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A Good Man: A Rags & Riches Billionaire Romance
A Good Man: A Rags & Riches Billionaire Romance
A Good Man: A Rags & Riches Billionaire Romance
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A Good Man: A Rags & Riches Billionaire Romance

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About this ebook

She never thought she would need saving

Sheltered and naïve, Delana Alabrim is shocked when her father tells her he’s arranged to marry her to a wealthy businessman who can bail out her father’s struggling company.

After meeting the odious man, she sees running away as her only way out. As a spoiled heiress, she’s ill-equipped for life on the streets and soon finds herself in big trouble.

Homeless and mugged of her only means of survival, rescue comes in the form of Adam Burrell, who sweeps her off the street and offers her a job as his maid. She takes a job for the first time in her live, discovering her own inner strength. But can she really stand up to her father and the man he wants her to marry when they find her with Adam?

Delana has never had to fight to get, and keep, what she wants—a lifetime of happiness with Adam, who might never forgive her deception when he learns the truth.

PublisherSteamy eReads
Release dateApr 28, 2021
A Good Man: A Rags & Riches Billionaire Romance

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    Book preview

    A Good Man - Scarlett Press

    Chapter One

    She was late—though that was nothing new—but Delana Alabrim hated the idea of their guests waiting idly in the parlor without at least one host present. She stood back from her floor length mirror to look at her reflection. The strapless dress hugged her curves nicely and made her legs look miles long, while the creamy-white color offset her deep tan. It was late summer, and her long, golden-blonde hair hung in waves down her shoulders. She kept her jewelry simple, just a pair of Tiffany diamond studs and her stilettos tall. With one final spin, she was satisfied enough to head into the lion’s den.

    It was no secret that tonight was about her father’s company and its current struggles. She didn’t pay much attention to the market, but even she knew that the luxury cars her father’s company specialized in was getting flak for not being able to meet the new emissions standards and were deemed as gas guzzling dinosaurs dooming the environment. This was something she couldn’t understand. People loved the rich leather and the smooth ride. Wasn’t that all that mattered?

    Regardless, tonight was all about networking and schmoozing, and she was determined to do whatever it took to help her father win over the investors. It was what her mother would have wanted. Jemma Alabrim had always stressed how important family was before she passed. It was something that stuck with Delana her entire life—the family name was a brand, and that held great responsibility. One must act properly, behave like a lady, and stick together.

    She thought about that as she strode down the hallway, fluffing her hair with one hand as she went. She was passing her father’s study when she heard him call her name from within.

    Darling, you look beautiful, said Dad.

    He was wearing a perfectly tailored suit in slate-gray, a lavender shirt, and matching gray tie. He looked young for being in his fifties, with dark hair only beginning to gray handsomely at the temples. His eyes, the same eyes she had inherited, were always warm and confident, and he was quick to smile. However, she knew her father well enough to know when there was something on his mind. Those dark-chocolate eyes were troubled, and she softened as she held her hands out to him.

    What is it, Daddy? Is something wrong? she asked, concern coloring her voice.

    He turned to the inlaid shelves behind his desk, grabbed a bottle of scotch and a tumbler, and poured two fingers before capping it. Sighing, he faced his daughter and leaned against the edge of his desk.

    You know Alabrim Luxury Auto has been going through a hard time, right?

    She nodded, unsure where he was going with this. Usually, her father attempted to keep her as far away from the family business as possible. He didn’t like to worry her and knew the topic of cars wasn’t the slightest bit interesting to her. She knew that worry over what would become of her and of his company had plagued him for many years.

    I have a... business associate, her father continued after an ominous pause. He’s a very wealthy man, and he’s interested in investing a large amount of money—really, an obscene amount of money—into the company.

    But, Daddy, that’s wonderful news. She beamed at her father. A benefactor of that proportion would do great things for the company. Perhaps, she’d been wrong about the schmooze-fest she thought was planned. Maybe it was truly a celebration.

    There’s... only one thing he wants in return for the investment, said her father.

    He gazed down into his tumbler of amber liquid before sighing and tossing it back in one go. She frowned as she watched him—his behavior was so puzzling. This was great news, and here he was acting depressed before their guests arrived.

    You might want to sit down, sweetheart. He gestured to the chair opposite his desk, and she obeyed, smoothing her dress and crossing her ankles primly. She furrowed her eyebrows, confusion and worry washing over her. He was acting so strangely.

    Dad sidled around the edge of his massive mahogany desk, littered with paperwork and two picture frames, his laptop halfway open and the light glowing softly. He leaned against the desk, his hands clasped loosely in his lap, staring down at her with defeat in his eyes.

    His name is Crispin Valencia, and the one thing that he wants in return for his billion-dollar investment is you.

    Her frown deepened. Me? What do you mean, he wants me? She leaned forward in her seat, feeling the years of proper posture ingrained by her mother slipping away as she slouched in confusion.

    Crispin Valencia has asked—no, demanded, her father corrected himself, bitterly, your hand in marriage. In exchange for saving our company, saving the jobs for the thousands of people who work for me, and for saving your future, he wants you as his wife. I told him yes.

    For a moment, all of the air seemed to have left the room. She blinked slowly, her mouth open wide in disbelief. "M-married? Wife? Me? She shook her head, stumbling to her feet quickly. That’s impossible, Daddy. I won’t marry him."

    Her father shook his head sadly. It’s already done, sweetheart. There’s nothing I could do. My hands were tied.

    She paced back and forth in front of him, panicking inside. Her mind was whirling. She couldn't think or breathe. Unable to handle it one moment longer, she turned to run. She had to go. She couldn't stay, she couldn’t do this...

    Her father caught her hand in his. I’m so, so sorry about this, my dear. His eyes pleaded for forgiveness.

    Not as sorry as you’re going to be, she retorted before snatching her hand from his and practically running from the room.

    She was in the hallway between the living room and the foyer when she felt tears stinging her eyes. She had spent far too long on her makeup to ruin it with useless tears, so she took a few deep breaths as she attempted to calm herself.

    There was no way her father could do this to her. She was a grown woman, and he didn’t own her. But the way he was speaking, it sounded like she had no choice in the matter. Marriage to a complete stranger? She had to brace her hand on the wall to steady herself as the blood rushed from her head. She’d never truly even had a serious boyfriend. Just a few guys she saw casually in high school and the few semesters of college she’d half-assed.

    There had to be a way out of it. She just had to think of something. It was unusual for her to be denied something she wanted if she put her mind to getting it, and she wanted to avoid a feudal arranged marriage more than anything she’d ever desired before.

    The elevator dinging pulled her from her thoughts as guests started to arrive. Doing her best to put on her hostess face, she forced a smile and a casual stride as she entered the foyer to greet everyone.


    Anthony stared glumly across the room at his daughter as she smiled and laughed with one of the guests. She’d managed to avoid him for most of the party by slipping off whenever he headed in her direction or politely excusing herself if he entered a conversation. She probably thought no one would notice how she was acting, but Anthony did.

    Dammit, she was a sweet girl, but she had no head for business and no interest in vehicles. The girl’s main passion seemed to be taking pictures of herself on that obnoxious cell phone and spending his money at Bendel’s and Saks. She was twenty-two, intelligent but uneducated, and had plenty of prospects she’d squandered. Still, the Alabrim name carried some clout, particularly with the patriarch of the Valencia family, who so desired his son to settle down with a suitable girl.

    With the instability with his company in the current state, he knew he had to be proactive. He needed to make sure she was taken care of and that his company would have an infusion of money to get over this slump.

    Sooner or later, he would have to corner her. Crispin Valencia would be arriving shortly, and he was more than eager to meet his wife. Anthony mused as he sipped his scotch—his daughter did look lovely tonight, and she would certainly make a beautiful bride. She had such an easy way

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