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Summary of Night Broken: by Patricia Briggs | Includes Analysis
Summary of Night Broken: by Patricia Briggs | Includes Analysis
Summary of Night Broken: by Patricia Briggs | Includes Analysis
Ebook42 pages18 minutes

Summary of Night Broken: by Patricia Briggs | Includes Analysis

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Summary of Night Broken by Patricia Briggs | Includes Analysis



Chapter One

Mercy is washing the dishes after a family breakfast with her stepdaughter and a female member of the pack, Auriele, when the phone rings. Jesse answers the phone. Her mother, Christy, is ca

Release dateMay 18, 2016
Summary of Night Broken: by Patricia Briggs | Includes Analysis

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    Summary of Night Broken - Instaread Summaries

    Book Overview

    Night Broken is the eighth book in the popular urban fantasy series featuring heroine, Mercy Thompson. The book shares its urban Tri-City setting and some of its characters with previous books in the series as well as the Alpha and Omega series. The fearless protagonist, Mercy, finds herself faced with two new problems at the beginning of Night Broken.

    The ex-wife of Mercy’s husband, Christy, calls with news of a dangerous stalker and a plea for help. Adam Hauptman, Mercy’s husband, is hesitant to offer help for good reason. Christy is well known for being overly dramatic and causing a great deal of trouble when she is around. The idea of her coming to stay at the Hauptman’s home upsets not only Adam and Mercy, but also Jesse, Adam’s young daughter. Jesse is particularly fond of Mercy, and she knows that her mother will do anything she can to try to break the bonds between her, her father, and Mercy. As a shape-shifter and half-human, Mercy is just beginning to win the approval of the pack of werewolves for which her husband happens to be the alpha. She knows that Christy will do whatever she can to make her look bad in their eyes, and she is not totally convinced that Christy is over Adam. Despite her personal reservations, the Christy that Mercy overhears pleading with Adam on the phone sounds more hysterical and terrified than ever, and Mercy realizes that she will not be able to live with herself, or the pack, if something horrible happens to Christy.

    As if inviting her husband’s devious ex-wife to come and stay with them is not enough to deal with, Mercy receives a visit from Alistair Beauclaire, the fae Gray Lord, and he is not happy. The fae are shape-shifting creatures with unique magical powers. Beauclaire possesses a variety of supernatural powers and has a reputation as a nasty character. He and the fae have been banished to a reservation since they declared war on the United States. Beauclaire is looking for a family artifact,

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