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Stars of Wonder
Stars of Wonder
Stars of Wonder
Ebook59 pages33 minutes

Stars of Wonder

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"And many years later, during a Very Challenging Moment, they listened to the wind and watched the evening stars and listened to their own hearts and to the Creator of Creation, because they never forgot that night in the desert when they learned what to do first in a

Very Challenging Moment."

PublisherKoehler Books
Release dateNov 15, 2020
Stars of Wonder

Rebecca Dwight Bruff

Rebecca Bruff heard the undertold story of Robert Smalls on her first visit to South Carolina. She was so captivated that she left her job and moved across the country to research and write this novel. Bruff earned her bachelor's degree in education at Texas A&M and a master's and doctorate in theology at Southern Methodist University. In 2017, she was a scholarship recipient for the prestigious Key West Literary Seminar. She volunteers at the Pat Conroy Literary Center in Beaufort, South Carolina. She's published non-fiction, plays a little tennis, travels when she can, and loves life in the lowcountry with her husband and an exuberant golden retriever.

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    Book preview

    Stars of Wonder - Rebecca Dwight Bruff


    Stars of Wonder:

    A Children’s Christmas Adventure

    Written by Rebecca Dwight Bruff

    Illustrated by Jill Dubin

    © Copyright 2020 Rebecca Dwight Bruff and Jill Dubin

    ISBN 978-1-64663-212-1

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or any other—except for brief quotations in printed reviews, without the prior written permission of the author.

    This is a work of fiction. With the exception of verified historical events (meaning none of it), all incidents, descriptions, dialogue, and opinions expressed are the products of the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real.

    Published by

    An imprint of

    3705 Shore Drive

    Virginia Beach, VA 23455


    The author has noticed that, by strange and rare coincidence, the characters in this story share the names of real-life people who are indeed fine and brave, and include a princess and three fine princes.

    They are, truly, stars of wonder.

    image001 ell us again, Nana, about the magic people that went to see the new king!

    The magic people? Whoever are you talking about?

    You remember! The magics from far away. They rode on camels.


    Yes! They were really smart, and they saw a ginormous star and they knew a new king was there where the star was going, so they followed the big star.

    Oh, the magi! They weren’t magic exactly, but they were called magi. They were smart, that’s right. Sometimes people called them the Wise Men. They were probably royal, like princes.

    Just princes? Are you serious? Why wasn’t there a princess?

    Oh, of course there was a princess! There’s always a princess in great stories of royalty and wisdom and bravery and love.

    Tell us again, Nana. I think Jay-bug was too little last time, and he doesn’t remember.


    Chapter 1

    A very long time ago, in a place far away, there lived a royal family: three fine brothers, all princes, and their lovely sister, the princess.

    They lived in a beautiful village near the ocean, and played on white-sand beaches and took naps under swaying palm trees.

    And at night, under the stars, their mother and father taught them all about the moon and the sun and the stars, even the constellations.

    One night as they lay on their blankets looking up into the heavens, Princess Phoebe thought she saw a new star.

    Mama! she whispered. They whispered at night because the soft winds and the calls of the owls and the sound of the waves created such beautiful music.

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