and reach the common area.

    There’s a TV hanging on one wall with seating and coffee tables, but no one is out here so early in the morning.

    The room is quiet except for the rattling vents.

    Sitting near the phone, I dial Sage’s number.

    It rings several times, and I get her voicemail: You’ve reached the voicemail of Sage St. James. I can’t talk to you right now because I’m out having fun, which is what you should be doing. So, hang up and go party. Oh, and if you’re hard up to leave a message, do it now. 

    I smile, despite the tension in my body.

    When I hear the beep, I say into the phone, Hey Sage. I’m back in our room, and you aren’t here. I’m wondering if you’re okay. I pause. Sorry I left. I won’t do it again. Promise. I hang up, frustrated and worried.

    Back in our room, I pull off Austin’s sweatshirt and toss it on my bed. Carefully I remove Sage’s dress and hang it on a hanger. I’m not sure if she’ll want to get it cleaned, so I don’t put it back in her closet but drape it over the closet door. I set her heels back in their box.

    The girl is very organized when it comes to clothes and shoes.

    Everything else, not so much.

    As I’m putting the shoebox back where I found it, Sage bursts into the room. Her eyes are wild.

    I’m in my undies and can’t help the screech that escapes my throat. She barely glances at me before falling on the bed.

    Sage. I grab a shirt from a drawer and rush to her bed. Sage, I say again. Are you alright?

    She sits up, and I see the rage on her face, feel it radiating off her body, through her pores - like tiny daggers, all aimed at me. I’m fine, she shouts. Can’t you see I’m fine?

    I flinch. Her breath smells of cigarettes, and she’s most definitely not okay. Her tutu is ripped. So are her leggings. Her makeup is streaked like she’s been crying.

    I don’t know what to do, what to say.

    Her breathing is ragged, and she sniffles. Tears fall from her eyes and drip down her cheeks.

    Like an idiot, I sit there, my hands in my lap, waiting. For what, I’m not sure. But I want her to know I care, that I’m here if she needs me.

    Finally, I decide to do what I did last time. I hold out a tissue. She rips it from my hand and wipes her face, blows her nose.

    What happened to you? Sage asks through gritted teeth.

    I tell her about the four shots, about Austin, and him taking me back to his place. As I talk, her eyes get bigger and bigger. And I know what she’s thinking. Exactly what Austin said everyone would.

    Nothing happened, though, I finish, sitting beside her, tucking my hands between my knees.

    Right, she says, standing, ripping her clothes from her body like they have been doused in the plague. She then gets into PJ pants and a tee. Just like nothing happened with me, either. She giggle-snorts as another sob escapes. But this time, they’re gonna wish they were never born. 

    My pulse quickens. It doesn’t matter whether she believes me about Austin.

    What didn’t happen with you last night? I ask gently.

    Her anger seems to have abated. Well, she begins, sitting gingerly. Her eyes are unblinking. I didn’t end up going back to Doug’s room with him and another guy. We didn’t have sex. I didn’t let them drink from me, and I most certainly didn’t - She trails off and blinks back tears.

    I’m in shock. Doug gave me the creeps - the way he looked at her and put his hands on me.

    I didn’t. I - Sage stops, breaking down, putting her head in my lap. Wys. Sobs rack her body.

    I’m frozen. Unsure of what to do. How can I comfort her? Clearly, whatever happened, she didn’t want it to. My blood boils.

    Doug is a vampire.

    If I ever see Doug again, I’m going to drive a stake through his damned heart, I hiss and mean it. 

    Sage snuggles her head against my knee, and I stroke her crazy hair.

    I’m so sorry, Sage. So sorry.

    She sniffles. I may have broken a rule or two, even a few laws, but trust me when I say Doug and his friend are going to wish for death by stake. She lets out giggle-sob and wipes her face on her blanket. 

    What did you do? Not that I’m complaining. Whatever she did, I’m sure they deserved it. I just want to know so we can prepare for any consequences or retribution on their part. 

    She sits up. Let’s just say their fangs are no longer in their mouths but have been magically relocated to another part of their anatomy. She crosses her arms. 

    I feel the question form on my face as I think about where she could’ve put them. Like on their -

    Penises, she says and snort-laughs. 

    My hands fly to my mouth as I gasp. Crap, Sage! Are you serious? I’m in shock but also think she rocks. You’re brilliant.

    Sage wipes her nose on her comforter. Thanks, Wysteria. With effort, as though she’s in pain, she sits back up. Now that it’s done and I said what I did out loud, I’m kind of worried, though. Like if they tell and I’m sure they will, I could get into a whole hell of a lot of trouble. 

    She’s right. How can I help? 

    Sage picks up the stone bowl, studying the contents. I don’t know the reversal spell. She sucks in a breath and starts to cry again. I drink too much. I like to party. Sometimes I forget guys will take advantage of that. It’s nothing I haven’t been through before, but they freaking deserved what I did to them. She shrugs. I’m sure Snow and the supernatural courts won’t see it that way. She picks at a string on her comforter, pulling and pulling and pulling until finally, it breaks off.

    Sage, you were - I pause, not wanting to use the word rape even though that’s exactly what it sounds like. Human or supernatural, that isn’t okay, and they deserve to be punished. Even as I say the words, I know it won’t matter. The fact that she broke supernatural laws will trump what they did to her. And that burns me up inside. Rage filters along my veins. Doug and the other guy deserve great suffering.

    Um, Wys, I don’t mean to alarm you, but your hair is glowing. 

    I pull my hair over my shoulder. Sure enough, it is glowing, and that gives me an idea. I can fix it, I say.

    What? She looks confused. 

    I need to borrow your phone.

    Still unsure, she hands over her cell.

    I call Christopher. He answers on

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