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Exploring Chromebook 2020 Edition: The Illustrated, Practical Guide to using Chromebook
Exploring Chromebook 2020 Edition: The Illustrated, Practical Guide to using Chromebook
Exploring Chromebook 2020 Edition: The Illustrated, Practical Guide to using Chromebook
Ebook414 pages1 hour

Exploring Chromebook 2020 Edition: The Illustrated, Practical Guide to using Chromebook

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Updated to cover the new features, Exploring Chromebook is the perfect companion for your Chromebook. Written by best-selling technology author, lecturer, and computer trainer Kevin Wilson, Exploring Chromebook is packed with step-by-step instructions, full color photos, illustrations, helpful tips and video demos.

Updated for 2020, Explor

Release dateJul 31, 2020
Exploring Chromebook 2020 Edition: The Illustrated, Practical Guide to using Chromebook

Kevin Wilson

KEVIN WILSON is Vice President of Videologies, Inc., a company that specializes in training administrative professionals in Fortune 500 companies. JENNIFER WAUSON is President of Videologies, Inc.

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    Exploring Chromebook 2020 Edition - Kevin Wilson


    Exploring Chromebook

    2020 Edition

    Kevin Wilson

    Exploring Chromebook: 2020 Edition

    Copyright © 2020 Elluminet Press

    This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved by the Publisher, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmission or information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known or hereafter developed. Exempted from this legal reservation are brief excerpts in connection with reviews or scholarly analysis or material supplied specifically for the purpose of being entered and executed on a computer system, for exclusive use by the purchaser of the work. Duplication of this publication or parts thereof is permitted only under the provisions of the Copyright Law of the Publisher’s location, in its current version, and permission for use must always be obtained from the Publisher. Permissions for use may be obtained through Rights Link at the Copyright Clearance Centre. Violations are liable to prosecution under the respective Copyright Law.

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    The use in this publication of trade names, trademarks, service marks, and similar terms, even if they are not identified as such, is not to be taken as an expression of opinion as to whether or not they are subject to proprietary rights.

    While the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication, neither the authors nor the editors nor the publisher can accept any legal responsibility for any errors or omissions that may be made. The publisher makes no warranty, express or implied, with respect to the material contained herein., PeopleImages, ymgerman. Photo 130859010 © Kaspars Grinvalds - Photo 103557713 © Konstantin Kolosov - Yuri Arcurs via Getty Images

    Publisher: Elluminet Press

    Director: Kevin Wilson

    Lead Editor: Steven Ashmore

    Technical Reviewer: Mike Taylor, Robert Ashcroft

    Copy Editors: Joanne Taylor, James Marsh

    Proof Reader: Steven Ashmore

    Indexer: James Marsh

    Cover Designer: Kevin Wilson

    eBook versions and licenses are also available for most titles. Any source code or other supplementary materials referenced by the author in this text is available to readers at

    For detailed information about how to locate your book’s resources, go to

    Table of Contents

    What is a ChromeBook?

    Setting up your ChromeBook

    Creating a Google Account

    Initial Setup

    Personalise your ChromeBook

    Desktop Wallpaper

    Using your Own Photos

    Account Image

    Sync & Google Services

    Transferring your Files to ChromeBook

    Using Google Drive

    Using an External Drive

    Setting up Printers

    Cloud Enabled Wireless Printers

    Traditional Printers

    Adding Bluetooth Devices

    Connect your Phone

    Connect to WiFi

    Managing Users

    Adding a User

    Deleting Users

    Parental Controls

    Add a Child Account

    Set up Parental Controls

    Monitoring Child Accounts with Family Link

    Allow or Block Apps

    Manage Web Browsing

    Configuring Other Settings

    Mouse & Touchpad

    Internal Display Settings

    External Display Settings

    Time Zone

    Change Language

    Keyboard Layout

    Keyboard Settings

    Network Settings

    Power Options

    Integrate DropBox

    Integrate OneDrive

    Remote Desktop



    Getting around ChromeBook

    Power Up & Power Down

    The Login Screen

    The Touch Pad

    One Finger Tap

    Two Finger Tap

    One Finger Click and Drag

    Two Finger Scroll

    Two Finger Swipe

    Three Finger Swipe

    The Keyboard

    Onscreen Keyboard Help

    ChromeBook Task Manager

    Desktop and the App Shelf

    System Tray


    App Launcher

    Create App Folders

    Pin Apps to your App Shelf

    File Management

    Creating Folders

    Moving Files

    Copying Files

    Renaming Files

    Sorting Files

    Searching for Files

    External Drives

    Formatting External Drives

    SD Cards

    Talk to your Chromebook

    Using Chrome Apps

    Chrome Web Store

    Browsing the Store

    Searching the Store

    Downloading New Apps

    Removing Chrome Extensions

    Useful Online Apps

    Using Android Apps

    Enable the Google Play Store

    Google Play Store

    Browsing the App Store

    Search for Apps

    Managing Apps

    Removing Apps

    Using Linux Apps

    Enable Linux Support

    Using Linux

    Install a Linux App

    Finding Apps

    Remove Linux Apps

    Running Linux Apps

    Web, Email & Communication

    Google Chrome

    Browser Tabs

    Browse Incognito

    Browsing History

    Bookmarking a Site

    Bookmark Folders

    Site Shortcuts


    Printing a Webpage

    Saving Passwords

    Managing Passwords

    Generate Automatic Strong Passwords

    Chrome Security

    Google Mail

    Reading Mail

    Writing a New Message

    Reply to a Message

    Adding Attachments

    Inserting Images

    Sending Money

    Adding Other Email Accounts


    View Contact Details

    Edit Details

    Add New Contact

    Add Contact from Message


    Calendar View

    Add Event

    Google Hangouts

    Messaging New Contacts

    Calling Someone New

    Calling Someone in Conversation Window

    Sending Images

    Sending Emoticons


    Google Play Store

    Play Music

    Downloading Music

    Streaming Music

    Searching for Music

    Casting Music

    Streaming Music with Spotify

    Play Books

    Downloading eBooks

    Play Movies & TV

    Browsing the Store

    Searching for Movies

    Watching Movies

    Searching for TV Shows


    Prime Video


    Projectors & TVs



    Google Photos

    Viewing Photos

    Adjusting Photos

    Crop & Rotate Photos

    Creating Albums


    Sharing Photos

    Sharing Albums

    Google Docs

    Getting Around Google Docs

    Using Paragraph Styles


    Bold, Italic, Underlined

    Changing Fonts

    Font Colour

    Justify Text

    Bullets Lists

    Numbered Lists

    Cut, Copy & Paste

    Adding Images

    From your Chromebook

    From the web

    From your Photos

    From your Camera

    Formatting Images

    Cropping Images

    Adding Tables

    Inserting Rows & Columns

    Saving Documents

    Opening Saved Documents

    Printing Documents

    Sharing Documents

    Google Sheets

    What is a Spreadsheet

    Getting Around Google Sheets

    Simple Text Formatting

    Bold, Italic, Strike & Underlined

    Changing Fonts

    Font Size

    Cut, Copy & Paste

    Resizing Rows and Columns

    Inserting Rows & Columns

    Cell Alignment

    Cell Borders

    Using Formulas

    Using Functions


    Auto Sum

    Types of Data

    Adding a Chart

    Google Slides

    Getting Around Google Slides

    Designing a Slide

    Add an Image

    From Photos

    From the Web

    From your Google Drive

    Resize an Image

    Crop an Image

    Add a Video

    Slide Layer Arrangement

    Add a New Slide

    Change Slide Layout

    Slide Masters

    Slide Transitions

    Slide Animations


    Insert a Table

    Add a Chart

    Printing Presentations

    Giving your Presentation

    Present with ChromeCast



    Updating Chrome OS

    ChromeBook Recovery

    App Info


    Video Resources

    About the Author

    With over 15 years’ experience in the computer industry, Kevin Wilson has made a career out of technology and showing others how to use it. After earning a master’s degree in computer science, software engineering, and multimedia systems, Kevin has held various positions in the IT industry including graphic & web design, building & managing corporate networks, training, and IT support.

    He currently serves as Elluminet Press LTD’s senior writer and director, he periodically teaches computer science at college in South Africa and serves as an IT trainer in England. His books have become a valuable resource among the students in England, South Africa and our partners in the United States.

    Kevin’s motto is clear: If you can’t explain something simply, then you haven’t understood it well enough. To that end, he has created the Computer Fundamentals Series, in which he breaks down complex technological subjects into smaller, easy-to-follow steps that students and ordinary computer users can put into practice.


    Thanks to all the staff at Luminescent Media & Elluminet Press for their passion, dedication and hard work in the preparation and production of this book.

    To all my friends and family for their continued support and encouragement in all my writing projects.

    To all my colleagues, students and testers who took the time to test procedures and offer feedback on the book

    Finally thanks to you the reader for choosing this book. I hope it helps you to use your chromebook with greater understanding.

    Have fun!

    What is a ChromeBook?

    A ChromeBook is a laptop or tablet that runs an operating system called Chrome OS and uses Google’s Chrome Web Browser to run web apps. On later ChromeBook devices, you can also run Android and Linux apps.

    ChromeBooks are designed to be used online, meaning you must be connected to the internet all the time whether you are at home, the office, in school, college, the library, or generally out and about. Without an internet connection, your ChromeBook can still function but will be limited at best.

    It’s worth noting what a ChromeBook can do and what it can’t do. ChromeBooks are great for online collaboration - creating and sharing documents, spreadsheets and presentations. Using the web, checking your email/social media, posting photographs and videos. Video chatting with friends as well as streaming music, TV programmes and films directly to your ChromeBook.

    A ChromeBook on the other hand would be a bad choice if you needed a laptop/device to edit video, make music, manipulate photographs, or anything that requires a lot of data storage and processing speed. ChromeBooks are not designed for this.

    ChromeBooks look very similar to traditional style windows or mac laptops. The main difference is ChromeBooks are a lot more light weight, usually smaller, have less built in storage space and have no DVD/CD drives.

    Let’s take a closer look. Along the sides of your chromebook you’ll find some ports. Not all manufacturers put the same ports on their devices or put them in the same place however, you’ll find the most common ones on all devices.

    Your power port is either along the side or the rear panel. This is usually a standard power connector or on some models a USB-C port.

    Along the side you’ll find your USB ports. How many you have will depend on the model but you’ll usually find at least two. You’ll find USB 2 or USB 3 ports.

    On some of the newer models, you’ll find USB C ports.

    One some models, you’ll also find an HDMI port either on the rear or along the side.

    Also included is a 1/8th inch (3.5mm) headphone jack and will usually be located along the side.

    You can plug in headphones or speakers.

    Some models include a built in card reader for SD cards. You’ll either find a full size SD card reader:

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