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Second report of the United Nations Verification Mission in Guatemala
Second report of the United Nations Verification Mission in Guatemala
Second report of the United Nations Verification Mission in Guatemala
Ebook53 pages45 minutes

Second report of the United Nations Verification Mission in Guatemala

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This work contains the third report of the Director of the United Nations Mission for the Verification of Human Rights and of Compliance with the Commitments of the Comprehensive Agreement on Human Rights in Guatemala (MINUGUA). It gives a detailed account of the work carried out and of problems and progress noted by the mission in fulfilling its order in the field.
PublisherGood Press
Release dateApr 10, 2021
Second report of the United Nations Verification Mission in Guatemala

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    Second report of the United Nations Verification Mission in Guatemala - United Nations

    United Nations

    Second report of the United Nations Verification Mission in Guatemala

    Published by Good Press, 2022

    [email protected]

    EAN 4064066464394

    Table of Contents

    I. Introduction

    II. Verification of compliance with the commitments made in the Agreement on the Implementation, Compliance and Verification Timetable for the Peace Agreements

    A. Comprehensive Agreement on Human Rights

    B. Agreement on Resettlement of the Population Groups Uprooted by the Armed Conflict

    C. Agreement on the Establishment of a Commission to Clarify Past Human Rights Violations and Acts of Violence that have Caused the Guatemalan Population to Suffer

    D. Agreement on Identity and Rights of Indigenous Peoples

    E. Agreement on Social and Economic Aspects and the Agrarian Situation

    F. Agreement on the Strengthening of Civilian Power and on the role of the Armed Forces in a Democratic Society

    G. Agreement on Constitutional Reforms and the Electoral Regime

    H. Agreement on the Basis for the Legal Integration of the Unidad Revolucionaria Nacional Guatemalteca

    III. Observations

    Fifty-second session

    Agenda item 45

    The situation in Central America: procedures for the establishment of

    a firm and lasting peace and progress in fashioning a region of peace,

    freedom, democracy and development

    United Nations Verification Mission in Guatemala

    Report of the Secretary-General

    1. This is the second report submitted pursuant to General Assembly resolution 51/198 B of 27 March 1997, in which the Assembly decided to extend the mandate of the United Nations Verification Mission in Guatemala (MINUGUA) until 31 March 1998 in order to verify compliance with the agreements signed between the Government of Guatemala and the Unidad Revolucionaria Nacional Guatemalteca (URNG) and requested me to keep it fully informed of the implementation of the resolution. The General Assembly reiterated this request in its resolution 51/198 C of 31 July 1997. Subsequently, by its resolution 52/175 of 15 December 1997, the Assembly authorized the extension of the Mission’s mandate until 31 December 1998.

    I. Introduction

    Table of Contents

    2. The implementation of the commitments entered into by the Government and URNG is governed by a timetable (A/51/796-S/1997/114, annex II) covering the period from 1997 to 2000 and divided into three phases. This report covers the monitoring of commitments under the first phase of the timetable, lasting from 15 January to 15 April 1997, and of commitments whose implementation was scheduled for the second phase, ending in December 1997. It also provides information on whether the measures taken by the Government are consistent with general commitments in the Agreements for which there is no timetable.

    3. The Guatemalan Peace Agreements cover a particularly wide range of issues and their implementation involves a complex range of protagonists. In addition to the Government of Guatemala and URNG, the signatories to the Agreements, the following have an important role to play in ensuring the success of the process: State bodies, including Congress, the judiciary and the Public Prosecutor’s Office, and sectors of organized civil society, such as business, labour and cooperative organizations, professional associations, indigenous, women’s and human rights organizations, other non-governmental organizations and the mass media. The response of State bodies and civil society to the Agreements and its interaction with Government measures have had a decisive influence on the implementation process. This report describes the outcome of this interaction during the first year of peace.

    4. The Commission to Follow up the Implementation of the Peace Agreements, which is made up of two representatives of the Government, two representatives of URNG, one representative of Congress, four representative citizens and the Chief of MINUGUA, continued its monitoring and support functions. During the period

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