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UNMASKING: Book 2 of Tame Series
UNMASKING: Book 2 of Tame Series
UNMASKING: Book 2 of Tame Series
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UNMASKING: Book 2 of Tame Series

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About this ebook

"You are a talented writer. Unmasking was a great read." - Juliano Agertt (Jusky), Singer & Songwriter

Phoebe thought she was an expert in leading a double life. But the moment she accepted Federick's friendship, her vault of secret

Release dateOct 6, 2020
UNMASKING: Book 2 of Tame Series

Lavinia Dasani

Lady Lavinia Dasani is a self-published author, entrepreneur, and Founder and CEO of Plumitif Press LLC. Plumitif Press is a place where words come alive. It aims to reach readers on a worldwide scale and create an environment for readers that is safe, brings joy/laughter, promotes imagination, and is free of judgment. As an avid explorer of fictional worlds from the early age of 10, Lady Lavinia Dasani discovered her love for books. The build-up of romance between the characters she met arose in her a love for romance books. She started writing romance novels at 12 and published her first novel on Wattpad in 2013. Throughout the years, she has become known to write novels diverging from Contemporary Romance to Erotica. She loves creating new worlds where her imagination can go wild. Her books are a place for her and her readers to get lost in and explore without limits. Originally from the beautiful island of Mauritius, she migrated to the United States in her teenage years. And when she is not busy writing or making good use of her psychology degrees, she enjoys connecting with her readers. She also enjoys travelling, reading, fashion, animals, the beach, and connecting with people.

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    UNMASKING - Lavinia Dasani



    ‘Drop the mask and revel in the beauty of being bare.‘ The only directive Phoebe has to adhere to.

    . . . Getting off the bed and slowly approaching me, Well, at least, unlike you — who‘s barely covered with this short towel — I‘m wearing my pants.

    Like water over rocks, his comment went over my head. All I could think of as I openly ogled at Federick was how God damn tempting and inviting he was. He was a freaky Greek God. With his sexy bed hair, broad-shoulders and sturdily built physique, he left little to the imagination. Regardless of his pants covering his long legs, I had already gotten a glimpse of how toned and firm it was, just like his eight packs.

    I was well aware Federick was an eye-catcher and every girls‘ dream, but this much. I had no idea. With how sexy, hot, handsome, and dashing he seemed in that moment, I didn‘t blame all these girls for throwing themselves at his feet. For worshipping the ground he walks on. They had seen in Federick Archer something I was now seeing — the guarantee of delicious sex that had the power of erasing the world around.

    However, I knew better than to fall in his alluring web. I knew behind all these sexiness, and the promise of a taste of heaven was an arrogant son of a bitch.

    Stop gawking and drink this. It will help with the hangover and the bright light that‘s causing your head to pound. Federick uttered a bit too politely for my liking.

    Snapping me out of it and confused as to why Federick was suddenly being helpful, kind and considerate towards me, when he is supposed to hate me, I was even more worried about what might have conspired last night. Pointedly and suspiciously scrutinising Federick, I snatched the glass of water and aspirin from his hand.

    Washing down the pill and relishing in the cooling effect of the water, Thanks.


    Another great turn of events. I’ve been going through a hard time in my life, and this book has really helped me get through it. There are plot twists at every corner, and the ending—I love how you did it. This 2nd book in the Tame Series had a lot of high expectation to live up to, and it met each one of them. This book is truly amazing and won’t disappoint.

    — Rachel M. Cordero

    You are a talented writer. Unmasking was a great read.

    — Juliano Agertt (Jusky), Singer & Songwriter

    I really enjoy your books... It is nice and interesting... Nice work.

    — Wattpad Reader

    Other Books by Author

    The Spy Within

    Affair Of The Heart


    BOOK 2


    Ж Drop the mask and revel in the beauty of being bare Ж



    An Imprint of Plumitif Press, LLC

    1309 Coffeen Avenue STE 1200

    Sheridan, Wyoming, 82801

    Copyright © 2020 by Lady Lavinia Dasani

    All rights reserved. Except for reviews or as permitted by U.S. copyright law, the reproduction or utilisation of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereinafter invented, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher, Plumitif Press, LLC. For questions, permissions and comments, please contact us at [email protected].

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Cover by GetCovers.

    Visit Plumitif Press, LLC at

    This is the 2nd edition of the novel. The 1st edition was previously published on Wattpad, year 2016.

    ISBN (pbk): 978-1-7339857-5-8

    ISBN (ebook): 978-1-7339857-6-5

    ISBN (Hardcover): 978-1-7339857-7-2

    Printed in United States of America


    The following material contains S-ensuous contents. These are described as containing graphic romantic details that are not as explicit as an erotica novel would. Then again, like any romance novel; be it action or not, expect love scenes. However, I will give a fair warning that there might be some gruesome details within the literature.

    This ROMANCE book is entirely entertainment literature, and you‘ve been warned of its potential ‘Dangerous‘ contents in advance. Keep out of reach of children.

    Proceed with cautious – Not for the faint of heart.


    To Michaël Aaron Akash Dasani, my brother

    I dedicate this book to you

    Thanks for your help with building my website

    And being my other creative eyes when it comes to designing & arts

    With love and affection

    Your 22nd Birthday gift

    From me to you.


    To all my readers, especially those from Wattpad, I would like to thank you once again. Your support and comments have meant a lot to me. Thanks to your critics, I have been able to edit better and reconstruct the final draft of this novel. Your love and presence despite the rollercoaster I often throw you in will forever be appreciated.

    To Jonathan Ventura, the Chief of Arlington Police Department, thanks for letting me pick your brain so I could have more accurate information within my writing. Your insight in weaponry and the justice system has been more than valuable. You‘ve been a friend that one would forever cherish.

    To my family, like always, you‘ve stood by my side no matter what. And for that, I would be forever grateful.

    Thank you so much for following the Tame Series and waiting a whole year for this novel.




    Breezing through some last-minute paperwork, the natural chemical in my body, acting like amphetamine, I tied up all the loose work I left behind the day before. I was so immensely ecstatic by the sudden appearance of my childhood best friend; I made the mistake of overlooking my daily security routine.

    But not today. Making sure everything was clean and adequately locked, I bolted out of Archer & Associate before anyone could stop me. Tonight was going to be a special night — a landmark even.

    Rushing home, I began all the preparations for tonight‘s grand dinner. I have been waiting for this specific day ever since Damien left us — left me.

    Preparing Damien‘s favourite dish, I couldn‘t help but ponder how shocked he would be to see Wyatt and Teo so grown up — as almost young adults. They were no longer those jumping high-energetic toddlers running around. Now, they were just high-energetic teenagers running around. Teenagers full of love and compassion.

    But most importantly, teenagers who still needed a father figure in their lives. I‘m sure once Damien meets them and gets to know the boys on a more personal level, he will regret all those beautiful years he missed. Years when they most needed a father figure. However, I‘m convinced if given a chance, Damien would make a wonderful father. I just have to prove to him that there is more of Mia in Wyatt and Teo than there is of Cole.

    Aware Damien will eventually have to leave, and I won‘t have much time to show him this reality, I was determined to make the most of Damien‘s time here with us — as a family. He was going to see there was nothing but pure love inside the boys.

    By 16:30, some of my dishes were set aside, marinating, and awaiting to be cooked at a later interval. With half of the preparation already completed, I had time to kill until my sons returned home from their soccer practice.

    Relaxing on my couch and aimlessly browsing through the channels, I envisioned how I would break the news of Damien‘s return to the boys when they don‘t even remember him. They had no idea how their lives were going to drastically change in a blink of one night.

    Nervous and worried I might freak my kids out, I prayed I don‘t mess things up.

    ‘Oh! Get a grip, Phoebe! You are Angel! Fearless. Confident. The best assassin. And the Angel of Death!‘ My inner voice confidently chimed to encourage me. And it was right.

    I was feared by many, and yet, here I was, nervous like a clam at the thought of divulging a little secret to my sons. That on its own got to be a whole new level of pathetic.

    But I couldn‘t escape the inevitable. The question about their origin and bloodline was there. I knew there would come a time when I would have to answer to my boys. And the time for them to learn the truth about Damien was here.

    By 17:30, Wyatt and Teo trudged into the house with dirt and mud stains all over their body and cloth. Scrutinising their poor state and furrowing at the mess they must have made on their way in, You boys look like shit.

    My white furniture was so going to suffer. But thank God, the maids usually clean up after the boys before I‘m home; otherwise, I would have had a heart attack by now.

    Hello to you too, your highness. Wyatt sarcastically greeted.

    Hi, Mom, you‘re home early. Teo innocently added.

    One could definitely see who was the sweet one and who was the sarcastic troublemaker.

    Hi, my sarcastic and sweet angels . . . Using an overly fruity tone to hide my nervousness, We have a special guest coming over for dinner tonight. So, would you please tidy up, wear something nice and clean your rooms while you are at it. Without skipping a beat, I showed all my cards.

    Do we know this special guest?

    "Yes, Teo. But I don‘t know if you remember him. So please, I want you and your brother to behave the whole night." I purposely emphasised on the brother part, because Wyatt was well, just Wyatt.

    Hey, I can behave when it‘s needed.

    Sure, you can.

    "Who is this guy, anyway? I would have guessed your boss, but since we don‘t remember this special guest, it can‘t be him. Is that ‘guest‘ your boyfriend or something? — Because if he is, we will have to take a good look at him. Right, Teo?"

    I was surprised and perplexed as to why Wyatt would think of Federick of all people. Teo, on the other hand, just nodded his head like the young, innocent brother he was. I swear this attitude of his sometimes worries me. I would prefer for Teo to be as vocal and annoying as his brother, rather than being so shy. He needed help, that‘s all I knew.

    No need to go all protective on me, dear father. Fluttering my eyelids, I teased in a childlike tone.

    Puff . . . I am not.

    You so are . . . Switching conversation before we start bickering like children, I‘m curious, why did you think Federick was the one invited? He is a supreme asshole, remember.

    Sure, whatever helps you sleep better at night.

    Getting mouthy, aren‘t you, young man?

    Just saying.

    Whatever. The guy who is coming is not my boyfriend, but an old friend of mine. He has been my best friend since kindergarten, and I haven‘t seen him for years; so, both of you better behave your asses tonight. Your post-derrière depends on it. I sternly added.

    Quietly nodding their heads like the well-mannered children, I raised them to be, they headed to their respective rooms. Aware I wouldn‘t have enough time to run to the store, finish my special dish and get ready for tonight by 19:00, I called for my protégé.

    An avid lover of cooking, Luke, my sons‘ best friend and brother figure, was everything I needed. Talented and loving, he was also secretly my sons‘ bodyguard and my protected prodigy at the agency. With his help, everything, including me, was ready before 19:00. Lost in a Tv show all three boys obsessively followed, the doorbell recaptured my attention, announcing Damien‘s arrival five minutes before 19:00.

    Well, I guess he was anxious and came a tad bit earlier.‘ Leaving the kids in the living room, I mentally added.

    Damien, you are a bit early . . . Stopping mid-sentence, my whole being was struck dumb.

    In front of me wasn‘t Damien who rang the bell, but Federick freaking Archer.

    ‘What the heck was Federick Archer doing standing on my front porch?‘ My brain internally screeched like a skidding tire. No matter the reason for his presence here, I was sure of one thing; he was here to spoil my perfectly planned evening. It was just like the jerk he was.

    What in the greatest world are you doing here? I whispered-yelled. Trying to be patient, and not wanting the boys to hear us, I couldn‘t be blamed for my exaggeration.

    There‘s an important matter that needed to be discussed. The inconsiderate asshole that Federick had proven to be, purposely drew attention to him.

    Lower your voice! I lowly hissed; my displeasure as bright as the moonlight.

    What could you possibly want to talk about in the middle of the freaking night? Pointing at the clear starry sky above his head, I made my point.

    Mom, who is it? — Is your guest here yet? We are hungry.

    Turning around to face Wyatt, who was suspiciously regarding Federick, I plastered a fake smile on my visage. I didn‘t have to acknowledge Federick‘s presence. I could simply dismiss him like he was a mirage.

    It‘s nobody, Wyatt. Go back to your show. As soon as the guest arrives, we are going to serve dinner, don‘t worry.

    Mom, remember what the little birdie once said; lying is bad for health. If you are trying to hide your boss and the guy behind him with the door and your back, let me tell you, it‘s not working. Wyatt stated, slightly jokingly and slightly seriously.

    What are you talking about? Confused, I asked Wyatt‘s departing back before turning to face the entrance of my home. It was then I noticed Damien standing a few feet away from Federick.

    Figuring Damien had just shown up, Oh sorry, Damien, I didn‘t see you coming. Clearly, someone‘s gigantic head is doing a great job at blocking my view. But come on in, Damien. Sending a glare at Federick, I was trying my best to order him to piss off. But like the stubborn brat he was, Federick stayed still.

    Hi, Mr Archer, what a pleasant surprise. What brought you here at this hour if you don‘t mind me asking? Damien politely and professionally asked.

    Glancing between Federick and myself with a frown and questioning look, it was clear Damien was curious and confused. Heck, even I was confused as to why Federick was at my doorstep at this hour.

    My boss was just about to leave, right, Mr Archer. I pressed, dropping another clue for Federick‘s stupid and stubborn head.

    Hi, Mr Ambrosh, I was having a little chat with Miss Smith.

    Given Federick was standing closer to me than he was to Damien, I could hear his low, Wish I could say the same about you, together with something along the lines of, Yes, I mind everything about you.

    Okay. I‘m sorry to bug in like this again, but playing soccer for hours then being forced to clean my room really made me hungry. So. . . if the three of you would, please come in, I would love to start eating. Breaking the awkward silence floating above — Federick, Damien and myself —Wyatt made his renewed arrival known again.

    Pausing for a breath, You are not thinking of staying out here for hours, are you? Wyatt added with a hint of anxiousness.

    Truthfully speaking, I wasn‘t shocked by Wyatt‘s behaviour. I knew how impatient and relentless he could get when he was hungry. And it‘s better not to kid with him if you value your life. Hungry Wyatt was no good.

    Okay, Wyatt. Tell Luke to wait for me in the kitchen. You and Teo go sit at the table; we will join you shortly.

    Come on, Dam, you don‘t want Wyatt too hungry if you want to survive this night. Completely ignoring Federick, I teased with a sweet smile. But just as I was about to close the door, Federick walked right behind Damien.

    What do you think you are doing, Mr Archer? You are leaving this house.

    With Damien a step ahead of me, I mumbled to Federick; annoyed he wasn‘t taking no for an answer. Then again, I shouldn‘t be expecting much from ‘The Federick Archer‘ — he never knew how to take no for an answer — not even when he was a toddler and annoying the life out of me.

    You are wrong, Miss Smith. Didn‘t you hear your son? He just invited me inside for whatever you are doing tonight. Federick smugly mumbled beside me, as if he had just won the lottery.

    This is a private dinner between my family, Mr Archer! So, if you could, please leave. We can talk about whatever you want tomorrow or better yet, at work on Monday. Trying my best to keep my temper in check for the sake of Damien and my kids, I tightly stated.

    "MOM! I am super-duper hungry; even Teo is starving. He is whining like a girl who is ‘means-trating‘. He might just faint, you know." Getting his tendency to exaggerate and be a drama queen from me, Wyatt called out.

    "You heard your son, Miss Smith. You don‘t want them to start ‘means-trating‘ or faint on us now, do you?"

    UGH!. . . . You are so annoying! Let‘s just go.

    I guess my perfect dinner was not going to happen anytime soon. If not someone else, it is Federick Archer who ruins everything. I sure as heck cannot tell the boys about Damien with Federick around; this would have to wait another day.




    "Go ahead, Mr Archer. Walk straight from here, pass the living room, then take your left. You will find the dining room. Damien and I will be right behind you. I hope you can handle this much by yourself."

    Merely raising his perfectly arched eyebrows as a response, Federick followed my direction but not before grazing his fingers against my arms as he passed by me. Intentionally ignoring Federick and his stupid touch, I gave Damien my full attention.

    I am sorry, Dam, we can‘t tell the boys who you really are to them, tonight. I wasn‘t expecting Federick to show up and ruin tonight for us. We will have to wait for the next most appropriate time. However, you could always spend some alone time with them to try to get to know them, to — you know, bond. My mind going through different scenarios where my problems would be resolved, and my anxiousness would dissipate, I blurb out in one breath.

    It‘s fine Phebes, do what you seem fit. But truthfully speaking, I am kind of relieved Federick Archer crashed in. I apologise, but I don‘t think now is the best time to tell them anything. You are trying to move things too fast, and that will only create problems. Let us slowly get to know each other first —you get what I mean, right. Damien explained with patience and caution.

    Yes, I do. I just thought it would be great for them to finally know some truth about their life. I guess I am trying to push things too fast, and I apologise. But I promise I will try my best not to repeat this. Realising I was indeed at fault here, I uttered with a smile and understanding. If the boys were to find out any truth about themselves, they will in due time.

    Hey, Miss Smith, you‘re coming or what? I‘m famished too. What do you say, Wyatt?

    Definitely. Drag yourself in here.

    Since when did Federick and Wyatt become buddies? A few days ago Wyatt hated Federick guts, and now they were agreeing with each other and being best buds.

    Yes, I‘m coming, I shouted back.

    Dam, we will continue this conversation later on. Go and have a seat at the table. I will be bringing the food in. Pointing at the dining table, Damien and I gave each other an encouraging smile.

    Marching around my kitchen like my bum was on fire, still baffled and annoyed at Federick‘s intrusion, Luke and I hurriedly garnished the entrée. With Damien left all alone in the dining room with my boys and Federick without a proper introduction, my nerves were all twisted up. There was no doubt in my mind that the air in that room was filled with awkwardness.

    Hurrying back to the dining table with Luke following behind, all proper etiquette was out of the window. Hit with the awkwardness shrouding the dining room like a hammer hitting a nail onto a brick wall, my gut feeling was yet again proven right.

    Teo and Wyatt were whispering amidst themselves while stealing glances at both men in front of them. Federick and Damien, on the other hand, were glaring and scrutinising each other with suspicion and wariness.

    Sensing my arrival before everyone else, Federick snapped his head in my direction. In the spotlight, there was no escaping it.

    Okay . . . Stretching my words, as if it would magically extinguish the awkwardness in the room, Luke, here, is going to do us the honour of serving dinner tonight.

    The honour is all mine, Phoe — Miss Smith, I mean. Profesuly blushing, Luke corrected his near slip.

    As cute as you are, sweetheart, I think Wyatt is way too hungry for good manners. Serve him first, then Teo, the guests and lastly me. Winking at Luke, he instantly turned beetroot. I still couldn‘t believe how a fantastic fighter as Luke could blush so much on the simplest thing.

    Having groomed and trained Luke over the year, he had become like a third son to me, and the knowledge of him hungry in his corner, while I was eating, didn‘t sit well with me. Particularly, when I knew he too played soccer with Wyatt and Teo after school hours. Allowing my motherly instinct to kick in, I couldn‘t stop myself from reaching out to Luke before he could leave.

    Hey, Luke, you can dine with us if you want too. Smiling and holding onto his wrist, Especially now that this dinner is not as private as I had originally planned. Glaring at Federick, I let him know the last sentence was meant for him and I was still pissed at him.

    It‘s okay, Miss Smith, I‘m good. I might be extremely close to this family, but right now, I‘m on duty. Besides, I don‘t want to intrude on your dinner.

    What did I say — Luke was one of the sweetest boys ever, despite not having someone to call his own. And surprise, surprise, he had more common sense than Federick Archer.

    But unlike the intruder sitting at my table, Luke was family. No such thing, sweetheart. Just have a seat beside me and enjoy this fresh homemade food.

    If you say so. Thanks, Miss . . . I lightly shook my head, cutting him off.

    I mean, Phoebe. Smiling at Luke, I was proud of him. Months ago, he could hardly understand my body language or silent instructions and regard, but today, he made this skill look as easy as 1, 2, 3 would to a 6-year-old.

    Federick‘s consistent glare capturing my attention, I recollected my racing thoughts. Perplexed, I met his questioning glare, but that didn‘t seem to deter his sleeted gaze. Oblivious as to why Federick was suddenly angry when it was me who should be furious, I let his abnormal behaviour slide once more and turned my attention to the only important person in this room.

    Taking a bite off my plate, I observed Damien take a mouthful of the dish I prepared specially for him. Swallowing the first few morsels, Damien‘s eyes nearly popped out of its socket. Gradually lifting his astonish gaze at me for confirmation, I slightly nodded, anticipating his response. I have, after all, not made this particular dish in ten years, and I wasn‘t sure if I was still any good at concocting this specific variety of assortment.

    Umm . . . This is delicious, Phebes. Don‘t tell me you of all people have started cooking again. Taking another spoonful, Damien jested with fake surprise.

    No, Dam, I‘ve been starving my kids all these years, while awaiting your grand return. Sarcastically responding, I wanted to give Damien a hard time. Then again, it proved hard to keep a straight face and not smile at his missed-face.

    Ha-Ha, you think you are so funny. You know that‘s not what I meant, dumbass. It‘s just been so long since I‘ve had such delicious real home-made food, especially one made by the great Phoebe Smith.

    Why, your many girlfriends didn‘t cook for you? I jested with a raised brow. Besides, it might as well have been my chef who cooked this for us.

    Well, dummy, your chef wouldn‘t leave your famous trademark. Arching his fine eyebrow, Damien smugly smirked.

    Oh well, thank you. I did my best to make you feel at home. Throwing a dirty look at Federick, I tried, anyway.

    Taking notice of Federick and the others‘ weird and confused stares, I remembered I yet again forgot to introduce Damien adequately.

    Not giving me time to clear their confusion, the boys quickly took matters into their own hands; probably concluding their sweet mother was in danger of humiliation. Little did they know Damien and I were simply messing around.

    "Sorry to interrupt you, Mister I-don‘t-know-who, but I‘ll have you know, my mother has always been the greatest chef and perfect mom. Yeah, she might be over-protective and secretive, but it‘s part of her. So, if you would, please be more respectful when speaking to her, because trust me, if you misbehave towards her, all good manners will be thrown out the window — no matter who you are." Wyatt dramatically finished with a huff.

    And this is why Wyatt was not allowed to learn extensive fighting skills. He had the temper of a bull.

    Despite being proud of Wyatt for always being so protective and sticking out for me, I couldn‘t let him speak to his father in such a manner. I could understand him, but Damien wouldn‘t. He barely knew Wyatt.

    Wyatt, I‘m touched by your words, but son, this is no way to speak to Damien. I suggest you apologise to him right away. Turning towards my other son, And Teo, if you don‘t want to end up in trouble with your brother, I suggest you stop agreeing and nodding your head to whatever your brother says, like the good little follower you‘ve become.

    Narrowing his eyes at me then at Damien with a hint of glower, Wyatt was palpably pissed and disapproved of my request. While Teo yet again nodded. I swear this boy had a problem.

    But MOM . . . Fire dancing in the depth of his eyes, Wyatt tried to argue.

    Do it now, Wyatt Smith! I‘m not kidding. It‘s no way to speak with your —

    It‘s okay, Phoebe, don‘t worry about it. Wyatt did nothing. In fact, I apologise for the misunderstanding between your sons. I forgot they were still kids and don‘t understand the way adults joke around. Placing his hand on top of mind, Damien rapidly cut in, like a sharp knife chopping meat, stopping me from making yet another stupid mistake.

    Taking in a deep breath, You are right, Damien. I‘m sorry, Wyatt, for being so hard on you. I forgot you don‘t remember him. This is Damien, my childhood best friend. I call him Dam, but you can all just call him Damien. Pointing at Damien, I introduced with a small smile.

    "As you may have already realised Dam, the one without any filter and is super protective of me as if he is my father is Wyatt. While the one who keeps nodding his head and has become shy for some unknown reason to me, yet, is Teo. But

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