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COVID-19: The Genetically Engineered Pandemic
COVID-19: The Genetically Engineered Pandemic
COVID-19: The Genetically Engineered Pandemic
Ebook102 pages1 hour

COVID-19: The Genetically Engineered Pandemic

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A milieu in which citizens can freely examine information distinguishes a democracy from a fascist society that seeks to control and oppress knowledge.

Society's ability to rid itself of COVID-19 has been prevented by groups that seek to repress information because they apparently view the pandemic to be in their interest.

Release dateNov 18, 2020

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Rating: 3 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    91 footnotes given. A rational discussion rather than written from a fearporn perspective.

    2 people found this helpful

  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    Conjecture and made up nonsense of a person who want the world to be more interesting and evil than it is.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    More conspiracy bullshit. I’m cancelling my subscription. Do better scribd

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COVID-19 - Peter Tremblay


The genetically engineered pandemic

Peter Tremblay

Dr. Orion Zee, Ed. and Foreword

Agora BooksTM
Ottawa, Canada

COVID-19: The genetically engineered pandemic

© 2020 by Peter Tremblay

All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the expressed written consent of The Agora Cosmopolitan.

The views, opinions, and perceptions of the author and/or editor of the book herein expressed in this text are intended to support civil and creative joint academic and civic discussion.

Care has been taken to trace the ownership/source of any academic reference material contained in the text. The publisher welcomes any information that will enable a rectification in subsequent edition(s), of any incorrect or omitted reference or credit.

Agora BooksTM

P.O. Box 24191

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Kanata, Ontario K2M 2C3 CANADA

Agora Books is a self-publishing agency for authors that was launched by The Agora Cosmopolitan which is a registered not-for-profit corporation.

ISBN: 978-1-927538-73-9

Printed in Canada

Book cover art

General Art Work, by Raymond Samuels [Front cover]




Who Made the COVID-19 Virus?

Why Would Anyone Manufacture a Lethal Virus?

Scientists Prove That the Virus Was Bioengineered

Scientists Have Manufactured Viruses in the Lab for Years

No Virus Resembling COVID-19 Has Been Found in Nature

More Details on Why the COVID-19 Virus Could Not Have Come from Nature

A History of Lab Releases

Did Dr. Zhengli Shi Make the 2019 Coronavirus?

Comparing the Sequence of the COVID-19 Virus to Other Coronaviruses

Evidence from the Nikolai Petrovsky-led Study

The Vaccination Agenda

The Deception Behind COVID-19

The Connection Between 5G Wireless Technology and the Coronavirus Exposed

Is the Coronavirus a Bioweapon? The Answer Is YES!




I stand before you as a physician and a scientist who has both a passion for facilitating the health & wellness of people, as well as the truth. Unfortunately the official narrative on the COVID-19 pandemic is a lie. Similarly, the official story that vaccines are being developed around the world that will save us all is also untrue.

We are being fed blatantly false and misleading information regarding testing, case numbers, mortality, and the use and effectiveness of masks, lockdowns, and potential therapies.

No vaccine has ever been successfully developed to immunize against any natural coronavirus. Indeed, it is apparent that COVID-19 was genetically engineered to mutate in ways which make any reliable vaccine impossible. The likelihood that COVID-19 could have originated completely from nature is for all intents and purposes, absolutely zero.

The architects of the pandemic have created and perpetuated totally false hopes in a vaccination program as a salvation for humankind. The real purpose of vaccination programs around the world appear to be to draft humans as guinea pigs for miscellaneous medical experiments which have nothing to do with immunization.

This book pulls together evidence to support the premise that we are being misled by well financed groups which operate across national boundaries.

The physicians and scientists who have sought to turn a blind eye to the medically obvious nature of COVID-19 as having been genetically engineered, knowingly or unknowingly participate in the betrayal of humans to an unspeakable evil.

When I became a doctor, I did not seek to sell my soul for a mess of pottage.

The protection of democracy relies on the free flow of information which will enable citizens to make rational choices.

Democracy has not been served by efforts both within and beyond the medical-scientific establishment to repress the true source of the prevailing pandemic.

It is my personal and professional view that humanity’s best hope to combat the genetically engineered pandemic should not focus on the cynical direction of vaccination but instead start with the natural enhancement of human immune systems, the use of well-known time-tested therapies, and the focused protection of the elderly and the vulnerable.

I can say to you in good conscience that evil people run the world and they are who is behind this pandemic. I ask you to keep an open mind. Scrutinize not only information but the very source. Seek the truth. Protect each other, and be eternally vigilant.

—Orion Zee, M.D., Ph.D.


The real conspiracy theory of the pandemic is the idea that it was the result of a lack of acceptable hygiene standards in a Chinese market. As revealed by investigative researchers and whistleblowers like Dr. Li-Meng Yan, the reality of the pandemic is that COVID-19 was concocted in a laboratory to deal with what its engineers viewed as a problem.

While many people think that conservation and protection are the best way to deal with a growing environmental crisis, this view does not appear to be shared by many others, including elites. For many elites, the central focus of the global environmental crisis, along with the worsening scarcity of natural resources, is a soaring world population.

For such elites who don’t want to change the capitalist economic status quo, the solution is, therefore, not the spreading of social justice and the legislation of strong environmental regulations, but instead to reduce the world’s population through the spreading of diseases that will cull the human herd of society’s weak and inferior. Therefore, the genetic engineering of COVID-19 represents a pragmatic approach to dealing with a future that elites fear and want to better control.

These elites believe humans ought to be managed with the same ruthless approach that would be applied to managing and taming any animal population that has gone out of control relative to the environment’s ability to safely sustain that animal population. Whereas in agriculture, this approach has been referred to as animal husbandry, in society, this approach, which elites have sought to embrace, is called eugenics.

This ideology can be readily seen in how elites allowed the pandemic to spread globally through disinformation. Similarly, it is visible in

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