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The Seek
The Seek
The Seek
Ebook128 pages3 hours

The Seek

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About this ebook

The Seek: Prayers From the Soul was born out of early morning seeks to Abba. It is a pure project, humbly created through consistently and continually inviting Abba daily into my space. Through these prayers, I am confident that the abiding presence of our God will meet you right where you are and transport you to

Release dateDec 22, 2020
The Seek

Jametta Chandler Moore

Jametta Chandler Moore, affectionately known as J Ann, is a multilayered woman of business and faith. She is a minister, speaker, facilitator, certified life coach, entrepreneur, and author. Through these facets, she shares space with individuals from all walks of life. Jametta's most powerful tool of connection is transparency, as she shares her life lessons with her audiences. Through sharing, she simultaneously champions individuals by empowering, educating, and provoking them to identify and embrace their God-given potential and purpose. Jametta resides in Charleston, South Carolina. Her sense of adventure and desire to impact individuals, compels her to expand her reach through travel all throughout the United States and the world.

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    The Seek - Jametta Chandler Moore

    Prayers of Adoration

    Father, for you, I will do anything. For your glory, God, I will do anything. To be present in your presence, I will do anything El Olam, everlasting father.

    Exodus 33:18

    Our God is present and extending His presence to us this morning. We make room for you today God. We make room for you to fill every space and crevice of our lives. Our desire is to chase you every day so our days are moments after moments of you speaking to our hearts and being overwhelmed by your love. Who is like our God? Who is like Abba who patiently waits on us to be enveloped by His being. God, we are being quickened by our awareness of you in our lives. Jehovah Shamah, we are grateful you are here! Our eyes are filled with tears of joy for your presence in our lives. Your might and power are without competition. No one stands before our God. Our spirits cry for your touch, for your presence. There is none like you Jesus. All hail the power of Jesus! Thank you for breath. Thank you for air. Thank you for hope. Thank you for mobility. Thank you for peace. Thank you for being our provision. You are everything to us. Mighty is our God. Hallelujah!

    Dear God, in whom all wisdom, power, and glory belong, we praise you. Yahweh, the self-existent one, whose name is so holy we bow at the thought of it. Why are our souls downcast? Why do we tremble in fear? Yahweh, our God, who was and will be forever more, stand up with us. God, the earth is yours, the heavens are yours, your dominion is unfathomable. Power belongs to our God. Your power doesn’t wane. Your dominion commands our enemies’ hands to hold back and stay. Look at the works of your handiwork, the seamless skies, the endless waters and seas. Your vegetation is clothed every morning by your provision of dew. Mighty, matchless, even devouring are your abilities. No one stands against you. Hallelujah! Your mighty hand soothes our souls. Your Word is our light and lamp. You shine in us and for us, lighting up our darkness and leading us to your truths. Lord God Almighty, we declare you are our God forever! Your name is a name above all names. It extends beyond our futures and into our eternities. Yahweh, our Lord God, who is and is to come. Glory to your name. We will serve you for the remaining of our days. Hallelujah! Thank you God for the privilege to call you. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

    The heavens declare your majesty. The earth erupts in jubilance for your kingship. My heart bows in humble submission to your Word. At your name, every knee shall bow in heaven and on earth, demonstrating your authority in our souls. Every tongue shall be compelled to heartily communicate your Lordship and supreme excellency. Dynamic power does belong to you. Might and dominion are perpetuated through your abilities to salvage, redeem, deliver, reconcile, and dwell. When we consider the work of your hands, the art displayed by your creations, nobody compares to you. Our hairs are numbered. Our organs and systems are delicately and intentionally crafted to work for our optimal good. Your nature was designed to beautify the earth and supply humanity. Look at us, from dust we were gathered, shaped, and formed—presented with your reflection in mind. My God! You sit high, yet, you are in the midst of us. You rule, yet, we have not a high priest who is unable to be touched by our challenges, temptations, and infirmities. Jesus you were tempted and challenged in every way, yet, you did not sin. You are King of kings, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, all at the same time. Yet, you are still my friend. No greater love has there ever been than Jesus displayed for us when he laid down his life; When he stayed on the cross for me. How can we say thanks for your love toward us? How do we appreciate the excellency of your power in our lives? For the remainder of my days, I will chase after you, Jesus, my savior. Hallelujah to the king! Amen.

    Majestic and all-knowing God, I hail you as king of the world today. Where was I when you hung the stars to provide heavenly decor in darkness? Where was I when you set the sun for daylight and the moon to provide night lights? Look at the waters in all of their wonder. Look at the seas in the midst of seas such that no one can see where they cease. A display of your voice speaking into nothing and making something beautiful. When I consider the works of your voice alone, LET THERE BE…, my soul escapes my body, attempting to demonstrate the awe, the gratitude for all you have done with me in mind. Oh, the wonder of your Godness! Who is able to compare? You are a wonder in my soul. Why should I feel cast down in my soul? Why should I feel discomfited, inferior, and confused within myself? I shall hope in God. Praise shall forever be on my lips. With His hands, Adonai, the Lord God, created me, formed me, breathed the breath of life in me. My hope is in God. He is the health of my countenance. He brings light and life in me. Wake up faith. Wake up love. Wake up long-suffering. Wake up kindness. Wake up trust. I shall yet praise him. Hallelujah to the king. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

    El Shadai, my almighty God, Jehovah Kadosh, oh Holy One, allow the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart to be acceptable unto you. As I think of the ways you have made, supernatural strength that you have imparted to scale mountainous circumstances in my life, I know you are mindful of me, every moment of my life. I know you are my strength, giving me feet like hinds’ feet—swift, sturdy—and sure steps, fleeing enemies to escape to high places where I find refuge and safety. Thank you for every high place, the place where you dwell, where I know the presence of your voice brings solace. Omnipresent God, Jehovah Shamah, my God who is there, I desire to be where you are; in the fullness of your glory. Hallelujah! Where you are is unconditional love, fullness of joy, humorous hope, unmoved faith, dynamic power, supernatural strength. Every day of my life, I have a panting thirst for more of you, unsatiated by possessions and people. An appetite satisfied only when seated at your table, even before my enemies, El Shaddai. I will come and sup with you, set myself before you, eat of your goodness, drink from a fountain of life that never runs dry. All will see that goodness and mercy will push me, usher me, be my chaperone for the remainder of my life. I will dwell in the house of the Lord, forever and ever. Glory to our matchless king. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

    Good morning Abba! Good morning Jesus! Good morning Holy Spirit! Oh, the glory of your presence! I rise with your power-packed presence. What a blessed trinity. Who can stand before me when I call on your great name? Abba, Jesus, Holy Spirit. What a wonderful name it is. God our Father, Jesus the Son of God, my precious Holy Spirit, sweet companion and guide. Hallelujah! I have entered into this day with confidence that Jehovah Sabaoth is with me. He is the Lord of Hosts. Glory! Pay attention, oh, my soul. Listen quietly, for Jehovah Sabaoth, it is You who forms mountains and creates the wind. It is You who declares to me what my thoughts are. It is You who makes dawn into darkness and treads on the high places of the earth. You, the Lord of Hosts, as it is written in Amos 4:13. I will stand firm in the strength of your Word, declaring that nothing shall come nigh my dwelling because you are with me. Your rod, the instrument of comfort and protection, and your staff, the symbol of authority and power, comfort me. Thank you, God, as you have already gone before me, making ways, bringing light to my path, opening and closing doors for my good. There is none that compares. To God be the glory. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

    Precious Jesus, oh, how I love you. How will I ever express my infinite love and tender heart toward you? The way you honor your Word by daily allowing it to dance with me. Look at its wonder. When I arise, it kisses me with new mercies laced with grace I have never seen before. Then your love wraps around me, ushering me through dangers, seen and unseen. Glory Hallelujah! In my lungs you blow ruach, your wind, your breath that brings life, allowing me to experience the fullness of you, your love and your joy.

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