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Empty Shoe Conversation Oeuvre
Empty Shoe Conversation Oeuvre
Empty Shoe Conversation Oeuvre
Ebook89 pages20 minutes

Empty Shoe Conversation Oeuvre

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About this ebook

I wrote this book in hopes of earning enough to buy a dog to complete me. I'm not sure if I'm ready for a furry child, but who really is ever ready to be a parent? I guess I will never know until I try. Help me try. Otherwise, I have two Master's degrees (science and music), so I am highly educated and therefore must know what I'm talking about.

PublisherMarcia Hsu
Release dateDec 29, 2020
Empty Shoe Conversation Oeuvre

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    Book preview

    Empty Shoe Conversation Oeuvre - MT Hsu

    Empty Shoe Conversation Oeuvre

    MT Hsu

    Copyright © 2020 by Marcia Hsu

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced

    or used in any manner without written permission of the copyright

    owner except for the use of quotations in a book review. For more

    information, address: [email protected] or twitter/instagram


    First edition December 2020

    Cover design: Angela Ni

    Back cover portrait: IG @natalie_photoart

    ISBN 978-0-5788-2014-9 (paperback)

    ISBN 978-0-5788-2015-6 (ebook)

    Dedicated to those that inspire

    Empty Shoe

    I told my friend I was going to write a book called Empty Shoe


    Ironically, I truly believe the glass is half empty

    I stare at the glass as one stares at a cloudless sky for rain

    Fake it until you make it

    There’s no way to fake the physiology of water

    Eventually it may become foggy

    But my eyes are the ones that are tired

    Or ex deus machina, there is no glass or water.

    Everyone writes books these days

    We are all so very important

    We all have something to say

    Like all trees falling all at once in the forest

    Maybe the source of climate change

    Can’t we be more like a circle of dominoes

    Let’s be each other’s company instead.

    There are so many subway stories

    I like to smile at other people’s dogs and children

    I don’t like to smile at anyone else

    I have resting bitch face

    An active Napoleon complex in my mind

    In actuality, it is resting upset face

    People smile at me instead

    I avoid eye contact, stranger danger

    I am not upset; it must be the glass’s fault.

    My inner feminist at her best

    A small girl squeaking, ‘I’m hardcore!’

    I may be little but I will bite you

    Shakespeare was referring to me

    This is not chick-lit, there’s no love story

    I will however adamantly root for your love life

    But more importantly, your inner feminist.

    I am very curious and that will get me into trouble

    I ask questions to your question

    I want to discover the ultimate truth

    Where the growth becomes doubt

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