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Trust the Universe: That's where the Magic happens
Trust the Universe: That's where the Magic happens
Trust the Universe: That's where the Magic happens
Ebook95 pages1 hour

Trust the Universe: That's where the Magic happens

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Have you ever wondered what happens when you bring Spirituality into Business? This book is just one example of the magic that occurs when you start to listen to the universal messages around you, when you trust your gut instincts, when you believe that anything is possible.

In Trust the Universe

Release dateAug 1, 2020
Trust the Universe: That's where the Magic happens

Vicki Williams

I turned to novel-writing after writing non-fiction for many years, primarily as a columnist. I wrote a syndicated column (political and social commentary) for King Features Syndicate for 10 years. My work has appeared in Newsweek, McCalls, Sports Illustrated, USA Today and many others. A Newsweek essay won an Indiana Presswomen's award for Social Commentary, then won at the national level. Three of my columns have appeared in textbooks. I currently write a weekly column for the Logansport (IN) Pharos-Tribune. I also write three blogs - one on writing, one on NASCAR and one on politics. During my work years, I was a bartender, a factory worker, a secretary, an insurance underwriter, a real estate salesperson and a plan administrator. I finally retired and am now living my dream as a full-time writer. I live in rural Indiana with my blond Pekinese, Channie, and my two cats, Paisley and Slate.

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    Book preview

    Trust the Universe - Vicki Williams

    Trust the Universe

    That’s where the MAGIC happens

    by Vicki Williams

    Copyright © 2013 Vicki Williams

    First published in the USA in 2013

    1st edition 25 September 2013

    Revised edition 1 November 2013

    2nd Edition 20 July 2020

    2nd Edition Published: Red Eagle Publications

    Paperback ISBN: 978-0-9876306-0-5

    Hardcover ISBN: 978-0-9876306-2-9

    eBook ISBN: 978-0-9876306-1-2

    Cover design: PeacockDesign

    Editing: Firebird Consulting Editing

    Photo of Vicki: Shared Moments Photography


    This book is dedicated to the spiritual advisors I work with on a regular basis, and all those who have been instrumental in changing my life.


    This book was written as part of a challenge. It happened because the Universe placed me in the right place at the right time.

    This particular Monday I was full of the flu. I checked my diary to see what the rest of the week looked like and made a judgment call. I realized that, if I didn’t hit this flu on the head right now, I would suffer with it for longer than I needed to.

    So I took the day off work. I finished a book that had been sitting on my bedside cabinet for months. I listened to a self-guided meditation that I’d bought months before and hadn’t even unwrapped the packet. I slept and then I went on Facebook where I noticed a post from Getrude Matshe, a Facebook friend from a group we are both members of. She posted a challenge for one hundred people to write a book in forty hours.

    For those of you who know me, you will probably be aware that I have attempted to start writing a book many, many, many times. Usually I get the first page or chapter written and then life gets in the way. In fact, just a few months prior to this date, I had asked a friend to start a writing group with me so we could learn from each other as we write our own books, and we had had a couple of meetings. That still didn’t get me writing.

    So why was it that I immediately replied to Getrude, saying, and I quote: I’m really interested, I’d love to know more about this.

    Within a couple of minutes, Getrude had replied: Can I Skype you?

    The Skype call didn’t deter me in any way. In fact, it made me more determined to take the challenge. I knew this was a message from the Universe. They have been instrumental in creating many changes and I knew deep in my heart that they too wanted this book to be written. They had placed me in this situation today. So I committed to Getrude that I would be honored to join her challenge and, for once, I wasn’t too interested in the how.


    Special thanks to those who have provided spiritual guidance and support on my journey.

    Dorothy: who gave me my very first reading in 1996. I didn’t know back then that you could do readings over the phone. This was to be the first of my spiritual lessons.

    Elizabeth Conway: who was the first teacher to appear when I was frustrated with my spiritual growth and hungry for spiritual guidance.

    Barbara Hayward: who taught me the basics the way she was taught, and who highlighted the importance of forming a relationship with your people before starting to grow a spiritual foundation.

    Carmel Vassallo: who taught me that meditation is the most amazing journey, where you can travel to anywhere you want, and who allowed me to constantly laugh so hard that I nearly cracked a rib.

    A very special thank you to my family and friends who have believed in me and supported me in everything I do.

    Your loving support is always welcomed with open arms, regardless of the distance.

    My children, Daniel and Teanna: I may have been a hard-arsed mother who ruled with military precision, but when I look at you both now I am so proud of who you have become. I hope and pray that I am around long enough to share your growth through your own children.

    Last, but by no means least, to Rodney, my darling husband. I bet when we met and married in 1986 you never in your wildest dreams thought our future would turn out like this. Our journey together has not been easy and I share some of our story through this book.

    You have supported me through thick and thin, through projects that turned belly up, through personal and business catastrophes. You listened to me when I waffled on about spirits, guides, angels and everything else out there in the Universe as I practiced Universal principles—until you eventually believed in it yourself.

    When you started believing the Universe was actually helping us, that’s when the magic really started happening.


    This book takes you on a personal journey and is just one example of what is possible when you let go of fear-based practices; when you believe in yourself and trust the Universe.

    The intention of the author for this book is to provide information and general guidelines of processes that worked for her.

    In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, the author accepts no responsibility for the consequences of your actions.


    "Recognizing and celebrating that we are all inextricably connected to each other by a power greater than all of us, and that our connection to that power and to one another is grounded in love and belonging.

    Practicing spirituality brings a sense of perspective, meaning, and purpose to our lives."

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