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TERMINAL IMPULSES: a twisted suspense thriller
TERMINAL IMPULSES: a twisted suspense thriller
TERMINAL IMPULSES: a twisted suspense thriller
Ebook329 pages8 hours

TERMINAL IMPULSES: a twisted suspense thriller

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Stephanie Courtland has two very secret, very dangerous girlfriends who haunt her life with extreme compulsions and mysterious blackouts. She doesn't question what she does during these periods, but she dreams of blood on her hands. She has sharper memories of Ray Franklin, the man who molested her as a child and brutally killed her mother.

Release dateMay 22, 2018
TERMINAL IMPULSES: a twisted suspense thriller

Michael McDonald-Low

Michael McDonald-Low has an extensive writing background, having published extreme sports magazines for over twenty-five years. He has also investigated some of the United States' most important and complicated unsolved mysteries - soldiers missing in action. In September 2014, he was selected as the first-ever Southeast Asia Veteran Liaison for the Department of Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency. Specifically, he participated in independent MIA case analysis and review of unresolved ground loss cases in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. His popular non-fiction book, UNACCOUNTED, was the end result of his five-year journey to solve a personal MIA mystery from forty-four years ago.

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    Book preview

    TERMINAL IMPULSES - Michael McDonald-Low

    Chapter 1 • Snapshots

    Stephanie Courtland was antsy and fidgeting in her seat as the plane landed in San Francisco. She was thrilled to be attending the West Coast Advertising and Design Expo. All of the latest 2012 computers and design software would be on display and she was anxious to see what the most creative minds in her field were developing. Her boss had booked her into first class and she reveled in how well she was treated.

    She took a taxi from the airport to the Marriot Marquis, which was within walking distance of the Moscone Center where the expo was being held. The Marquis was spectacular and her room on the twenty-fifth floor was the nicest she'd ever stayed in. Her room overlooked the heart of San Francisco and it was wondrous, almost fairytale-like. After unpacking, Stephanie took a short nap and when she woke, she enjoyed a luxurious bath. She then dressed carefully for dinner. She was thrilled to be dining at the View Lounge on the thirty-ninth floor. She'd read all about it and the pictures they displayed in the hotel directory made her even more captivated.

    The View Lounge was elegant. She selected one of the plush red leather chairs at the end of the semi-circular marble bar. It was only 5:15 p.m., but there was a nice buzz to the restaurant with waiters bustling between the tables situated in the several Cove dining areas. She could see that each had views of the downtown, though not as spectacular as the private tables centered in front of the giant, semi-circular, spider web-like window situated directly across from the bar. She estimated the window to be at least fifty feet wide and twenty feet tall, and it provided an unprecedented panoramic view of downtown San Francisco and the Bay.

    It's where she first spotted him. He was sitting with two other men having dinner. She was immediately attracted to him and she had to be careful not to stare - he was that handsome. He reminded her of a young Tom Selleck; when Selleck was playing a detective in that old television show, Magnum PI. He was tall and handsome in a rugged sort of way, broad shouldered and extremely well built. He had curly dark hair, a thick, blackish-brown mustache, and a smile that could light a building. He was dressed expensively, though casually and seemed very self-assured. When she saw him the next day at the advertising conference, walking booth-to-booth at the trade tables, her fears of him being a dangerous stranger were eased. Unable to stop herself, she trailed behind him for a few minutes when he suddenly turned around and grinned at her.

    Are you following me? he asked with a smirk.

    Her knees buckled slightly and she blushed nervously through her smile at him.

    Hey, relax. I'm only kidding, but I've seen you here and at the hotel. It's really nice to finally meet you. I'm Ben.

    They hit it off right away and over the course of the next two days they spent much of their time together at the conference. They both enjoyed the intimacy they shared in a strange city, until it suddenly ended on the second night when he invited her back to his room for a nightcap. It was the night that Tiffany had come forward with Beth. She vaguely recalled something about an argument but the details eluded her other than how it made her feel: not sad, not angry, not anything. She really hadn't been very involved with him anyway.

    The next morning, on her flight back to Portland, she reflected upon her time in San Francisco and the things she'd learned and experienced at the convention: it had been exciting and empowering and she believed it was time well spent. She was confident the various computer design classes and demonstrations she'd attended would make her a better designer. With the comfort of that thought Stephanie settled into the plush cushions of her seat in first class and relaxed. She closed her eyes and slept until she felt a nudge on her arm. It startled her and made her jump. She opened her eyes to find an older gentleman seated across the aisle from her looking quite concerned.

    I'm sorry, Miss. You sounded terribly distressed and when you called out, I felt obliged to wake you. You appeared to be quite frightened.

    She was flustered and deeply agitated, but managed a sheepish smile at the man. I'm sorry I disturbed you. I watched a horror movie on television last night and I guess I shouldn't have.

    It's quite all right. I've done that myself. Those types of movies are not my favorite way to end the evening.

    She laughed politely, now fully awake. They shouldn't be mine either.

    The man nodded to her with a small smile and returned his attention back to his book.

    She glanced around the cabin and was relieved to see no one else seemed to have noticed her distress. She folded her hands on her lap and noticed a small drop of blood on the back of her wrist. She nervously wiped it away only to have it smear and spread a red, shiny wetness across the back of her hand and fingers. She closed her eyes tightly, counted to three, and then opened them to see that the blood was gone. It's happening again, she said softly to herself as she hurriedly undid the seat belt, picked up her purse and walked to the restroom. She closed the door behind her and turned towards the small sink and mirror. She stared at herself in the mirror and was terrified. She hadn't watched a horror movie at all, but it had seemed that way. She couldn't remember the details, but the blood on her hand worried her. Imaginary or not, she'd seen it before and knew what was coming., she said to the mirror, each word softer and more hesitant than the one before.

    She suddenly felt sick to her stomach and retched violently into the sink. She dropped her purse and gripped the cool edges of the aluminum. She bent and spit bile into the sink and experienced a sickening paleness wash over her. She shook and quivered, barely able to stand, her eyes closed.

    The imagery began without her being able to stop it.

    Click...Ray glaring at her as he kneels over her mother lying lifeless against the stove - her eyes wide open, the blue's faded, empty, staring at the end.

    Click...The deep, dark wood paneling, quiet yellow portholes, and the soft rocking of the boat - her laughter turning from fear to outrage at the betrayal.

    Click...The warm blues and blacks of a sandy beach at night and the craziness of the booze and pills - the sand between her toes as she walks into the ocean to wash away the chaos.

    Click...The incredible, multi-hued, sparkling display of the city and the biggest lie she'd ever been told - a smear of blackness ending the night.

    Her knees buckled and she collapsed to the floor, a cold sweat breaking out on her upper lip and forehead. Her legs were splayed in front of her next to the small toilet. Her chin drooped against her chest. In a heartbeat, she gasped and suddenly straightened, hearing the voice within her.

    Get a grip, girlfriend. This is no time for you being all girlish and fucked up. We're on an airplane for Christ sakes, Beth said harshly.

    Come on, Stephy. We've got this, Tiffany soothed.

    She listened, but it took her several minutes to compose herself. Once she did, she stood and turned on the water to wash away the mess she'd created and wondered if removing the disturbing images would ever be that easy.

    Those were just bad thoughts, Stephy. Part of a dream. You know we love you and we'll always be here for you, now and forever. Now relax and enjoy the rest of the flight, it's just your style. Tiffany cooed to her.

    She took comfort from the words and was suddenly relieved, though truthfully, she didn't know why.

    Fix yourself. You'll feel better. It was Beth, determined to right the ship.

    She picked up her purse and removed her make-up bag. She carefully freshened her foundation, mascara, and then her lips. She leaned forward and carefully examined herself in the mirror. Satisfied that she was presentable, she returned to her seat. The remainder of the flight passed slowly and at times she wanted to scream and cry out but knew better than to cause a scene, Beth repeatedly warned her not to and the consequences that would take place if she did.

    When the flight landed, she rushed to her car and drove home as quickly as she could. Her mind struggled to concentrate and she could barely contain her physical movements to drive. She was distraught, but one searing thought kept burning in her - check the Internet.

    She pushed through her front door and literally threw her suitcase on the floor. She frantically ran to her desk and turned on her new iMac. She thrummed her fingers impatiently until the white-framed monitor opened and when it did, she went to the Google search site and entered 'SF News.'

    Before the page could freshen, Beth came forward and told her, Let me check. I'm a faster reader than you are and I don't need glasses. Gimme a sec. Beth paused a few moments before saying, Nope, nothing about a Ben or anyone else we know.

    No news is good news, trilled Tiffany. I told you, Stephy, there's nothing to read and if there was don't be afraid. We never become so involved that we don't pay attention to the details. Chill out, this is not the end of the world.

    Stephanie didn't quite understand what Tiffany meant, but she was suddenly terrified by the implication. Her body began to tremble and her hands began to shake uncontrollably. She felt the rush of paleness wash over her, draining her. She wanted to faint, disappear, or fade into nothingness, but she couldn't. Instead, she stood up, closed her eyes and started to whirl in a circle; her arms stretched wide and open. Faster, and faster, and faster she spun, until she wobbled, lost her balance and fell to the floor. She sat and held her head tightly with her hands, letting the spin come down. When she began to think of what was next, she stood up and remembered.

    She stumbled as she ran to the bathroom desperate to find the Ativan anxiety meds she'd borrowed from Evan. The bathroom mirror hiding the medicine cabinet shattered when she threw the door open. She didn't care. She clutched the yellow-gold plastic prescription bottle and pushed down on the white cap. Opened, she shook two of the tiny white pills from the bottle and cupped them into her mouth.

    It took twenty frantic minutes for the medication to take effect, while she lay on the bed talking with Diana and blubbering things she could hardly comprehend. When the pills finally did kick in, her sister assured her that everything was fine and to not take her flings with men so seriously.

    Chapter 2 • Counting the Days

    Collapsing onto the lumpy mattress that covered his metal bunk in the gray, dimly lit, eight-by-ten-foot concrete cell, Ray Franklin was weary from another day of trying to teach computer skills to a bunch of illiterates from the Aryan Brotherhood. It was the price he paid for their protection and also their drugs. The AB was his source for steroids inside Washington State Penitentiary and they insured he had an unending supply of his personal favorites: Anadrol and Equipoise. The steroids helped define his body and they made him bigger and angrier, but not dumb. He'd had enough of dumb.

    He relaxed against the coolness of the cement wall, closed his eyes, and thought of the rain earlier in the day that he'd seen through the skylights of the library. It was one of a thousand things he'd missed and how simple of a pleasure it was to lie in bed and listen to the rain beat against the window at night, the trees rustling, their branches swaying to the rhythm of the winds. Soon, he hoped. And he knew it would be. He'd already been moved to an out-processing cell on the first floor, out of the commons and Gen Pop. It wasn't any better but he was finally alone.

    A sudden, but all too familiar impulse struck him and he flinched from the mind-numbing, claustrophobic closeness of his imprisonment. Nineteen years and ten months behind bars seemed an eternity and he hated it more than ever. He scratched and rubbed his closely shaven head, the frustration building within him. He flexed and pumped his arms feeling the veins in his neck expand like thick, red cords as his body began to throb and pulse. He threw his head back and screamed in silent rage at the steady cacophony of men talking, shouting, farting, grunting, arguing, belching, and snoring; the mind-dulling buzz of his intimate surroundings only quieting to semi-stillness in the dead of night.

    Franklin stopped, lowered his head and took a deep breath. Chill motherfuckers, he ordered his demons. Not now.

    He concentrated on his breathing, slowed his heart rate, and let his mind wander to the drift and his favorite fantasy, Alice Courtland. He remembered everything important about how they began: he'd first spotted her waiting tables at the Flitter Inn and he was immediately attracted to her. She was blonde, blue-eyed, gorgeous, and built like a brick shithouse, albeit a softer-edged one. Her low-cut blouses and tight-fitting pants accented her figure and added to his carnal interest. She had an easy, inviting demeanor, and he liked the way she talked to him - her lips pouting and suggestive. He soon discovered that she was his kind of woman: a happy drunk, emotionally damaged from a recent divorce, and anxious to find a man to take care of her and her three kids. She was also sexy as hell. He wanted her, but knew better than to rush into a bad decision that would saddle him with too many responsibilities, and worst of all, cost him real money.

    It didn't take him more than a couple of weeks of drop-ins at the Flitter to set a date with her. She was anxious to go out with him and he'd gone out of his way to make sure she was impressed with his wallet. He'd made it a point to order the best bourbon and he always bought her a matching cocktail that included a twenty-dollar tip. It worked.

    He'd selected Mariposa, a small, intimate Italian restaurant and its extensive and expensive menu delighted her. He ordered appetizers and drinks and they settled into conversation about their lives and backgrounds. He learned she'd been dating on and off since she began working at the Flitter and if anything, she was tired of it. Alice candidly admitted to him she was barely making ends meet, and that it was becoming harder for her to find the time to work, meet and date someone, and be a good mother.

    When he asked her what her hopes were for the future, he wasn't shocked or surprised by her answer.

    I want, no, I need a man who isn't boring and predictable like my ex-husband. Most of all I need a man who has the drive, the money, and the passion I desire.

    She wasn't kidding.

    He remembered how he smiled at her when she talked of her need for passion. They spent the next twenty or thirty minutes talking about sex. Certainly, the drinks had loosened their tongues, but she felt quite comfortable and even enthusiastic when he intimated his need and hunger for her.

    They hurried through dinner and finished with a shared Spanish Coffee. When they stepped out of the restaurant it was freezing cold and their breath rose in the frigid air like smoky puffs from small dragons.

    Brrr. It's nasty out here. Come here and warm me up, she said, stopping in front of his car smashing her lips into his and pushing her wet tongue into his mouth.

    He kissed her back roughly. The aroma of her heavy perfume encircled them, and he tasted the lingering sweetness of the coffee and rum on her breath and mouth. To him it was nectar, and it made him helpless to his needs and desires.

    She pulled back from his embrace, her red lipstick smeared across her lips from the kisses. She then said softly, I really like you a lot, Ray. I'd invite you to my place, but it's small and the kids are there.

    I understand, darlin'. I have a room nearby. I didn't want to drive this late after drinking. We can go there if you like.

    Ummmm. Let's do it. I'm pretty buzzed.

    He had to take it slow when he escorted her to his car because she was weaving and stumbling. He knew she was ready for anything when he poured her into the front seat as she giggled and squirmed and went out of her way to tease him with her exposed thighs and quick peeks of her red, sheer panties.

    He smiled at her antics. She was funny and she made him laugh.

    After finally getting her buckled in, he drove slowly away from the Mariposa. There was no real need to rush. He'd picked the Motel 6 because of its nearby location, along with its convenient car-to-door access to the room.

    When they arrived in front of the door numbered 135, he parked. He helped her out of the car and guided her to the room. She tittered and laughed, wobbling and clutching his arm for balance as they made their way to the door.

    As soon as he keyed and opened the door she ran to the bed, ripped the comforter back, kicked her shoes off, and flopped down on the white sheets, raising her hands and calling to him. Come on, I want to kiss you. Don't make me wait, she pouted.

    He sauntered over to her, bent down, and she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close, kissing him hungrily.

    He gently extracted himself from her embrace, grinned at her, and confidently suggested, Alice, hold on a minute. We're not in a hurry. Why don't you relax and take off your coat? You can make yourself comfortable and I'll be right back. I'm going to use the bathroom for a sec, and then we can have us some fun.

    She pouted again and with reluctance said, Okay.

    She didn't mean it.

    She laughed, took off her coat and threw it across the padded chair next to the bed. She coyly pulled her sweater over her head, stripped it from her arms, and tossed it on top of the coat. Still sniggering with delight, she reached behind herself to unclasp her bra. She fumbled for a moment before dropping the black lace garment and exposing her large breasts, her nipples taut, shaking them at him. With a wicked smile she then lay on her back, lifted her butt, and removed her skirt and panties.

    She was pink and wiggling like a baby, squeezing her hands at him the way hungry babies did. I'm ready, Ray. Come and get me, she taunted as she lifted the sheets up to cover herself, while beckoning to him with her index finger.

    I'll be right back. Hold that thought, he said, smiling and leering at her remark and playfulness. He then turned and went into the bathroom.

    He hurriedly stripped off his clothes and removed the heavy leather belt from his pants. He rolled it and stuffed it into the pocket of the black robe he'd left hanging on the door hook. He shrugged into the robe, tied its belt, and checked the pocket for the condom. Satisfied he had everything, he opened the bathroom door and saw that she was still stretched out on the bed, partially covered by the sheet. Her blonde hair lay sprawled on the pillow behind her head and her eyes were closed. Her arms lay languidly across her body, her long fingers interlaced, the tips of her painted nails sharply red against her pale skin. Her legs were stretched out in front of her, her feet relaxed and sticking out of the bottom of the white sheet. Her painted toenails sparkled like red Christmas lights.

    He wanted her more than he expected, but he wasn't in a hurry. He slowly walked to the side of the bed and pulled the belt from the pocket of his robe. He carefully laid the coiled black leather next to the pillow beside her before removing his robe and climbing onto the bed, next to her. He kissed her as he straddled her waist with his knees, his arms straight, next to her shoulders. He bent down, nuzzled her ear and kissed her neck.

    She opened her eyes, yawned, and stretched her arms above her head, her legs flexed, her toes pointed.

    Bout time, baby. Now, it's my turn.

    She pushed up and out from underneath him and rose from the bed. He could tell by the way she swerved and stumbled to the bathroom that the evening was shaping up nicely.

    A minute later he heard the toilet flush and then the door opened. She paused in the doorframe, her hands on her hips. Do you like what you see, Ray?

    Before he could answer, she was quick to the opposite side of the bed from where he lay, his head propped up by his hand, arm bent. She sat and slipped her legs onto the bed. With a movement he could only think of as sliding on a sheet of glass, she was quickly next to him, face-to-face.

    Let me have you, she said hungrily as she slid downward, her mouth open and reaching for him.

    He let her do what she wanted. And she was very good at it, he thought, as he reached for the belt. He then bent down and said softly to her, Hold on there, girl. Slide up a bit, I need to have a better view.

    She stopped and scooted forward under him.

    He moved his knees inward and roughly pinned her hips, his hands pressing down on her shoulders.

    She squeaked, gazed somewhat drunkenly at him and said, I like it when you’re rough with me.

    Well, darlin', I do too. And I've got something for you. It's a belt, like we talked about. Do you mind if I try it on you?

    She shook her head slightly, her tongue licking her lips.

    He slipped the belt around her neck, threaded the pointed end through its notched opening and pulled it until it clicked a few times, and then a few more. It was firm, but not tight. How does that feel? It's not too tight is it? he asked, attempting to sound concerned. He didn't want her to bolt from the bed screaming that he was trying to kill her. He wasn't. He just had his own ways of doing things. Things he liked.

    She reached up and felt the roughness of the leather and said with a lazy smile, It's real nice. Now, make love to me.

    He didn't need to hear anymore. He hurried to put on the condom and penetrate her. She was enthusiastic and didn't hesitate to vigorously demonstrate she wanted it as much as he did. He pounded her and felt his lust and passion building and he let it spin up right until he pulled the belt tight enough to make her gasp.

    The effect was what he expected and wanted; she shuddered and started to struggle against him, but she moved her hips in a frenzy grinding against his thrusts. He pinned her arms down forcefully and watched her carefully as he continued to ravage her convulsions.

    She came when he climaxed and to him it was exquisite. He then quickly released the belt and watched her cough and gulp for breath. She soon smiled. That was yummy, she said, her voice hoarse from the belt, her blue eyes dreamy and unfocused.

    Right at that moment, the fantasy ended and Franklin sat bolt upright on the bunk. He was in a sweat, his pulse jammed. Fuck me, he hissed to the prison walls, his voice nothing more than a whisper against the cement.

    He recalled how it all ended for him at a time when he had everything. Blurred images of Alice's death against the stove, his arrest, the trial, the fucking girl's lies, and the newness of prison all flashed through his mind. He hadn't wanted to kill Alice. She had everything he wanted: the body, the looks, the kink, the hunger. Hell, she made him nothing but money from the photos he took of her and sold to the underground porn mags. She loved posing for him in naked, salacious positions. The video they produced took it to another level and she was totally into it. Her death was an accident, but that's not what the girl said.

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