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Undoing Hours
Undoing Hours
Undoing Hours
Ebook97 pages39 minutes

Undoing Hours

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About this ebook

Selina Boan’s debut poetry collection, Undoing Hours, considers the various ways we undo, inherit, reclaim and (re)learn. Boan’s poems emphasize sound and breath. They tell stories of meeting family, of experiencing love and heartbreak, and of learning new ways to express and understand the world around her through nêhiyawêwin.

As a settler and urban nehiyaw who grew up disconnected from her father’s family and community, Boan turns to language as one way to challenge the impact of assimilation policies and colonization on her own being and the landscapes she inhabits. Exploring the nexus of language and power, the effects of which are both far-reaching and deeply intimate, these poems consider the ways language impacts the way we view and construct the world around us. Boan also explores what it means to be a white settler–nehiyaw woman actively building community and working to ground herself through language and relationships. Boan writes from a place of linguistic tension, tenderness and care, creating space to ask questions and to imagine intimate decolonial futures.

Release dateApr 24, 2021
Undoing Hours

Selina Boan

Selina Boan is a white settler-nehiyaw writer living on the traditional, unceded territories of thexʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam), səl̓ilwətaɁɬ (Tsleil-waututh), and sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish) peoples. Her debut poetry collection, Undoing Hours, is forthcoming with Nightwood Editions in Spring 2021. Her work has been published widely, including The Best Canadian Poetry 2018 and 2020. She has received several honours, including the 2017 National Magazine Award for Poetry, and was a finalist for the 2020 CBC poetry award. She is currently a poetry editor for Rahila’s Ghost Press and is a member of The Growing Room Collective.

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    Book preview

    Undoing Hours - Selina Boan

    Undoing Hours: poems by Selina Boan. Title text is partyally distorted with a ripple effect. Wavy lines cover most of the page, with loose letters interspersed bewteen them.

    Undoing Hours

    Nightwood Editions


    Copyright © Selina Boan, 2021

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without prior permission of the publisher or, in the case of photocopying or other reprographic copying, a licence from Access Copyright, the Canadian Copyright Licensing Agency,, [email protected].

    Nightwood Editions

    Nightwood Editions

    P.O. Box 1779

    Gibsons, BC V0N 1V0


    Cover Design: Angela Yen

    Typography: Carleton Wilson

    Supported by the Government of Canada Supported by the Canada Council of the Arts Supported by the Province of British Columbia through the British Columbia Arts Council

    Nightwood Editions acknowledges the support of the Canada Council for the Arts, the Government of Canada, and the Province of British Columbia through the BC Arts Council.

    This book has been produced on 100% post-consumer recycled, ancient-forest-free paper, processed chlorine-free and printed with vegetable-based dyes.

    Printed and bound in Canada.

    Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication

    Title: Undoing hours / Selina Boan.

    Names: Boan, Selina, author.

    Description: Poems.

    Identifiers: Canadiana (print) 20210106107 | Canadiana (ebook) 20210106158 | ISBN 9780889713963 (softcover) | ISBN 9780889713970 (HTML)

    Classification: LCC PS8603.O226 U53 2021 | DDC C811/.6—dc23


    the plot so far

    meet cree: a practical guide to language

    morning in our apartment, a small, wet funeral

    ongoing conversations with my acne

    a run, a burn, a beck

    in six, the seasons

    how to find your father

    love poem on a break

    my mother’s oracle cards said

    body humour

    small talk

    in cree there is no word for half/brother

    inside this hour / another hour inside / another hour

    minimal pairs are words holding hands

    what you miss doesn’t always matter and vice versa

    ongoing conversations with nitôn

    alter, ego

    with love,

    emails with nohtâwiy

    campaign for my body’s mess

    2.1.a questions and answers

    email drafts to nohtâwiy

    i didn’t know the future would be another love poem

    on wanting

    suck it up <3

    run the hurt


    have you ever fallen in love with a day?

    all you can is the best you can

    ongoing conversations with nitêh



    about the author

    If I’m transformed by language, I am often

    crouched in footnote or blazing in title.

    Where in the body do I begin;

    —Layli Long Soldier

    the plot so far

    ask / what is the history / of a word / a lake of commas /

    a pause in the muscle of night / a dry river and the snow it

    holds / i am afraid of getting this life / wrong / a thick-

    rimmed fence / coins settled in a drawer for food / eat half

    a lemon and you’ll feel fine / i promise

    in the dictionary / the nêhiyawêwin word

    mahtakoskacikew / translates to / s/he settles or lays

    on top of everything / i’ll tell you a story / i stained my

    hands as a kid in the backyard where i grew / peeling open

    walnut shells / trying to find the part i could eat

    at sixteen / i scaled the green water tower / settled at the

    top for a better view / dreamt mother wasn’t young /

    driving a VW van cushioned with gas / hands on

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