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Signs Surround You: Love Never Dies
Signs Surround You: Love Never Dies
Signs Surround You: Love Never Dies
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Signs Surround You: Love Never Dies

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Do We Ever Really Die?

This is the true story of an unsuspecting mother who falls in love, and has a two-year relationship, with rock and roll’s music legend Mark Abrahamian, the lead guitarist of the band Starship. In love, she discovers life’s greatest joys as she is transformed by a connection that is deeper than anything sh

Release dateFeb 23, 2020
Signs Surround You: Love Never Dies

Laurie Majka

Laurie Majka is an Inspirational Artist - which means she receives the ideas for her artwork and writing in powerful "downloads" or fully formed ideas she "sees" in her mind. She believes these concepts are inspired from her Higher Self, Universal Consciousness, God and her Spirit Team. Laurie began receiving communications from the Other Side in 2012 when her Soul Mate Mark passed away, confirming her belief that love never dies. Now, with this book, she hopes through her story you will understand her signs in a way that lets you recognize signs from your loved ones. Laurie also believes her life's purpose is to send positive energy into the World. She created Soul Heart Art as a way to help do that by encouraging people to harness the power of their Soul. Her Daily Soul Whispers have inspired millions of people worldwide. Laurie grew up in Lawrence, Kansas and has a degree in Business Administration with a minor in Communication Studies from the University of Kansas. She built her career working for several Fortune 50 companies including Pfizer, IBM and Hewlett Packard; where she has been a part of strategic teams selling multimillion dollar deals. Laurie lives in Arizona with her dog Storm, they enjoy hiking mountains and spending time connecting with nature. Laurie has 2 grown children, Ryan, a pilot for the United States Air Force and Rachel who is working toward becoming a clinical Psychologist. You can connect to her YouTube channel: Laurie Majka and on her web site She would love you to share stories of signs you have received from your loved ones...

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    Book preview

    Signs Surround You - Laurie Majka



    his is a book about signs – spiritual signs. Signs from loved ones who have passed on to the Other Side. I have written it in two parts. Part one is the story of Mark and me – Our Story – the WHY behind the signs: why he would want to reach out to me from beyond, why some of the signs were so significant to me, and why I was able to connect with them. Part two was compiled from the notes I wrote about signs I was receiving over the two-year period after Mark’s death. I have also included the more significant signs that happened while writing this book, although there were many more than I have shared here.

    When I started getting these amazing signs, I didn’t want to forget them. I bought a special notebook, so I could immediately write them down and not lose any of the details. I had no other intention than to document them for myself. On the two-year anniversary of Mark’s death, I wrote about the sign he had sent me that day – only to discover I had reached the end of my notebook. It was as if it were planned that way all along – an end to my two-year journey.

    It wasn’t until I had a visitation that everything was set in motion to write this book: I had a dream where Mark said to me, "I’m most proud of Our Story. That very afternoon a chapter wrote itself" in my mind and I felt compelled to capture it on paper. Then a steady flow began to stream out, collecting in sentences, paragraphs, and chapters – I never felt like I was writing it by myself. I have a unique style of writing I developed over time through my blog and Daily Soul Whispers. I use ellipses, dashes, and capital letters in non-traditional ways intentionally and I have carried my personal writing style into this book.

    Mark and I intensely connected through music. He was a very accomplished musician and I have had a life-long love affair with songs, their lyrics and meanings. As a result, this book is heavily imbued with music. Each chapter is named for a song that expresses the mood of what was happening during that time. I have provided a Spotify link to for you to connect with the songs representing each chapter. Spotify is a streaming audio platform that allows you access to millions of songs.  There is a free version. I am choosing this service because the song writers receive a royalty when music is accessed on this site. I had to pay a copyright fee for every song lyrics that appear in this book and I don’t want to violate that agreement by sending you to a place that doesn’t compensate the artists.

    I designed this book to be accompanied by the music, kind of like a sound track to this book. You may choose to listen to the song first, then read the chapter, or absorb the chapter then reflect on it while listening to the song. Or my favorite way, to softly play the song as a background enhancement while reading the chapter; I turn the repeat song feature on so the song plays in a loop. You can use this link to access: The Signs Surround You – Spotify playlist:

    Time clouds one’s memory, and I would have expected my recollection of details to not be particularly accurate. Fortunately, I had saved much of the correspondence between Mark and me, allowing me to check and cross-reference many details. I was always surprised with my level of accuracy – some things that were said I even remembered verbatim.

    The signs have been very healing for me and for others connected to Mark. Some of the signs led to bigger things, like my paintings and the Daily Soul Whispers I send out by email, as a feature of my blog Soul Heart Art – inspired thoughts which now reach hundreds of thousands of people a month.

    Maybe you are reading this book because you are curious about signs: Do they exist and how do we know for sure if they are really signs? Or maybe you have already explored this concept and you just want, need, or are seeking more. Maybe you have suffered a loss and are looking for a way to connect with your loved one, but you don’t know where to start.

    Signs surround me, and signs surround you. They are different for everyone. What resonates with me won’t necessarily resonate with you, but you can use this book as a confirmation that signs are very real and are designed to get your attention. You may notice that certain signs are common and occur for many people – such as butterflies, dragonflies, feathers, pennies, dimes, music, manipulation of energy sources, and dreams. Other signs may be very specific to you, the way beaver sightings are for me – who else sees beavers everywhere?

    Our passed-away loved ones never leave us! They are at peace and they want to remain connected to us. If you have sent them thoughts, they have heard them; if you have sent them prayers, they have received them; if you have sent them love, they have felt it. Love never dies: we are all made of energy, which can neither be created nor destroyed. I hope this book not only brings you comfort in knowing that you are not alone, but also serves as a step towards being able to prove it to yourself…xo Laurie

    Part One

    Our Story

    Chapter 1

    White Flag

    ~song by Dido


    he flames of love still burned just as brightly as they had seven years before when I first met him. And in that time, not a single day had passed where I didn't think of him. Which was crazy! Crazy, because today was the second anniversary of his death, a day that I dreaded because it put a huge spotlight on the loss – the loss whose pain still ebbed and flowed with the days.

    When I first lost him, I remember thinking how quickly time passes and before I'd know it, I would be not marking days or months but marking years. And I wondered if the pain would always be this raw – this close to the surface.

    Today surprised me, as I sat in my overstuffed, velvety blue chair, looking at pictures and memories. I thumbed through my blue accordion file folder overflowing with pages and pages of our email correspondence, occasionally picking one page at random and reliving the memory of those times. I stared at the photo he had taken of himself with his new hair cut as he sat in his vintage El Camino; his eyes looked like they had white stars shining from them, and it felt like he was staring back at me. Then it occurred to me that not only was his death the worst thing that had ever happened to me, but in a sense it was also the best thing that had ever happened to me. Life has a way of doing that – taking you all the way down to the deepest abyss, only to shove you back up to the surface, gasping for more. More love – more life – more self-discovery

    Chapter 2


    "Do you ever think of me

    And how we loved one another?"

    ~song by Marty Balin


    he month leading up to his death had been fairly eventful and full of thoughts about him – mostly because the five-year anniversary of our meeting each other was quickly approaching. It was now August 2012, three full years since we had even seen each other. Two years since that hateful day of text messages, where he texted me out of the blue:

    ~~I'm happy, healthy and in love. Be good. ~~

    And I responded back:

    ~~I am really happy for u Mark!! I saw posts alluding to u being in love. Jason and I got back together a month ago…he made huge changes over the last two years n so did I. I am so in love with him now, and for the first time I feel like I have everything I always wanted…we r renewing our vows Labor Day on a beach on Lake Superior – he never signed divorce papers that I filed in Feb 09. I could not have all I do now unless I had left him completely. In many ways u were my first real spiritual love. It all works out. Live in your truth. ~~

    Like the infamous woman scorned, I said it to kick him right back – right in the stomach, where his words had kicked me. Because that's how I felt when he told me he was IN LOVE. He could’ve said it any other way, but he was all about the words and he always chose them wisely. It was done on purpose – said that way because, this particular day, he was in town and he wanted to make sure I was NOT going to come and see him. Mission accomplished!

    So how did I respond? I said the one thing I knew I could say that would shove my situation right in his face. Jason and I had been together for 20 years when Mark came into my life. Mark had been the catalyst that brought my marriage to its knees. Now Jason and I were getting back together, and this was the first that Mark was hearing of it. Oh, he pretended it was great news:

    ~That is great news about you and your lifelong love. It all works out. Live in your truth!~

    But I knew it took him by surprise, probably even took his breath away. I think it had been his fear all along – that if he rearranged his life around me, I might still go back to Jason at some point. It was an amusing thought, because in my mind there was never a choice between Jason and Mark – they really couldn’t be compared. They were in two different categories and might as well have been from two different planets. The correspondence between Mark and me had already ruptured, but this was to be the last time Mark and I would ever correspond…

    About two days before the five-year anniversary date of our meeting – August 12, 2012 – I had decided that on the anniversary I would send him an email message. I no longer had any idea of his situation – if he was still with someone, or not with someone. But that didn't matter. I had some things I had been stewing about for a long time – thoughts and realizations about impressions I knew Mark had of certain situations. These thoughts were still swirling around in my head, never leaving me alone, begging me to resolve them and put them to rest.

    I wanted to resolve them – needed to resolve them – but I was having second thoughts about sending an email. It was the fear talking, the fear that I would pour my heart out and Mark would never respond. And the fear that he would respond – and how that might open up a crack that had since healed in my heart, opening me up to him once again. That was the risk.

    After weighing the options, all the pros and cons, trying to decide what to do – I decided I would create the email first, then decide what to do. I spent several hours that Sunday morning composing it – writing, rewriting, making it say exactly what I wanted it to say in the way I wanted to say it – hoping that my carefully crafted words would, at the very least, elicit a response from him. In addition to the wrongs I was trying to set right, I also shared some of my deep, intimate thoughts about how I had never stopped thinking about him since the day we met.

    The email said a lot – it probably said too much. And it had all been said before in some other place and time. But this was MY heart. It was MY truth – and I felt compelled to create it. I also included a song I wanted him to listen to. The song was "Hearts" by Marty Balin. It was a good song, one that said everything I wished I could’ve said to him in person. Ironically, it was a song composed by the same man whose song "Miracles" had started this whole crazy thing five years earlier. Funny how fate can make a full circle around you…

    After I finally finished the email and had read it and reread it a dozen times, I still wasn't ready to click the send button. I decided to reach out to the one person who probably understood me best – my twin sister, Kelly. She's not a twin in the ordinary sense. We don't even look that much alike, although we both have blue eyes. We don't have the same parents – and that makes us not even sisters. But we called ourselves twins separated at birth. We literally felt that we were each one-half of the same person. Kelly knew me so well, knew what made me tick. And most importantly at the time – she knew all about Mark.

    We met in the parking lot at the carnival where we were to pick up our kids. Sitting there in my car, we discussed the email – breaking it down, dissecting and analyzing every word of it. I even played her the song Hearts. It’s kind of awkward showing a song to someone. The song always seems to last ten times longer than when you listen to it by yourself. And you wonder if the person is really catching all the lines of the lyrics, pulling the story together.

    It didn't matter. All Kelly had to hear was the first line: …I just called to say how lost I feel without you – and she said, No way! You can't send that! I don't even know if she bothered listening to another word – even though I insisted on playing the song in its entirety.

    Kelly was not exactly thrilled with me. She warned that this had the potential to start things again. And she was right – there was ALWAYS that risk. She actually talked me out of it, putting even more fear in me than I already had. I really did love Jason and didn't want to screw things up. We hadn't been back together very long, and it was going rather smoothly. Kelly's advice to me was to call Mark, talk to him live and say all the things I wanted to say. But she knew I would be more moderate in a phone conversation than I had been in the email, and a phone call would not leave a paper trail that Jason might discover and get the wrong idea.

    A phone call…?? THAT sounded impossible to me! My immediate reaction was No fucking way am I calling him! What if he didn't answer? What if he did answer? What if he wouldn't take my call – or if I had to leave a message and he never called back? What if, what if, what if…I didn’t think my ego was strong enough to handle that kind of rejection. Nope, I couldn't do it. So, I didn’t. I didn’t send it. Instead, I decided I needed a second opinion

    Chapter 3

    The Heart of the Matter

    ~song by Don Henley


    had been into mediums for a long time. I love the remarkable perspective that someone has who can communicate with deceased loved ones on the Other Side. It's like they have a leg up on the world.

    I went to the website of a respected medium, Allison DuBois, who I knew was going to be almost impossible to get an appointment with. I looked at her reference page, which I had never done before, and noted that her cousin was listed. Apparently, he had inherited the same ability – the ability to speak with the dead. They were from the same family, the same lineage, and maybe he would be as good as she was. I assumed he would be more accessible and thought it a sign that his name too was Mark.

    Intuitively, I knew that if I contacted him and gave him a day that was open for me later in the week, it would work out. Within an hour after I sent him an email, I had a response and an appointment for two days later. I had been able to do that for a long time – to see ahead how a situation would play out. I should have been used to it, but it still always surprised me when I watched it play out.

    I was excited for the reading. I needed answers and I was going to get my answers. The day of the reading I had a visit scheduled with Dawn, one of my best friends and a true Soul Sister. We met for lunch near the hospital where her dad was staying.

    As I knew I wouldn’t make it home in time for the medium’s call, I needed to find a quiet place to sit and take the call in my car. As synchronicity would have it, the location was two blocks away from the very place where I had last seen Mark in person…

    Two years earlier...

    I pulled my car into the parking lot across the street from the stage. My view was partially obscured by some bushes, but that was a good thing – I didn't want Mark to see me anyway. What would he think?

    I knew from snippets that I had seen on Facebook and from our text correspondence earlier that day that he was in a new relationship – that he was in love. In any case, Jason and I had gotten back together after a two-year separation, and I really wanted my family back. Besides, I drove right by this very spot several days a week – so it wasn't like I had really gone out of my way to be here today.

    They were setting up for a Starship show that was to take place later that night in the library’s parking lot. The band consisted of THE Mickey Thomas, the voice behind the songs "Jane, We Built This City, and Sara," to name a few. Mickey was a class act with a great voice, and still going strong doing 170+ shows a year at the age of 60-something. Then there was Daryl Verdusco, the drummer – with Mickey for 20+ years and a standard in the show. Stephanie Calvert was the singer, the new voice of Grace Slick, who had long since stopped performing with the band. Jeff Adams was the bassist, and Phil Bennett on keyboards – both had been with the band for over a decade. Phil was Mark’s brother’s grade-school friend and Phil brought Mark in, recommending him when the vacancy was there.

    Then there was Mark. Mark Abrahamian, lead guitarist. From my vantage point, I could clearly see him. He always played on the left side of the stage and my car was positioned perfectly.  To my eyes, he was all I ever saw.

    Mark was definitely doing his thing. The guitar was the true love of his life – it was never me. He once said to me, Could you be with someone who lives, eats and breathes guitar?

    I didn't answer his question but retorted, Could you be with someone who lives, eats and breathes their kids? There really was no question about that for me. But the living with – the everyday-life part – was always in question. I was never sure if our lifestyles would jive with each other.

    Today, however, I wasn't thinking about any of those things. I was intently watching. I loved watching him play. I had all the windows rolled down so I could easily hear the music. They were on their first song of the sound check, and I couldn't believe my luck in arriving right as they were taking the stage. But with Mark and me, there truly was no luck – just a long string of faith and coincidences and meant-to-be happenings that always seemed to transcend space and time and this world.

    The lines from the song surged through the air. It wasn't as loud as being near the stage, but I could still feel the music – and still feel him. I always felt him. We always felt each other. Sometimes that was the problem – feeling each other even when one was trying to forget the other.

    I stayed for the three partial songs. When I saw him step off the stage, I took the cue and started to drive away – driving right past him, hoping both that he would see me and not see me. It was the last time I would see him. The last time...

    So there I was, two years later, wanting to create the proper energy for my phone reading with the medium. I positioned my car in the very spot where the stage had once been. Energy is a real thing and time is an illusion, so if there is no time and everything is happening now, as mystics claim, then Mark’s energy was still there. Right? Right! At least it couldn’t hurt anything. Anyway, no worries – I was to talk to the talented Mark the Medium. In presenting his evidential information, he had led me to believe he possessed some serious skills.

    After Mark the Medium shared his insights, I asked him a few questions about Mark. I explained about the anniversary date that had just passed and about wanting – but being afraid – to send him the message I had so carefully crafted. Mark the Medium said that he saw me taking the note and burning it. Unbelievable! Just that morning on my walk I had the crazy thought of burning my email. It was a sign from the Universe, to be sure. When I shared that thought with Mark the Medium, he said, The Universe is confirming your answer.

    It was cemented at that very moment – the decision NOT to send the anniversary email to Mark. And it was to be a decision I would look back on again and again and again…

    Chapter 4

    Meet You All the Way

    "Not quite a year since she went away

    Rosanna, yeah

    Now she’s gone and I have to say…"

    ~song Rosanna by Toto


    t had been a while since I last saw him, and that's how I wanted to remember him. Not from the drive-by – that was too impersonal – but from our last in-person, physical interaction.

    I had finally moved out of my life with Jason and into a life of my own making. A few months prior to that, I had bought a foreclosure house and gutted it to its core, then in six weeks rebuilt it and moved in – the project mirrored my life. It was a labor of love and, fittingly, it was now Labor Day weekend, 2009. My parents, Chuck and Ivy, came to visit and stay for the weekend – the ribbon-cutting weekend. The grand reopening of my new life.

    I was surprised when Mark called me. We had been on and off for two years and recently had settled into a nice friendship. Mark had once declared, Can't we be friends who think each other is fucking HOT! Well, yes and no: We could be friends – at a distance. But it was always more than friends in our hearts.

    He called me on Saturday morning. I was pleased to hear his voice and surprised to hear that he was to coming to town. The band travelled constantly, and I had long since stopped following and tracking Mark’s whereabouts. Mostly, I didn't want to know where he was. There was a time when I always knew, always wanted to know. But later, there were times when I knew he was close and knew he didn't want to see me. It was better not to know – the draw was too strong. If I knew, I would want to see him, so I shut the door to knowing. I could be strong – it was the stubborn Taurus in me – and once I made up my mind, I had a will of steel. That's why I always took a long time deciding – knowing that if I chose, I wouldn't go back.

    But this time, Mark called me. He wanted me to know he was going to be in town and that he was to perform the next day, and he asked me to come to the show. It was going to be in my old stomping grounds, in the town where I once lived - and walking distance from my friend Dawn’s house. And it was in the very park where my wedding photos had been taken – that irony was not lost on me.

    The problem was my dad. AND the fact that I had been dating someone else for six months – someone I had grown to care for. Someone that Jason (my soon-to-be ex, if he would ever sign the divorce papers) insisted I not see until I moved out of our house into my own house. Just the day before, I had finally been able to see Mark T. – the boyfriend – for the first time since making that promise. Mark T… Mark #2. We met after Mark and I had ended things.

    So things were once again complicated. In my relationship with Mark, things were always complicated. Mark knew about Mark T. – it was no secret, nothing to hide. I had always been an open book with Mark. That was part of the problem – he always knew everything, which makes it hard to forget everything. But there he was, asking me to go to his show. I wanted to go…really, I did…

    The boyfriend wasn't even the immediate problem –

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