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Alexa's birth was planned.

Her future set in stone.

Designed with one purpose.To bring peace to the world.

One girl born with a destiny.

One group bent on seeing it fulfilled. 

One world in desperate need of peace.

But there is a deadly flaw in the plan.

And someone is watching.

When she loses

Release dateNov 20, 2020

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    Alexa - Clara Berge



    Alexa - Clara Berge

    First Edition, 2020

    Copyright © 2020 MJH van der Spuy

    United States / United Kingdom / South Africa / Australia

    Published by Seraph Creative in 2020

    ISBN: 978-1-922428-14-1

    eBook ISBN: 978-1-922428-15-8

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews.

    Typesetting, Layout & Cover by Feline


    I want to thank Yeshua for opening the veil between earth and heaven. You made it possible for us to have true peace, Your peace on earth.

    I want to thank the Spirit of wisdom and understanding for helping me write what Yahweh had laid on my heart to write. Thank you for the scrolls.

    I want to thank the angels and heavenly host who helped me in more ways than I can imagine.

    Special thank you to Lindi Masters, you are an amazing inspiration. I’m so honoured to have you in my life.

    Also thank you to Dr. Yana Sanders for sharing your wealth of revelation of the Hebrew language with me.

    Thank you to Ian Clayton for pressing into the revelation of nanotechnology and the kingdom to make a way for us all to follow.

    All the special people at Seraph Creative, you are a blessing to me. Thank you for helping me bring this story to the world and for designing the awesome cover.

    Finally, thank you to my family and friends. You are my cheerleaders and I could not do it without you. For every encouraging word and every read-through, thank you. I love doing life with you.


    I have known the author for 15 years and have seen her blossom into a wonderful mother, wife and now, writer.

    Ever since I met her, she has been enamoured with books, creating art and wanting to write. I think it is in her DNA.

    Her writing helps us to put into stories, some of life’s mysteries which help us to perhaps understand them on a more personal level.

    She has always been one who pursues the mysteries of the unseen and invisible world.

    It’s something we have often spoken about. The how and where and the possibilities of these mysteries and the unseen, being made tangible in our lifetime.

    The story of Alexa is intriguing, spanning the past and the future and making it manifest in the present encompassing technologies we are beginning to see in our day and age. What a journey!

    What an enjoyable read, that I am sure you will find intriguing.

    Lindi Masters

    House of Masters Ltd

    Ignite Hubs International 

    This story is for the broken,

    For those who long for peace.

    May you find Him who gives rest to the weary

    And strength to the weak.

    Luke 1:79

    To give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace.

    Romans 8:6

    For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.

    1 Peter 3: 10-11

    For he who would love life and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips from speaking deceit. Let him turn away from evil and do good: Let him seek peace and pursue it.


    The thirteen-year old boy crouched beside his mother who lay on the filthy mattress in the corner. Her long black hair lay tangled across her face, knotted and unkempt. She lay on her stomach, one arm hanging off the mattress.

    He moved her hair back. She used to be beautiful, before the drugs and the men. Stories about their life before his father died sounded like a fairy-tale. He couldn’t remember much himself. His father died trying to right a wrong by interrupting a street robbery.

    The boy prodded his mother’s shoulder to make sure his suspicion was correct. The clammy coldness of her skin confirmed it. He imagined her united with his father and felt relieved for her. He rubbed his fist against his chest, his face contorting for a moment.

    Getting up, he gathered everything that had any value, which wasn’t much and left without a backwards glance. Time for him to start living his own life. As he stepped into the warm humidity of Mexico City, he pulled back his shoulders and held his head high. Silently he vowed that he would do better than his father.

    He wouldn’t just right one wrong. He’d right all the wrongs.

    James stood still as the metal gate clanged shut behind him. His somber gray eyes scanned the enclosed space. The room was bare and boasted only a small single bed attached to the floor and two shelves bolted to the right wall. A desk chair would’ve been nice. He started lifting his hand to move his fringe to the side before remembering they’d shaved off his blond tresses. He grimaced.

    Casually he sauntered over to the bed and climbed under the covering, turning his face to the wall. The thin gray blanket lay against his cheek, the coarse material prickled. Pretending to scratch his left ear, he pressed his lobe twice.

    James, is that you? The woman’s voice was slightly breathless.


    I’m so relieved, you’ve been quiet for weeks. She cleared her throat. We’ve moved into the new house. Alexa is doing well.

    Any problems? He pulled his head deeper under the blanket, speaking into the pillow.

    No. We’re fine. There was a hesitation in her manner.

    Everything still set for next month?

    Yes, as far as I know. She fiddled with the pen on the table, her heart beating erratically.

    Great. James gave a slight sigh.

    Do you miss us, I mean the group? She fell silent, looking downwards, clenching the pen in her fist.

    James stayed silent for a minute longer until she thought he had gone before his melodious voice floated through the speaker.

    Yes. I miss you.

    A red blush spread up her neck to her white freckled cheeks.

    Bye, Ruth, take care of her.

    I will. Take care of yourself too.

    She stared at the quiet speaker, reaching out to finger the silver metal for a second, so near, yet so far. Involuntarily she shivered. Doubts like nasty little bloodsuckers were attached to her, distracting her from her task.

    Shaking her head, she took a few deep breaths. The front door opened and her face lit up. Welcome home, Alexa. How was your day?

    Oscar squinted up at the girl in consternation. From his position on the concrete floor of the basketball court with the sun behind her, she seemed for a moment otherworldly. He put his pride in his pocket and took her hand. It took no effort for her to lift him. The snickering of the other children registered. He felt himself blush, his almost transparent skin, tinted red.

    Thanks. I could’ve gotten up myself.

    He stared at his tattered trainers, seeing the blood running down from his damaged knees to his white socks. His stomach felt rock hard.

    Who’s your girlfriend, Oscar? The jeering voice of the gang leader that made his life hell in school sounded right next to him.

    Oscar jammed his hands into his armpits. More fuel for their fire.

    I’m Alexa and I don’t know Oscar. Why are you treating him so disrespectfully?

    The cool, modulated tones from the girl in front of him startled Oscar. He focused on her only to find himself staring into blue eyes that seemed brighter than any eyes he’d ever seen.

    What, your name is Alexa? Did your parents name you after a virtual assistant? John, the gang leader, sneered. His crewcut black hair and dark eyes made him look even more intimidating.

    The girl did not seem riled at all. Maybe. You haven’t answered my question.

    John was the tallest in their class and he now towered over the girl, as he stepped nearer to her. "I’m the leader around here, Alexa, Lexi, girl. So, if I decide I don’t like someone, that’s my business. And I don’t like new girls that put their noses where they don’t belong. Oscar here is a freak. An albino, and an African American outcast, who shouldn’t grace the same school as us. Choose; will it be him or us?

    She stared at him almost without blinking. You are rejecting him based on his outside appearance. Something he had no choice over. That does not seem fair.

    Don’t worry about it. I’ll be fine. He had meant to say that in a confident voice, but it came out with a tremor.

    Alexa looked at him; her face broke out in a smile. I like you. Turning to John she said. I choose the fair way. I’m on Oscar’s side.

    John pushed out his chest and punched his fist into the palm of his other hand, hissing, You’re going to regret it.

    The bell rang, and the gang dispersed, leaving Oscar and Alexa alone on the playground.

    He wanted to tell her to sod off, scared for the trouble she would be in because of him, but he felt her hand on his shoulder.

    Two are better than one, don’t you think?

    A weird sensation started in his stomach and he beamed at her, which she answered with a smile of her own. Together they rushed into the school and she chose a seat next to him in the class.

    It dawned on him that Alexa was the most beautiful girl who had ever spoken to him, never mind sat next to him. Her hair was blonde, tied up in a neat ponytail, matching her blue eyes and light skin. Everything about her just seemed perfect. When the teacher started asking questions, he discovered that not only was she pretty, she was clever too. There wasn’t anything she couldn’t answer.

    Someone threw them a scrunched-up paper from behind. He opened it up and read the black letters saying: You’re both dead.

    She glanced at it but didn’t look afraid. Just smiled and threw the paper in the bin.

    The worst part of his day was when he waited for the bus down the street to get home. Usually, he timed it so that he only had to leave the school with a few minutes to spare. Today, Alexa stayed next to him as he hovered inside the hallway. He was bouncing his curled knuckle against his mouth, his eyes flicking back and forth from the clock on the wall to the door.

    Do you live far away? Alexa softly asked.

    No, but I take the bus, it’s safer. I live in Beaumont Drive. He pulled at the straps of his backpack before putting his hands in his pockets.

    That’s near to my house, I’m in Greenside. She grinned at him.

    Oh, wow, just one street up from me. His forehead was sweating, his stomach churning.

    Do you want to walk? I estimate it would take us half an hour. Fresh air would be good.

    I’m not sure I know the way.

    I do.

    He wiped his hand across his forehead, bit his lip and then blurted out, But it’s not safe. If John spots us, he will follow us. Him and his gang.

    Alexa shook her head, I’m not afraid. You will be perfectly safe with me.

    Her confidence seemed to rub off onto him, although his knees still bore the evidence of the breaktime scuffle. We can try.

    They walked past the bus stop, where the other kids were congregated. Oscar could feel the menace of John’s stare on his back as they hurried past. Keeping his head down, he itched to run. He didn’t dare look back.

    After a few minutes, Alexa whispered, They are following. Five of them.

    He felt his heart sink like lead. You should run, it’s me they want.

    Two is better than one, remember. She winked at him.

    Alexa, I don’t want you to be hurt.

    She sighed. Let’s turn in here.

    He followed her only to find himself go ice-cold; she’d turned into a deserted side road. She swivelled around and waited for their pursuers.

    Are you crazy? His breath burst out of him in short gasps. He felt dizzy, his legs and knees were turning into water.

    Please stand a few meters away from me, block your ears and promise you won’t tell anyone what you saw today. She implored as the boys advanced towards their position.

    John was the first to harass her, Told you we were going to make you sorry for choosing his side.

    This is your last warning. Leave us alone and you won’t get hurt. Alexa’s voice had a quiet steel in it that made the hair on Oscar’s arms stand upright. He placed his fingers in his ears shifting a few meters away just like she asked. She threw her white jumper’s hood over her head.

    Do you believe this girl, boys? She thinks she can take on all of us? The other boys jeered, but her behaviour seemed to unsettle them.

    John took another step closer to her and tried to grab her arm. The next few moments felt as if they happened in slow motion. Oscar watched with wide eyes, as John grabbed his ears, instead of her arm, with an outcry of pain. All five of the boys seemed to suddenly be in acute agony which forced them to their knees. She took out her phone and took a picture of them before whispering something in John’s ear, which made him go pale. Beckoning to Oscar, she left them there in the street.

    Once they were around the corner, Oscar had found his voice again, What did you do to them? Wow, that was amazing! Why did you take a photo? What did you say to John! Do you have superpowers? Wow, wow, wow! He was bouncing up and down and waving his arms.

    Alexa chuckled at his exuberance. Slow down. No, I don’t, well, in a way, but not really. I can’t tell you how I did it, but it’s enough that they won’t be a problem anymore. If they try something, I’ll post the photo embarrassing them in front of the whole school.

    The reality of what she did for him started sinking in. He placed his hand on his heart, there was a lightness in his chest. Alexa, thank you. Those guys made my life hell. I’ll do anything for you, anything at all. You have a slave for life.

    She nudged him on the shoulder, I’ll settle for a friend. I don’t have many of those.

    Why not? You’re amazing! His cheeks tinted red again as he realised what he said.

    She shrugged, We’ve moved around a lot. It is hard to fit in when you are different.

    Tell me about it. I’ve not had a lot of friends either although I’ve stayed in Queens all my life.

    The man with the long gray jacket slowed his steps. The teenagers didn’t notice him. He’d made sure he kept a long way behind them as he trailed them from the school. When they’d gone into the side street, he’d positioned himself out of sight, but near enough to observe what they did.

    Interestingly, the girl could do something ordinary people couldn’t. It confirmed the other stories he’d heard. He turned away, backing around to his car. He already knew her address and everything else there was to know about her and her mom. It didn’t surprise him to trace a connection to the notorious hacker JJ who was incarcerated at present.

    Arriving at his base of operations, he parked his car a block away in a large car park. The nondescript building stood tall amongst other tall buildings. There was a concealed back entrance that he used, ignoring the front doors. Its upper floors housed offices, but a hidden elevator took him down to the basement under the proper basement. There were ten people working in cubicles in the large room. He strode to the corner where his right-hand man sat.

    Hi Mole.

    The large guy, squatted in front of a setup any gamer would drool over, swivelled around to face him. His eyes were magnified behind his glasses. Along with his baldness and the appearance of no neck, he did faintly represent a mole.

    What happened?

    I’m not sure. I followed her on her way back from school and she did something that brought a few boys harassing her to their knees.

    Did she have something in her hand?

    Nothing that I could see. It looked like she generated it herself.

    Holy moly. Seriously?

    The gray coat man sat down at his own desk behind Mole’s elaborate set-up. There’s something going on, that’s for sure. He sat still, gazing at his blank screen.

    What do you think? Mole scratched behind his ear.

    The other man fixed him with a stare, We will have to watch closely. I want to review everything we know about James and Ruth Johnson and everyone associated with them in the past.

    Whoop! I love the thrill of a challenge. Mole’s face stretched into a Cheshire cat’s grin and he rubbed his pudgy hands together.

    The gray coat man, whose name was Sean, didn’t smile. He started typing his report in detail. This might hold a lot more complications than first thought.

    They reached her street first. Oscar noticed that there weren’t any trees on the sidewalk and both sides of the road were flanked by detached single-story houses. Each wooden framed house had its own unfenced small garden in front, and a garage on the left side which mirrored the street he lived in. He walked her to her house, which was number thirteen.

    Oscar scratched his head, "Do you know, I think my house borders on yours at the back. I recognize that tree.

    Her brown front door opened and a woman with dark auburn hair and blue eyes, the same color as Alexa’s, came out.

    Hi Alexa, who’s your friend?

    This is Oscar, Mom. Oscar, my mom, Ruth.

    Pleased to meet you, Ma’am. He stretched out his hand and she shook it.

    Pleased to meet you too, Oscar.

    We think his garden borders onto ours, Mom. Can we check it out?

    Sure, afterwards come inside for some cookies and juice. She let them enter and they dropped their backpacks in the kitchen before going out the back. Alexa stood the ladder up against the concrete fence, and they found they were looking into Oscar’s tidy back yard.

    What a coincidence, hey? Oscar said.

    Yes. Do you need to let your parents know where you are?

    No, they both work late, I take care of myself in the afternoons. I’m an only child. His voice sounded wistful.

    They packed the ladder away and went in through the backdoor. The kitchen had a breakfast island, separating it from the lounge. The yellow curtains with white daisies gave it a cheerful feeling. On the island Alexa’s mom had placed two glasses of apple juice and a plate full of home-baked apple cinnamon cookies. They sat down on the high bar stools and helped themselves. Oscar took a whiff of the baked goods, wondering if it would be impolite to take more than two.

    Alexa’s mum came in and leaned against the sink. How did you meet?

    We are in the same class. Alexa made it sound simple.

    It was on his lips to tell of how she helped him with the bullies, but she gave a slight shake of her head and instead, he said, "Alexa was sitting next to me and we discovered we live in the same

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