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About this ebook

From award-winning author S. Usher Evans comes a smashing continuation of her bestselling urban fantasy series. Picking up six months after the Demon Spring trilogy, the Demon Fall trilogy will leave readers guessing alongside our main characters as they explore the new reality of demons and humans.

Lotan is safe, but the world continues to churn unpredictably. Jack continues to struggle with the decision made by Anya - and what it might mean for their already-rocky relationship. Meanwhile, he and Cam must toe the line between their demon friends and an increasingly active ICDM - who seem hell-bent on eradicating demons completely.

Filled with twists and turns, and an ending that no reader will see coming, Resurrection is a stellar addition to the Demon Spring world.

The Demon Fall trilogy is a spin-off series in the Demon Spring universe. It is strongly recommended that readers begin with the Demon Spring series prior to starting this one.

Content warning for adult situations, depression, and suicide.

The Demon Spring Series

Demon Spring
1. Resurgence
2. Revival
3. Redemption

Demon Fall
1. Reawakening
2. Resurrection
3. Reclamation

Release dateMay 25, 2021

S. Usher Evans

S. Usher Evans is an author, blogger, and witty banter aficionado. Born in Pensacola, Florida, she left the sleepy town behind for the fast-paced world of Washington, D.C.. There, she somehow landed jobs with BBC, Discovery Channel, and National Geographic Television before finally settling into a “real job” as an IT consultant. After a quarter life crisis at age 27, she decided consulting was for the birds and rekindled a childhood passion for writing novels. She sold everything she owned and moved back to Pensacola, where she currently resides with her two dogs, Zoe and Mr. Biscuit.Evans is the author of the Razia series and Empath, both published by Sun’s Golden Ray Publishing.

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    Resurrection - S. Usher Evans


    Cam Macarro couldn't stop staring at her love, Lotan, prince of the nox demons, inhaling the cold tacos that Abeula had left out for them. In fact, Cam was almost afraid to blink. If she did, she might realize this was all a dream, perhaps the last panic-induced fantasy before her blood left her body and her spirit ventured to wherever they went after death. Because that was infinitely more believable.

    She, Jack, and Lotan had just been rescued by a newly rejuvenated Anya, who had somehow managed to discover that the demonic athtar magic was still around and also somehow managed to absorb it for herself. She was now the most powerful demon in the entire world, able to wield time and space, and had retrieved the imprisoned trio from the clutches of the noxes who'd betrayed Lotan and put them in Cam's grandmother's kitchen.

    Okay, you have to stop looking at me, Lotan said, putting down the half-eaten taco. I promise you, I'm fine. He flashed his wrists at her. Look, no scabs. Nox magic healed me.

    I… Cam started, rubbing her face. How is any of this possible? Bael's magic was… How did she… What the shit is going on?

    I have absolutely no idea, my love, Lotan said. But I assume we will all find out in due time. I don't even know if Anya knows what happened. He took another bite and moaned. Cam, this is the best pork I've had in my entire life.

    And that was saying something, considering he was born over five hundred years before. I'll be sure to tell abuela that you enjoyed it, Cam said with a half-smile. But really… I'm still in shock, I think.

    Well, eat up, Lotan said, pushing the plate of food toward her. And we'll go to bed. I'm sure everything will seem less…shocking in the morning.

    The kitchen door opened, and Jackson Grenard, Cam's best friend, partner, and almost-death buddy, walked in, a concerned and confused look on his face.

    Where's Anya? Cam asked.

    Out there, I guess, Jack said, sinking into the chair.

    Cam pursed her lips. What did you do?

    Me? Nothing, Jack said. Anya's the one who—

    Who what? Cam asked, tilting her head to the side. Saved all our asses?

    Jack snorted. Took Bael's power. Became a demon again.

    And why is that such a bad thing? Cam asked.

    Yes, Lotan said, grabbing the last taco on the plate and chowing down. It sol' a lo' of our pro'lems.

    Or creates a mountain of new ones, Jack said. We have no idea what that magic is going to do to her. If she's the belu, then—

    Is she the belu? Lotan asked, after swallowing. Was she actually touched by God?

    She said she took Bael's powers, Cam said. Does that make her a belu?

    Good question.

    Cam nearly jumped out of her skin. Anya stood in the kitchen, her power filling the room. Her eyes, formerly a beautiful mossy green, were now emeralds, shining behind thick, dark lashes. Her skin had darkened to a beautiful, smooth bronze, as if she'd just spent a week on the beaches of her native Syria. Even her nails were long and sharp, unlike Cam's jagged edges.

    It's okay, Anya said with a nervous half-smile that didn't meet her eyes. I'm still me.

    Cam hadn't realized she'd been gripping a napkin and released it, forcing herself to relax and smile. Thank you, Anya. I don't know… Thank you for coming for us.

    She took the chair next to Jack without looking at him. I'm glad I got there in time.

    Cam glanced between the two of them—Jack looking like he wanted to walk out of the room and Anya holding herself so tightly she might implode. Their communication issues hadn't been resolved with her newfound powers, it seemed. They'd need to hash it out eventually, but Cam wasn't the one to make them do it.

    Why don't you tell us what happened, Anya? Lotan said, saving them all from the awkward silence. And how you came into…this.

    Anya licked her lips. After Jack left in Lisbon, I… She swallowed, casting a nervous look around. Diogo found me. I asked him if he'd help me, and he said he would…but not the way I wanted. He had a portal.

    Wait—a portal? Lotan said, sitting upright. An athtar portal? Between the human world and Underworld?

    Anya nodded. He made his own. All athtars could, apparently.

    Huh. Lotan rubbed his chin. Sorry, please continue.

    We landed in Ath-kur, and we had to walk… We passed the battlefield, she said with yet another half-glance at Jack. The land was very unstable. Earthquakes and mist. He took me to a large crack in the earth that we climbed down. There was… She furrowed her brow. I don't know how to explain it. It was Bael's magic—just without Bael. It felt familiar, like him, but it wasn't him.

    How did you take it? Lotan asked, leaning on the table.

    I think…. She hesitated, glancing at Jack, and Cam could practically hear the calculations in her mind. She was trying to massage the truth so Jack wouldn't freak.

    You can tell us the truth, Cam offered, gently. We won't be mad. She caught the gaze of the only person whose opinion Anya really cared about. Right, Jack?

    Right, Jack said.

    But Anya stayed silent for another long moment, chewing on the inside of her cheek. I think it was waiting for me, she whispered finally. Bael's magic wanted me to take it.

    Jack's brows went to his forehead, and he looked at Cam as if to say I told you so, but she ignored him. What do you mean? Was the magic sentient or something?

    She shrugged. I don't know how to explain it. But Diogo tried to take the magic and it didn't let him.

    But Bael let you take it, Jack said.

    It's not… Anya cleared her throat. He's dead.

    Jack caught her in his gaze. His power clearly wasn't.

    And I don't know what that means, Anya said, her gaze desperate for him to believe her. But I know that I'm still myself.

    This is fascinating, Lotan said, clearly ignorant of the tension brewing. Bael is dead, but his magic remained in Ath-kur and another person was able to absorb it. I wonder if that means… If I gave up my power, could someone else take it?

    We'd have to make sure it's not Yaotl, Cam said. Speaking of… what the hell are we going to do about him? She sat back. I guess Anya could—

    No. Lotan's tone was firm. He's gone astray, but we can't kill him.

    He was going to kill me, Cam said with a glare.

    And two wrongs don't make a right, my love, Lotan said.

    She pursed her lips at him. Lotan. Yaotl has his eyes on world domination. At this moment, he's making alliances with demons in every corner. He plans to take control and perhaps eradicate ICDM. Clearly, we need to do something about that.

    And I will, Lotan said with a half-smile. But killing him isn't the answer. And if my goal is to reclaim my pack, I have to do it without assistance. They won't take kindly to the noxslayer stepping in.

    Then what will you do? Cam asked, a little nervously.

    For now, nothing, Lotan said.

    Nothing? Jack said with a look. So you want to let him continue to find allies? He was trying to overthrow ICDM and put the humans in chains.

    My educated guess is that once the demonic folk find out there's a new athtar in town, they might be less inclined to listen to a nox who's merely powerful. Lotan looked at Anya. I assume you plan to announce yourself to the belus.

    Anya's mouth parted, and she hesitated just long enough to pique Cam's suspicions. Eventually, yes, but I don't want to be the kind of belu who goes around threatening people to bend them to my will.

    Jack snorted, and Cam kicked him under the table.

    But your presence will be as much of a deterrent to Yaotl's plans as we can ask for, Lotan said. Which means that in the interim, I can continue work on my experiments. It might be beneficial to see the crevasse where you found your magic in Ath-kur, Anya. If you want to take me there.

    Oh, uh… Anya cleared her throat. Ath-kur is…not the same as you remember.

    What do you mean? Cam asked.

    She smiled, as if she had a secret. I can make the world any way I want. So I made it… I recreated it into something better. I would love to show you. She turned to Jack, her hesitation clear on her face. If you'll come with me.

    But Jack just looked at Cam. What do you think?

    The adrenaline of almost dying was leaving her blood, and exhaustion was settling in. She had been in Lisbon yesterday, today, had nearly lost her life, and tonight, was just too tired to deal with Anya's newfound powers, as well as all the other chaos left unresolved in this world.

    Can we go tomorrow? Cam asked. I just…I think I need to stay put in one place tonight. My brain can't absorb any more information.

    Sure, Anya said with a firm smile.

    Shall we go to bed? Lotan asked. To his credit, he kept the question innocent.

    You go ahead, Cam said, squeezing his hand. I'll be there in a minute. I need to get some air.

    The moon was full tonight, and Cam couldn't stop looking at it. She'd never been so close to death before, at least a death she couldn't fight her way out of, and it put things in perspective—made her appreciate these beautiful moments more.

    You should be with your prince. Juana, Cam's grandmother, left her bedroom to join Cam on the veranda.

    I will, Cam replied. But first, I need to know… Was María really going to leave me?

    It had been a revelation from Jack that Cam's great-aunt, a Councilmember for the ICDM, had given the order to let Cam die at the hands of the noxes who'd kidnapped her. María was always willing to sacrifice for the greater good, but this one, in particular, stung.

    Juana's old face, so familiar and warm, hardened. I do not know the particulars. But it seems to me…your Jack was ready to kill every nox in existence to get you back, and he was doing it alone.

    Cam sighed, leaning on the railing. When the nox magicked me, I saw María telling me she knew everything. About Lotan, and me turning athtar, and she was firing me. Cam chuckled. And all I felt was relief.

    I bet the nox didn't like that, Juana said.

    Cam shook her head, refusing to think of what he'd shown her instead. I love my job, but I love Lotan more. Does that make me… She stared at the moon. I never thought I'd be one of those people who'd give up the perfect job for love.

    Jobs come and go, but your prince is once in a lifetime, Juana said softly. Like your abuelo, God rest his soul. He was the only man to keep me on my toes and change my mind about anything. I would've given up your job for him. She sniffed. But I also wouldn't have taken your job. You have your father in you.

    Cam shook her head. Do you think mama and papa would be mad at me?

    I think they just want you to be happy, Camilla. And that man makes you happy. She patted Cam on the butt. Now get in there and enjoy him, or else I might go in your place.

    Cam snorted. Hands off my prince, Abuela.

    She cackled and waddled toward the kitchen, presumably to tell Anya to go to bed. And Cam turned to walk back to the bedroom where she'd find her prince.

    She opened the door to the dark room slowly. The small twin Cam always slept in already had a body in it.

    Plenty of room for you, came a soft voice. Come, my love. I miss you.

    Cam unstuck her feet and padded over to the bed. Climbing in, she realized just how little room there was for the two of them. Lotan's broad shoulders and long legs took up most of the space, and she had to lie on her side just to fit. But as she decided this wasn't going to work, Lotan draped an arm over her and pulled her close.

    We can make do, he whispered, his breath tickling her ear. And make love. But in the morning, mmkay?

    She smiled; he must've been exhausted. She settled, relishing this moment of peace. Perhaps Juana was right—this man did make her happy. Even here, uncomfortable as she was, and knowing she would get very little sleep on the edge of the bed, there was nowhere she would rather have been. And with that thought, and the knowledge that everyone she cared about was safe tonight, she allowed herself to relax into the arms of her demon prince.


    Jack tossed and turned, his dreams plagued by visions of noxes firing guns at his head and Anya begging him not to hate her. He woke up feeling just as poorly as he had the night before, only now he had to face another day. Rolling onto his back, he replayed the conversations with Anya over and over, looking for any sign that the woman he cared for was gone. But she was just herself—and the only thing keeping him from marching down the hall and taking her was his own fear.

    But it was potent, so he just showered quickly and followed the scent of fried eggs and bacon to the kitchen. To his surprise, Lotan was the one with the skillet and apron, hovering around and making breakfast for an amused Cam and Juana. Anya was nowhere to be found, which Jack actually found rather…disappointing.

    Morning, sleepyhead, Cam said. You're right on time. Lotan is impressing us with his ability to make chilaquiles.

    It's what my lady requested, he said with a cheesy grin.

    Tortillas are burning, Juana said, sitting back.

    Shit, Lotan said, dashing over to a smoking pan and lowering the heat. Well, they'll be a little extra crispy.

    You shouldn't torture him like this, Jack said, settling in the empty seat. The man's been through enough.

    He insisted, Cam said with a haughty look as Juana stood to help Lotan with the pan of eggs. How about you? Have any good conversations last night?

    Jack didn't feel like answering the question. Where is Anya?

    No clue. But I assume she comes and goes as she pleases these days, Cam said. What with being able to cross the entire universe in the blink of an eye.

    Jack nodded. Cam seemed to have accepted Anya's transformation without hesitation, which made sense, considering that she'd been an athtar herself for a brief period.

    Are you still mad at her? Cam asked. Because if you are, you should probably get over it. She was athtar when you met her, and you still managed to fall for her. So I don't understand why you've suddenly got this stick up your ass.

    A hum of energy made the hair on Jack's neck stand up and as he turned around, Anya appeared in the room. She gave Jack a half-smile, which he didn't return.

    Well, I have to say, it's nice to know you're coming, Cam said.

    How? Anya said, taking the empty chair.

    You aren't exactly subtle about your magical presence, Lotan said, putting a plate of burnt food in front of her. But you're amongst friends, so it doesn't really matter.

    She looked down at the food and made a face. What's wrong with it?

    It's great, Cam said, swallowing hard. Thanks, Lotan. Now please let me help clean up.

    I told you I'd be doing all of it, he said with a look. Just sit there and eat.

    Mm, delicious, Cam said, forcing the food into her mouth.

    The sizzling sound drew down to a low rumble, and Lotan's movements slowed with them. Anya's eyes glowed darker, but her smile was genuine. She'd slowed time except for herself, Cam, and Jack.

    Do you want me to get us some real food? she asked, pushing the burnt tortilla around the plate. This is inedible.

    It would break his heart, though, Cam said with a tut. Let's all power through, kids. He tried so hard.

    Anya, you can't just… Jack began but then stopped. He couldn't tell her to stop using her powers, especially for something as innocuous as having a private conversation to spare Lotan's feelings. But the ease in which she'd reacquainted herself with this magic unnerved him.

    Can't what? she asked.

    Nothing, Jack said, shaking his head. But Lotan's weirding me out. Can we get back to real time?

    Lotan had turned to bring his plate to the table, and the sight of him slowly walking with a proud grin on his face was strange indeed.

    Cam made a sound and softened, putting her face in her hand. Look at that big dummy. Yeah, let's get back to him.

    The world sped up and before Jack could say anything, Lotan was seated with them, ready to dig into the meal he'd made.

    He took a bite and winced. This is abysmal.

    It's great, honey, Cam said, taking another bite and daring the other two to say a word. Wisely, neither Jack nor Anya responded.

    After breakfast, which Jack and Cam cleaned up, despite Lotan's protests, Anya seemed eager to get to Ath-kur. Jack had no bag to speak of, and neither did Cam, so the only thing left were goodbyes with Juana. Cam's grandmother gave them big hugs each, and made Cam promise to call her parents and give them a heads up as to her next move.

    Perhaps leaving out that you were kidnapped, Juana said with a smile.

    Before any of them could answer, Juana faded from view and Jack braced himself for his arrival in the Underworld. But they didn't land there—at least not that he could feel. They were in a library, dimly lit by candles and gas lanterns. He caught Cam's similarly confused look.


    My lady. A man appeared in a blur, and immediately bowed his head. An athtar—Diogo. It is an honor to have you in my home again.

    Diogo seemed like an old soul—and not just because he was transformed in 1755. He wore a tweed jacket with leather elbow patches, and a plaid shirt that was in style sometime around the time Jack was born. The spectacles perched on his nose gave him a professorial look, as did the rows and rows of books that lined his expansive library. Even Lotan looked impressed, walking over to a nearby stack to get a closer look.

    Diogo, these are my companions, Anya said. Cam Macarro, Jack Grenard, and—

    Lotan, Diogo said with a small nod. I'm glad to see you are well. My lady was very worried for you.

    He smiled. Thank you for helping her.

    She's my belu. I would do anything for her, Diogo said.

    Jack furrowed his brow. She's only been your belu for a few hours. And from what I hear, she's not really your belu.

    You have not been a demon, so you don't understand, Diogo said with a warm smile. My connection with Lady Anat is as strong as it was with Bael. My power comes from her, and I'm grateful for it.

    That didn't give Jack any warm fuzzies, but with a look from Cam, he decided to let it go. Then we're happy to count you as an ally.

    My lady, how may I serve you? Diogo asked, bowing to Anya.

    We simply need the portal, Anya said. I wouldn't have disturbed you, but I wanted to introduce my friends formally.

    You have never disturbed me, and never will. It is always an honor to have you here.

    How much of this was a show for the all-powerful demon beside him? Anya's smile lacked the usual hubris of Bael's, though. Still, for a demon who hadn't wanted anything to do with them before, Diogo was certainly kissing their ass now.

    Shall we? Anya said.

    Before any of them could answer, the ground slipped beneath their feet once again. The burned eggs came back with a vengeance as Jack was flung from the normal to the abnormal. His entire being was being torn apart, the pressure outside his body fighting against that inside, and neither side was winning. His chest constricted so tightly that it was hard to suck in more than small gasps.

    Just breathe, Anya said, pressing her hand to his chest. It'll pass in a moment.

    He opened his eyes to a bright blue sky surrounded by tall trees. Familiar trees. Redwoods.

    Where are we? He was supposed to be in the Underworld, not on his mountain in Washington.

    Don't worry about that now, just focus on coming back to yourself. Anya's face appeared in his line of sight, and her warm hand touched his cheek, grounding him to reality. He also didn't think it would be gentlemanly to vomit in her face, so he swallowed what was about to come up as he took deep, gulping breaths.

    I'm sorry, I don't think I can fix that, she said softly. Cam?

    Gonna be fine, she grunted from somewhere far away. Just after— She, clearly, was not concerned about upchucking the breakfast Lotan had made.

    Jack slowly pushed himself up, still unsure what he was looking at. Because if he believed his eyes, he was in Seattle, staring at his house. But that was impossible—they were in the Underworld.

    Anya, what's going on? Jack asked. Where are we?

    Ath-kur, she said, helping him to his feet. My version of it.

    He shook his head slowly. What does that mean?

    She wore an enigmatic smile, looking pleased with herself. I can't really explain it, but…there's this innate knowledge I have now. This intimate feeling that this world is mine to do with what I want. And I wanted…this. She gestured toward the house. Do you want to see it?

    Jack took a hesitant step forward then forced himself to continue. Anya opened the door to the foyer, with the long lines of dark pine flooring leading into the living room. Everything was exactly the same as he remembered it, right down to the arrangement of the furniture and the dining room. If he ignored the nauseated feeling in the pit of his stomach, he could almost believe that he was home.

    This looks familiar, Cam said with a smile to Jack.

    Where will I be able to work? Lotan asked. This room looks too nice for me to be making a mess.

    Follow me, Anya said, gesturing him toward what was a broom closet in their house in Seattle, but here appeared to be a stairwell. As soon as the door closed behind them, Cam wheeled on Jack with a grin on her face.

    So…this is real interesting, she said.

    What is?

    "She could build anything she wanted and she chose to build your house in Seattle. Down to the shade of the flooring. I think that's something, Jack."

    She's already made it clear what she wants, Jack said. The problem is me.

    Cam sighed. Well? Out with it. What's wrong now?

    I don't know. I just feel like… I feel like there's something. Jack walked to the window. I'm trying to be okay with her and these powers, but Diogo is acting like she's Bael, and she's able to do things at the drop of a hat and—

    If you want my opinion, Cam said, joining him. And you do, because you're asking me about it. I think… She seemed to consider her words. Do you think maybe you're just looking for something to go wrong?

    What's that supposed to mean?

    "It means that… Every time you guys get somewhere in your relationship, when both of you are at the same place emotionally, something happens. So now that Anya's pretty much back to her old self, ready to start a relationship with you, you're backpedaling as fast as you can. I think you're just trying to guard yourself."

    Jack blinked at her. That's…astute of you.

    Speaking from experience, she said. I'm not saying you should jump in, and maybe you can't yet. But you have to at least try. She's trying. Cam gestured to the house around them. Meet her halfway. You both obviously care about each other. While you're waiting for the shoe to drop, you might as well enjoy what you have.

    This shoe, Cam, it's going to drop hard, Jack said.

    And you've survived harder falls, Cam said. "Besides that, you can't know how this ends. Maybe Lotan unlocks the secret to demonic powers and maybe Anya decides it's better to stay human and be with you. But she can't make that call unless you pull this stick out of your ass and talk to her."


    Anya led Lotan down a short staircase, lost in her own thoughts. She'd hoped Jack would give her some hint about what was in his mind, and if he was angry with her, even though he'd sworn he wasn't. She'd returned to Ath-kur, to this home, to make it perfect for him—and for Cam and Lotan, too. Something to prove to Jack that she wasn't the monster he suspected. And perhaps to prove to herself that what had happened with María was just…a fluke.

    She could barely stand to think about it—and how easy it had been to succumb to her emotions. She'd never had this much control over literally everything. There was no one holding her leash now, no one keeping an eye on her. She could destroy the world if she had a mind to.

    Not that she did. But it was intoxicating. And dangerous—her mistake with Cam's great-aunt was one she wasn't hoping to repeat.

    What do you suppose they're talking about back there? Lotan asked, drawing her attention back to him.

    Us, probably, Anya said, clearing her throat. Cam seems to have settled down.

    Was she worried for me? Lotan asked with something of a boyish grin.

    Anya rolled her eyes. I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about… She didn't quite know how to explain it. She's not as nervous to express herself.

    She's never nervous to express herself, Lotan said with a chuckle. But I know what you're saying. She's been much…freer with her expressions of affection. He sighed with a content smile. It's been nice.

    Wonder what that's like? Anya tried to bury that jealous

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