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The Change10: Insights Into Self-empowerment
The Change10: Insights Into Self-empowerment
The Change10: Insights Into Self-empowerment
Ebook303 pages4 hours

The Change10: Insights Into Self-empowerment

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The Change will explore powerful thought-provoking insights from twenty inspiring co-authors that will take you on a journey of self-discovery and personal change that will touch every area of your life. You will learn how to weather the changes ahead and prosper. Chances are this book contains EXACTLY what you need to take your life to the next

Release dateApr 4, 2016
The Change10: Insights Into Self-empowerment

Jim Britt

Jim Britt is an internationally recognized leader and highly sought after speaker in the field of peak performance, entrepreneurship and personal empowerment training. He is author of 13 best-selling books including, Cracking the Rich Code, Cracking the Life Code, Rings of Truth, The Power of Letting Go, Freedom, Unleashing Your Authentic Power, Do This. Get Rich-For Entrepreneurs, The Flaw in The Law of Attraction, The Law of Realization, and The Change book series, to name a few. Jim has presented seminars throughout the world sharing his success principles and life enhancing realizations with thousands of audiences, totaling over 1,500,000 people from all walks of life. Jim has served as a success counselor to over 300 corporations worldwide. He was recently named as one of the world's top 50 success coaches and again as one of the top 20. He was voted Trainer of the year and received The Best of the Best Award out of the top 100 contributors of all time to the direct selling industry. He was Business partners with the late Jim Rohn for 10 years, where Tony Robbins worked under his direction for 5 years.

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    The Change10 - Jim Britt


    Berny Dohrmann,

    Chairman of CEO Space International

    To The Readers of The Change Series:

    Jim Britt has been a mentor to Chicken Soup authors, and to some of the foremost thought leaders on earth. Jim Britt’s groundbreaking work in Letting Go, releasing past traumas and betrayals in life to return once again to forward-looking manifestation within your full powers, has been instructing at leading Fortune companies and to standing-room-only seminars all over the world. For three decades, Jim Britt has been the trainer of the trainers, of which I am only one. Jim has been an instructor at CEO Space, the most prestigious, hard to get into faculty on the planet, where he developed millions of dollars of resources as he assisted others to develop tens of millions of dollars for their own dream making. Jim is the most unchanged by success and wealth man I have ever known. He is an unselfish archangel, like in his book Rings of Truth.

    Today, Jim Britt and Jim Lutes, along with many inspiring co-authors from around the world, bring a pioneering work to the market to transform your own journey into master manifestation. Their principles are forged on coaching millions on every continent. As you read, you are exploring self-development as the world has yet to practice. In fact, Jim and Jim’s publications lead to this one APEX MOMENT. Everything you have done to date in your own life, everyone you have met, every lesson you have learned, has led you to this one GREAT life opportunity… the moment of your own transformation into ever-rising full potentials.

    As a five-time best-selling author myself, as a filmmaker, and with CEO Space, you can imagine how fussy I am to write a foreword to publications in the self-development space. CEO Space was just ranked by Forbes Magazine as the leading entrepreneur firm, which hosts five annual business growth conferences serving over 140 countries. It was also named by Forbes as THE MEETING in the world that YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO MISS. The world today demands more than a reputation defender to secure your forward brand; it requires that you take responsibility for your own brand and reputation in life. This book will inspire you to do just that.

    CEO Space International has supported launches for many amazing works, including Chicken Soup for the Soul; Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus; Rich Dad, Poor Dad; The Secret; No Matter What; Three Feet From Gold; Conversations With The King; and now the movies Growing Up Graceland and Wish Man (for Make a Wish Foundation); Outwitting the Devil by Napoleon Hill and Sharon Lechter; Tony Robbins’ great publications; of course Jim Britt’s best-selling book Rings of Truth; and so many more. The totals have reached more than 2 billion eyeballs! You can’t play around with that Mount Everest of credibility that I guard like a bank vault!

    You can therefore appreciate why I encourage 100% of our followers of all the publications named to BUY JIM BRITT and JIM LUTES’ book series The Change as a customer recognition for your own ten-best close relationships or clients. But don’t just buy this book; rather, I endorse that you buy 10, and you giftwrap them to acknowledge your most important top ten relationships in life or clients in business. By doing so, you will retain more clients and encourage repeat buying. You may also receive more referrals and strengthen each relationship. The laws of giving will come back to you 10 to 1. When you give freely, you will always receive a rain into your life just as you rain into the lives of those you treasure. Jim Britt, Jim Lutes, and the insightful and inspiring co-authors have given you in The Change series a great opportunity… more important than pouring ice water over someone’s head on YouTube as a challenge for charity! The gift that keeps on giving begins when you step up and BUY 10, knowing you have been instrumental in inspiring 10 friends to live a better life. Together, we are going to reach 1 BILLION SOULS as we help Jim Britt, Jim Lutes, and their co-authors to achieve their goal to transform human consciousness in our lifetime. Like Zig Ziglar, Jim Rohn, the great Roger Anthony, and so many friends who have passed, my friend Jim Britt is now a historical event in every training, every publication, and every online work at CEO Space. If you ever have the opportunity, STOP YOUR LIFE and see JIM BRITT & JIM LUTES LIVE and you will thank me personally, I know.

    Their work is powerful. You’ll let go of the baggage you’ve been carrying around for years and learn to embrace everything that creates the future you want and deserve. As you close the pages of any of The Change books, you will say over and over again THANK YOU Jim Britt and Jim Lutes for creating this work. You will gain a new life of super focus as never before and you will commence to master manifest in your own individual life as never before. The Change books provide tools to transform results for corporations, institutions, and individuals, and once applied it will be impossible to miss your future success in life.

    In my opinion, there are only the following areas to embrace for each of us:

    Spiritual oneness and balance

    Recreational balance and nature

    Relationship where Perfection Can Be Had! (my book)

    Career attainment of goals that you, yourself, reset along the way

    Parenting either directly or by embracing a child you adopt to mentor at any and every age in life

    These perspectives come into alignment within a framework of Jim Britt and Jim Lutes’ imagination, along with decades of human-potential work. My advice is this work is a BUY 10 TO SHARE WITH FRIENDS pledge. In fact, a billion readers is a global path that Jim Britt and Jim Lutes are going to achieve NEXT for the world common good.

    Let’s help in this quest, as both men unselfishly donate their only asset, their precious LIFE TIME, to elevate one life at a time to their full potential and greatness.

    My final request to all those who are reading my foreword is that you DO IT NOW. When you think of the good you will be doing, just ask yourself, How long will I make them WAIT?

    I’m buying my 10 today!

    Berny Dohrmann

    Chairman, CEO Space International

    P.S. I so approve this message for all my readers and followers worldwide. CEO Space has helped authors break the book of all records a half a dozen times, which means the only record to beat can be done with the publication you are buying 10 of now. Together, we are going to set a global record with one publication. Make the PLEDGE and give the gift of personal development. DO IT TODAY!

    Table of Contents


    Jim Britt: What ALL Wealthy People Have in Common

    Jim Lutes: It’s Not Where You Are, It’s Where You’re Going

    Julia A. Nicholson: The Moment Everything Changes

    Beth Haley: Change through Choice: Choosing to Create the Relationship You Want

    David Heavener: Your Life is a Movie: Lights. Camera. Take Action.

    Cliff Waterbury: Walking Between Two Worlds

    Jennifer Beilsmith: The Power Within

    Josephine Harewood: Wake up! Wake up!

    Kim Malama Lucien: Benevolent Leadership: Creating Growth & Sustainability through Empowerment

    Jo Condrill: How To Reinvent Yourself In 7 Simple Steps

    Mache Torres: Explore The Deepest Essence of Your Being

    Mindy Anderson: Lead Yourself First Before You Lead Others

    Pamela Hamilton and W.T. Hamilton: Warning, Take a Deep Breath: You're About to Learn How to Make the Impossible Possible

    Neil Millard: What BC Did For Me

    Nomi Bachar: You Are The Source: Are You Walking in Your Big Shoes?

    David Musgrave: TAKE CHARGE of your Happiness, Belly fat, and Sexiness: A Woman’s Route to Wellness

    Sally Kay Miller: My Journey to Getting my HOPE back, After Losing my Child to Addiction

    Terry Nadine Taylor: Liberate the Leader in You

    Michelle Gesky: The Sh#*% Word

    Stuart Elliott: Building Core Confidence

    Katie Macks: A Glowing Road Trip

    Calvin Carey: Where Are You? Looking at the world around you


    Jim Britt

    Jim Britt is an internationally recognized leader in the field of peak performance and personal empowerment training. He is author of 13 best-selling books, including Cracking the Rich Code; Cracking the Life Code; Rings of Truth; The Power of Letting Go; Freedom; Unleashing Your Authentic Power; Do This. Get Rich-For Entrepreneurs; The Flaw in The Law of Attraction; and The Law of Realization, to name a few.

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    Jim has presented seminars throughout the world sharing his success principles and life-enhancing realizations with thousands of audiences, totaling over 1,000,000 people from all walks of life.

    Jim has served as a success counselor to over 300 corporations worldwide. He was recently named as one of the world’s top 20 success coaches and presented with the best of the best award out of the top 100 contributors of all time to the direct selling industry. He also mentored/coached Anthony Robbins for his first five years in business.

    Jim is more than aware of the challenges we all face in making adaptive changes for a sustainable future.

    What ALL Wealthy People Have in Common

    By Jim Britt

    What’s the secret to incredible financial success? The secret is, there is no one secret! The reality is there are many secrets that work together in combination with one another—giving you the winning combination to succeed! Think of success like a giant vault at the bank with a thick steel door blocking it and a combination lock. Unless you have the right combination to that lock, it doesn’t matter how much you beat on the door, how hard you work, how many lists you make or good intentions you have, because there is a combination you must know to unlock that door and get it to swing open so you can walk through to the other side. In this chapter, I’ll be sharing a couple of those success secrets with you… some straight-talk keys that make the difference between struggling your whole life in frustration, or becoming wealthy.

    Many years ago, I met a very wealthy person and I asked what inspired him to be wealthy. His answer really surprised me. Money is a game and the man with the most notches on his belt wins. I was shocked! I was a young man at the time and having grown up without much, I wanted to become rich. Yet after hearing this person’s response, I looked deeper into his eyes and frankly, he didn’t seem all that happy and the sense of lack of balance in his life was apparent. He was out of shape and had a look in his eyes of anxiety, loneliness, and anger. I could tell that he had stepped on a lot of people to get to where he was.

    How about you? Do you think that being financially wealthy takes putting yourself first and tramping over those that get in your way? Do you think that being wealthy means putting the lust for money ahead of everything else?

    I’ve also met very wealthy people who give back to their community, have large circles of friends, and always seemed to be abundant in so many other ways.

    In fact, a year or so ago, I took a camera crew around the country and interviewed 11 self-made mega millionaires and one billionaire. The requirement was that they all had to have started with nothing. In other words, they didn’t inherit their wealth. And all 12 made their money in different industries…internet marketing, traditional business, real estate, television, direct sales, social media, etc. If you asked any of these twelve individuals the same question, you’d likely get this sort of answer: Wealth is simply a vehicle that magnifies your deeper personality traits and mindset.

    If you are a good person, access to resources, such as these type of people, will only make you a better one. If your nature is negative, it will also magnify your unhealthy attributes on the downside and you will find yourself hanging around others that will support you in your negativity.

    The following is what I have learned from my own experiences and the experiences of these 12 mega-millionaires, as well as others I have associated myself with over the past 40 years.

    Wealth is the ultimate power of leverage. Nothing is truer about becoming and deciding to become wealthy. It is a magnifying glass into your soul.

    I have tried to model myself after this philosophy, never forgetting that money is simply a means to achieving larger and greater things in life. After all, if the only reason you are pursuing buckets of money is to swim in it like Scrooge McDuck, you may find yourself the richest person in a very unhappy world.

    Wouldn't it be nice if you could simply decide to become wealthy and you did?

    Well, let me fill you in on a big secret…YOU CAN!

    You already know the basics. You know that you should pay off your debt and start budgeting. You know that all you need to do is regularly invest money into your savings and let time do the work. Spend less, save more, build your investment portfolio…you've heard it time and time again. Then why aren't you on the way to becoming wealthy?

    There are many reasons that people don't take action, even though they have the information. The reality is that so many people are just simply afraid to change. Fear takes a lot away from a person. They don't want to fail but when you buy into fear, it will take you down that path.

    Here’s one key. For things to change for you financially, you have to make a change; otherwise you’ll continue to keep producing the same results you’ve been producing. This may come as a shock to you, but most people really don’t want to change. Just give them a beer, point them toward the sofa, and give them the television remote. They will continue to complacently live out their lives.

    Most people are much too busy earning a living to become financially free. They spend the majority of their time focused on what they don’t have, what they don’t want, and on how to pay the bills, instead of focusing on what they do have and what they do want in their lives.

    I know people, as I’m sure you do, that love having the drama of being up to their ears in debt. It’s a balance beam that keeps excitement in their lives. It’s a roller coaster ride that is thrilling, but always drops them off at the same place time and time again. But at such a huge cost! What they don’t realize is that they can't maintain their balance or thrill forever. At some point, you have to decide where to get off.

    I’ve often wondered, as I’m sure you have, why two people with the very same background and experience in the same type of business…one gains wealth, while the other barely survives? What determines the difference between someone who earns $50,000 and someone who earns $500,000 a year? Is it their education, their experience, the amount of money they have already, or is it simply a lucky break?

    One of the things I discovered in my 40-year career is that successful people do things in a different way. To put it yet another way…they do things that the majority of people are not willing to do. Most have been conditioned to believe that creating wealth is difficult, or that it’s only for the lucky few. What do you believe?

    Everyone wants greater financial success, but the statistics say that most will never have it. Get this…this is shocking! According to the U.S. Social Security Administration, the average retired couple has less than $7,000 in savings. At retirement, 45% will depend on extra money from relatives for their survival. 30% depend on charity. 20% will still be working, and only 5% will be self-sustaining.

    Wow! I don’t know about you, but I find this unbelievable and even frightening!

    I’m sure that people never believe, or even think, this would ever happen to them, but statistics say it will! So, according to statistics, at age 65, you’ll still be working for someone else and with no nest egg to retire or depending on relatives to survive. I don’t think people plan for this to happen. No one in their right mind would make a plan like that. They simply don’t have a plan for it not to happen. They convince themselves that someday they are going to be a success, to start their own business, to make a financial plan for their future, to have all they want in life…someday.

    Someday...what an interesting concept. Think of all the things that were supposed to have happened by now…that someday that you may have convinced yourself was just around the corner. To most, that someday is where we’ve convinced ourselves we would be right now, if only we had more time, more talent, more education, more money, or maybe a better opportunity available.

    How about you…is your level of financial success today where you thought it would be five years ago? Before going any further, I would urge you to stop right now and take a realistic look at your last five years. Have you truly made progress? Are the last five years what you wanted? Are you where you thought you’d be today? And, most importantly, do you have a solid plan for the next five?

    You and I both know that there are no guarantees in life, but I’m going to suggest to you is what you’ve probably already concluded…for things to change in your life, you have to make a change. I want to help you to make the changes necessary to have all you want in life.

    Too many people like to complain, but just don't want to make the effort. They don't have time. They'll do it next year. Let me tell you, you have to find time to get your financial situation in order if you want to gain wealth. Time is costing you money. The more time you spend trying to pay off credit cards, the more you pay the credit card company and contribute to their wealth.

    I’m not saying to ignore your financial obligations. What I’m saying is that paying off your credit cards, although a good place to start, will not bring you wealth. Why? Because after you pay them off, you are still left with the mentality that charged them to the max in the first place.

    Don't let denial, fear, laziness, procrastination, or a need for drama get in your way of your wealth plan. You can have all the money you want. It just takes learning and developing the traits that rich people use, and some time to make it happen. The pathway to wealth is something you can absolutely choose to take.

    To become wealthy, you will need some vital traits. Let me offer you a few.

    First is a firm decision to become wealthy. Wealthy people you’ll find make solid decisions and commit to seeing them through. Those who are not financially successful put off decisions or mess around with their decision once it is made.

    The first step in becoming financially successful is making the decision to become wealthy…one that doesn’t allow for anything less. Mediocrity is not an option to the wealthy. A decision creates a mindset, and a mindset makes you as mechanical and predictable as a calculator. Hit this number and it appears on the screen. Better yet, decide on a number and it appears in your bank account. It’s really surprising though how many people don't like to make decisions. They do all sorts of things to keep the moment of decision at arm’s length including: Gathering more data. Getting ready to get going…as soon as…Talking to more people. Getting other’s opinions. Not thinking about the decision. Fretting over who the decision might offend. Worrying about the resources needed to pull off the decision. Or hoping they’ll just get lucky and make the money they need without making a decision, etc.

    The real problem is that most are stuck in a comfort zone and making a decision would possibly mean having to do something different that might be a bit painful. That’s a decision we all face…the pain of staying stuck in our current situation or the pain of change. Most people would rather live with the old you for fear that becoming the new you would be too painful.

    Let’s say a person makes a decision to be wealthy. What happens next when the old programs, the old habit patterns, and mind chatter kicks in? Wait a minute! What makes you think you have the talent to become wealthy? I’ve never done it before! Maybe I really can’t become wealthy. I don’t have the expertise, time, money, etc. to become wealthy. And before long, all the self-talk has pulled you off course and changed your decision into something totally different from becoming wealthy. Sound familiar? We all do it to some degree.

    Remember this: every income level requires a different you. You have to be willing to let go of the old you and embrace the challenge of becoming the new you. And, if you want to learn, grow, and change, you have to hang around people that challenge you to become better. If you want to become a million-dollar-a-year earner, but yet you hang around and take input from people

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