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Raising the Energies of Mother Earth Before and After Ascension: The Highest Truth
Raising the Energies of Mother Earth Before and After Ascension: The Highest Truth
Raising the Energies of Mother Earth Before and After Ascension: The Highest Truth
Ebook81 pages1 hour

Raising the Energies of Mother Earth Before and After Ascension: The Highest Truth

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Mother Earth has ascended and can no longer exist in the negative energies of the Third Dimension. This book reveals the truth behind Ascension in 2012 and explains how people can save the world by raising their energies to the state of oneness and unconditional love of the Creator.

We now have a new chance to build a future free of war,

Release dateFeb 1, 2017
Raising the Energies of Mother Earth Before and After Ascension: The Highest Truth

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    Raising the Energies of Mother Earth Before and After Ascension - Victoria M Cochrane


    This book has been centuries in the making. There are people who would wish that this information would remain unspoken, but the masters of the etheric realms, in consultation with our Creator, have deemed it time to reveal these truths that man has chosen to ignore.

    The messages in this book are not my words. I have brought them through from Master Saint Aloysius and the masters of the Cosmic Council, who tell me that my agreement to write this book goes back beyond this lifetime. I have absolute faith and trust that the words spoken here by the masters are the highest truth, and I am excited to be bringing these important messages to the world at this time.

    The messages within these pages are simple, and many are repeated by the masters over and over. They dispel many fallacies that man has chosen to believe and that have become part of his religions. When you read them, your beliefs may be challenged. The masters ask that you open your heart and mind to the possibilities and realities that are presented to you, and to cross the boundaries of the limiting beliefs that have held mankind back for so long. Mother Earth is on the brink of a new age, and it is time the world knew the truth.

    I am ever grateful to Creator and the masters for their patience and their faith in me, and I thank them for trusting me to bring this book to the world.

    I hope that the messages in this book resonate with you as much as they do with me.

    Blessings and light, Victoria Cochrane

    (Note: I acknowledge that the Creator of All That Is embodies both the masculine and feminine, but for the purposes of consistency, all references to the Creator in this book are in the masculine.)




    Wisdom is not written. Wisdom is just known. It comes from the ages and speaks the truth. We know what we know because we have lived it. We have seen it for ourselves.

    Knowledge comes from our Creator, who knows all there is to know. It is freely given to us and is to be used with our free will for the highest and best intentions. The Creator loves us unconditionally. There is no room for judgement and condemnation, for the very essence of him is love. That is all there is.

    You can feel him in your heart space. He is in every part of you. Every breath that you take is at one with the Creator. Nothing is separate from him. He has never left you, and he has never stopped loving you.

    This is the highest truth. Let no man tell you that God does not love you or that God will strike you down with no mercy. The universe has been made on the promise of love and love only. Free will allows man to feel hatred and to seek vengeance on his fellow man, but do not allow him to tell you it is on God’s behalf that he wreaks his wrath.

    Let God wrap his love around you like a blanket. Feel it in your veins. He whispers in the trees and he loves you like a child. You are his child. Know that he is with you and a part of you. When you are one with God, you are one with the All. When you know this, when you truly know it, you will know and speak only of love. That is all.

    I am God, the Creator.

    I love you.

    It is so.


    All life is sacred. Mother Earth gives life and protects all of her children. The trees are the keepers of the Earth. They stand like sentries and hold guard for decades and centuries, knowing Mother Earths secrets and keeping them safe. The tree sprites, nymphs, and fairies are the essence of nature. They guard the waterways, the plants, and the trees. They hold the energy of the Earth and sprinkle it with their magic. Fairies are what bring nature to life—they are the colours of the grass, of the flowers, and of the water. They are the tinkle of the stream and the call of the birds. They are the joy

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