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Dear Heaven
Dear Heaven
Dear Heaven
Ebook288 pages4 hours

Dear Heaven

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DEAR HEAVEN is Ilse Wanten's second book in which she drastically rewrites both history and the future.

In each of us there is a secret gate that leads to the intended DEAR HEAVEN. It appears when millions of years of hidden history are rediscovered, and when the insight shows that there are an

PublisherIlse Wanten
Release dateSep 15, 2020
Dear Heaven

Ilse Maria J. Wanten

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    Dear Heaven - Ilse Maria J. Wanten




    To all who returned out of Love

    for Thomas

    (c) 2019 Ilse Wanten - Antwerp - Belgium

    First printing in June 2019 - English translation Sept 2020

    English revision by Sabrina Gibb

    ISBN: 978-9-4640722-2-8 (e-book)

    Cover design in cooperation with Kathleen Steegmans /

    I want to emphasize that all quotations in this book were translated at my own discretion. In case of doubt, it is therefore best to contact the publisher/writer in question.

    With the explicit written permission of the author, everything in this publication may be stored in an automated database and/or made public by means of printing, photocopying, microfilm or any other means.



    Chapter 1. A first flash back

    appendix Testimony 3 - part 1

    appendix Testimony 3 - part 2

    appendix Testimony 2

    Chapter 2. The black holes of the ancient consciousness

    Chapter 3. The Consciousness of the New Mankind

    Chapter 4. The volcano spits fire

    Chapter 5. The Great Portal

    appendix Testimony 4

    appendix Testimony 5

    Chapter 6. The Great Day

    Chapter 7. The first anthropoids

    appendix Testimony 3 – part 3

    Chapter 8. The Electric War

    Chapter 9. The invisible Wall

    appendix Testimony 1

    Chapter 10. Egypt

    Chapter 11. The Final Sowing


    Literature list

    Other sources


    It has been since 2012 my first book Soul in Sight! was published. As I wrote in the introduction at the time, there are several reasons why people write books: My motivation is that I simply have to. I feel morally obliged. It is part of my mission and belongs to my destiny. Again with this second book, the same words will apply. A book that I hope again contributes to a better world, assisting the reader sincerely in his or her personal quest, wherever they may be right now.

    Those who already read the book 'Soul in Sight!' know that my testimonies may come with some surprises. Death is non existant, so the term 'eternal life' takes on the meaning it logically deserves. Another piece of the puzzle I want to show through my work is that of the living memory. What would a human be without his/her personal memories? And what if one remained conscious during that transition, calling it death out of ignorance?

    A long, very long time ago I intentionally came to this planet: the newborn Earth. Since then, my mission here consists of a very simple but at the same time very difficult task: to help humanity in this magnificent and unique place to fulfill its evolutionary promise. After all, it is the intention that we all wake up and remember who we really are. Only then can we all evolve along with our planet to a higher level of conscious existence; truly worthy of the name civilization.

    Just like Soul in Sight!, Dear Heaven's goal is to shed a personal light on a very complex framework. The most important pillar of this complex framework - and the key that gives us access to it - is our own consciousness. There are different stages of consciousness that we have to go through as humans, as humanity and as a planet. When one leaves Plato's cave and the eyes outside have become accustomed to the blinding Light of the One Sun, one realises that there are things going on here on this planet that are so fantastic and extraordinary that many people could hardly believe them. I readily admit: if I hadn't experienced it all myself - and am still experiencing it - I too would have the greatest difficulty with this.

    It is quite understandable that many people today have the greatest difficulty in fully opening their eyes to what is happening to them, through them and within them. I can understand that some would rather be in a state of complete ignorance than realize what is really going on. I will not dispute that the journey that leads to the discovery of how our world works is much more about thorns than roses. The way in which this planet and its humanity are being held hostage today can seem particularly frightening, like our hostages in question. In addition, there are also non-human aspects involved. But when a certain group of beings obstructs natural evolution, intentionally or not, it is up to us, each one of us, to be courageous, to take responsibility and to reformulate and claim our birthright.

    This book advocates a revolution: a revolution in consciousness. The classical/orthodox paradigm has come to an end. The world view of a materialistic mechanism is no longer correct. Right now we find ourselves in two worlds at the same time. The old world which - as I demonstrated extensively in Soul in Sight! - was dominated by male energy, is slowly walking on its last legs. In a frantic attempt to resist the growing counter-pressure, she frenetically beats around the bush. To no avail: the New Earth is already under construction. It is a world animated with Infinite Consciousness, forming a holistic, multi-dimensional and cooperative system.

    Don't be fooled: the True Story of Man is a story of Love, not of struggle. In our deepest being, each of us is predestined to be the hero or heroine of a magical, eternal love story. Of course you don't have to believe me (right away). In fact, I'd much rather you didn't. More importantly is learning to think for yourself and become aware of your own consciousness. This lines up with Soul in Sight! quite a bit.

    In spiritual terms: the Aquarian of the New Age of Aquarius today represents the New Man(kind) or New Humanity. This 'Rainbow-Warrior' challenges the classical man of the Age of Pisces to continue growing like flowers to the light. When we say that the measure is full, we mean that the water jug of the Aquarian is both literally and figuratively overflowing. The New Man is tired of injustice, abuse of power, division, manipulation, war and poverty. He/she has asked for answers and searched for them everywhere. Now that he/she has found these answers, he/she no longer closes his/her eyes to the Truth, however much he/she may want to.

    Writing this in 2018-2019, more global crises continue to grow bigger and bigger, forcing mankind on this planet with its back against the wall. Simultaniously a movement is growing daily, linking deeper insights to more and more freedom and truth. As a visionary, I know and believe this growing movement will eventually take (and is taking) the lead in an unavoidable global awakening process. It will not be too long from now that revelations like mine are no longer denied or ridiculed, but will be confirmed as being valid and correct. They are an inherently part of a whole that is much larger than has been assumed until now.

    Soul in Sight! referred through testimonies to small parts of my personal cosmic story and was, partly due to the references and quotations of many of my fellow allies, a very theoretical book. Dear Heaven turns this procedure around and focuses mainly on my own story. Because of this, at moments this book reads like a novel; a science-fiction novel.

    Of course, I doubted whether a seemingly fictional work with a spiritual and philosophical-scientific approach would not be easier to digest. Why strike a narrative non-fiction tone after all? Let me say that I find it important to emphasize that my story is a serious one and that this 'mixed form', this combination of styles and tones, serves a well-defined purpose. After all, today's man is so caught up in all kinds of specializations that anaemia has meanwhile arisen. At the moment so much 'different' information is going around but with far too little or no cooperation at all. Because of this, mankind lags behind itself and wanders, not even knowing that it is wandering.

    Admittedly, many serious researchers have already been engaged in mapping out all kinds of ways of thinking or types of consciousness, in which especially the bearer of that consciousness - the person in question - was placed on a pedestal. As extensively demonstrated in Soul in Sight! the last word on this subject is far from being said or written. The classical/orthodox world did not consider the different points of view as pieces of a puzzle of one and the same Truth. The emphasis was on movements, schools of thought and specialisations; on division. Whatever one claims today: the true origin of mankind and our real reality - the complete puzzle - can only be laid when one transcends all these self-imposed boundaries and realizes the unity, the Truth back behind everything.

    In times like these, sometimes you just have to be radical and have the courage to speak plainly. So yes: there is an order, purpose, plan and meaning. There is a very good reason for our existence. We are all - more or less - conscious beings who develop together as complex, cosmic intelligent-informed vibrations in the extended playing field of the Multi-Versum. When the personal consciousness becomes aware of ever larger wholes, it automatically becomes more and more cosmic and universal. Although Dear Heaven tells a very personal story, it is also a universal story. It places things in a much broader cosmic framework and precisely because of that a situation is created that has a dual character. For the outdated classical/orthodox world such a framework is not applicable because it is simply not verifiable. There is absolutely no demonstrable, physical evidence for it, which makes my story for them on the verge of disbelief and pure fantasy. The classical/orthodox world keeps on referring to these stories as part of the realm of fiction, myth, legend, superstition or religion for a long time now, and wishes to leave it there - and/or even eradicate it.

    Things have changed for the New Man of the New Earth. Because of the large cosmic framework, these kinds of stories may not be able to be fully brought home at the moment, but this is gradually changing. All over the world and in all times countless people have already delved deeply into this. Many have already done groundbreaking work and the consensus is gradually taking shape. It is the result of hours, days, nights, weeks, months, years, yes even lives of deep and dedicated research. In Soul in Sight! I spoke of the Old Teachings, the Old Wisdom. In other words, Truth has always been there. Only from time to time should it be brought up out of the dust to refresh it.

    How can I be sure that what I remember is completely true, and therefor am I on the right track? In all honesty, I can't. Even in the few years between Soul in Sight! and Dear Heaven, certain storylines were already undergoing changes that made me aware of the fact that everything is always subject to change. New insights, additional information, and an even broader view of things, will expand certain memories and always colour them slightly differently. But does that also mean that none of what you remember is reliable? Of course it doesn't. However much emotions may differ afterwards, the broad outlines of a certain situation remain essentially the same.

    That is why today, in the year 2019, I once again wish to testify powerfully to my personal cosmic story. Although it was not always easy for myself and for others, I am still honoured to be able to do so. After all, it is a promise that reminds us all of our inherent Divine Nature and the greatness of our Cosmos, Home of All.

    This book was divided into eleven chapters. In some parts of them references are made to the testimonies of Soul in Sight! For the sake of completeness, these were always included in an appendix at the end of each chapter. The reader/researcher who is interested can then compare the testimonies himself.

    The first chapter (diary like) open-heartedly tells about how I dealt with the spiritual rapids that occurred during my childhood and youth. The second chapter puts the limitations of the classical/orthodox consciousness under the microscope of the New Human Consciousness and changes the angle towards a more philosophical-scientific one when talking about its black holes, among other things. The third chapter strikes the same note but explains the workings of the New Human Consciousness. Based on the Law of Time by Mayan expert José Argüelles, we automatically arrive at a much broader frame of thought, and at intergalactic time-space travels.

    Chapter four talks again about a spiritual acceleration; being my first adult vision in a long series that laid the foundation for the rest of my life and work. From now on we dive through the Great Hall, in and out of the low and high time, and travel to near and far space: to our true history and future.

    Chapter five takes you to Paradise on Tara, our first Earth. When our end was foretold, the Ancient Wise Men of the World of Peace set up a large-scale rescue plan.

    Chapter six is about the Great Convention, and about the big day that all of the allies worked together in Oneness when they sowed the new Earth.

    Chapter seven takes you to Paradise on Earth; the time when ethereal beings lived in harmony with the more physical beings in the midst of the early lush Nature. This comes to an abrupt end when our old enemy invades the Earth and the truth is revealed about the true ancestry of the first anthropoids.

    In chapter eight, I testify about my personal participation in the Electric War that captivated the entire planet, and temporarily ended all life on Earth.

    In chapter nine you will read how the Old Wise Men, in the interest of the New People, drew up a treaty during the purifying Big Flood (of Sin), and how that treaty is still seriously troubling so many today.

    Chapter ten talks once again about a new invasion of our old enemy, and about the necessary extension of the original treaty. We travel above and below Egypt and venture into the lion's den.

    In chapter eleven I talk about both the great prosperity and the gradual decline of the Lemurian and Atlantic cultures. The various Guardian missions that were launched at the time include a trip to the planet Mars as well as the construction of the Sphinx and the Great Pyramid at Giza/Egypt.

    Finally, the epilogue lists a number of issues that many people urgently need to realise if they are not to fall into the trap of our old cunning opponent again. Whoever succeeds in opening the gate to the Soul with its Infinite Consciousness, however, has nothing to fear at all, and will pierce the illusions one by one with ease.

    Ilse Wanten

    Antwerp, May 2019


    A first flash back

    I woke up in this present life when I was lying in my baby's cradle. It was during the day, somewhere around noon, because high in the sky a beautiful Sun was shining. I don't know if the windows were completely open and thus made the thin white curtains move with the wind gently blowing. The fact is that I saw a kind of translucent veils, each time graciously bulging up. It was a very soft, graceful game.

    After a while there had been a noise. Someone had entered the room and walked to the crib, to me. And then fingers touched my cheek tenderly and I instinctively made playful gripping movements. Next, one finger was gently put into my mouth and I saw a golden ring dancing right in front of my eyes. That made me feel comfortable and safe.

    Now, so many years later, it is becoming increasingly clear that the graceful white veils hid similar veils that had obscured my passage to this dimension in a haze of white mists.

    And although the golden ring was a sign of a commitment - the marriage of my parents - it was even more a sign of an ancient Alliance that supported me through all my passageways, guiding me throughout my many successive lives. Those who belonged to the Great Convention were largely in the Invisible, Higher or Other Worlds - from now on called Other World(s) for short. They knew very well how to maintain contact with me, and since I had been in training with them for a considerable time, I also knew how to maintain that contact.

    Let me start by saying that if one pulls a certain string on the Other Side - one causes a ripple in the Field or one increases the energy vibration for example a little bit - two things can happen. Either the one on this side does not react, or he/she does react. In the latter case there are again two possibilities. Either the moment when contact is made is not sufficient, so that the memory does not fully engage and the information does not entirely 'imprint' itself. Then it is transient. Or it is. Depending on various crucial factors, the person in question will then more or less 'wake up' through the imprint.

    When the interest is aroused not turning out to be completely one-pointed, it can go in different directions.

    If it turns out to be one-pointed already, it can take its place behind the proverbial steering wheel as a clear focus-point.

    In any case, the continuation of a personal mission is related to abilities that were developed earlier, during previous lives. These need to be made conscious again at this physical level in order to keep on developing them further. Of course, it may just as well happen that the person in question (partially) forgets them during a lifetime and therefore does not (fully) experience him or herself in a way that already appears familiar to him or her.

    Basically, these can be different, very different capabilities. The ability to remain in contact with the group(s) to which one belongs - in order to remain sensitive to the vibration of the group(s) of which some special Master or World-Teacher is the focal point - proved to be part of my personal capacities and commands from the very beginning.

    To be more precise: a Master/World-Teacher is someone who has either never lost his Divine nature, or has completely rediscovered his Divine nature, and who can thus without interruption or completely conscious lay down a life and take it back. For example, Hermes/Thoth was said to walk immediately after he was born. I was not that far yet although I strongly reacted to the impulses or stimuli being offered to me as a trainee student. As a result, certain memories kept flowing, and I was more or less aware of the contours of my inherent nature and my already acquired knowledge or 'conscious' content. Even though I had only been in this current physical world for a few months, I knew that this body was just another vehicle. I also knew that the real reality was infinitely greater than this particular vehicle at first sight would suggest.

    Although I was under constant observation during the first part of my 'new training', I could only sense and hold the group vibration (and that of the Master) for short moments. Thanks to my innate, already mature seriousness, those moments of contact became more frequent over time. Then I was able to endure the vibration a little longer not to relapse into the normal daily state so easily. With all its consequences: I was not an easy child.

    I did not discover immediately what my mission involved exactly untill only a few years later. Until then, my Higher Self - my Soul - learned to deal with the difficulties and benefits of being encapsulated in a physical body in this physical dimension. I was particularly troubled by the interaction with other physical beings. It seemed as if most of the people surrounding me were suffering from some kind of mysterious amnesia.

    What was wrong with them?

    Around my fifth year of life, a second spiritual acceleration occurred. Until that time I had short moments of contact particulary during the night, during the so-called sleep when the connections of the physical body release the Soul more easily. This time, however, it was during the day and I was fully awake. I was with the other toddlers of our kindergarten class on the playground when 'suddenly' the clouds pushed aside to let the Sun and its Radiant Light in. At the same time that beautiful Voice had been there. A Voice that seemed to come from very close by and from everywhere, and nobody seemed to be able to hear it, except me. I was on fire when the rays of the Sun entered my body that day and I stood face to face with their Ancient Knowledge. (See testimony 3/part 1 in the appendix at the end of this chapter.)

    Barely a few months later a third spiritual acceleration occurred because suddenly a beautiful Stature joined the Voice. This female figure turned out to be invisible to other people but to me she was more visible and more real than anyone else. Because of her intense radiance She brought about that everything around Her lit up and started to shine. Immediately and very naturally one understood that this was the True Reality, that everything had come from the same Light and was made of the same Light, me as well. (See testimony 3/part 2 in the appendix at the end of this chapter). With her dark, long hair she resembled a kind of Mary or Mary Magdalene whose images were familiar to me from school or from the church.* Instead of covering up, however, she had little more to do with her gracious body then a kind of comfortable, white robe that bulged gracefully every time she moved. So sophisticated was this fabric that at first I thought it was just her long hair hiding her radiant body...

    At first I thought she walked barefoot, a bit like a Native American, always one with the Earth, but afterwards I doubted whether her feet actually touched the ground. Often she seemed to float about five or ten cm above the Earth. When I was curious for details, she would smile that enigmatic Mona Lisa smile over and over again. This made it seem as if she wanted to say to me, 'Recognize me... Do you remember... Do you remember? Of course you do...'

    Slowly, very slowly it dawned on me... The lessons I received from my Teachers during the night found an Earthly counterpart in Her. As my Teachers kept the memories of my Soul alive in the Higher Libraries of Light, She - the Goddess - laid the tangible, natural foundation upon which I would build in this life. I knew that all these Teachers would be by my side for the rest of my Earthly days. Even if they were seemingly absent at moments or for long periods of time, they would still be there, as they had always been. And it would always remain that way.

    The adventures we have had together so far can

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