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American Ripper: The Enigma Of America's Serial Killer Cop
American Ripper: The Enigma Of America's Serial Killer Cop
American Ripper: The Enigma Of America's Serial Killer Cop
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American Ripper: The Enigma Of America's Serial Killer Cop

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American Ripper is the true story of Gerard John Schaefer, a Florida Law Enforcement Officer who was a prolific serial killer in the late 1960's early 1970's. The decade that was thought to be filled with "Love, Peace and Happiness," became a new dark age, breeding more serial ki

Release dateJun 2, 2020
American Ripper: The Enigma Of America's Serial Killer Cop

Patrick Kendrick

Patrick Kendrick worked an entire career in the fire service before retiring to write full time. While in the service he also worked as a freelance writer, publishing articles and short stories in numerous newspapers and magazines. Kendrick has won honourable mentions from the Mystery Writers of America and the Beverly Hills Film Festival, the Opus Magnum Discovery Award from the Hollywood Film Festival and the Florida Book Award for his first novel, Papa's Problem.

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    American Ripper - Patrick Kendrick


    The contents of this book regarding the accuracy of events, people and places depicted and permissions to use all previously published materials are the sole responsibility of the author who assumes all liability for the contents of the book.

    2020 © Patrick Kendrick

    All rights reserved. Except for fair use educational purposes and short excerpts for editorial reviews in journals, magazines, or web sites, no part of this book shall be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author and/or publisher.

    International Standard Book Number 13: 978-1-60452-164-1

    International Standard Book Number 10: 1-60452-164-3

    BluewaterPress LLC

    2922 Bella Flore Ter

    New Smyrna Beach FL 32168

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    Chapter 1 The Abduction

    Chapter 2 Patrolman Schaefer

    Chapter 3 Susan and Georgia

    Chapter 4 Missing

    Chapter 5 The Discovery

    Chapter 6 The Search

    Chapter 7 The Suspect

    Chapter 8 The Victims

    Chapter 9 The Trial

    Chapter 10 Schaefer Speaks


    Other books by Patrick Kendrick

    Acoustic Shadows

    Extended Family

    The Savants

    Papa's Problem

    visit Patrick Kendrick's website at:

    Chapter 1

    The Abduction

    Return to TOC

    I heard a slight groan, and I knew that it was the groan of mortal terror.

    From The Tell-Tale Heart, by Edgar Allan Poe

    July 21, 1972

    At the end of a warm and brilliant day, Nancy Ellen Trotter, 18, and Paula Sue Wells, 17, trudged their way along highway A1A trying to hitch a ride. They’d been enjoying the Florida sun on the welcoming shores of Jensen Beach and now they faced the task of getting home. Home being a temporary place in Stuart, a then small town with a populace of about five thousand, that lay a short distance to the south of Jensen Beach. The girls walked slowly, occasionally extending a thumb when a car would go by. They were sunburned and tired, but pleasantly gratified as only a day at the beach can gratify two young girls, with adventure in thei r hearts.

    Nancy and Sue, as her friends called her, had only known each other a short while. They’d met while both were hitchhiking to Chicago. They quickly became friends and decided to abandon the Chicago trip and thumb to Florida to get a suntan. The girls were similar in height and build, beyond that they were complete opposites. Nancy was fair-skinned, with long straight blonde hair that ran down almost as far as her elbows. Sue was darker, her hair short, wavy and almost black. Both girls were attractive, especially so in their bikinis, but they wore loose-fitting clothes over their swimsuits, an example of the modesty with which they were raised. The two of them came from equally small towns: Nancy from Farmington, Michigan, and Sue from Garland, Texas. Small towns like these seem to instill in their young a good sense of morals, even if in so doing they also instill an almost unbearable and universal curiosity that eventually compels girls like Nancy and Sue to wander out and find answers to questions a small town cannot answer.

    The girls barely heard the sheriff’s car as it idled up next to them and stopped. The squawk and fuzz of the radio brought their attention around to the patrol car. A Martin County Sheriff’s Deputy stared out at them from behind the green-tinted window glass.

    On the side of most sheriffs’ and police cars are the words: To Serve, To Protect, usually above and below the star-shaped insignia on the car door. Sometimes the words are stamped into their badges or delicately engraved on plaques or whatnots around the department’s offices. Regardless of where the words are found, or if they are found, they are always implied. The words symbolize the whole meaning of law enforcement in general. They are the servants of the public, the protectors of the people. When you are in distress, the sheriff is a welcome sight. They make you feel safe.

    You girls know it’s illegal to hitchhike? the deputy asked as he stepped out of the car.

    The girls looked nervously at each other and shrugged their shoulders. They shook their heads, indicating that they did not know it was illegal to hitchhike in that area.

    The patrolman’s attitude seemed to ease up a little and he slid back behind the wheel of the car. Nancy and Sue suspected they might be in some sort of trouble, so they did not move. They heard the deputy call into his station. They did not know to whom he was speaking, but heard him say, I’ve got two girls here…requesting permission to take them home. A moment later, the deputy got out of the car, came around and opened the back door for the girls.

    It’s okay, he said. I’m going to give you a ride home.

    The girls were somewhat relieved as they climbed into the back seat. It was a hot, searing Friday afternoon, certainly too warm to walk all the way to Stuart. It was July, and July in Florida is only slightly cooler than August, which is like saying the fire is cooler than the proverbial frying pan. The girls would appreciate an air-conditioned ride home. They could find no reason to complain about a gallant deputy chauffeuring them to their door. And he was more than hospitable now, in fact at one point, telling stories of his own hitchhiking experiences throughout Europe and the US. Joking about how sometimes you could never get a ride, and then one lone car would pick you up and just take you forever.

    The deputy was Gerard John Schaefer, 26, a former patrolman with the Wilton Manor Police Department in Broward County, Florida. He displayed an encompassing, outgoing manner and would later be described by one person, as a good guy who looked like Hoss of the Cartwrights on Bonanza. He began work with the Martin County Sheriff’s Department and was on the job barely more than a month when he picked up Nancy Trotter and Sue Wells. He had not passed his probationary period, lasting less than a year, at Wilton Manor Police Department, but found work easily enough with the Sheriff’s Department. Later, it would be discovered that he’d forged a letter of recommendation from Wilton Manor.

    The letter, filled with high praise and glowing accolades for the young patrolman, would be instrumental in obtaining the deputy position for him. Schaefer did not introduce himself but was pleasant enough, even friendly. He asked the girls if they’d like to meet him in the morning, and he could give them a ride to the beach. The girls, having no other form of transportation, and feeling confident in having befriended the Good Samaritan deputy, agreed. They would meet the following morning, Saturday, at the band shell on East Ocean Boulevard. The girls thanked him for the ride home and waved good-bye. They felt good about not having to hitchhike to the beach the next day. They would get an early start and spend the day working on their suntans.

    Saturday morning, July 22nd, 1972, and all across America people awoke, then laid back down in their beds with the satisfying realization that it was not a workday. Some rolled out of bed with startling, pounding hangovers that came from Friday night, payday. The coyote chased the roadrunner, forever in vain, across animated landscapes on flickering TV screens, while Ronald McDonald and the Hamburglar oversold their fast food and change-back-from-a-buck jargon.

    Sue Wells and Nancy Trotter stood near the gleaming band shell, not far from the city of Stuart’s courthouse, and felt the bristling heat of a new Florida day begin to caress their shoulders. They waited patiently for their ride, occasionally shuffling a stone underfoot and engaging in sleepy, insignificant conversation. They wondered if perhaps the deputy would not show. After all, he was a cop. Surely, he had more important business to attend to, or a family to occupy his Saturday. They did not have to wonder very long.

    A light blue car with white interior and bucket seats, pulled up near them: the driver was Gerard Schaefer.

    He picked us up between 9:15 and 9:30, but he was in plain clothes and in his own car, Nancy would later relate. He told us they switched him to be a plainclothes cop today and that (on those days) he just does observations."

    He started driving toward Jensen Beach, and he asked us if we wanted to see an old Spanish fort that was on the river. We said okay.

    Then, as Schaefer drove along A1A, Nancy in the front seat, Sue in the back, the following scene began to take place.

    Schaefer pulled off the paved road onto a predetermined dirt road that led back into a wooded area on Hutchinson Island, a long narrow strip of land that runs from Martin to St. Lucie County. It runs parallel with the coasts of Stuart and Jensen Beach and farther to the north into Lucie County. Indian River separates the island from the coast on the west side and the Atlantic Ocean stretches out along the east side. In 1972, before the many massive condominium high-rises sprang up out of the brine-soaked mud, it was a relatively deserted island. The only inhabitants were the few people who could afford the luxury of owning secluded beach houses on the ocean side. The west side of the island was virtually uninhabited as well as densely covered with thick underbrush.

    Schaefer wove through the underbrush and parked his car near a dilapidated shed. The shed was held together with barely more than a few rusty nails and the fact that the wind could not readily get to it through the thick foliage. The girls got out, feigning interest. It was somewhat of a letdown compared to the Spanish fort they were anticipating. It was actually just an old storage shed. Inside were some soggy, black with wet-rot boards, and some equally decayed fruit baskets. The smell of damp fungus was sharp to dry nostrils, and animals and adolescents had stained the dark corners with urine. Now and again, something black and wet looking would slither or hop through the grass that grew between the floorboards.

    Schaefer pointed out along the river, and with a sweeping gesture of his hand, explained how and where old Spanish boats used to come in to dock, his thick fingers pointing to places along the reed-covered bank. The girls grew impatient, after all, they were missing out on the beach, but they continued to be polite and soon they were back in the car and ready to leave. Then, the hospitable deputy’s attitude began to change. He became very cold, he seemed distracted, and began to ask questions. Questions that were unexpected and totally inconsistent with the courteous behavior of the deputy up to now. His movements became more mechanical, as if his actions were becoming a step-by-step process. As if what he was about to do was well thought-out in advance. His large once-rounded shoulders seemed to draw back tensely, his mouth was an angry slit in his face. He was becoming excited.

    Schaefer’s own writings perhaps best describe what he felt and undoubtedly what he intended to do. The following is an excerpt from his writings that would later be seized in a search of his belongings: (Note: We have used his spelling and punctuation.)

    In order to remain unapprehended the perpetrator of an execution style murder such as I have planned must take precautions. One must think out well in advance a crime of this nature in order for it to work.

    We will need an isolated area, assessable by car and a short hike, away from any police patrols or parking lovers. The execution site must be carefully arranged for a speedy execution once the victim has arrived. Ideally would be 2 saw horses with 2 X 4 between them. A noose attached to the overhanging limb of a tree and another rope to pull away the 2 X 4 preferably by car. A grave must be prepared in advance away from the place of execution.

    The victim could be anyone of the many women who flock to Miami & Ft. Lauderdale during the winter months. Even 2 victims would not be difficult to dispose of since women are less wary when traveling in pairs. In any case it may be more preferable to bind & gag the victims before transporting them to the place of execution. Then again depending on what torture or defilement is planned for them other items may be useful.

    Bars of soap & water. These are useful if you would want to wash a woman before her execution. Induce her to urinate and then wash her. Soap provides an excellant lubricant for anal intercourse. Beer is useful to induce urination and make the victim groggy and more cooperative. Soap can also be forced into the rectum to induce defecation when the victim has no particular desire to relieve her bowels. Possibly she may want to defecate since people generally have a desire to do this when they are scared. A douch bag may be helpful in degrading her further and is also useful for a soapsuds enema which would be a great indignity, especially if one victim was made to urinate or defecate on the other. This would be a gross indignity.

    Nylon stockings are useful to tie the hands and feet of the victim. The victim should be made to strip to at least her underwear. If stripped completely nude an attempt can be made to excite her sexually. The effect would be especially interesting if the victim had her neck in the noose and hands tied behind her back. A white pillow case should be placed over her head and her mouth gaged. Her panties should be pulled down enough to expose the genitles and clitorial stimulation applied. During the height of her excitement, the support would be pulled away and she would dangle by her neck. She may be revived before death if desireable and subjected to further indecencies. After death has occured the corpse should be violated if not violated already. The body should be possibly mutliated and carried to the grave and buried. All idenity papers should be destroyed and the place of execution dismantled.

    Schaefer interrogated Nancy and Sue. Do you know of a place called the Halfway House?

    Yes, they replied. There’s just a bunch of Jesus freaks there. We’re staying with one of the girls who works there. She also works at McDonald’s.

    Are there drugs there?

    No, no, said the girls, exasperated. You’re wasting your time if you think there are.

    Where are the drugs in Stuart?

    We don’t know, said Nancy. This is only our second day down here. She thought surely the explanation would convince Schaefer to discontinue his questioning. What could they know in two days?

    The girls threw furtive glances at each other and snickered a bit. This guy couldn’t be serious. They giggled and finally laughed aloud.

    Schaefer did not laugh with them.

    I could dig a hole and bury you, he told them. However, the girls were not yet frightened. He was joking, wasn’t he?

    There is no crime without a body, he continued.

    It was very hot now, sitting in the little car with the windows rolled up. The air was almost sparse, the close atmosphere stifling and claustrophobic. The three occupants of the car perspired profusely. Sweat crept through the girls’ scalps like spider’s feet. Their hair and clothes were damp, the swimsuits underneath, soaked. Their nostrils flared as the air grew more stale.

    Look, said Nancy. Can we just get out of here? We want to get to the beach.

    There was more silence, and more sweat. Then Schaefer became motivated, back in control. His face took on a look of resolution. He had a plan.

    I’m afraid I’m going to have to put you under arrest, he told them. As runaways. Nancy, dump your purse on the seat.

    Nancy reluctantly complied. Schaefer fingered through the emptied contents. Now get out of the car, he said to Nancy. Schaefer got out of the car, Nancy hesitated, so he went to her side and roughly pulled her out. Once outside the car Schaefer handcuffed her and pushed her back into the car. He did the same to Sue.

    Have you ever heard of ‘white slavery’? he asked as he got back into the car. He told them about people who still buy people today as they did in early American history. They use them for whatever they want. For mates. For pleasure. For porno movies. For killing. There are rich sheiks who’ll pay handsome wages for young white girls.

    Would your parents pay ransom for you? he asked grinning at them. He was obviously enjoying himself.

    Sue, angered, mustered her courage and blurted out, Well, go get your sheik and sell us! Then the girls hushed. They were sweaty and hot, and bound against their wills. They fought back by refusing to talk to him. Oddly, they were not as much afraid as they were disgusted and feeling foolish for getting into this mess. Now, they would probably go to jail, and for what? Then they’d have to call their parents and go through all means of legal hassles.

    Meanwhile, angered by the girls’ silence, Schaefer began to seethe. He sat for a moment gripping the car’s steering wheel, hands twisting, knuckles stretching against skin. Suddenly, he burst from the car. He walked quickly around to the trunk, opened it and withdrew a length of thick sisal rope and some sheets. He opened the doors of the car and made the girls get out. He put gags, torn from the sheets, over their mouths.

    If one of you tries to get away, he said, I’ll kill the one I have. Then, I’ll come and catch and kill the other.

    In Nancy’s words: He took Sue out in a field. He had my blanket (which she’d brought to lie on at the beach) and he put it on the ground. He made her sit on it, and he tied her legs together. And then he made another loop around her shoulders so that she was tied hand and foot, handcuffed and gagged. I was scared then ... I could have run away, but I couldn’t because he had Sue there.

    Go ahead and try to get away, he told Sue. I’ll have Nancy and if you get away, I’ll kill her. Then I’ll come and kill you.

    He took Nancy down to the river, through the thick growth of trees. The river was Indian River, a massive leg of brown-green, brine-water that separates Hutchinson Island from the mainland of Florida. There were small islands of trees jutting out of the damp ground. He took Nancy to one of these. The tree trunks were subject to the fluctuating tide of Indian River. At low tide, the large roots, some eight to twelve-inches thick, were exposed above the muddy earth.

    Some of them were exposed to the point of sticking out of the ground almost a foot high. He made Nancy get up onto one of these roots, so she would have been as much as eighteen to twenty-four inches off the ground. He made a noose and slid it over Nancy’s head and tightened it around her throat.

    That’s when I started crying, she said. Then he put the rope over a branch above me, and then tied it onto another branch. The rope went up and down and then hooked onto another piece of branch. Then he told me not to get away. If I had fallen off of those roots I would have hung.

    While Nancy stood there tottering on the slippery root, she sobbed. The hard, rough root hurt her feet; the scratchy sisal rope raked the soft skin of her neck, and seemed to grow tighter with each move she made.

    Schaefer watched her a while, pleased with his work. Toying with her, he reached back and pinched her buttocks. She looked at him disgusted. He laughed.

    I could rape you right now, right here, if I wanted to.

    Nancy’s heart pounded in her throat, pounded against the tightening rope, pounded so hard she was sure he could hear it. Suddenly, he turned and left her there, apparently remembering Sue.

    As soon as Schaefer was out of sight, Nancy began to try to break free. She could turn her head enough to see the knots of the noose. She worked the gag from her mouth and began to chew on the knot. The rope left little coarse hairs in her mouth which ground into her gums as she chewed, and it tasted like car oil. Her legs were also tightly bound with rope around her knees. She tried desperately to work her legs free but to no avail. The attempt seemed only to cut the blood flow to her feet, making them numb and, consequently, making it difficult to keep a firm footing on the root.

    "I finally turned around and fell against the branch where the other end of the rope was tied on. The rope was looser from my chewing on it, and I could untie it with my hand behind my back.

    I undid the knot myself, and then I got all the ropes off. I didn’t take very long, maybe ten or fifteen minutes. But I still had the handcuffs on . . .

    She picked up the ropes that moments before had held her captive. She ran, keeping low, back up to the Spanish fort. She hid the ropes because earlier she noticed he’d taken most of the ropes out of his trunk. Without ropes, if she was captured again, at least he could not hang her.

    I felt like I was in a movie. I sneaked back behind the Spanish fort and peeked out the other side, and saw his car was still there.

    Nancy reasoned that the best thing for her to do would be to try to get away and get help. She could not be of any help to Sue in her present condition, and even if she wasn’t handcuffed, Schaefer could undoubtedly overpower her. Besides, she did not know where he’d taken Sue, or if she were even still alive.

    She scrambled through the brush as quietly as humanly possible, and back to the river. She waded in up to her knees. The water was sickly warm. The river bottom was silty mud filled with sharp little shells. With every step she took, her feet sank deep into the mud, and the broken shells were like tiny razors. The water smelled stagnant. She crept along the shore in this manner, the river bottom sucking at her feet as if to eat them, her pace made slower by the fact that she was handcuffed, and so, off-balance. She thought she heard someone call her. She stopped and listened. There it was again. She crouched low, her long blonde hair dripping into the briny water. She peered into the bushes. It was Sue.

    Nancy started toward her and stopped. It occurred to her that this might be a trick. Schaefer probably went back, found her gone, and was now forcing Sue to call her. Baiting her. Setting a trap. He was certainly clever enough. With incredible effort, and battling her conscience, she decided to leave and got for help.

    I kept going, she said.

    "As I was going through the water, I heard sounds like someone was behind me. I started running through the water ’cause I thought he was after me. At the first clearing, I ran up on land and there was this whole bunch of undergrowth. I crawled under there and just stayed in the bushes, being real quiet.

    "I knew there were snakes in here, but I didn’t see any. I did see every kind of spider. Every time a bird flew up or the wind blew through the trees, I kept thinking it was him.

    "Then the place just got really bad with mosquitoes. I couldn’t brush them off ’cause I was still handcuffed. After a half-hour or so, I couldn’t take any more. I knew that the road out there was parallel with the river, so I started heading toward the road. I was walking over all these bushes because I didn’t want to take a path. I thought, he could catch me on a path, but I could run through the jungle as fast as he could. I fell down once in a while. And then I got to a place where there were too many trees and vines. I couldn’t go in that direction anymore, and I couldn’t get around.

    I still thought he was behind me at that point. And if he was, I was just going to give up.

    Exhausted, feet cut and bleeding, the handcuffs so tight her hands had swollen and become numb, and now, no place left to run. She had to go back to the river. After an eternity of shouldering back through the brush she came upon the river. She followed the river, knowing that if she kept on this course, eventually she would be able to look across and see the A1A highway.

    "I finally got to a place where I could see the road on the other side, so I walked out into the river and just started swimming. I knew I could swim with my hands behind my back.

    I’m a pretty good swimmer. You kind of kick while on your back and kind of do the side stroke without your hands. The river was pretty wide because the cars on the road seemed pretty small when I started swimming,"

    She swam in this labored position, a slight current fatiguing her; the water, murky and dark and concealing God knows what. A jellyfish stung her once and then another one stung her a little further ahead. She thought she may have been into a whole school of them but could not recall if there were even such things as schools of jellyfish. Whether or not there were, the two stings she sustained were extremely painful, yet she could not stop. Several times she was sure she would drown. Eventually, she came close enough to shore to touch bottom. She pulled herself up, utterly drained, having no more energy to get out of the water. She stumbled toward the shore and, still knee-deep in the river, began screaming at cars passing on the road.

    As she screamed, she cried. The ordeal had been almost more than she could bear. Now she had to get help for Sue, and cars kept going by. Except one.

    A Martin County Sheriff’s patrol car came to an abrupt stop dead ahead of her. The same kind that had picked her and Sue up only yesterday and taken them home. The same car that Schaefer would be driving . . .

    Oh, God, she thought to herself as she fell to her knees, I’m going to die. She could fight no more. He has me now . . .

    The door of the car opened. The Martin County Sheriff, Robert Lewis Crowder, stepped out. Crowder, a short stocky man with wide shoulders and an ever-youthful face, walked toward Nancy. His short stature was embellished by his well-pressed clothes and meticulous grooming. His stunning blue eyes conveyed friendship and warmth,

    He had spotted Nancy about eighty to one hundred yards away from the road, still in the river. He remembers feeling sick and disgusted about the incident, but extremely relieved to have found both girls relatively unharmed.

    Coincidently, about an hour earlier, a truck driver had found Sue, shaken and handcuffed, and yelling for him to stop. She’d told the truck driver the story and they had called the Sheriff’s Department and requested to speak to the head sheriff, not a deputy. However, Sheriff Crowder was already out searching for the girls.

    Crowder had been at home, typically relaxing on a Saturday afternoon when he’d received a call from Deputy Schaefer. Schaefer seemed reluctant to come to the point. Puzzled, Crowder asked why he’d called him at home, on a Saturday. What was it that could not wait until Monday?

    I’ve done something foolish, Schaefer told him, childishly. You’re going to be mad at me.

    Schaefer explained that he had picked up the girls hitchhiking, that he was demonstrating the pitfalls, the dangers, of hitchhiking. He’d gotten a little carried away. He’d meant no harm. He was only trying to teach them a lesson. He’d tied them up. Probably, they didn’t understand. They’ve gotten away.

    Crowder quickly called one of his most trusted men and good friend, Lt. Melvin Waldron. They immediately began a search for the girls. Crowder, without revealing the whole story, left orders at the station he should be contacted as soon as anyone heard anything from either Nancy Trotter or Paula Sue Wells.

    When the call came in from the trucker, concerning Sue Wells, Crowder was notified first. He went to the spot where the driver was calling from. There he’d found Sue, in much the same condition as he’d later find Nancy. He wrapped her in a blanket and put her in the backseat of his car, after first removing her handcuffs.

    Sue related the story to Crowder as he drove her back to the Sheriff’s Department. She told him Nancy was probably still out there and she was handcuffed too. The last time I saw her she was in the river. I think she got away.

    Crowder was worried about Nancy, with good reason. She could have stepped into a hole, or on a stingray. (A stingray is a native saltwater creature which lives slightly submerged in the mud of Florida river bottoms. They have long whip-like tails with sharp poisonous barbs which they will quickly sink into your leg if you step on them.) She could have died . . . And, she could have run back into Schaefer.

    Crowder sidestepped down the bank of the Indian River to help Nancy out of the water.

    Nancy? he called.

    She nodded her head feebly.

    We’ve been looking for you, he told her. We found Sue about forty-five minutes ago. She’s okay. She’s down at the station.

    Later, Nancy would tell one reporter, The sheriff (Crowder) was really nice. He undid the hand cuffs, wrapped me in a blanket and put me in the back seat of his car. I asked, ‘What’s going on?’ He said, ‘Guess we had one bad apple in the bunch.’

    Robert Lewis Crowder was the youngest sheriff to ever serve office in Florida. Former Governor Reuben Askew appointed Crowder the position of Sheriff of Martin county when he was just twenty-six years old. Askew needed a man to fill the position when the previous sheriff, Roy C. Baker, was suspended on charges of official misconduct. Crowder, an ambitious and politically motivated young man, was already a detective for the Stuart Police Department. When the offer came for him to take the sheriff’s position, he knew that Baker had been Martin County’s sheriff for almost twenty years. Nevertheless, he saw opportunity in the position and accepted willingly.

    As acting sheriff, Crowder was concerned with the upcoming election: he wanted to keep his job. One of the platforms he maintained was to slash the long working hours of his deputies by increasing the manpower of the department.

    The department began to accept applications for more deputies. Gerard John Schaefer was one of the very first to apply, was hired by Crowder.

    He was a clean-cut man with a college degree who had already been certified by the Florida Police Standards Board, said Crowder. He had a polite demeanor, he was intelligent and personable, not at all like a person who might become overly aggressive in performing his duties. He already had his police training and was ready to go to work that day. We made a police officer check on him and his record came back clean. We needed men, so I hired him.

    Crowder, after questioning Nancy Trotter and Paula Sue Wells separately, found their accounts of the incident to be identical. He then told Schaefer to consider yourself fired. He said, too, that at this point he informally asked Public Defender Elton H. Schwarz to request that Schaefer be given a psychiatric examination.

    It was my opinion then, said Crowder, "that the guy was really weird. Schwarz had a couple of teenage daughters and I told him this could have been one of his children. I asked him if he wanted to put a man like this back on the streets.

    The mental examination never developed, said Crowder. I don’t think anyone recognized the potential seriousness of what he (Schaefer) had done.

    Crowder would remain bitter toward the Monday morning quarterbacks who criticized his hiring Schaefer. In September of 1972, he would defeat Roy C. Baker for his comeback-bid to the office in the primary election. However, a few months later, he would lose the general election, and consequently, the office to Republican nominee and former deputy under Baker, James D. Holt. Crowder would later find employment as a security supervisor for Ebasco Services Incorporated. He returned to law enforcement and was under sheriff of St. Lucie for eight years before running for Sheriff of Martin County, winning the position and holding it for over twenty years.

    Perhaps, because of the political instability in the Martin County Sheriff Department that year, Schaefer’s other hideous crimes would go undetected for almost eight months. He would not be suspected for any major felony for, as he’d said himself, There is no crime without a body, and as yet, there were no bodies. But why, one must ask, was there not more intensive investigations into the dozens of missing young women and girls in that South Florida area? Why didn’t anyone pursue a psychological evaluation of Schaefer? Surely a trained psychologist could have given authorities enough insight into Schaefer’s character to reveal the fact that he was at least very disturbed mentally, that at least extensive observation was warranted.

    Schaefer would eventually be charged and convicted for aggravated assault. He would be sentenced to six months in jail, but even though he was found guilty and sentenced, he would not begin his prison term until January 15, 1973, nearly six months after the abduction of Nancy Trotter and Paula Sue Wells. If only someone could have kept him incarcerated from July 22, 1972, when the Trotter/Wells incident took place, a very minimum of four lives could have been spared, perhaps many, many more.

    Whether it was because Schaefer was a clean-cut man with a clean record, a law-abiding citizen, or indeed an upholder of the law itself, a deputy, he would be dealt with leniently. And in so doing he would be free at least those six long months to kill and kill again. But then, he’d been killing for some time, long before he’d made the mistake of letting Nancy and Sue escape, by carelessly leaving them tied in the woods for an hour.

    In fact, were it not for the ingenuity and the incredible luck that these two girls had that day, they undoubtedly would have been murder victims as well. For these two girls, the episode with Schaefer would only last about three hours. But it would be an unforgettable and frightening memory that would surface as ghastly nightmares and leave them panting and clawing at sweat-dampened sheets in the middle of the night for years to come.

    Perhaps it is Monday-morning quarter-backing, but if someone would have just executed a simple search of Schaefer’s personal possessions, as they would have with any citizen caught tying and almost hanging two girls, perhaps they would have found the following story. A story among many such stories that brutally describes the heinous crimes that this man committed. The following excerpt, as well as many others, was composed by Schaefer, and indeed would later be used as evidence against him. But while his defense would argue it was merely a man acting out his frustrated fantasies on paper, it is more correct to know the stories for what they are: the diaries of a madman.

    The following story is as it was found, including all misspelled words:

    She was expecting dinner but instead was driven down a deserted road. She was asked to get out of the car and submitted to a frisk search. Then the handcuffs were locked around her wrists and the blindfold placed over her eyes. She was then led away into the dark to the place of execution. She was assisted in mounting the laddar and sat down on the top of it. The hangmans noose was placed over her head after a pillow case was dropped over her face in a hood arrangement. She sat there very composed and ladylike while I adjusted the rope. She obviously had no inclination of what was about to happen. I told her some stories about Viet Nam and then told her I had to make a radio call. I warned her that if she made a sound that she would be hanged immediately. I went back to the car and had something to drink and then brought the car up. I got out and tied the rope to the bumper so that if I pulled away it would pull out the ladder from beneath her and she would be left hanging. I went back to see her and asked if she were comfortable. She replied that she was getting bored and would I please hurry up with whatever business I had to attend to. I said I would and before I went back to the car I made sure that the rope was tight around her neck. I wanted her to stand up but she was afraid so I let her sit. She sat there very ladylike in a black chiffon dress with her hair done up and black pantyhose and highheels. She was wearing perfume and was very sexy. I went back to the car and finished off the bottle of wine and then promply at 9PM I started the car and after allowing it to run for a few minute I threw it into reverse and backed up quickly. I turned off the car and got out straing to see if the branches were moving in the trees or if there were anyother sounds. There were none. After fifteen minutes which I judged to be a sufficient time for her to die I went slowly forward into the grave of trees where the execution site was arranged. I was notheing more than a rope with a hangmans noose over a limb dangling above the ladder where she was to sit. I had a light but I almost didn’t want to see what I was responsible for. I approached in the dark and could make out her body turning slowly suspended from the tree. I went forward and turned the light. I was a little shocked. There was a considerable amount of blood staining the white pillowcase hood that was over her head. The noose was pulled tight around her neck and her head was tilted to one side because I placed the noose beneath her left chin. When I was withing a few feet of her body I could see that where her feet had been tied tightly that she had broken the bounds obviously in her violent death theos. One of her shoes was kicked off. I was probably shakeing as I slowly ran my hand up under her dress just above her knees and began to work it upward. I felt a big hard growing in my pants as my hand traveled up her legs still warm and very much alive to me. The inside of her thigs were wet were she had urinated in her panties. Her underpants and pantyhose were soaked. She was wearing her pantyhose over her panties that were white nylon mesh and very skimpy. I lifted her dress and her wet slip and pulled down the pantyhose over the back of her backside just leaving her panties. I slipped my fingers beneath the rim of her panties down near the front of her cunt and moved then slowly back toward her asshole fully expecting and hoping to find a nice pile of shit. My fingers found the hair of her ass and inched toward her hole. Her hole was open and my finger easily slipped into her hot rectum. There was a small amound of execrement littering the crotch of her panties and more clinging to the area around her asshole but there was not nearly as much as I hoped to find. I went back to the car and stripped and then returned to the grove. I then untied the rope and lowered her body to the ground where I stripped off her dress and slip and pulled down her panties and hose to around her ankles. I then drapped her body over a crate that I had brought along for that purpose and fucked her up her asshole. I shot off almost at once and then felt very sorry for her. Oh, before I took her body down I forced myself to lift up the pillowcase hood and look at her face. The face was swollen and a little mottled. The eyes were closed and swollen at the temples her mouth was open and her tongue was visible but not protruding much. I was sick at the sight but I left the hood off because of the blood which I didn’t like. After a few minutes I got on her again and fucked her ass same more. It was still hot in there and I shot off quickly once again. Then I stripped her out and threw her cloths into a pile. I then carried her body over to where i had rigged up a toilet seat between two creats and I sat her limp body on it. I then went down beneath the seat dnd stared up at her cunt and asshole playing with them and fantasing that she was in the act of shitting or pissing. After a while I tired of this and left her body on the toilet seat and went back to the car where I think I slept. After a while I went back to her and for the first time noticed that she was getting cold on the outside but was still warm on the inside when I fucked her asshole again. This time I left her nude body sprawled out on the ground with her ass sticking up in the air sort of like she was kneeling.

    I went back to the car and went back to sleep again feeling sick to my stomack. Later I woke up again and got out and went to her and stuck my prick in her ass again. This time I noticed that not only was her body getting cold but it was also getting stiff too. I woke up cold and went to the car leaving her leying in the pine needles after humping her hiney and then passing out over her dead nude body, sometime before. The next time I woke up it was nearing daylite so I went and took her body which was becomming stiff down in the joints of the arms and the legs and dragged it over to the rope. I replaced the noose around her neck and hauled her up to see what she looked like in the grey daylite. She was too difficult to haul up very far so I took her down and hauled her up on a lower limb where i could support her body as I was pullit it up. For the first tirre after removing her handcuffs I noticed that her wrists were very bruised most likely from where she tried to get out of her perdicament just before she died. Earlier I had lain beneath her and looked up her dress with a flashlight but now with her hanging there nacked she was not to stimulating. I went to the car and got a womans slip and put it on her then as she was suspended from the rope I stood on a crate behind her and screwed her ass from behind but it was hard to keep her still on the end of the rope because she kept wanting to swing out. Her body was cold by this tine and it was exciting in another way being able to fuck her cold corpse. I got off in her ass once more and then since was getting lite I took her down and wrapped her up in a white sheet and took her to the car. I dumped her body in the trunk and picked up her things and wadded them up all except her panties, pantyhose and slip which were soaked with her piss. I wanted to save thses for souvineers. I drove to another deserted spot and took her corpse out of the trunk wrapped up in the sheet. I haf dragged and carried it about a good 200 yards into the bush along a dike. She was very heavy now and it was real work just to move her. When I got to where I decided I wanted to dump her corpose I opened the sheet and rolled her out now noticing that in the full daylight that she was still wearing one earing and a gold chain. Thses I took and threw into a canal. Her cloths I also threw into another canal and then I rolled her corpse down the side of the dike to a palmetto thicket. I the daylight her corpse was very cold stiff and grotesque. She had large bruises on her legs from where she probably kicked herself during her death theos. This together with the distorted face and her bruised wrists made her appear very unattractive. I propped her up as best I could and stuck it in her asshole again and then turned her over and for the first time really noticed her auburn V covering her cunt. I forced her stiff legs apart as best I could and screwed face to face which was not easy since she was very stiff and a littler tite from the rigor mortis, between her legs. I finally got my nuts off in her and then I was exausted for awile. I sat for awhile and then decided to dump her body in the canal. I pulled her body down to the wather and pushed her in head first. Her auburn haid swam around her as she began to slip beneath the hyanciths. Finally the water came up over her butt and went into her asshole. I let her feet go and she sank beneath the water. I went back to the execution sit e and cleaned up any traces of our having been there and then went to a rock pit where I dumped her pocketbook and the sheet and a few rags and things. Then I went to Lums and had lunch on hernoney and didn’t enjoy it to much.

    About teo weeks later I was curious to wether she floated to the surface. I was horrified when I went to where she was dumped and saw her body swollen and bloated tight skinned floating there. She was face down and her hair was covering her shouders. Her ass was sticking way up in the air and I was looking right at what had been her cunt and asshole. The maggots had evidentily been at work on her because there was a big hole from her cunt to the top of the crak of her ass and she stunk to high heaven. She was putrid with all the flies buzzing and landing on her too. I poked her with a stick trying to get her down under the lilliys but ended up havin to pile lillys upon top of her to hide her corpse, whick was a funny redish color.

    Another few weeks and she was out from under the lillys again and I tried to sink her with a few blasts from a shotgun. I would almost puke when I got a wiff of her corpes. It was that bad. I would always go there and beat off toward her just out of range of the smell. Eventually she began to rot away and every now and then when I could stand then stink I would drag her out and try to mash it with a stick. It seemed even the maggots didn’t want have anything to do woit her after a certain point. Anyway finally I managed to break up the body and make it sink. I took the skull and let the ants eat her brains out if she had any and then I pulled out all the teeth and scatted than over the county. The lower jaw I buried and the rest of her skull with the face smashed in and the teeth out I put in another canal some ten miles for the rest of her body. All in all she is probably scattered over some thiry square miles and I hope that she will continue to remain among the ranks of the missing even though there is no possible connection between us.

    This, written by a man whose job was to serve, to protect. A man who would later brag to this author about his intelligence, which was never evident to me. Clever and devious does not equal intelligence.

    A few days after the Trotter/Wells abduction, on July 26th, Sheriff Robert Lewis Crowder held a news conference. Because of his short stature, he had to look up a bit to see into the faces of the many eager reporters who’d gathered to hear the story of a deputy gone wrong. But Crowder was trying to keep his head up anyway. The incident with Schaefer could only, would only, reflect on the character of the man who was responsible for hiring him. Obviously embarrassed, but trying to maintain as much dignity as possible, he told reporters that Schaefer had been fired on the spot. He’d then told Schaefer to report to Lt. Waldron, who made out the arrest ticket on my instructions.

    His action is a great embarrassment to anyone in law enforcement. It could not be foreseen from contact with the man. He remained calm, claiming he had just overdone his job. He said he was trying to impress on them (Trotter/Wells) the danger of young girls running around the country."

    Crowder said Schaefer had told the girls it was illegal to hitchhike in Martin County. But that, the only law against hitchhiking in Martin County is in the City of Stuart, and it is not enforced rigorously.

    In November of 1972, Schaefer went to court charged with two counts of aggravated assault and two counts of false imprisonment. Nancy Ellen Trotter and Paula Sue Wells were in the courtroom. They’d found work in Stuart and maintained a temporary residence in order to stay for the trial.

    Under his attorney’s advice, Schaefer pleaded guilty to one charge of aggravated assault against Nancy Trotter. All other charges were dropped on the recommendation of Assistant State Attorney, Jim Midelis. Sentencing was set for December 22, 1972.

    Martin County Circuit Court Judge D.C. Smith presided over the hearing in November and would sentence Schaefer as well. He listened to Schaefer’s plea for probation. Schaefer pleaded that he had a very promising job with a grocery firm, and that he and his wife had lost everything including my job and my respect.

    Smith told Schaefer, I don’t want to embarrass you. But I can’t conceive how you were such an automatic jackass and a fool as you were. I think we all concur in that you were a thoughtless fool.

    Schaefer was sentenced to one year in jail, with the understanding he could be out in six months, and then begin a three-year probationary period. If Martin County had a work release program, he would be considered for it. The jail term would not begin immediately. After listening to Schaefer’s attorney, Judge D.C. Smith consented to let the defendant remain free until after the holidays.

    Schaefer seemed content with the sentence. He would be allowed to leave the courtroom and spend the Christmas holidays at home with his family. A misled, slightly disturbed man would get a chance to relax, and enjoy the yule tidings and the coming of a new year. Perhaps a new year with a fresh start.

    No one could have possibly

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