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THE GOSPEL OF ST. JOHN - Revisiting the Vision of Rudolf Steiner for the 21st Century: Our Participation in Earth's Evolution as the Planet of Love
THE GOSPEL OF ST. JOHN - Revisiting the Vision of Rudolf Steiner for the 21st Century: Our Participation in Earth's Evolution as the Planet of Love
THE GOSPEL OF ST. JOHN - Revisiting the Vision of Rudolf Steiner for the 21st Century: Our Participation in Earth's Evolution as the Planet of Love
Ebook304 pages4 hours

THE GOSPEL OF ST. JOHN - Revisiting the Vision of Rudolf Steiner for the 21st Century: Our Participation in Earth's Evolution as the Planet of Love

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If you have been concerned about the welfare of our planet, in our challenging and transformative times—and if you harbor the hope that you can help bring about a truly better world based in an illuminated spiritual level—then this book is for you.

Rudolf Steiner was a brilliant late 19th-century Austrian visionary w

Release dateFeb 27, 2020
THE GOSPEL OF ST. JOHN - Revisiting the Vision of Rudolf Steiner for the 21st Century: Our Participation in Earth's Evolution as the Planet of Love

Eliza Joslin Kendall

Eliza Joslin Kendall is certified as a Transformational Life Coach and in Quantum Field Healing, and is a Grief Educator. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration and was honored by the Women's Hall of Fame for a Start-up/Small Business in 2003.

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    THE GOSPEL OF ST. JOHN - Revisiting the Vision of Rudolf Steiner for the 21st Century - Eliza Joslin Kendall



    Revisiting the Vision of


    for the 21st Century

    Our Participation in Earth’s Evolution as the Planet of Love
    Selected Lectures & Published Writings of Rudolf Steiner on The Gospel of St. John (I AM the I AM)

    Revisions and Commentaries

    by Eliza Joslin Kendall

    — Book One in the Simply Steiner Series —

    The Gospel of St. John: Revisiting the Vision of Rudolf Steiner for the 21st Century: Our Participation in Earth’s Evolution as the Planet of Love / Selected Lectures and Published Writings on The Gospel of St. John, with Revisions and Commentaries, by Eliza Joslin Kendall. Copyright © 2020 by Eliza Joslin Kendall. All rights reserved.

    This book may not be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system now known or hereafter invented, without written permission of the publisher. Brief excerpts may be quoted, in print or online, for the purpose of book reviews. For permission requests, contact the publisher, below.

    Eliza Joslin Kendall

    Book Developer & Editor: Naomi Rose

    Cover Art: Molly McWilliams

    [email protected]

    Book Design & Typesetting: Margaret Copeland, Terragrafix

    Proofreading: Gabriel Steinfeld

    The Gospel of St. John: Revisiting the Vision of Rudolf Steiner for the 21st Century: Our Participation in Earth’s Evolution as the Planet of Love / Selected Lectures and Published Writings on The Gospel of St. John, with Revisions and Commentaries, by Eliza Joslin Kendall. Book 1 in the Simply Steiner Series.

    First edition. Published 2020.

    Printed in the United States of America.

    ISBN #: 978-1-7342627-0-4




    About Rudolf Steiner and Why His Work Is (Still) Important

    Why I Chose to Focus on Steiner’s Gospel of St. John

    Some Handholds for Readers New to Steiner’s Work

    Chapter 1: Penetrating the Spiritual World Behind the Sense World

    Chapter 2: The Role of The Gospel of St. John in Accomplishing Humanity’s Urgent Present-Day Task

    Chapter 3: The Logos

    Chapter 4: The Evolution of the Human Being and of the Earth

    Chapter 5: The Real Meaning of the Logos (or Word) and the Evolution of the Human Capacity for Love

    Chapter 6: The Word Became Flesh and Dwelt Among Us: I Am the Light of the World

    Chapter 7: John the Baptist

    Chapter 8: The Transition from the Old Testament to the New

    Chapter 9: For of His Fullness We Have All Received Grace upon Grace

    Chapter 10: The Change in the Earth’s Aura through the Crucifixion

    Chapter 11: The Purification of the Three Bodies through the Ego, and Transformation through the Christ Impulse

    Chapter 12: Karma

    Chapter 13: The Evolution of Humanity through the Descent into Materialism

    Chapter 14: The Knowledge of the Christ in the Old Testament

    Chapter 15: The Perfect Spiritual Harmonization of the Human and the Environment, and Its Relationship to the Divine Appearing as an Individual Man

    Chapter 16: Preparing the Physical Instrument for the Spirit

    Chapter 17: The Progression of the Spirit-Self through the Epochs

    Chapter 18: The Peace and Brotherhood to Come in Epoch 6

    Chapter 19: Drawing Forth the True Spiritual Content of Christianity

    Chapter 20: The Coming Third Chapter of Christianity: The Marriage of Humanity and the Spirit

    Chapter 21: The Task of Initiates

    Chapter 22: What It Takes to Perceive the Higher Worlds

    Chapter 23: Developing the Feeling Life Productive of Higher Organs of Perception in the Astral Body

    Chapter 24: Catharsis and Illumination

    Chapter 25: The Gospel of St. John as a Means of Initiation

    Chapter 26: Esoteric Naming

    Chapter 27: The Mystery of the Penetration into Jesus by the Holy Spirit

    Chapter 28: How the Gospel of St. John Can Transform the Astral Body into a Virgin Sophia

    Chapter 29: The Spiritual Perception of the Disciples and their Realization of the Resurrection

    Chapter 30: The Mission of Spiritual Science

    About the Author

    Additional Books in the Simply Steiner Series

    Participate in a Simply Steiner Book Club!

    The mission of the Earth is the cultivation of the principle of Love to its highest degree by those beings evolving upon it. When the Earth has reached the end of its evolution, Love will permeate it through and through. The Earth is the planetary life-condition for the evolution of Love.

    —Rudolf Steiner


    I knew something of Rudolf Steiner’s work before I met Eliza Joslin Kendall, but not enough to have a real understanding as a felt revelation rather than simply an intellectual understanding. That is, I knew that Steiner was a great mystic and seer, with capacities that spread into so many areas that they boggled the mind as to what a human being is capable of. Steiner’s ideas about education, art, and spirit eventually became the Waldorf Schools, which still thrive in our day. His ideas about architecture have influenced thinkers and architects, whose buildings are still available to our contemporary sight. His perceptions of what the Earth truly is and what it needs for its optimum thriving showed up in his biodynamic agriculture, which is still practiced today (and probably is more needed now than ever before). And there are many more disciplines influenced by Steiner’s brilliance that still ripple through our world.

    But before I encountered Eliza and the book you are about to read, I can’t say that I actually understood the ideas of Steiner. Unlike a dear friend of mine, a dedicated student of Steiner’s work for many decades who actually practices biodynamic ways on her land, whose home library is filled with Steiner’s books. In short, she is no spiritual slouch: she is widely conversant with the work of high-minded thinkers over many centuries, and has been inspired by them all. And yet she once told me, Of all the people whose work I have studied, Steiner gives me the most inspiration and knowledge. I could let all the others go and just concentrate on Steiner’s work for the rest of my life, and I would be happy.

    However, she also acknowledged that, "His books are very difficult to understand. Even people who have been reading them for years agree that it’s not easy to penetrate what Steiner is saying."

    I was relieved to hear her say that. If she—who was so dedicated to Steiner’s work, who had willingly taken it upon herself to read and apply his ideas—admitted that he was not an easy read, then I (only a visitor to Steiner’s writings) could be forgiven for being baffled by the few books I had attempted to read and failed to understand.

    But in the back of my mind was always the sense that I had missed out on something that really mattered—something that could steer human understanding and its consequent expressions in a direction that might open up a world so infused with spirit as to transform the experience of living here on Earth.

    So when Eliza Joslin Kendall approached me to help her bring forth a simplified version of one of Steiner’s books—the one you are reading, here—I gratefully said, Thank you, I’d love to. And it’s important to note that for Liza, simplified did not mean dumbing down Steiner’s original brilliance. It meant making his thinking far more accessible, giving his readers the opportunity to embrace the gifts of his unique way of seeing. As she puts it in this book’s Introduction:

    Steiner’s writings are not intrinsically accessible. Published in about forty volumes, they include books, essays, four plays, mantra verses, and an autobiography. His collected lectures, making up another approximately 300 volumes, discuss an extremely wide range of themes. His books, which are composed of cycles of his lectures, were originally in German before being translated into English, and so can be very ponderous to read. Even I, who am totally committed to the wisdom in these books, found them easier to read and comprehend in small doses.

    And so, in keeping with my original desire to bring Steiner to the notice of people who did not, like me, grow up with him as a household name, I am offering you The Gospel of St. John by Rudolf Steiner.

    And so our collaboration began, the fruits of which lie before you in this book.

    If you, like so many people, have been concerned about the welfare of the planet in our challenging and transformative times, then this book that you are about to read is for you. Steiner, who wrote in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, had a prescient and overarching knowledge of the evolutionary arc of humanity and of the Earth. The spiritual-historical background he presents may come as news to you, but it will not fail to enlighten you. And perhaps it will also inspire you to do the inner work required to help move humanity from its earlier epochs (Steiner lists seven; we are currently in Epoch Five) towards its inherent goal, so that Earth becomes what it was designed to be: the planet of Love. Yes, you read this right: our very own planet, this Earth that is going through the sometimes alarming birthing pains of transformation, is meant to be the planet of Love.

    And so as you go through The Gospel of St. John: Revisiting the Vision of Rudolf Steiner for the 21st Century—Our Participation in Earth’s Evolution as the Planet of Love, I trust that you will absorb something not only of Steiner’s brilliant exposition on why the Christ came into physical incarnation for the first time on the Earth as Jesus—not only Steiner’s sense of what had to happen prior to that, over the span of ages and epochs, in order to prepare humanity for the emergent individual-ego relationship to God (whereas earlier there was more of a group soul experience of God)—but also I trust that you will respond to Eliza’s immense contribution in this book. Her presence in these pages reveals the mind and heart of a person utterly dedicated to helping the human-planet transformation towards universal love come about. Her own dedication, passion, and intelligence shine forth in her Commentaries, which draw from her own life-experience as well as her knowledge of Steiner, as well as in the questions and answers she has chosen to illuminate in the Review that ends each chapter of the book.

    Eliza Joslin Kendall is an astonishingly dedicated, versatile, and accomplished person whose work has included spiritual healing and energy work, Transformational Life Coaching and Mediation, event planning, and more. She is well suited not only to write this book, but also to help you take it deeply into your own life. To some degree, she was born into the Steiner work (see the Introduction), although she didn’t truly make that connection until years later. But once that connection was made, she embraced it wholeheartedly. As she says in the book’s Introduction:

    In 2012, when my parents moved from their home in Connecticut where they had lived for over 50 years, I found a copy of the same book I had read so many years earlier: Steiner’s Knowledge of the Higher Worlds and Its Attainment. I immediately picked it up and started reading. The best way I can explain it is that this time, I just knew that I knew all that he was talking about, as if I had read it before.

    I decided to read other books on Steiner. One of these was The Gospel of St. John. His writings resonated so deeply within me that I immediately felt called to take Steiner and his philosophy to the public. I continue to feel that this is greatly needed, especially in today’s world.

    And now that this book is available for you here and now, Liza has taken the next step and come up with ways for you to make the illuminated content of the book a reality in your own life. Especially if you’ve ever thought, "Isn’t there something more? Isn’t there some reason I’m here on Earth at this time? Isn’t there something real that I can do to help?" Liza’s take is that there are things you can do after reading this book to bring its wisdom into the world. In keeping with the name of her business, Leave It with Liza, she has, for example, set up a Book Club that you can be part of (online or in person) so that Steiner’s ideas can become a real, active force in your life. So that you can participate, consciously and in your own way, in humanity’s movement towards becoming a planet of love.

    I came into this project as a book developer and editor, and I am gratified to have been given the opportunity to encounter Liza’s digestible version of Steiner’s The Gospel of St. John so intimately, with such attention to detail. My view of my job in such instances is that I fill the role of the prototype reader, and that anything I don’t immediately understand, others also may not understand. Therefore, I come to such projects with a willingness to not understand, and to use my own experiences that ordinarily might be deemed negative (e.g., confusion, lack of passionate interest, chaos) as an indication of what’s missing in a manuscript, what needs to be added or deleted or bridged, and what’s needed in order that the hidden diamond of the work shines through. Because, as Liza has written, Steiner’s writings often began as verbal lectures, which then were transcribed and published in German. And the English translations from the German transcriptions are often ponderous, overly intricate, and obscuring of the real jewels within.

    Liza gave me permission to change a word or phrase here and there in the direction of clarity and accessibility. And to help myself enter into the text, going ahead of the readers-to-come, I titled the chapters and wrote chapter synopses, and suggested some handholds for readers—to put forth, right from the start, information that originally was woven into the later chapters; information that I thought would help readers hold a larger picture at the outset, enabling them to follow Steiner’s brilliant but not always linear progression of thought. So, for example, I thought it helpful for readers to know up front that Steiner speaks of seven epochs of humanity’s evolution, rather than finding it out midway. Things like that.

    If I have been successful, your experience of reading this book will proceed with relative ease, though not without challenge (but a worthy challenge!). You will find, as I did once I had unraveled what confused me, that there is a fascinating, reverberating, and illuminating epic that you yourself are part of. And perhaps you will be inspired to take in the gnosis that this book both points to and is, and have your own direct experience of the incarnation of Christ-Jesus (whatever your religious beliefs or background) in a way that shifts your perspective of yourself, the human community of which you are part, and the planet that has the resources (some, in surprising ways—read on) to actually become the planet of Love.

    Wishing you a deep, transformative, and encouraging read,

    —Naomi Rose

    Book Developer and Editor

    Oakland, California


    My youngest sister, Caroline, was born in 1963 with serious intellectual and developmental disabilities. In the 1960s, the situation for children with disabilities, before the passage in 1975 of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, was mixed but generally negative. In most states, school districts were then allowed to refuse an education to any student deemed to be uneducable. Students were also deemed to be uneducable for a wide variety of reasons not connected to their IQ, such as blindness and mobility limitations. Students who were denied a public education were left with relatively few options. Many children, especially those with more severe mental disabilities, were institutionalized. Even those disabled students who were admitted into public schools faced difficult circumstances.

    Fortunately, my parents, with the help of one of my older sisters, found a Camphill School for children with special needs called Beaver Run. The Camphill School is a private boarding and day school for students with exceptionalities, ages 4 through 21. The Camphill Movement, as it is known across the world, is based on the principles of anthroposophy, the ideology of the Austrian philosopher and humanitarian, Rudolf Steiner, that seeks to integrate spirit, body, and soul. This movement was founded by Dr. Karl Koenig, an Austrian pediatrician who fled the Nazis and settled in Scotland in 1939. The Camphill mission is to create wholeness for children and youth with developmental disabilities through education, extended family living, and therapy so that they may be better understood, more fully unfold their potential, and meaningfully participate in life.

    Carrie went to Beaver Run from ages 9 through 21. When she turned 21, my parents—along with a few other families—established the Lukas Community for adults with special needs, also in New Hampshire. As with Beaver Run, the focus of the Lukas Community was also inspired by the teachings of Rudolf Steiner. My sister is now 55 and remains there today.

    When I was 19 years old, one of my very good friends was killed in a car accident. Wanting to make deeper sense of this, I picked up a book from my mother’s bookshelf by Steiner, Knowledge of Higher Worlds and Its Attainment, and completely related to what he was saying. I felt solace that there was indeed an afterlife, and wrapped myself around his words. My spirit remained with Steiner and his work, but my life also ran its own course. I placed the book—and Steiner—back on my mother’s bookshelf.

    In 2012, my parents moved from their home in Connecticut where they had lived for over 50 years. Invited to take what I wanted, I claimed an old blanket chest that once had stood at the end of their bed. While clearing it of a few old garments my parents had left behind, I found a copy of the same book I had read so many years earlier: Steiner’s Knowledge of the Higher Worlds and Its Attainment. I immediately picked it up and started reading. The best way I can explain it is that, this time, I just knew that I knew all that he was talking about, as if I had read it before. That we had known each other previously.

    I decided to read other books on Steiner. One of these was The Gospel of St. John. His writings resonated so deeply within me that I immediately felt called to take Steiner and his philosophy to the public. I don’t believe that I am doing this alone, but that Steiner’s presence is with me. I truly believe that I am carrying on his work, and that our lives, combined, offer clearer insights on the human condition as well as spirituality. (Both need to be understood!)

    At one point, a very qualified medium whom I consulted stated that Steiner and I at one time had been colleagues, and that he wished only the best for me in my putting forth his work in this way.

    I continue to feel that bringing Steiner and his philosophy to the public is greatly needed, especially in today’s world.

    However, Steiner’s writings are not intrinsically accessible. Published in about forty volumes, they include books, essays, four plays, mantra verses, and an autobiography. His collected lectures, making up another approximately 300 volumes, discuss an extremely wide range of themes. His books, which are composed of cycles of his lectures, were originally in German before being translated into English, and so can be very ponderous to read. Even I, who am totally committed to the wisdom in these books, found them easier to read and comprehend in small doses.

    Many people believe that Rudolf Steiner intentionally wrote in a difficult manner to make the readers really think, not merely glance through. Steiner did indeed want readers to think; but he also wanted people to be able to comprehend the contents in order to inwardly and outwardly evolve, not just take his writings and (figuratively speaking) throw them back on the shelf. I found, after talking to others and researching Steiner, that for many of his readers, the question often starts with, Just where do I start? How do I begin to make sense of all this information? I decided to simplify his writings a bit but keep the content and its purpose intact, as well as bring his works to 21st-century thinking.

    And so, in keeping with my original desire to bring Steiner to the notice of people who, unlike me, did not grow up with him as a household name, I am offering you my essentially simplified version of Steiner’s lectures and published writing on The Gospel of

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