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The Complete Astrology and Intuitive Guide To 2021
The Complete Astrology and Intuitive Guide To 2021
The Complete Astrology and Intuitive Guide To 2021
Ebook118 pages50 minutes

The Complete Astrology and Intuitive Guide To 2021

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The Comprehensive Astrology & Intuitive Guide to 2021 is a handwritten breakdown from respected professional astrologer and intuitive, Jessica Wiggan. Within this ebook, you will receive access to all of the significant astrological dates of 2021, organized in weekly chunks in a way that is easy to understand and apply to your everyday life.

Release dateJan 31, 2021
The Complete Astrology and Intuitive Guide To 2021

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    Book preview

    The Complete Astrology and Intuitive Guide To 2021 - Jessica Wiggan

    The Complete Astrology and Intuitive Guide to 2021

    By Jessica Wiggan

    Illustrations by Rechel Cruz

    This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, medical, accounting, or other professional service. If legal advice or other expertise is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought.

    ISBN: 9780578833491

    Table of Contents

    Acknowledgements 5

    Introduction 6




    CHAPTER 4- REFERENCE GUIDES                114




    First things first, I need to thank the Divine Creator for its supreme presence in my life. My gratitude for our relationship and connection is endless and it’s an honor to work and live so closely to you in my day to day life. I thank you for your grace, kindness, and cosmic nudging. I continue to call on you for guidance, strength, support, nurturing, protection and clarity.

    Next, I want to thank my ancestors whose determination, and dedication runs through my blood. I honor your stories and your journey, I welcome and thank you for sharing your wisdom. I ask for your patience and protection.

    Third, I must thank my family and friends for being patient with while I have one many occasions put my work first. Thank you for always being there for me, supporting me, listening to me, and sharing your love and life with me. I couldn’t do life without you.

    Fourth, my beautiful BehatiVibeTribe- you are a part of my community and hold such a precious place in my heart. I watch your enthusiasm and love for astrology, tarot, and developing your intuitive gifts and it’s a constant reminder that your vibe attracts your tribe. I believe that we are ‘doing’ life together. Stay strong in your faith, keep asking questions, keep calling out for more for yourself while sharing generously with others.

    Lastly, to those to come- I thank you in advance for showing up. May the Divine bless your heart, health, and happiness and guide your steps forward.

    Dingbat Diamonds

    Chapter 1


    Well hello, beautiful Being.

    It’s an honor to be able to write for you, to pull the charts, share my predictions, and hopefully encourage you to set powerful intention that can change your life for better for ever!

    The purpose of this book is not to tell you what to do but to provide confirmation and clarity into what your Higher Self or the Divine is sharing with you. I’ve pulled very specific messages to cover you throughout your journey through 2021 but ultimately it will always be up to you to decide where are how these message apply to your life, if at all.

    I have learned throughout my time here on Earth and in my spiritual studies that the Divine (the highest Creator, if you believe in It) has embedded in your heart the highest vision written for you. This vision is hidden in your hopes, dreams, and wishes. The path is different for everyone but for the most part the major points along the way will address our healing, learning, and empowerment. We are guided to come back to ourselves, seek Divine wisdom and guidance, and be kind and generous to those we meet along the way for they are having their own journeys just as you are.

    It’s my belief that the Divine Creator was generous enough to give us tools and resources to help us along the way. Astrology and our intuition are some of our most powerful tools. We can use them both to understand divine timing, know when something is for or against us, and know what is right and wrong. We are to guided to use these tools often. By prioritizing them and our sacred time of stillness we strengthen our abilities, move with purpose and direction, and can live a life full of all kinds of physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental riches!

    This is what I want and see for you and this is the purpose of this book. I invite you to prioritize your spirituality - no matter what it looks like- and find the time to connect with your Source. This means if you believe in a Creator- connect to that Source. If you believe in the power of your Highest Self- that is your Source, etc. Call on this Source not just in bad times but also the good, the dull, the day to day. You will gain deeper insight and confirmation within yourself and find more use for this book than those who just read through these pages and take my words as their only compass and guidance.

    How to Use this Book

    The best way to use this book is in harmony with your own meditative practice and with your own channeled intuitive guidance and messages. I’ve included references, charts, and guides to help you to design and fine tune your own rituals, intentions, moves while working in harmony with astrological timing.

    Spend time within your meditation practice or use your dreams to connect with your Higher Self, Spirit Guides, or Source while you sleep. Capture your visions, dreams, wishes, intentions, quotes, and symbols that stand out to you in your own journals. I tell my students in my Sacred Circle Tarot School that their own journals, findings, and diaries become sacred texts that they can and will use to reference points of meaning in their life. The can even pass these recordings over to their children, grandchildren, and so on for them to find connection similarities. I guide many of my students - and I am now sharing this wisdom with you- that only time will show you what certain symbols and visions mean for you. Just like any high priestess or spiritually committed Being you are to stay open to the process, patient, and remain humble. There are never shortcuts to developing your gifts- it is something that we are born with and can continue to strengthen over time. It can not be taken away from you, it is all yours, and it is special.

    Refer to this book, my visions, and the timing to help you move in alignment with what you are already seeing, thinking, feeling, and knowing. I’ve included journaling and intention setting space at the end of the book for you to take notes, as needed.

    Dingbat Diamonds

    Chapter 2

    Weekly Predictions

    Move with the energy planets and they will work with you not against you.

    January 2021

    Words: Direction, Purpose, Clarity, Change

    New Moon(s): January 28th, 2021 at 2:16 pm

    Full Moon(s): January 13, 2021 at 12:01 am

    Standout Transits:

    Mars Enters Taurus- 1/6

    Mercury Enters Aquarius- 1/8

    Venus Enters Capricorn- 1/8

    Uranus Direct- 1/14

    Jupiter Square Uranus- 1/17

    Mercury Retrograde- 1/30


    Jan 1st - Jan 3rd

    Mercury sextile Neptune: You’re starting this new year with a reminder of the power of using your intuition, developing and strengthening your intuition. Mercury in Saturn, Neptune in Pisces is a strong hint from the cosmos towards creating a structured routine and plan as well as boundaries to help protect your sacred space and spiritual goals and priorities. The energy of calmness is here: symbolizing the power of what quiet meditative spaces and places can do. Regardless of what direction this year unfolds into you will always have your stillness to center and ground you. There you will find direction, guidance, and answers.

    Planet’s Movement:

    Mercury sextile Neptune- Jan 1, 6:18 am


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