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Search Begins
Search Begins
Search Begins
Ebook190 pages2 hours

Search Begins

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Making it to School was only half the battle for Ian and the rest of his new friends. Now Ian’s trust will be tested to his breaking point. Who can he trust? Who’s telling him the truth? Who can Ian trust at School? How can he find Kayla?


PublisherStarnes Books
Release dateSep 15, 2023
Search Begins

Robert Starnes

Robert was born and raised in a small country town in NE Texas. At age 25, Robert began a career in Property Management where he has continued to work. Robert began writing in 2018, when he created The Multifamily Housing Guide: Leasing 101. The guide gave the essentials to anyone who is looking into starting a career in Multifamily Housing. Since then, Robert has written a five book series, 'Saving History Series' which is a YA historical fiction series. Robert went on the create a new guide for The Multifamily Housing Guide: Assistant Manager 101.

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    Search Begins - Robert Starnes


    I would like to take the time to dedicate this installment of the Saving History Series, to all of the parents, grandparents, friends, and teachers who have the privilege of being around and getting to know a Gifted Child. As someone with Autism Spectrum Disorder myself, I know how hard it is to make friends, but once we have then, we keep them forever. These Gifted Children can do more than most people, but just in a different way. That to me is what is so amazing about them!

      My nephew Jaxson went from non-verbal Autistic, to now low verbal Autistic. By the age of five, before he was speaking, he was spelling words out in Russian, then he started teaching himself Mandarin. Again, his brain works differently than almost everyone else’s, but he is also one of the smartest people I know at the age of seven. His parents are the best in the world and never give up on him and always push for him to learn as much as possible. So again, thank you all for either raising a Gifted Child, or are friends with one, or you teach several of them. You all make a big difference in their lives, and I thank you.

    Prologue: Council’s Invitations Answered

    The Council knew this special meeting they have called would have a few setbacks and possible conflicts. This thought was a possibility before they were forced to invite the Royal Brothers of the Embers. Before they were coerced by the Royal Brothers, Preston and Payton, their biggest concern was how to make sure the largest, unknown species, Aquarians, remained secret from all other groups, tribes, and humans alike. The Aquarians have lived in the oceans for so long, undetected, as humans have only been able to actually research twenty percent of the oceans, which the oceans make up seventy percent of the Earth. They know they can trust the Fairley’s and Windairians, but the unpredictability of the Embers made them question if any of the others would show, now that the Brothers were formally invited.

    The Council has already made preparations for a meeting of five, still hoping that the original three groups will attend the meeting. The Council has received no replies regarding anyone refusing to attend the meeting, which they take as a good sign.

    Now the day has arrived, and they will find out if the invitation to the Embers was a mistake. They do not have to wait long before the first of their invited guests arrive out in front of the meeting hall. The hall has a circular driveway with a large Angelic water fountain in the center of it. The first to arrive is Emma, the representative of the Fairley Folk, accompanied by her friend Rose. Upon arrival, the two of them are greeted by the Council, escorted inside the meeting hall, and taken to their seats at the table.

    Next to arrive is Travis, the leader of the Windairians, traveling alone. Travis is greeted by the Council and ushered inside the meeting hall in the same manner as Emma and Rose were. Travis is lead to a seat next to Emma, and as he is taking his seat, the Royal Brothers of the Embers, Preston and Payton, make their grand entrance into the meeting hall. They were not greeted upon arrival and are unescorted to their seats. Needing no introductions to the others, they make their way to the open seats on the opposite side of the table from the Fairley’s and Windairian’s.

    The Council leaves the groups inside and heads back outside for two reasons. One is to simply get away from King Preston, and the second is to make sure Fisher, the Aquarian leader, has a proper welcome, if he comes. The Council knows the importance of keeping the Aquarian people unknown to the world, and understands if Fisher has changed his mind, and now declines their invitation due to Preston and Payton’s invitation. The Council waits for thirty minutes and assumes Fisher has changed his mind, to protect his people. They then turn and walk back inside the council meeting hall.

    As the Council enters through the doors of the hall, commotion between the three groups left alone inside the room is the only thing to be heard. The Council can see his absence was a mistake, walking over to the table and taking his position as the Council Leader. Before he can take control over the unruly groups, they have all come to an eerie quiet. They are no longer arguing and yelling amongst themselves, but merely staring at the tall, green, quiet man walking into the room. It is Fisher, the Aquarian leader.

    Here we go, the Council leader thinks to himself, walking over greeting Fisher, then walking him over to his place at the table. Fisher takes his seat, while the others keep their stance and stare, until the Council draws all of their attention to his direction. He asks them all to take their seats and listen to why he has summoned them all here today. To his surprise, they all obey his command, leaving the floor open for the Council to speak.

    And so, the Council begins…

    Chapter 1

    Who Trusts Whom?

    Once Ian had everyone in the Sky Lounge of the school, he repeated the story Kayla had told him about Sebastian having a half-sister. He also told them about how he was unable to find any information about this previous child by Sebastian’s father. As he finishes, he receives the exact reaction he expected from them, blank faces staring back at him.

    Okay, don’t everyone speak at the same time, Ian tries to joke with the group.

    How sure are you that this story is true? Jax asks Ian.

    One hundred percent true. Kayla has no reason to lie to me. She wants to be back in our timeline just as much as I want her back, Ian stood his ground on the validity of the story he was told by Kayla.

    Well, this is news to me. Who is Kayla and what does she have to do with any of this? Maria is asking no one in particular.

    So, Maria, haven’t you been the person Jax always runs to for information from the Council? Ian directs his question.

    I would not put it exactly that way, but yes, Jax does receive important updates from me, in regards to anything of concern to the Believers, Maria answers Ian’s question.

    And who do you get your information from? If you don’t mind me asking? Ian replies.

    Where is all of this coming from, Ian? Maria has given us some very good and accurate information on matters at hand during our entire trip. Why are you questioning her or the information she has given me during our mission to get here? Jax is now stepping in before Maria can even answer Ian’s question.

    Because, either the information she has been given was not fully accurate, or she has been leaving out information from you, Ian explains to Jax.

    How do you figure, Maria is back to asking the questions.

    Well, to be honest, how is it that no one in the Council knew about Sebastian’s half-sister? And how is it that none of you were even aware of Kayla, Kenzie, and Connor, considering Kenzie has some very powerful abilities? Ian is demanding answers from Maria.

    What exactly has Jax told you about the Council, and what do you think we do? Maria asks back to Ian.

    From what I understand, the original Council members each gave up one of their own children to create the Believers. This was done because of Sebastian and his continued use of the Time Keeper. The Believers have been around ever since to help make sure that the Time Keeper remains in possession of the next in line of the Hele bloodline. Now, they were never able to directly intervene by showing the next in line where the Time Keeper was, once it was lost, but they could, however, spread rumors to lead them to it. As far as the Council goes, I am afraid Jax has not told me very much more about it, but I suspect that if the original Council members could give up their own children to create the Believers, then they must have some major power, or control, over others, Ian gives Maria a short, but accurate summary.

    I’m impressed. Jax has given you a very good history lesson on the Believers and how they were created. But it sounds like you know nothing else of the Council. Now that we have cleared that up, would you like to explain why you think we gave Jax incorrect information on purpose? Maria asks Ian for clarification.

    I don’t have to know what you do, exactly, to know that information you gave is incorrect. As powerful as I suspect you are, if you are giving information to Jax, then you were given the information, or you know where to look to find out the answers. So, again I will ask you, how is it that you do not know about Sebastian’s half-sister, Kayla, Kenzie, or Connor? I don’t mean to be so blunt, but we don’t have time to compare notes on what I know about the Believers and what I don’t. We need to know about that half-sister, Ian demands.


    Guards! Once the elevator made it back to his floor, Mason yells down the hallway, as he finds the other two guards laid out cold on the elevator floor and the traitor missing. Guards! What happened here? Where is the Traitor?

    Kayla is still in the bathroom, having just broken off her connection with Ian. She has no idea what’s happening outside in the hallway, but she is scared. Scared that Mason has found out the truth. The truth that she has lied to him that there is someone else who is the real traitor.

    She is pacing the bathroom floor when the knock on the door comes. Kayla? It’s me, Mason. Open the door please. We have a situation, Mason is not asking Kayla, and she knows it.

    Kayla walks over to the bathroom door, half scared to open it, but she knows she has no choice. If she does not open the door, he will get in one way or another. She decides it’s best to face this willingly.

    Kayla grabs the bathroom door knob and gives it a slow turn. She did not have to unlock the door, because she never locked it when the guard, whose body was used to tell her the story about Sebastian’s half-sister, was taken away and Mason left her in here to go interrogate him alone.

    Kayla takes a deep breath and opens the door. I guess this is it for me!

    As the door opens, Mason is standing there, looking at Kayla. Neither of them speaks for a few seconds. Mason is the first to break the awkward silence.

    Are you alone?

    Yes, why wouldn’t I be? You just left me here, and it was just us two in here. What’s going on?

    The traitor has somehow escaped. As I made it to the elevator to go down to speak to him, the elevator came up and the doors opened, and the guards that were sent to escort him to his cell were out cold on the elevator floor. The traitor is gone, Mason explains the events that happened out in the hallway.

    How is this possible? How can the guard just escape? Kayla wonders to herself before asking Mason. How did this happen? What kind of guards do you have working for you? You have had them watching my every minute, but I feel if I were in danger, they could not help me. They obviously can’t even protect themselves. What are you going to do now? Kayla asks Mason, with a hit of sarcasm in her tone.

    Mason feels her sarcasm and threatens her back, "Do not worry about my guards. They are fine and will protect you, if I ask them to. Or they will just report to me your every movement, if I ask them to do that. I think you should choose your next words very carefully because what you say next will determine what orders I will give the guards that pertain to you and your safety." Kayla fully understands exactly what Mason means, so instead of saying anything, at the moment, she gives him a quick nod.

    Now as far as the traitor goes, we will deal with him once we catch him. There is no way he has been able to leave this place. So, he is here, somewhere, and he will be found. I will tell you this, his actions do, however, support your theory of him being the traitor. I’m sorry I doubted your assumption about him, Mason finishes.

    I’m sorry as well. I’m sorry that one of your trusted guards is the traitor. I know you don’t trust people easily, so being betrayed by him must hurt you pretty badly, Kayla apologies back to Mason.

    Thank you, but I have a feeling you have something else you are wanting to say.

    I don’t want to upset you, or overstep my place, but this is exactly what you did to Alexis. You promised her you would protect me, but instead you turned around and betrayed her and keep me as a prisoner. Now you know how she would have felt if she knew this is what you would have done to her, Kayla tells Mason.

    You made your point very clear, Kayla. But you forget, Alexis is not here, and she abandoned you with me. If she knew anything about me, then she would have known she could not trust me. That means that all the things she told me about her being from the future were a lie. Someone from the future would have already known I was going to betray them, so why would she leave you with me? Mason tries to contradict Alexis’s

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