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Goddesses Among Us
Goddesses Among Us
Goddesses Among Us
Ebook171 pages2 hours

Goddesses Among Us

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This book has been a blessing to myself and everyone involved. Having these conversations has been a great privilege. Don't wait any longer to make a change in your life

Release dateMay 31, 2020
Goddesses Among Us

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    Book preview

    Goddesses Among Us - Kimberly C Anderson



    Book 1


    New Life Clarity Publishing

    205 West 300 South, Brigham City, Utah 84302

    The Right of Kimberly Anderson to be identified as the Author of the work has been asserted by her in accordance with the Copyright Act 1988.

    New Life Clarity Publishing name has been established by NLCP.

    All Rights Reserved.

    No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior and express written permission of the author or publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    Printed in the United States of America

    ISBN- 9781087861920

    Copyright@2020 Kimberly Anderson


    This book is dedicated to all the Goddesses out there - including you. If at times you feel lost, lonely, overwhelmed or afraid, and are looking to change your life, this book is for you.

    Your power lies within you dear one. Strength and passion burn within you. Healing is at your fingertips. Within you is the Goddess you are meant to be.

    Stand Tall and Unleash Your Inner Goddess.

    Table Of Contents

    About The Author

    Kimberly Anderson

    Trauma to Transformation

    Abbey Sweeny

    Audacious Confidence

    Alicia Couri

    Gifts, Words, and Underdogs

    Amy Lanci

    Find Your Inner Joyy

    Burcu Onaranel


    Darla Delayne

    Twice Deleted

    Erica Palacios

    It’s Perspective

    Genevieve Espinosa

    Do It With Fear

    Jeimy Reyes

    Stand Tall

    Jennifer Gronbach

    One Helluva Conversation

    Kaprice Dal Cerro

    I Love Myself Enough To Do Something Different

    Melanie Pederson

    From Devastation To Joy, My Heart Showed Me The Way

    Nancy Loeffler

    Divinely Created For Greatness

    Pattie Godfrey Sadler

    Pushing Through

    Ro Brown

    It’s In The Showing Up And Asking

    Robbie Motter

    If He Brings Me To It, He’ll Bring Me Through It

    Tameka Peoples


    About The Author

    Kimberly Anderson

    Kimberly Anderson is an Intuitive Transformational Coach and Business Creative. She is a Best Selling Author, Speaker & TV Show Host of ‘Unleashed with Kimberly’. Her writing is featured in ‘E The Magazine’ and she frequently gets asked to be on podcasts and shows.

    Kimberly helps women understand that their limiting beliefs and past experiences don’t define them; they are lessons to build from. Teaching women to understand and trust their intuition is a profound tool in their success. Her inspiring stories of life experience and delightful humor shift people out of old beliefs and habits, to find inner wisdom and a positive energy flow. She helps to tap into and pull out innate gifts and talents, which helps women out of being stuck and inspires them to create the businesses they’ve always dreamed of.

    Kimberly has created her signature 3 part series of the ‘Unleash Your Inner Goddess’ to encourage girls and women of all ages to step into their brilliance, ending with a not to be missed ‘Goddess Retreat’. Her exclusive private and group coaching programs are for future thought leaders and professionals, like herself.

    Kimberly C Anderson ~ Founder/Owner of Aphrodite Enterprises Inc.

    w: e: [email protected]


    It is an honor to introduce you to 16 consciousness leaders in the first book of the series, Goddesses Among Us. These women have stepped into their power and are inspiring others by speaking their truth.

    These ladies are friends, sisters, aunts, mothers, daughters, grandmothers and neighbors. Just like you, they are Goddesses Among Us. They have overcome an abundance of trauma, obstacles, negativity, limiting beliefs and adversities. They have graciously stepped into the spotlight to share their powerful stories with us in these inspirational, and at times, heart wrenching conversations.

    Each of these women are a blessing to humanity. May we follow in their light, learn from their experiences, and bring their wisdom into our lives.

    These transformational conversations bring to light that we all go through stuff. We are all on journeys of experience, change, choice, and transformation. Take the profound wisdom and enlightenment found in this book to help you on your journey of life and in your own transformation.

    I am grateful to all of the women in this book. It is a true honor to help share their stories. May the words in this book bless you with wisdom and divine energy, to your higher consciousness and expansion.

    Kimberly Anderson


    Trauma to Transformation

    Abbey Sweeny

    Domestic violence is the leading cause of injury to women - more than car accidents, muggings, and rapes combined. In the US, a woman is assaulted every nine seconds. For two years, I was physically, sexually, financially, and emotionally abused. I was left broke, and broken, forced to move back in with my parents and restart my life. All my belongings, heirlooms, and gifts from others were lost. For so long, I thought life as I knew it was over, and that I was just simply waiting for my life to end.

    After a failed attempt on my life, I realized I wasn’t being punished. Instead, I was being given an opportunity. A second chance. It was then that I realized: a complete restart was not a bad thing. Rather, it was a chance to learn from my mistakes and live a different life. It was my time. Now, years after returning home, I have taken my situation and turned it into a business to help others and promote positivity to every individual, no matter what setbacks or misfortunes life has thrown at them.

    [email protected]

    Absorbing all the lessons she could, she transformed her trauma into purpose. ~ K.A.

    Trauma to Transformation…Abbey Sweeny

    Kimberly: I am super excited to introduce Abbey Sweeny. You’ve had quite the life journey so far. But first, please share who you are and what you do.

    Abbey: Well, I’m actually a Marine brat. I grew up in a very regimented home. My brother followed suit and went to the same college as my dad. It’s funny - my entire family became engineers, and then I was this artist who was so full of emotion. I went through two years of very aggressive domestic violence, and when I got out, I had one of those moments where I realized I had two options; I could either continue moving in a positive direction, or I can just stay where I was and take my own life. In my mind, those were my only two options. But I loved my family, so suicide definitely wasn’t the answer.

    I knew I needed to figure myself out. So I started taking steps towards improving myself. I went to therapists, psychologists, psychiatrists, I talked through a lot of issues, but I felt like none of these doctors were helping. I ended up hiring a life coach, and I could feel there was a real connection between us. I stayed with her, and we spent twelve weeks together, working on me. That was probably one of the most transformative periods of my life. Working with her made me realize what I wanted to do with my life: I wanted to be a life coach.

    I started my own coaching business, and I followed her 12-week model. I changed some of the steps to fit my particular emphasis, which is working with people who are struggling to overcome trauma. Domestic violence is mostly what I focus on, because that’s where I have a personal connection. I help survivors and victims, as well as abusers. I also help ex-convicts who were arrested on domestic violence charges. A lot of their trauma has nothing to do with domestic violence. The 12-week process works for both. Fast forward to today, and I speak with clients on an international level. I’m honored to be able to spread the good word about recovery.

    Kimberly: What an incredible story. So you help not only the survivors of domestic violence, but the abusers as well.

    Abbey: That’s right. We can continue to treat the symptoms all we want. The symptoms are traumatized survivors, both men and women who have left abusive relationships feeling worthless. And yes, I treat survivors, but I also focus on the people committing that abuse. If they haven’t received some form of treatment, most abusers are more than likely to abuse again. My goal is to give them the proper treatment in order to prevent further abuse from occurring.

    Kimberly: I love that. I totally understand what you’re talking about. When it comes to domestic violence, it doesn’t matter who you are, what you look like, or where you are in the economic world. It is literally a global issue, it’s happening all over the world, and I love that you are stepping forward and speaking about not only the survivors, which is massively important, but the root cause. I think that’s amazing.

    I love what you’re doing and, I’m happy that you’re in this space as well. But what would you say has been one of your biggest obstacles you’ve experienced, and how did you overcome that obstacle?

    Abbey: Well, actually making the decision to leave my abusive relationship definitely wasn’t a big challenge. It was one of those situations where I told him I was leaving, and he literally said, Fine, I’m done with you. I had nowhere else to go, so I moved back in with my parents.

    I would say the largest obstacle I had to overcome was deciding if I should actually kill myself or not. That was a big one. I didn’t think my life was worth living. I only attempted once, and thankfully I wasn’t successful. But I think I needed to make that attempt, you know, because I needed to learn that suicide was not the answer.

    I had gone to a psychiatrist, because at the time, I had really great medical insurance through Tri-Care. I think I only saw him for about three weeks, because it just wasn’t working. The therapist was doing no talking. None whatsoever. So I left him and went to another one who was a female. I hoped she might be different, but I just got the same reaction from her. She, just like the first, wanted me to do all the talking.

    It just didn’t feel like this whole therapy thing was working out. I left those appointments feeling even worse than when I walked in. So I decided, Okay, I’m going to try something else. I just kept trying new things. I tried one psychiatrist, and he wanted to put me on Ambien. I told him there was no way I was going on any medication. I didn’t need drugs - I just needed practices to put in place so I could get over my trauma. I knew I had the motivation to get

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