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The Sketchy Covid-19 Pandemic
The Sketchy Covid-19 Pandemic
The Sketchy Covid-19 Pandemic
Ebook42 pages50 minutes

The Sketchy Covid-19 Pandemic

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Covers the covid-19 pandemic from the beginning to the present focusing on the fraud involved.

PublisherGary L Morton
Release dateMay 10, 2021
The Sketchy Covid-19 Pandemic

Gary L Morton

I live in downtown Toronto. At present, I have seven novels and five collections available online. They are horror and science fiction. Some of the books are also mystery and crime related as characters include a psychic detective in my vampire novel, and a future detective in some science fiction novelettes and novels.

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    The Sketchy Covid-19 Pandemic - Gary L Morton

    The Sketchy Covid 19 Pandemic

    (A detailed look at the fake pandemic and the goals of the criminals behind it)

    By Gary L Morton, Initiated in the Spring 2021

    Published at Smashwords by Gary L Morton

    The World Health Organization (WHO) using news and announcements promoted the idea that drastic actions were needed to fight a new mystery virus from China. It began when the Wuhan Municipal Health Commission, China, reported cases of pneumonia in Wuhan. News reports out of China showed teams of men in white hazmat suits spraying outdoors on the streets. This was absurd propaganda as such methods would do nothing to stop a virus. There were claims of people dropping in the streets and other scary news.

    The WHO set up the Incident Management Support Team and created a new publication in January 2020 called Disease Outbreak News. It dealt with the novel virus and put the WHO in control of world media stories on the virus. The WHO then issued a comprehensive package of technical guidance online with advice to all countries, putting them in control of any worldwide response. Next, they reported there was human-to-human transmission which led to a pandemic being declared. They falsely reported that SARS-CoV-2 was a novel virus when there are seven corona viruses similar to it in general circulation and many people already have some built in immunity to it

    Billionaire Bill Gates is the largest donor to the WHO. China and the USA are the WHO's other two large donors. WHO director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesu sat on the board of global funds run by Gates, including a vaccine alliance. Like Gates he isn't a doctor. Tedros, a former leader of an Ethiopian Marxist-Leninist party, also has strong ties including financial ties to China. Tedros is a member of the Tigrayan People’s Liberation Front linked to human rights violations in Ethiopia and he helped indebt Ethiopia to China. The WHO declared their pandemic just in time to save themselves 500 million dollars. They had pandemic bonds they would have pay out on if there was not a pandemic by 2020. Investors bought the bonds betting that a pandemic would not happen.

    The IHME and Imperial College created the first covid 19 computer models and predicted mass death. These models proved wildly inaccurate. Both outfits receive strong funding from Bill Gates. The IHME model caused six US Democrat Party governors (Andrew Cuomo NY, Jay Inslee WA, Gretchen Whitmer MI, Gavin Newsom CA, Phil Murphy NJ, Tom Wolf PA) to send patients showing symptoms of viral infection into nursing homes, causing tens of thousands of deaths. The claim was their hospitals would fill up if they did not do so. Knowing that SARS-CoV-2 mostly kills elderly people did not stop them from doing this. Viruses in general are hard on old people and without doubt many people sent in had viruses that were not SARS-CoV-2, yet the deaths would be labelled as such. Some people suspect such incompetence is not possible and that they had other motives including damaging the re-election hopes of President Donald Trump. However, massive medical and political incompetence has been exposed since the beginning of the declared pandemic. Elderly people have been killed with remdesivir, heroin, ventilator pneumonia and midazolam, through being misdiagnosed, and also being sent into covid wards when they did

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