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A River Between Us: A Riverview Series Novella
A River Between Us: A Riverview Series Novella
A River Between Us: A Riverview Series Novella
Ebook141 pages2 hours

A River Between Us: A Riverview Series Novella

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How exactly do you introduce your date…to your husband?

Holly Combs must figure that out fast when she and her date show up at the same restaurant as her husband of four years, Justin. She has made a life outside of Riverview, keeping her friends and family at arm’s length due to a horrifying event t

Release dateMar 11, 2019
A River Between Us: A Riverview Series Novella

JoAnna Grace

JoAnna Grace lives in a world of alpha males and strong females where true love conquers all—at least in her mind!From the time she started holding a crayon she began to create magical worlds. Her first book was a series of pictures about a puppy princess. The story changed each time she told it, but there was always a happy ending! Her first written story was about girls who changed into tigers.Now, as the author of The Divine Chronicles, the Blake Pride Series, and more, those stories have become a bit more complex and sexy!JoAnna’s tales are spun at her home in East Texas where she lives with her husband, three kids, and a Diva Dog. When not hiding behind the computer screen you can find her camping, boating, and shopping.Keep up and find her online! She loves to hear from her readers.

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    Book preview

    A River Between Us - JoAnna Grace


    The Roles We Play

    Riverview Romances

    Why The River Runs


    Divine Chronicle Series:

    Divine Awakening

    Divine Destiny

    Divine Judgment

    Divine Encounter

    Divine Pursuit

    Blake Pride Series:

    Pride Before The Fall

    Break Her Fall

    The Harder They Fall

    Divided We Fall

    For more information on JoAnna’s books, signings, events, and more,

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    A Division of Y&R Enterprises, LLC

    PO Box 2283

    Lindale, TX 75771

    This book is a work of fiction. Therefore, all names, places, characters, and situations are a product of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, places, or events is entirely coincidental.

    Copyright © 2019 by JoAnna Grace

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever. For information address Y&R Ent. LLC/Arrow Book Works, PO Box 2283, Lindale, TX 75771.

    For information about special discounts for bulk purchases, please contact Y&R Ent. LLC/ Arrow Book Works by email at: [email protected]

    Cover Design by Inkstain Design Studio

    Book design by Champagne Book Design

    Printed in the United States of America

    Library of Congress Control Number Data

    Grace, JoAnna.

    A River Between Us / JoAnna Grace.

    Fiction. | BISAC: FICTION / Romance / Contemporary. | FICTION / Romance / General. | FICTION / Romance / Short Stories.

    LOC # : 201990203

    ISBN 978-1-940460-26-0

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    Table of Contents

    Title Page

    Other Books


    A Note From Jo


    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine


    Bonus story: River, Take Me Home

    Sample of Why the River Runs

    About The Author

    A Note From Jo

    Thank you, dear readers, for once again picking up a JoAnna Grace novel.

    I hope you enjoy it.

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    Four years ago, down by the river.

    HOLLY’S STOMACH TURNED CARTWHEELS as she faced Justin Meyers and held his hands.

    The minister cleared his throat and smiled. Repeat after me. I, Holly Grace Combs…

    I, Holly Grace Combs… Thank God he said her name. She might’ve forgotten it, as nervous as she was.

    Take you, Justin Alexander Meyers…

    Take you, Justin Alexander Meyers…

    As my lawfully wedded husband.

    Husband. Holy hell. Justin would be her husband; to have and to hold until death they did part. She said the words, meant them with all her heart. Justin had been the great love of her life since they were kids playing house together. College had pulled them apart the last couple years, but as he repeated his vows back to her, she knew this was the right thing to do.

    The Sanguine River flowed behind them as the preacher pronounced them man and wife and Holly kissed her best friend since childhood in the presence of her brother and his flavor of the week.

    Now, y’all don’t get me wrong, said the preacher with a wide smile that shined as bright as the moon on the river. I don’t mind performin’ this ceremony ‘cause I’ve known it was comin’ since you was both runnin’ ‘round the playground at church. But y’all might wanna tell your parents b’fore you file the actual paperwork. I usually don’t do this without the license. But you got your witnesses present and it’s better than you kids livin’ in sin, I guess. You’re married in God’s eyes; that’s what counts. He slapped Justin on the back and left with Hunter and his girlfriend.

    Holly and Justin stayed hand-in-hand, staring at each other with matching grins, the water flowing gently behind them. She loved his smile. She loved that special spark in his eyes when he smiled at her. No one else saw it. Only Holly.

    We’re married, he whispered.

    Yeah, seems that way. Holly met his dark hazel eyes and bit her bottom lip.

    Justin ran his fingers over her cheek and through her hair. I love you, Honeycomb. Always have, always will.

    I love you too. His hand cupped her cheek and she kissed his palm. Our parents are going to freak out.

    I’m not worried about it.

    She let out a huff of air. You never worry about anything. Which was why she worried about everything.

    They laughed and kissed until excitement turned into desire. Justin rented a hotel room down the river and they didn’t come up for air until the next afternoon.

    Holly lay naked in the bed, her legs intertwined with Justin’s. We have to get back to reality.

    Justin propped his head up on his elbow and frowned. Yeah. We should tell our parents, and our friends…and you should make sure Lance isn’t going to be an issue.

    Chills vanquished all the elation from the last twenty-four hours. It was time to face her ex-boyfriend once and for all.


    HOLLY SIGHED AND GLANCED at her watch one more time. Only ten minutes had passed since the last time she’d checked it. Dang. Twenty more minutes until the bank closed. Those twenty minutes would be busy with everyone trying to deposit or cash their paychecks for the week.

    Three and a half years was a long time to work this job. It had quickly become stale. She often found her mind drifting as she sat, waiting for cars to come through. Her thoughts centered on a watery grave that could’ve been her own, a night that forced her from her hometown and transformed her identity.

    Luckily, this Friday afternoon, the line was bustling with cars and her thoughts couldn’t go too deep.

    She smiled at the customers in the drive-through, laughed at their poor jokes, and was vigilant about making sure she didn’t screw something up. People tended to get upset when you deposited their checks in someone else’s accounts or transposed numbers. She had only done that once, when she first started. The screaming woman chewed her a new one right in front of her manager. Thankfully, he was a God-fearing man who believed in second chances.

    The bank-teller gig provided her a paycheck, but it wasn’t anything her heart was into. She wanted to get home to finish working on the sweet car in her garage. The black 1970 Plymouth Barracuda was her dream come true. An older man who frequented the bank saw her wall calendar and asked if she liked muscle cars or if her boyfriend had given her a crappy birthday gift. Luckily, the drive-through was empty and they talked muscle cars for ten minutes before he told her about his collection. Holly’s face must’ve lit up like Christmas morning, because the man and his wife invited her over for dinner.

    The Barracuda had belonged to their son, who was killed many years ago. The wife struggled to let it go until she saw how Holly drooled when her husband removed the tarp. They had to talk it over first, but they finally agreed to sell it cheap to Holly if she swore to fix it up and give it an adventurous life. That vow was the easiest she’d ever made…well, second easiest.

    With so much time on her hands, it presented the perfect project. As much as she wanted to call the best mechanic in three counties and tell him all about it, she wouldn’t bring herself to dial those numbers.

    Holly’s direct line rang and she jumped.

    First Bank of Dalton, this is Holly. Can I help you?

    "Holly, good afternoon, this is Danny over here at the Dalton Monthly Magazine. Um, it’s that time again and I know you said last year was your last year, but, uh, all the boys at the fire station were hoping you’d model again for their feature issue."

    Her eyes clenched tight and her face drew up. Isn’t it a bit early for that? Holly still took a light sweater to work during those cool March mornings and the magazine usually didn’t feature the firemen until September or October.

    This year, we’re doing their feature early.

    Oh…well…I haven’t really done any modeling work in a while, Danny. I haven’t seen a gym in three months. Her snug dress slacks could testify to that.

    Danny had a deep southern drawl to make any woman melt. The voice lent to the image of a tall strapping cowboy who worked shirtless with horses and tilted his hat to women. The reality was so not that. Oh, now, you know that’s no deal breaker, Holly. You’re still the prettiest girl in Texas and those past issues sold out in a matter of days. He chuckled, and she imagined his face red with blush. It’s a huge fund raiser for the department too.

    "In the last three years I’ve been modeling for this magazine, I’ve had fifteen marriage proposals, nine men who openly told the bank they would move their accounts here if I personally saw to their business, two of which were married, and one full-on stalker whose picture is on the board in

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