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The Genetic Make-Up of Rebuilding Your Credit
The Genetic Make-Up of Rebuilding Your Credit
The Genetic Make-Up of Rebuilding Your Credit
Ebook140 pages1 hour

The Genetic Make-Up of Rebuilding Your Credit

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The Genetic Make-Up of Rebuilding Your Credit focuses on the basics of establishing a solid credit resume. Chayo discusses the details on how to rebuild your credit with proven suggestions that will work overtime by using consistent good credit practices. The reasons people fall into credit problems are endless, but it's not a complete loss

Release dateFeb 23, 2021
The Genetic Make-Up of Rebuilding Your Credit

Chayo Briggs

Como inversor inmobiliario de gran éxito durante más de diecisiete años, Briggs se ve impulsado a obtener los más altos estándares para sus clientes. Sus éxitos como orador motivacional efectivo y autor publicado se desarrollaron a partir de la experiencia de la vida. A través de esas habilidades excepcionales, aprendió el arte de los ingresos pasivos. Chayo puede ayudar a sus clientes a conseguir su futuro próspero, rompiendo las cadenas de las dificultades financieras. Los conceptos básicos de la estabilidad crediticia son simples, pero la mayoría de las personas consideran estos temas como un tabú, cuando en realidad son esenciales para tener éxito. Sabemos que tales problemas son desalentadores, pero es posible que deba pedir dinero prestado en algún momento en el futuro. Su puntaje de crédito determina dos cosas que pueden afectar la aprobación de su préstamo. Primero, prestar dinero conlleva riesgos; Los prestamistas necesitan saber que usted es confiable. En segundo lugar, su puntaje de crédito determina los términos de su préstamo. En la sociedad actual, tener una calificación crediticia promedio puede no ser suficiente. Los empleadores están comenzando a verificar el historial de crédito para asegurarse de que un empleado sea una buena opción. Piense en su puntaje de crédito como un currículum, su historial de vida. Pinta un claro ejemplo de qué tipo de persona es en la vida real. Tengo más de diecisiete años de experiencia en emprendimiento inmobiliario y coaching de vida. Uno de los primeros temas discutidos es la calificación crediticia de un cliente porque determinará su próximo curso de acción.." En la economía actual, algo simple como conseguir un lugar para vivir requiere un informe de historial crediticio, "Por lo tanto, estoy comprometido a ayudar a las personas a comprender la importancia de la credibilidad crediticia." Briggs tiene una gran experiencia en la vida, lo que lo convierte en un experto en ayudar a las personas a superar sus problemas crediticios. A cambio, puede establecer una base sólida para que sus clientes alcancen sus objetivos de estado crediticio.

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    The Genetic Make-Up of Rebuilding Your Credit - Chayo Briggs



















    Copyright © 2021 Chayo Briggs

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    ISBN: Paperback 9781648733048

    ISNB: EBOOK 9781648731488

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    Published by:

    Writer’s Publishing House

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    Project Management and Book Launch by Creative Artistic Excellence Marketing

    The Genetic Make-Up of Rebuilding Your Credit

    By Chayo Briggs

    I would like to express my gratitude to the many people who saw me through this book; to all those who provided support, talked things over, read, wrote, offered comments, allowed me to quote their remarks, and assisted in the editing, proofreading, and design.

    First of all, I would like to express my success to my Heavenly Father.

    A huge thank you to my mother El Dora Bocino Lay and father Dr. Ervin Briggs Jr. and my wife Dina Renae Flynn Briggs.

    Then my special thanks to creative Magazine, Shakeena Whitmore (Diva Naires Magazine), Jamila Choyce (Courbee Revolucion Magazine), Fatimah Sharif Muhammad, Rachel Dolezal (Author, NAACP Activist), So FN

    Dope Magazine Magazine, Matoya Allen (AvidXchange, Inc.), Loretta Rita Jones World Financial Group, Panagiotis Lampridis Graphic Arts (Athens, Greece), Deli Rowe R & B Artist, Eric Washington (Fashion Trendz Magazine), Latasha Sims (Redeemed Business And Tax Services), my cousin (Actor)Rashaud Turner (Ding Up).

    Most certainly, last but not least, Martha Rojas (Hermandad Mexicana Nacional), Carrie Rodriguez (Morena's Cakes and Pies). My mentors Monique (Entrepreneur) Chang from Taipel Taiwan and Ethal Davis (CPA), Austrain Model Claudia Floraunce, Adrian Ross (Medstar Union Memorial Hospital).

    Wanda Lay (United States National Guards), Velma Lay & Milton Lay of Omaha Nebraska, Gwenivere Lay (Management & Lay's, Paschal Family Business), Levora Lay Risper (Frito-Lay, Inc.)

    Chapter One:

    What is Credit

    In simple terms, credit is the ability to borrow money or access goods and services with the understanding it must be paid overtime.

    According to Experian, Lenders, merchants and service providers (known collectively as creditors) grant credit based on their confidence you can be trusted to pay back what you borrowed, along with any finance charges that may apply. To the extent that creditors consider you worthy of their trust, you are said to be creditworthy, or to have good credit."

    How Credit Works

    In past centuries, creditors might have gauged your creditworthiness by reputation. Obviously, this method was subjective to error, manipulation, and bias. These days, creditors prefer a more objective approach. In the U.S., typically they look to your credit history; record of borrowing and repaying funds, then determining whether to issue you credit.

    Your credit history is summarized in files known as credit reports, compiled by three independent credit bureaus—Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax. Banks, credit unions, credit card issuers, and other creditors voluntarily report your borrowing and repayment information to the credit bureaus.

    Information in your credit report includes:

    The number of credit card accounts you have, their borrowing limits, and current outstanding balances

    The amounts of any loans you've taken out and how much of them you've paid back

    Whether your monthly payments for your accounts were made on time, late, or missed altogether

    More severe financial setbacks such as mortgage foreclosures, car repossessions, and bankruptcies

    To help narrow lending decisions, creditors often use a three-digit number known as a credit score. Your credit score distills the information on your credit resume to something easy to interpret, minimizing any bias.

    Sophisticated systems known as credit scoring models calculate your credit score by performing complex statistical analysis on the contents of your credit file. Different models, such as the FICO® Score and VantageScore®, calculate scores differently, but all assign higher scores to individuals whose credit histories make them statistically more creditworthy than those with lower scores.

    There Are Four Types of Credit:

    Revolving credit: Consumers are given a maximum credit limit, and can make purchases up to that limit. Each month, the balance or revolving debt is paid back with nominal payments. Most credit cards are a form of revolving credit.

    Charge cards: When someone is issued a charge card, the process works in the same fashion as a revolving card, but the balance must be paid in full every month.

    Service credit: Consumer agreements with service providers are all credit arrangements. You receive electricity, cellular phone service, a gym membership, etc., with the agreement that you will pay for them each month. Not all service accounts are reported in your credit history.

    Installment credit: A creditor loans you a specific amount of money. The borrower agrees to repay the money

    and interest in regular installments of a fixed amount over a set period. Car loans and mortgages are two examples of installment credit.

    Why Do You Need Credit?

    The importance of good credit extends beyond just purchases, in that your credit information may be used by potential employers and landlords as part of the selection process.

    Client Testimonial

    "Mr. Briggs has been working hard on my credit score! I had a score of 485, my highest at about 525. So far, my score has jumped to 585. Most of the negative issues are deleted and much of the Identity theft. Getting my credit back where it needs is a struggle but I'll get there!!

    At least I feel comfortable knowing I'm dealing with someone knowledgeable about this business!! Very Trustworthy!!"

    — Yasmin Waters

    Good credit is a necessary evil if you plan to make a major purchase, such as a car or a home. Credit is a convenience that must be taken seriously, especially if you have an emergency.

    Credit grantors review credit resumes and credit reports to determine financial risk: If they lend you money, extend credit, or give goods and services, will you pay them back? Your choices in life will affect your ability to gain credit. Some considerations on your resume are residence tenure, employer statistics, balances in your bank account (and whether you have an account), savings account, and the length of service. The next focus is on what kind of assets you obtain. The entire package determines whether you are extended the credit applied.

    What Does Good Credit Mean?

    As mentioned previously, credit is more than just borrowing money. To a lender like an auto dealer or credit card company, credit is your reputation. Hence, a credit resume. It tells them how likely you are to repay the

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