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America in the Last Days: The Jonah Nation
America in the Last Days: The Jonah Nation
America in the Last Days: The Jonah Nation
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America in the Last Days: The Jonah Nation

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While many Bible teachers are emphasizing gloom and doom for America. America in the Last Days, paints a brighter picture. This book compares the amazing story of Jonah with the future of the USA. Dr. Peter Wyns shows us in the Bible, God’s promise of end-time revivals. He takes us through the exceptional history of America and points to G

Release dateJun 1, 2015
America in the Last Days: The Jonah Nation

Peter Wyns

Dr. Peter Wyns is the President and Director of Ministry for Christians for Messiah Ministries as well as the Lead Pastor at Antioch International Church. Antioch International Church is the flagship church of Christians for Messiah Ministries. He has been teaching and ministering God's word for more than 50 years and has ministered in more than 40 nations around the world. Dr. Wyns is a Father in the faith and continues to bring healing, deliverance, and inspiration to all generations across the globe.

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    Book preview

    America in the Last Days - Peter Wyns

    Part 1

    Born with a Purpose

    Chapter 1

    Fanatical Muslims Attack Jonah

    Jonah's Tomb

    All three religions - Judaism, Christianity and Islam - esteem Jonah as a prophet sent by God. Perhaps that is the reason why his tomb survived for thousands of years. It survived, the military invasions of dozens of armies, two horrifying world wars, earthquakes and extreme anti-Semitism that continued throughout Europe for dozens of centuries. So many anti-Semitic rulers ravaged Europe and the Middle East, destroying every semblance of Jewish heritage, especially synagogues and tombs.

    I remember visiting a Jewish cemetery in Czechoslovakia in 1989. Every tombstone had been smashed, as if a crowd of violent men had spent days vandalizing it with sledge hammers. It was not that one stone, or a family group of stones was demolished; it was the entire cemetery. I could still make out the edges of Jewish Stars and Menorahs and fragments of Hebrew letters that seemed to cry out to me from the rubble. All three religions - Judaism, Christianity and Islam - esteem Jonah as a prophet sent by God. Perhaps that is the reason why his tomb survived for thousands of years. It survived, the military invasions of dozens of armies, two horrifying world wars, earthquakes and extreme anti-Semitism that continued throughout Europe for dozens of centuries. So many anti-Semitic rulers ravaged Europe and the Middle East, destroying every semblance of Jewish heritage, especially synagogues and tombs.

    Like almost everywhere in Europe and the Middle East, at some point, hatred for the Jews became volatile and their heritage was attacked, their tombs were desecrated. The tomb of Jonah, however, endured. His mausoleum, in the middle of a totalitarian Muslim nation, was left unscathed. Against all odds, it survived thousands of years, that is, until just this past year. On July 24, 2014, the so-called Islamic State, (ISIS) terrorists, a group of Islamic extremists, vandalized and destroyed the 2700-year-old tomb of Jonah the prophet. The tomb was, all but hidden, in a Muslim mosque, in the city of Mosul, Iraq; the city that once was called Nineveh. The modern outside world knew little of it. To my knowledge, no Christian pastor or Jewish rabbi, that I knew, even realized its existence. On that day, however, the tomb became a target. It was first attacked with sledgehammers and then explosives.

    Christianity flourished in the region, as early as the second century and by the sixth century Mosel became the Episcopal seat of the Nestorian-Christian faith. Originally, the building site that venerated the tomb of Jonah was a church. When the Muslims conquered the land in the seventh century, they turned it into a mosque, but continued to honor the memory of the great prophet. This was arguably, the resting place of the greatest preacher of all time.

    The Devil is Furious

    It is no accident, that having survived more than two and a half millennium, Jonah's memorial was destroyed this year. The devil is focused and furious because of what this man Jonah accomplished and more to the point, what is about to happen in connection with the on-going spirit and calling of Jonah. The dragon is afraid; the time has come, Heaven is focused on his ruin and he knows it. He is furious.

    The spiritual conflict on the planet has become more intense and a generation of new Jonahs is about to emerge. They will be revival-starters, mercy-extenders, powerhouse prophets, and anointed preachers. I am convinced that a great number of them will come from the United States of America.

    Scripture tells us of a future time when the devil becomes enraged. It happens when he realizes that his defeat is just around the corner. We read of his reactionary fury in the book of Revelation. It says, Then the dragon was enraged at the woman and went off to make war against the rest of her offspring - those who obey God's commandments and hold to the testimony of Jesus. And the dragon stood on the shore of the sea. Rev. 12:17

    The prophecy tells of a future date when Satan is cast down from the heavens. He is furious and he lashes out. From time to time, the devil understands what is about to happen, and in reaction, he attacks the people of God in order to hinder the ministry, that inevitably, is aimed against him. We are now living in such a time. That is why the tomb of Jonah was destroyed and why believers are being slaughtered in various countries around the world.

    The tomb has been destroyed and it was not an accident. What does the devil know that most Christians do not know? I will tell you; Jonah's army is coming, and it will signal the beginning of the end for him.

    The Story of Jonah

    Some Christians think that the story of Jonah and the great fish is the stuff of fables and folklore, but Jesus Himself validated the truth of the story. He said, As Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of a huge fish, so the Son of Man will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. The men of Nineveh will stand up at the judgment with this generation and condemn it; for they repented at the preaching of Jonah, and now one greater than Jonah is here. Mt. 12:40-42.

    If we believe that Jesus died and was in the earth for three days, then we must also believe that Jonah was in the huge fish for three days. Jesus confirmed both events in the same teaching.

    As we look back, we discover the man of God, the prophet Jonah. He was the son of a Jew named Amittai and was born in Gath Hepher, not far from the towns of Nazareth and Cana of Galilee. Gath Hepher is situated alongside the great end-time, war-valley, the Jezreel, the valley of Armageddon. He was from the tribe of Zebulon. Jonah was an actual man; we know his lineage, we know where he was born, and we know what he did.

    The Jewish Blessing

    Jonah was born into the nation that God chose to bless. The Israelites are God's chosen; they are blessed because of the patriarchs, and their gifts and calling cannot be revoked. Romans says, "As far as election is concerned, they [the Jewish people] are loved on account of the patriarchs, for God's gifts and his call are irrevocable." Rom. 11:28

    Called to a Calling

    People of faith understand the term; a calling from God is a special, predetermined intention for an individual or a people. It means that someone will be able to do something that is great; something that is extraordinary, and it will be unique to them.

    It is when God literally calls you, or assigns you to a task, a mission, or a responsibility. Somehow, you hear His voice, and you know what you have to do. It becomes a great passion in your life. It may come in your youth or

    later in life, and it may come to you in a moment of time, or grow within you over time. It is an amazing privilege to be called by God, but the truth is, that every human is called in some measure, to do great things for God. Discovering and fulfilling your calling is one of the greatest and most fulfilling adventures in life.

    The Jews are so blessed; they are called; they are endowed by their Creator. Their leadership is remarkable. I am always amazed to discover, for good or for bad, how so many Jews have left an astonishing mark on the world. Many have done evil things with the knowledge they had, but I prefer to focus on the good they have done. Permit me to focus on the subject of Nobel prizes. Although the number of Jews on the planet is minuscule compared to most other ethnic groups, they have, nevertheless, been awarded more Nobel prizes than any other ethnic group in the world. Twenty-two percent of all Nobel prizes have been awarded to Jews. They are definitely blessed by God.

    When God Singles Out a Jew

    As an ethnic group, the Jews are God's chosen people, but when God chooses one of them to do something special, that person becomes quite extraordinary. Jonah was a Jew with an extraordinary call of God on his life. That being said, the call of God is not always a sweet ride. The late Derek Prince, my grandfather used to say, There are two things that God will call us to that are always inconvenient; one is judgment day, and the other is the call to ministry.

    Both Jonah and the USA have a special calling and purpose, and it seems that both, were and are inconvenient. When anyone is called by God, they will have to deal with many emotional rollercoaster rides, and lots of rejection.

    Prophets Suffer Rejection

    Of all of the ministries God may call us to, the call of the prophet is the one that generally, experiences the most rejection. Prophets of the Lord must be bold and courageous. They must proclaim the word of the Lord whether it will be accepted or not. As if to make it even more challenging, they might be given a word that will be uncomfortable and even adversarial for the one for whom it is intended. No one likes to make enemies and no one likes to be judged, but every time a prophet speaks he or she is judged. The Bible even tells us to judge the words of the prophet. Let two or three prophets speak and let the others judge. 1 Cor. 14:29

    This means the life of a genuine prophet may be a lonely one. People may hold their friendship at a distance. A Jewish prophet faces double rejection, first because he is a prophet, and second, because he is a Jew. Jews have often been rejected by people of other nations. If not right away, anti-Semitism may rise up over time. Perhaps other people become jealous of the Jewish blessing. Perhaps they feel looked down on because they are not God's chosen people. Perhaps the success of their Jewish neighbors outshines them, or puts them in an inferior situation. Whatever the reason for the growing hatred toward the Jews, the dynamic is very real. Anti-Semitism has continued around the world and throughout history, and unfortunately, it is very much alive today.

    Jonah was a prophet of the Lord and he was a Jewish prophet, so he faced double rejection. For Jonah, the problem was exacerbated even more because God commanded him to aim his prophetic gift in the direction of his national enemy. Nineveh was the capital city of the Syrians, the enemies of Israel. The Ninevites hated Jonah and would just as soon, kill him on sight, because he was a Jew. Even before they heard who he was, or what his message might be, they already despised him, simply because of his nationality. How in the world could Jonah be expected to go and prophesy judgment to those who might want to kill him? We will give more details concerning Jonah's dilemma, in another chapter. All of these ingredients make a recipe for rejection, and Jonah had a cup full of it. He could not stand it and he ran from God. He ran from the pressure.

    Rejecting the USA

    The United States of America often deals with a similar dynamic. To start with, the success and blessings of God over the USA and her people are undeniable. She often champions good causes around the world, but is not always appreciated for it. Perhaps it is because, like the Jews, America has taken the lead economically, militarily and she influences dramatic changes in culture around the world, more than any other nation.

    Whether seen as good or bad, the USA is extraordinary and others are jealous; some are even fearful of her. Many are incensed with anger and hatred toward America because of her strength and her intrusion into their personal and national affairs. Some religious and ethnic groups have come to hate America because they have such opposing ideologies. For example, not all rulers embrace democracy, individual freedom, the Christian community, or a capitalistic based economy. When the USA promotes these ideals she is often seen as an arrogant meddler in other people's business.

    Like with Jonah, many in America have a sense of mission from God. They are compelled by faith or conscience to rescue the downtrodden and promote God-given values among the nations. That, however, is often construed as interference, and America is negatively labeled, 'the policemen of the world'. This is meant to be a derogatory term, however, policeman serving as they should, are only a blessing. in countries like present-day Libya, the level of crime, corruption, abuse and oppression is terrifying. It is because they have no adequate police force or government to protect them. The poor folk of that nation cry out for police protection but they receive none. They wish the USA would come and rescue them and help set their nation right. While many in the world wish they had what the Americans can deliver, they still disdain them, and even wish for their destruction.

    Jonah and America have much in common. It is not only reflected in their early disposition, but also in their future destiny and calling. We will look into the life of Jonah and discover a pattern that is yet to be played-out in the United States. Both reveal a story of waywardness and rebellion, but in the end, Jonah and America straighten out with amazing resolve. Both experience their God-intended mission.

    Chapter 2

    Hidden Messages

    Obvious and Hidden Messages

    America is not mentioned in the Bible, neither are computers or cars, yet the future is mentioned. The world we live in is alluded to in the scriptures. The future is there, although sometimes hidden.

    Some prophecies have an obvious meaning like Daniel's prophecy about the end of time. He writes, Multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake; some to everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt. Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever … Many will go here and there to increase knowledge. Da. 12:4

    These verses reveal four obvious things about the future.

    1. They tell us there will be a resurrection of the dead.

    2. Some will be resurrected to life and some to everlasting shame.

    3. These scriptures tell of an end-time revival, because believers will lead many to righteousness.

    4. These verses point to a dramatic increase in travel and a massive increase of information. Travel and information have increased with explosive proportions just as God's word predicted.

    Not So Obvious Messages

    Like the above-mentioned verses, there are obvious prophetic messages in the Bible. Then, there are messages in the Bible that are not so obvious. The Apostle Peter received a prophetic vision, but its meaning was hidden. Let us review Peter's story.

    At a time when Peter was hungry, God gave him a vision of unclean animals and told him to get up and eat them. In the vision, the animals were lowered before him on a sheet. The Bible says, Then a voice told him, 'Get up Peter, kill and eat.' Acts 10:13

    Three times the sheet was lowered with animals on it and three times Peter was told to kill and eat them. To Peter, this was an unreasonable command. It was unheard of, and extremely difficult because Peter was a Law observant, kosher -keeping Jew, and these were unclean animals. He was forbidden to eat these unclean animals. 'Surely not Lord!' Peter replied, 'I have never eaten anything impure or unclean.' The voice spoke to him a second time, 'Do not call anything impure that God has called clean.' This happened three times. Acts 10:14-16

    There was a hidden meaning in the vision and it became clear over time. It was not about eating food at all, but about receiving non-Jewish people. While Peter was wondering about the vision, a few non-Jewish men began calling him from outside the house. Peter met them and ended up going with them to the port city of Caesarea. There, he met Cornelius, the Roman centurion, and told him and his family about Jesus Christ.

    In time, Peter realized that the vision was not what it seemed. It was about Gentiles coming to Christ and not about unclean food items. God was preparing Peter for a shift in his thinking. Before that time, only Jews were being received into the church. Now, God was extending the gospel to all nations and to all peoples. The message of Peter's vision was like a riddle that needed to be solved. So while Daniel's prophecy about the future was obvious, Peter's required further revelation.

    The Powerful Number Three

    There are details about Peter's story that are even more hidden and only a studious disciple would catch them. For example, the sheet of unclean animals that was lowered and the words spoken to Peter to kill and eat, was given three times. If God gives a message three times, it is extremely serious; it is something that God is emphasizing.

    This is seen throughout the Scriptures; every word should be established by the mouth of two or three witnesses. Let us look at the number three. For example, Jesus prayed three times in the Garden of Gethsemane, Paul prayed three times for the removal of the thorn in his flesh, and Esther called the Jews to fast and pray for three days. Praying fervently about something three times, means you have prayed as you should. The prayer request has been properly brought before the Lord and now you should back away and leave it with Him, unless He says otherwise.

    The prayer example is only the beginning; Jesus' ministry lasted three years, His cross was one of three, and 'King of the Jews,' was written above his cross in three languages. His body was three days in the tomb and Jonah was three days in the belly of the great fish .

    God comes to us in three persons, His authority has three spheres. He is omnipresent (all present), omniscient (all knowing) and omnipotent (all powerful.) All matter that God created has three dimensions, (height,

    width, and depth), and time itself is past, present and future. These are God established truths and they are final.

    If you have the same dream three times, you had better pay close attention to it, it is surely a serious message from God. The number three is used by God to fully establish a truth about something. Good or bad, it becomes an established communication, a definitive demonstration, an emphasized focus or a totally settled issue. God has made the number three powerful!

    Peter saw the sheet with unclean animals three times, and he knew the message was extremely important. Forgive me, but I continue to belabor the point regarding the number three, to prove that there are hidden messages in the Bible.

    The children of Israel took three-day journeys, as they travelled through the wilderness after leaving Egypt. Later they were required, every year, to go up to Jerusalem for three pilgrim feasts. At this time in history, the Israelites, as a nation, have entered and reentered the Promised Land, three times. You will see, they are now established in the land - never to be removed from it again.

    Before the rooster crowed, Jesus told Peter he would deny Him three times, and Peter was one of Jesus' three closest friends. David fought a lion, a bear, and a giant, before becoming king. Elijah, in the cave, faced a hurricane, an earthquake, and a forest fire, before he heard the still small voice of God. There are three possible types of temptation, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the boastful pride of life. All and every temptation is included in this list of three. The list that points to the importance of the number three goes on and on.

    There is much to be said for Peter's sheet of unclean animals being lowered before him three times. Peter instinctively knew this vision was important because it happened three times. The message from God was confirmed and established but Peter had to figure it out and obey it. He

    dare not ignore what God was showing him. The process of discovery would fortify the fact that from now on, God was reaching out to the whole world and not just to Jews.

    At first Peter received the vision at face value; he thought it was about unclean food. It came three times so the message went deep into his spirit. Then the Gentile men called to him from the gate. Peter knew what God was saying. It was a hidden message, but he got it. With confidence, he immediately went to Caesarea to bring the gift of God's Holy Spirit to those of a different race.

    God often speaks to His people in riddles. He calls us to seek Him, hear his voice, and to enter into a dynamic personal relationship with him.

    The Bible is Full of Hidden Messages

    Millions of disciples are constantly reading the Bible to find the deeper meanings that are hidden in the text. Those meanings are treasures put there by God, and they belong to those who diligently search for deeper truth. These treasures, must not contradict the rest of the Bible, for God does not contradict Himself. If we receive a new revelation we must confirm that it fits the teachings of the rest of the Bible. That is a safeguard that keeps us from changing the meaning of scripture and creating false doctrines.

    When these deeper truths are discovered they bring direction and strength to the disciple who finds them. Often prophetic words about the future are discovered through such a search, and because of it, God's people become more in-tune with Him and His purpose.

    The story of Jonah and its similarities with America is such a find. The more you discover their commonality, the more God will reveal

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