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Stock Analysis
Stock Analysis
Stock Analysis
Ebook30 pages20 minutes

Stock Analysis

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About this ebook

Be smart, learn about the company before you invest. Don't invest on other peoples tips, hear-say, or brokers news, be smart and research the company before you invest.  Learn how to research a company before you invest. Understand there Financial strength, there growth potential, there debt load and other important information needed before you invest; learn how to read an annual stock report, mutual funds, gold and silver, balance sheet and income statement, Formula for Analyzing Stocks, understanding various portfolios, inflation, banking, and the federal reserve and more.

PublisherJohn Hozvicka
Release dateMay 11, 2021
Stock Analysis

John Hozvicka

Life Experiences: * Private investor in the Stock Market since 1979 * First president of the “PPG” (Partners for Profit and Growth) investment club 1997-1999 * Financial Planning Specialist Diploma March 30, 2001, from The School of Financial Planning, subsidiary of Professional Career Development Institute. * Paralegal Diploma from Black Stone Career Institute Jan. 25, 2009 * J and J Holding Company, senior portfolio manager 2009-2011 * Author of “Stock Investing 101” training manual (you can purchase a copy go to the digital product page) * CEO of Financial Concepts & Solutions LLC  2012-present *University of Metaphysics: Studio City, California, Bachelor of  Metaphysical Science 1986 *Lafayette University, Doctorate of Science Degree in "Science"1989 *St. Anthony’s Seminary (Orthodox), Bachelor of Art degree in Theology 1989 *Agape of Jesus Seminary, Honorary Doctor of Divinity Degree 1991  

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    Stock Analysis - John Hozvicka


    Annual Stock Report

    This is the report that is sent to the SEC (Security Exchange Commission) and the stock holders like you. In it has the information needed to do an analysis to check out the company’s financial strength and position in the market.  I will review the hot points that you should learn and become comfortable with. These financial reports are prepared by an independent third party accounting firm hire y the company and approved by the share holders. If by chance the accounting firm enters false information on purpose for some kind of financial gain from the company or any officer of the company and has been discovered, they open themselves up to criminal prosecution and civil law suit. 

    CEO Letter to the Stock Holders: To me I find this section interesting and important. The CEO letter is always in the front of the annual report along with his picture. He or she will inform you of all the good things the company has been doing, long range plans, explain about the profits made or losses incurred, etc.

    Product & Services: It’s important that you read the section that explain what the company does, what they make and sell, what type of services do they provide, etc.

    Board of Directors: In the back part of the booklet are the names and sometime pictures of the Board of directors and

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