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A young man Seth goes on an incredible journey exploring the amazing world of lucid dreaming, meditation and out of body experiences. Throughout his adventure he learns that his directly connected with the power of angels. Seth journeys in and out of the dream world to find that he has a big part to play in the cosmic plan that is happening with

Release dateMay 24, 2019


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    THE SEVENTH ANGEL - Jerimiah Molfese



    Seventh Angel

    a dream journal & transformational guide

    into the world of lucid dreaming

    Jerimiah Molfese


    To my readers,

    This book was made from my real lucid dream experiences. I have hundreds of lucid dreams and all the different places that I have been is portrait in The Seventh Angel. When you are in a lucid dream there are many types of guidance from dream characters to your own intuition. In many lucid dreams you will have many voices guiding you as you battle your dream and try to complete your intention that you want to accomplish. As you get good at lucid dreaming you will find that in all lucid dreams the dream is trying to stop you from accomplishing what you intend to do, very similar to waking life. I wrote this book with the intention for the reader to get a good understanding of the possibilities and type of place one can go in the dream world while portraying the incredible concept of becoming an angel as a human using lucid dreaming directed thinking and listing to our high intuition. As you read throughout this book please keep in mind that in the lucid dream state one can have many different voices and guidance from different places and it is my goal to give you the reader a bit of experiences throughout this book of what that might be like.

    Go to

    to get some free gifts I have prepared for you.

    Copyright © 2019 by Jerimiah Molfese.

    Paperback:  978-1-7330559-6-3

    eBook:  978-1-7330559-7-0

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    Ordering Information:

    For orders and inquiries, please contact:


    [email protected]

    Printed in the United States of America

    This book is dedicated

    to any person interested the power of angels




    Chapter 1:   The journey begins

    Chapter 2:   The Diary

    Chapter 3:   The awakening

    Chapter 4:   The confusion

    Chapter 5:   The uniting

    Chapter 6:   The Transformation


    I would like to thank Valerie Gautreaux

    for being a great friend and editor.

    I could not have finished the book with

    out the help she gave.

    I would like to acknowledge all the angels

    that have helped me write this


    Chapter 1

    The journey begins

    These experiments are very important to the welfare of all life on earth, my father said with a seriousness I’d seen many times before.

    In spite of his profound words, I didn’t understand what was so important about depriving a person of his senses in a flotation chamber, then flashing lights at him when he started to dream. The one hundred thousand dollar grant that Stanford University gave my father was a miracle, considering that the scientists here in California, and especially at Stanford, thought that my father was crazy. They considered the experiments that he was conducting on the lucid dream state as a waste of good grant money because the subject had no relationship to real science, and didn’t hesitate to say that the money could be used to conduct real experiments on real science.

    Personally, I found the experiments in lucid dreaming quite interesting. A person in the lucid dream state knows that he’s dreaming when he’s in a dream. When he reaches this state of lucid awareness in the dream, he can change the dream and control it in any way he wishes.

    My father had told me that, in the dream state, he was traveling through different worlds in a dimension that was different than the one I was in at that moment, saying, Seth, it’s important for you to know that this place we call earth is much larger than what meets the eye. Don’t ever forget that.

    The other scientists were saying that my father’s experiments were nothing more than a person going into a world of illusions created by different fragments of memory that arrange themselves as a dream, and that world appears to be real to the dreamer. They said that my father was becoming lucid within his own mind, creating a world of past memories.

    There I was, earning extra college credits assisting a loony scientist who thought he was traveling through different dimensions, opening new doors for humanity, when he was really only playing around with the imagination of the human brain, and not going anywhere beyond his own mind. And that loony scientist was my father!

    The EEG machine, hooked to my father’s head by electrodes, was reading his brain waves. The printout showed me that he was dreaming, and I knew it was time. Just before he went into the floatation tank, he said, Son, when the EEG shows that I’m in the REM (Rapid Eye Movement) stage of sleep, press this green button e. A soft flash of light would be sent to my father every second. And don’t forget to wake me at exactly ninety minutes from onset of sleep, I remembered him saying as I pressed the green button.

    I looked up in the direction my climbing partner went, and yelled as loud as I could, I can’t make it!

    I heard nothing. He had gone out of sight. I tried yelling even louder, I can’t make it!

    No reply.

    I realized I was stranded alone over a hundred feet up in the air. Paralyzing fear struck my body like a bolt of lightning as I thought, I can’t move. I’m going to fall soon.

    I screamed even louder, I can’t make it and I’m going to fall!!


    I knew I needed help or I was going to die. I looked down and wondered how the hell I’d gotten up here with no ropes and no climbing partner.

    Flash. A bright light illuminated all around me. What is that? I thought. I covered my eyes.


    Flash. There it was again. Flash. One more time.

    Suddenly I realized that I’d done it! I’m dreaming! I said to myself. I saw the light flash again, reassuring me that I was in a dream. My fear of falling disappeared because I knew I was dreaming, and that’s why I didn’t know how I got there.

    I realized that the flashing light (as another flash brightened the air around me again) is the signal to let me know that I’m dreaming. The lights are my dream sign.

    I jumped into the air and began to fly, remembering that I was in a plane of existence where there is no time, distance, or gravity. This plane is a thought-built region and I only have to think and feel what I want, and it will happen instantly.

    The sensation of flying in the air was magnificent! I could feel the air on my face, and smell it as it moved gently across my nose. It seemed so real. It was real. I was dreaming. I was lucid dreaming, flying in another dimension on a whole different plane of existence than the earth’s plane. I felt like the first person to walk on the moon.


    The moon. The moon, I thought again, and there it was, the most brilliant and brightest moon I’d ever seen. I landed on a rock to get a good look at the moon and thought, This is a dream, and I have an intention to accomplish. My intention is to find the girl. I tried to remember what she looked like and what her name was. Then it came to me. Her name was Amber. I yelled it out loud. Amber, come to me. Amber, I need to see you!

    I closed my eyes, concentrated, and yelled as loud as I could, Amber, where are you?

    Jamie, look behind you.

    The voice. That was the voice! I slowly turned around. Clouds began to form into a big, swirling storm moving in my direction. I was startled, but then remembered that this was a dream and I would wake up if I wasn’t careful with my feelings.

    Good, Jamie. Very good."

    That voice again. The clouds swirled like a small tornado, changing every second, eventually transforming into . . .

    Amber, is that you? Yes, Jamie it’s me.

    I knew that you would come if I asked. I see that you’re wearing the symbol on your necklace.

    Yes, she replied.

    The last time we met, you were wearing the symbol. That’s why I wanted to call you back. The symbol is very important to me and my work back on earth.

    I looked directly at her and asked, Amber, what’s the password to the path of spirituality?

    She looked directly at me and replied,

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