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30 Days to Align Your Health and Healing Journal
30 Days to Align Your Health and Healing Journal
30 Days to Align Your Health and Healing Journal
Ebook33 pages35 minutes

30 Days to Align Your Health and Healing Journal

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About this ebook

The 30 Days to Align Your Health and Healing Journal is designed to help you explore your mind, body, and soul and to identify deficiencies that prevent you from living a fulfilled life. Author Latoya Stafford invites you to gain insight from her personal journey and how she has been able to align her health and healing. Using her techniques, the journal has been divided into three sections. Armed with ten journaling days in each section you will become more self-aware about areas in your life that need healing.

Get ready to be encouraged and inspired as you spend thirty days diving into your own journey towards health and healing for your mind, body, and soul.

Release dateApr 29, 2021
30 Days to Align Your Health and Healing Journal

Latoya Stafford

Latoya Stafford is a wife, mom, and advocate of loving your life in its natural state. After being diagnosed with PCOS, Latoya founded Love Life Naturally to promote a natural and alternative lifestyle that involves focusing on responsible nutrition and loving a life in its natural manner. This meant reducing chemical and toxic load in all areas of life that included food, health, and beauty. Latoya found it imperative to take the necessary measures to heal her mind, body, and spiritual relationship as she could not serve her purpose of servicing others while living with disease.As Latoya’s health evolved, it was important to advocate and bring awareness to how the food we eat affects our mental health, particularly in the areas of food addiction and negative body image. In a world where it can be difficult to get your voice heard regarding issues of health, Love Life Naturally is an advocacy and awareness program that provides you with the confidence to advocate for your life. You can be encouraged to explore holistic options to help you realign your body’s divine order.

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    Book preview

    30 Days to Align Your Health and Healing Journal - Latoya Stafford

    30 Days to Align Your Health & Healing

    30 Days to Align Your Health & Healing

    Latoya Stafford

    30 Days to Align Your Health & Healing

    Copyright 2021 Latoya Stafford

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or by information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher, except in the case of reprints in the content of reviews, quotes or references.

    Paperback ISBN: 978-1-7369461-0-7

    Ebook ISBN: 978-1-7369461-1-4

    Editing: Felicia Murrell

    Book Cover Design: Tywebbin Creations LLC



    Use Your Own Journal

    The Mind

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    The Soul

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    About Latoya


    As a child, I always found comfort in food. Whenever I would have a bad day at school, was sad about something, or just did not feel well, I would use food to make me feel better. When I was growing up, I could have anything I wanted to eat. I had constant access to cakes, cookies, pies, and everything else in between that made you feel good on the inside. Healthy eating was not the primary goal in my household. Most of the food came from a package with little to no nutrients.

    No one specifically monitored how much I ate but as I began to grow and develop at a rate much faster than other

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