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The Way of Victorious Praying
The Way of Victorious Praying
The Way of Victorious Praying
Ebook306 pages6 hours

The Way of Victorious Praying

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About this ebook

This book was born out of prayer. The Lord called a few of us aside to pray. Each night, we wrestled in prayer between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 3:00 a.m. This went on for many weeks. We came to find ourselves blessed, challenged, and purified. We came to see the Lord in a new way and to understand the purpose of our being in a totally new light.
Release dateMar 11, 2015

Zacharias Tanee Fomum

For FREE books from Zacharias Tanee Fomum: Professor Zacharias Tanee FOMUM was a man of uncommon spirituality, a leading voice for revival, a workaholic, a prophet-teacher, and a world-shaping spiritual genius. He was a bestselling Christian author (with over 350 books, over 10 million copies in circulation in over 100 languages) and a professor of Organic Chemistry (with over 160 published scientific works of high distinction (earning him the award of a Doctor of Science degree from the University of Durham, Great Britain). His books and the millions of people he influenced in more than 40 years of Christian ministry continue to impact the world with the Gospel today. He founded Christian Missionary Fellowship International (CMFI), a missionary movement that has planted churches in more than 120 nations on all continents. He believed in a life of simplicity and with the support and dedication of his wife and their seven children, his all—time, money, heart, and soul— was dedicated to spreading the Gospel. He carried out exploits for God through the making of disciples for Christ, planting of churches, building spiritual leaders according to the model of the Bible, and serving the body of Christ, especially as a teacher on prayer. Learn more and read exclusive excerpts at:

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    The Way of Victorious Praying - Zacharias Tanee Fomum



    Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Copyright 1988, Z.T. Fomum

    Published by

    the ePublishing unit of the Book Ministry of

    Christian Missionary Fellowship International

    [email protected]

    I gladly dedicate this book to the


    in grateful appreciation for their nation-transforming praying.



    What is Prayer?

    The Lord Jesus at Prayer

    Prayer: A Spiritual Conflict

    The Spiritual Art of Prayer: God’s Will and Waiting on God

    The Spiritual Art of Prayer: The Believer’s Personal Needs

    The Spiritual Art of Prayer: The Limitations of God

    Praise and Thanksgiving





    Praying with the Spirit

    The Local Church at Prayer – 1

    The Local Church at Prayer – 2

    Some Practical Issues with Regard to Prayer

    About The Author

    Other Books By Z.T. Fomum

    Chapter 0


    This book was born out of prayer. The Lord called a few of us aside to pray. Each night, we wrestled in prayer between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 3:00 a.m. This went on for many weeks. We came to find ourselves blessed, challenged, and purified. We came to see the Lord in a new way and to understand the purpose of our being in a totally new light.

    This book was also born out of an experience – an experience of obedience. Some of us were led to obey an obvious command of the Lord, which is clearly written in the Bible and which we had not yet obeyed. That obedience nearly cost us our lives. God honoured that obedience and caused it to lead to the ministries now associated with Christian Literature Centre, Yaounde. It also led to the birth of some assemblies which have, by God’s grace, grown into praying communities.

    The truths charted in this book are coloured by what that local assembly has learnt as it tried, step by step, to follow the praying Lord in the School of Prayer. We have a commitment to prayer, fasting, and evangelism. We are learning and we are growing. Pray for us. Pray with us.

    We have come to discover that all things are possible to the praying saint and to the praying body of believers. By God’s grace, we are determined to wipe out the word impossible from the life experience of the members of the assembly.

    Our hearts’ desire is that all those who know the Lord Jesus will truly become people of prayer. So we send this book out with prayer that it will help some individuals and some local assemblies to make progress with the Lord in the School of Prayer.

    To the Lord Jesus, the praying, supplicating and interceding Head of the Church be untold honour, glory, and majesty forever and ever.

    Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    July 1984 Yaounde


    Chapter 1


    Prayer takes place when a believer’s will takes the same side with God’s will to worship Him, thank and praise Him, and ask as well as receive from Him. This taking sides with God’s will in the human spirit is expressed actively and vocally. Prayer is the art of the soul being lost in God – adoring and worshiping Him. It is the insistence that God’s will, which has already been established in heaven, should be done. Prayer is the commitment of a believer to fulfil and to satisfy the needs of God. Prayer is the rail on which the locomotive of God’s will moves.


    God has a will and all the power needed to execute that will unaided by man. However, in His sovereignty, He has decided that, unless He finds people who will co-operate with Him by praying, He will temporarily let His will go unaccomplished. The Bible says, Truly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth shall be, having been bound in heaven and whatever you loose on earth shall be, having been loosed in heaven (Matthew 18:18-19). Heaven has already bound and heaven has already loosed. What then must happen before this thing that has been bound or loosed can become practical reality on earth? It is this: earth must bind and earth must loose. Without this, what has been done in heaven will be forced to wait. God will allow a lot of His resolutions to go unfulfilled for some time if He does not find people to cooperate with Him in prayer.

    God will postpone His work or allow it to appear as if He did not care about it, until He finds someone who can pray and who does pray. He will allow a nation to go through many years without much happening until He finds His man – a man of prayer, and then He will move in a very mighty way.

    God will temporarily allow the devil to win many battles if He does not find people who will co-operate with Him to overthrow the devil and put the armies of hell to flight.


    Prayer calls for people who are totally consecrated to the Lord, because only such people are able to know God’s will and God’s needs. Such saints have it as their ambition to fulfil God’s needs. Their one desire is that God’s will in its totality be accomplished on earth. Only consecrated people can truly pray, for they are people who have forgotten themselves in the accomplishment of God’s will. The Lord Jesus taught that the foremost things in prayer were to be Hallowed be Your name. Your Kingdom come; Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven (Matthew 6:9-10). This is the crux of prayer, the very essence of prayer. Prayer is the complete abandonment to God with only one concern – that His name be hallowed and His will be done. This makes prayer very holy business, and only the holy can go deep in prayer fellowship with the Holy God.

    Exploiters, that is people whose main business is to get things out of God for their selfish motives, will find deep prayer impossible, for their whole desire is, God, give me this and this and that.


    Prayer is asking and receiving from the Lord, His perfect will and the accomplishment of that will. The Lord Jesus said: Ask and you shall receive. To ask and not to receive is a very serious affair that must not be taken lightly at all. If a believer asks something from the Lord and does not receive it, he should consider it a signal of spiritual danger. Prayer is not only asking and receiving things that are exclusively for the Kingdom. It includes the asking today for the meal of tomorrow. The Lord Jesus said, Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these other things shall be added unto you (Matthew 6:33).

    If a man’s heart is right with regard to God and His perfect will, his priorities will not be his daily needs but the Lord’s will. He will judge everything by the way it affects the will of God. Even his personal needs will be reassessed in light of the King. He will live to see God’s Kingdom established. He will dress, eat, study, and marry for the Kingdom. He will have one unchanging yardstick by which he judges everything: Is this of God or of the devil and will this build the Kingdom of God or retard it? It is a tragedy to pray for things that retard the Kingdom of God, but oh, how many are the sons of the Kingdom who pray that way!


    Prayer is the rail on which the train of God’s power moves. A huge locomotive with an appropriately big engine will not move even for the shortest distance if there are no rails on which it can move. God, in His wondrous sovereignty, has decided to limit Himself to the rails that the Church provides for Him. The more the rails of prayer that the Church makes available, the more the locomotive of God’s power will move. The fewer the rails that are made available, the less the locomotive of the power of the Lord will move. The lesser men pray, the lesser God will move. We know in this local assembly that one tract had led four people to the Lord because the Church prays. In this local assembly, if the prayer life were tripled, God’s power train would have three times more rails to move on and one tract would lead twelve people to the Lord, and if the Church prayed one hundredfold, one tract would lead four hundred people to Christ. I believe that we can increase our prayer life one hundredfold and that must be our goal.


    Under normal circumstances prayer would be simply asking from the Lord as a child asks from his father thus, Daddy, give me X or Y, and receiving the answer from him without straining, agonizing or pressing on. This indeed is true for certain aspects of prayer and some occasions. However, in many instances this is not so. We have to strain, agonize, and press on in order to obtain what we want from the Lord. Why is this so? Why this struggle?

    The reason for the struggle lies in the very nature of who is involved or affected by prayer. Prayer involves three persons. There is the person praying, there is God to whom the prayer is being addressed, and there is the third person whom many ignore to their undoing. He is the Enemy, Satan, who opposes, hinders, and delays prayer. Prayer, therefore, is violent opposition to the will of the devil. It is merciless destruction of his cause and his army. Prayer is hard work. It is violent activity. The more praying there is, the more the devil is put out of control. The less the praying, the less his cause is hindered. The devil has so much authority today in the world because of the many spectators in the Church who do not pray or who pray too little.

    The conflict with the wicked one means that prayer will sometimes involve cries, tears, groans, agony, heartache, and wrestling. Deep prayer is conflict, expensive conflict! How sad it is to know that only very few of God’s children know anything about this!!

    May we grow up and face the fight in prayer! May we develop a holy anger towards the enemy. May we say, Satan, I am going to deal with you. In the name of Jesus I come against you and your kingdom and I will not spare it.


    Some believers pray one or two times, or for one or two years, and when they do not see the answer, they are discouraged and say, God has not answered. Hallelujah. If after praying for an unbeliever for four or five years and he is not converted; if the praying person gives up, it reflects the fact that he was never serious at all. God will answer. Sometimes He will answer before we call. In other instances, He will answer long after we have called. If we are in His will, there can be no giving up of a topic of prayer until the answer has been given. Those who think that prayer is modern computerized science in which you fit in the data, press a button, and have the answer have missed it completely.

    When the Lord Jesus taught on persistence in prayer, He said, Nevertheless when the Son of man comes, will he find faith on earth? Why did He ask that question? It is this: the person with genuine faith is the one who can enter into real prayer. The sad thing is that if the Lord came today, He would find very few with genuine faith. Those with genuine faith are not the magicians who just want to say, In the name of Jesus, stand and walk. They are wrestlers who will put everything into the fight and never give up. Peter and John could say, In the name of Jesus, stand up and walk (Acts 3:6). But let us remember that these were praying men from a praying Church.

    So as we approach prayer, let us bear in mind that it is a total business for a total people.

    As we study this subject, may the Holy Spirit who prays for us with groans too deep for words and our interceding High Priest, the Lord Jesus, stand by us to reveal His truth to us, and to lead us on. Glory be to the Lord in the highest. Amen.


    Prayerlessness is the refusal to take up the mighty weapons of prayer and be involved with God in His battles. Prayerlessness is too little or no effective praying.

    Prayerlessness is absolute rebellion. It is the deliberate refusal to obey God’s command to pray. Prayerlessness is a great sin. It is a determination to take an active side with the devil to fight against God. It is a determination to frustrate God’s purposes, to wreck the Kingdom of God.

    Prayerlessness is a determined effort to ensure that sinners are lost in hell forevermore. It is a calculated effort to ensure that backsliders are not restored and that ultimate victory belongs to the wicked one.

    All who do not pray make themselves enemies of the praying Lord. If souls are lost, it is because there are prayerless believers, for no soul is won into the Kingdom of God unless the price has been paid in terms of vital praying. Every soul that is lost to the devil is lost because the Church did not pray at all or did not pray effectively. Prayerless believers will answer to the Lord on Judgement Day for all the souls that have perished forevermore. They are guilty of the blood of these people.

    Fellow saint, the worst sin you can commit as a child of God is to pray superficially or not to pray at all. Prayerlessness is high treason against the government of God. It is betraying God and the entire cause of the Kingdom of God.

    Prayerlessness is the fool’s way of life, the sluggard’s companion, and the way to a life of planned spiritual darkness and poverty. You dare not allow yourself the luxury of so great a sin!!! Think about the conversion of Saul, who later on became the apostle Paul. Some people think that it just happened. Such people do not imagine how many people prayed for this one man who was terrorizing the Church. Each time the believers met, they must have prayed for him. Because they prayed, God brought him to conversion and regeneration. Saul would never have been converted without the prayers of the Church. Praying churches are living churches, and living churches are growing churches. If there is a thing that should be done now for the glory of God, it is to pray. I encourage everyone to pray and to rally men to pray. Dare not stand to lead a prayer meeting, to pray or sing for the Lord, without an active life of prayer. Dare not preach to men about God until you have told God about men in prayer. If you preach without much prayer you frustrate God’s purposes. Please, again I say, Pray.

    Chapter 2


    The Lord Jesus was given to prayer. He prayed. His life and ministry began in prayer, continued in prayer, and was consummated in prayer. Right at the tender age of twelve years He remained in the temple, and when His anxious parents saw Him and questioned, He simply asked, How is it that you sought me? Did you not know that I must be in my Father’s house? (Luke 2:49). He was in His Father’s house – the house of prayer (Mark 11:17) and it goes without question that He must have prayed.

    Later on, he was baptized in water by John the Baptist, He immediately began to pray and as He prayed, the Holy Spirit came upon Him. The Bible says, Now when all the people were baptized, and when Jesus also had been baptized AND WAS PRAYING, the heavens opened, and the Holy Spirit descended upon Him (Luke 3:21,22).

    He prayed as a way of life. The Bible says, And in the morning, a great while before day, He rose and went out to a lonely place, AND THERE HE PRAYED (Mark 1:35). Prayer was the first business of the Lord. He decided not to see the face of man before He had seen the face of His Father, and not to talk to men about His Father until He had talked to His Father about men.

    Faced with the crucial issue of choosing the twelve apostles, He found that such a far-reaching decision required much time with His Father beyond the normal mornings spent in prayer. So He spent the whole night in prayer. The Bible says, In those days He went out to the mountain to pray; and ALL NIGHT HE CONTINUED IN PRAYER TO GOD. And when it was day, He called His disciples, and chose from them twelve, whom He named apostles (Luke 6:12-13). That was the Lord’s way of handling big and far-reaching decisions.

    The Lord was always at prayer. He often withdrew to lonely places and there prayed alone. The Bible says, Now it happened that as He was praying alone the disciples were with Him (Luke 9:18); About eight days after Jesus said this, he took Peter, John and James with him and went up onto a mountain to pray. As he was praying, the appearance of his face changed, and his clothes became as bright as a flash of lightning (Luke 9:28-29, NIV); But He withdrew to the wilderness and prayed (Luke 5:16). Immediately He made His disciples get into the boat and go before Him to the other side, to Bethsaida, while He dismissed the crowd. And after He had taken leave of them, He went up on the mountain to pray (Mark 6:45-46). Then Jesus went with his disciples to a place called Gethsemane, and he said to them, ‘Sit here while I go over there and pray.’ He took Peter and the two sons of Zebedee along with him, and he began to be sorrowful and troubled. Then he said to them, ‘My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch with me.’ Going a little farther He fell with His face to the ground and prayed, ‘My Father’ … (Matthew 26:36-39, NIV).

    Jesus knew that deep prayer was a matter between God and the praying person, whom no one should disturb. He thus withdrew so often into lonely places. Often He must have just prayed with His disciples by Him, like during the incident which Luke records by saying, He was praying in a certain place, and when He ceased, one of His disciples said to Him, ‘Lord, teach us to pray’ (Luke 11:1). Often He took a few of them away with Him to pray, but the most precious times of His life were His moments alone with God – all others away. He must have enjoyed these so much that He naturally just withdrew to have those times with His Father. Although He lived in unceasing fellowship with His Father, He nevertheless delighted in those precious moments when, alone with Him, He could enter into something akin to the fellowship they knew together in heaven before He came down to earth. Jesus literally lived in expectation of those times of fellowship in prayer. They meant everything to Him.

    All people who pray will normally enjoy fellowship with God all the time, but they will so know God and so enjoy Him that general times of fellowship will not fully satisfy. They will, therefore, look for privacy with Him. They will withdraw from the world to be with Him. They long for Him and languish for Him and are unsatisfied until He fills them.

    So we see that for Jesus, prayer was, first of all, not a matter of asking and receiving. It was communion, fellowship. It was enjoying God. It was heart fellowship.

    Secondly, prayer for Jesus served to obtain guidance. He knew He had to appoint twelve of His many disciples as apostles. Possibly, He already knew in His heart who was likely to be appointed. He was very God of very God, but He still went apart to ask the Father, to check with Him. He spent the whole night, as it were, going from one name to the other, asking the Father’s approval. The Father gave His approval and He came and made the appointments and the consequence of who was appointed spans time and eternity!

    Thirdly, prayer for Jesus was a matter of warfare. He knew

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