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The Legend of SqueezeboxSqueeze: A Miraculous, Magical, Musical Tale
The Legend of SqueezeboxSqueeze: A Miraculous, Magical, Musical Tale
The Legend of SqueezeboxSqueeze: A Miraculous, Magical, Musical Tale
Ebook247 pages3 hours

The Legend of SqueezeboxSqueeze: A Miraculous, Magical, Musical Tale

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About this ebook

“I thoroughly enjoyed The Legend of SqueezeboxSqueeze. It was clever, original and heartfelt, evoking the full range of emotions. Musicians (of any age) especially will love this story and the illustrations.”

—Matthew Dykeman, Producer for NPR’s “From the Top”


Release dateDec 21, 2018
The Legend of SqueezeboxSqueeze: A Miraculous, Magical, Musical Tale

Mark Shamlian

Mark Shamlian, freelance illustrator, portrait painter and designer resides in a semi-rural area outside of Boston with his wife, Gina. With his debut novel, The Legend of SqueezeboxSqueeze, he combines his love for illustration, music, and writing. When not engaged in the creative process, he lives an unremarkable life, enriched by various hobbies, humans and animals. For more info about Mr. Shamlian, visit or find him on Facebook.

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