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Come With Me If You Want To Live
Come With Me If You Want To Live
Come With Me If You Want To Live
Ebook436 pages6 hours

Come With Me If You Want To Live

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It was the beginning of summer and the last day of school. It should have been a happy day, a good day, but Tim Anderson, grandson of William Johnson, the Hero of the World, was in trouble. Arriving home he soon discovers his parents are missing, and so is his famous grandfather. He needs help, but mysteriously, not even the police will get involved.
Trying to solve the puzzle of his missing parents, Tim stumbles upon a secret invention, one that has great potential for the good of mankind, but also holds the power to enslave the world if it fell into the wrong hands. Tim is determined not to let that happen. But his hope of keeping it hidden crumble as a powerful and secretive department of the New Federal Government, the Technology Branch, discovers its existence, and will do anything to get their hands on it. Agents have been dispatched and they have their orders. Tim and company suddenly find themselves caught up in intrigue and uninvited danger as they struggle to keep the invention away from its pursuers. But the question is, can they succeed? And what happens to all of us, if they can’t?

PublisherR. E. Link
Release dateMay 13, 2021

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    Come With Me If You Want To Live - R. E. Link



    There was a giant explosion and suddenly the building was engulfed in a swirling yellow and black ball of fire. People were screaming and running in all directions, some beating the flaming papers in their hands trying to make it all stop. Casually leaning against the corner of a building, safe from the destruction happening in front of him, one person watched it all go up. He watched the pieces fly high into the air before crashing back again. Debris was raining from the sky, landing with thunderous crashes, barley missing some people as they ran for their lives, but definitely creaming a few others. It was the administration building and it was a goner. Just as it should be, he thought, just as it should be. Then... he heard Becky’s voice, Oh thank you Tim, You’ve saved us. You’ve saved us all from that terrible place. Whatever can I do to thank you? "Tim." I’ll do anything Tim, anything you want, just tell me, "Tim." Just tell me what you want. You’re my hero, my Hero of the World. "Tim! Snap out of it! Suddenly his left cheek was on fire. Yow."

    Tim refocused his eyes. Susie Chan, his lab partner was standing in front of him. There you are. You were doing it again. You do that a lot, did you know that, you really do that a lot. Sometimes you talk when you do it. Who’s Becky? She didn’t really care. "Pay Attention. We have an assignment for the summer. I want to get together and talk about it.

    Tim was mortified at having been caught daydreaming. Oh hi Susie he finally managed to say, trying to cover his embarrassment. Hey, I think something just stung me, like a bee or something. He was rubbing his cheek. Did you see anything?

    No... I don’t know... Maybe. She admitted nothing while darting her eyes away. Look, did you hear me? We have an assignment and we need a plan... Are you listening to me?!

    I hear you. Tim answered, but he wasn’t really listening. He was looking for his friends. He turned to walk away, still rubbing his cheek.

    TIM! she shouted.

    Okay already, okay! Tim said stepping back. God she talks a lot. You don’t have to shout Susie, I hear you. Yes we can plan it out. Tim turned and started to move off again. Call me next week, and we’ll get together. he shouted over his shoulder as he hurried away.

    Wait! she hollered I need your number! but he didn’t stop. She shouted at the top of her voice then stomped her foot, Tim Anderson! You come right back here! He raised his hand and waived but kept going without turning. Susie was unhappy. She usually got her way when she raised her voice and stomped her foot. At least her parents always gave in. Then she smiled to herself and thought, well I’ll show him. I’ll talk to Peter. She spun around and headed for the lunch area.

    Tim was embarrassed that Susie had caught him daydreaming about Becky. He’d been having that fantasy daydream quite a lot lately, not that he hated school or anything like that, he just liked Becky. School was fine. He was just thinking that maybe if he could impress Becky enough she would maybe like him too. In his private fantasy world, blowing up the admin building and saving her did the trick every time. He was also a little upset that Susie had interrupted just before he got to the good part of his daydream.

    Tim stepped around the corner of the music building looking for his friends. Where were they? It was the last day of school and he had already cleaned out his locker. His backpack was full and he was ready to go. Tim looked forward to the summer break. After that there would be two more years of high school and then… then college he guessed, but that was a long time from now.

    As he rounded the cafeteria building, he saw his friends, Matt, Kyle, Ben and Peter. They were standing together next to one of the lunch tables. Matt and Kyle were twin brothers with dark hair and stocky builds, Matt was the oldest, by two minutes he said. Tim didn’t see what difference it made but Matt made a big deal about it. Matt and Kyle were shorter that the rest of them but very strong, and sometimes they could be mean too. They never threw their weight around with Tim, but once in a while, other people at school had to watch out, especially around Kyle, who lost his temper over almost everything. It was Matt who had the cooler head. Matt was more in control of his feelings. He would considered the consequences before acting. Something Kyle hardly ever did. Maybe that’s the difference between being born first, Tim thought.

    Ben was a little taller than the twins were. He was fast on the track too and good at football. The coaches loved Ben.

    Peter looked more like Tim, tall and thin with brown hair, only Peter wore glasses. Peter was more of the bookworm. A smart bookworm. He helped with the school newspaper and was in the Radio Club and the Science Club. Tim liked Peter, he liked them all.

    With their backpacks piled up on a table Tim’s friends were hanging around, waiting for him to show up. Tim headed in their direction, giving them a shout, as he trotted over. Hey. Tim said as he reached the table.

    Kyle looked at Tim and frowned, Your cheeks’ red. What happened?

    Tim said I don’t know, something bit me I guess. The others all laughed. What’s so funny? Something bit me!

    In a mocking voice, Kyle said, Blowing up the admin building? I like it.

    Tim looked at them, wondering just how they knew.

    Susie just left. Peter said, a big smile on his face.

    Oh crap. Tim mumbled. They all laughed again. Wait, how did she get here before me?

    They ignored the question as Matt stood and grabbed his backpack from the table. Well, we finally ready to go? Let’s go. I’m thirsty.

    The boys grabbed their backpacks, slung them over their shoulders and began the walk home, which meant a stop at Bert’s convenience store on their way. They’d get a soda and maybe some chips or something to snack on, then hang out in the back parking lot under the shade of the trees for a while.

    Under the trees, the boys pushed each other around and talked about their teachers, and which ones they were going to miss before say ‘Not’ in loud voices as they broke up laughing.

    They each had plans for the summer. Peter had a summer job coming up. He’d be working with his dad at the Solar Plant cleaning up, emptying the trash and doing whatever was needed. Peter said he didn’t mind. He wanted the money. It would go towards the car he wanted to buy in two years when he got his license. Everyone thought yeah, that’s a good idea, suddenly wishing they had a job coming up too, but actually just wishing they had a car.

    Ben said his parents hadn’t finalized their summer plans yet. Everyone smiled, but said nothing. Ben said this every year and he never gave them a clue about anything he would be doing over the summer. The only thing he would say was, not finalized.

    The Bowen twins would be leaving soon on their annual Family Vacation. Everyone laughed. It had become something of a joke the way they said it, over pronouncing each word and making a face about it. However, at the end of summer Matt and Kyle would tell all about their adventures, and misadventures. It always sounded really fun to Tim and he didn’t understand why they tried to make it sound like it was a terrible thing. Tim often found himself listening to their adventures wishing he had been there too.

    The conversation made Tim think about his mom and dad. They were going on vacation too, only without him. His parents told him they had something they wanted to do this year, right after the school year ended. They were going to attend a reunion of some sort and to Tim’s delight, it was decided that they would go without him. He was excited. He was certainly old enough to stay alone for a weekend, after all he was fifteen now. When Tim asked where they were going, they said to upstate New York, for the Summer of Love Annual Celebration of Woodstock. Woodstock? What’s that? Tim asked. Margret and Fred looked at each other. Well his father started, A long time ago some people got together for a music concert. It turned out a lot of people showed up, and things got a little...

    Tim’s mother interrupted, not wanting Fred to say any more about it. It was just a music concert, and Fred you know that. Tim, today people get together each year and sort of…. relive the experience, that’s all. Tim quickly understood that she was explaining it in that way parents do when they don’t really want you to know about it. However, what she did say sounded a lot like a bunch of old people running around doing stuff he didn’t want to do. It was nothing he was interested in. No problem. he said straight away. I’ll stay home. Tim’s dad smiled and so did his mother. Then it occurred to him that his mother might have said it that way to maneuver him into staying home. This morning his mother reminded him of their trip. We’ll just be gone for the weekend dear, are you sure you’ll be okay?

    He smiled and said, Absolutely mom.

    Okay if you’re sure. We’ll see you when you get home from school tonight, then we’ll go.

    The boys hung out under the trees until they finished their sodas and snacks. They grabbed their backpacks and in unison gave the back of Bert’s building their traditional wave goodbye.



    Leaving the back of the store Peter said, You know I was thinking about yesterday’s assembly. It seems to me like there’s something missing.

    Missing? Ben asked. What’s missing? I thought it was the same as last year.

    Near the end of each school year, an assembly of all students and teachers was held in every school in the country. The purpose was to teach the next generation that a great war had been fought against alien invaders in order to save human kind, and to honor the brave men and women who had fought for our survival. It paid homage to the billions of people who lost their lives in the war, and it told the story of the singular sacrifice of the man who saved the human race from extinction. It was the story of William Johnson, The Hero of the World. It was the story of Tim’s grandfather.

    Matt’s brother Kyle, jumped right in, Yeah, the same old stuff. Blah, Blah, Blah. Who cares.

    Matt gave his brother a look, then he turned to Peter and said, I don’t know Peter, as far as I could tell the assembly was the same as it’s always been. I didn’t notice anything different.

    Kyle was upset and wouldn’t stop his complaining about the school assembly. We have to go to those crappy assemblies every year, and it’s always the same old stuff over and over again. They’re boring.

    All right enough. Like you’d know anyway. You slept through it. Matt said to his brother.

    Surprised at his brother’s sudden turn of loyalty, Kyle yelled, Bite me! Peter doesn’t know crap about it, and neither do you Matt.

    Ben jumped in on Kyle’s side. Kyle’s right. It’s always the same. I didn’t notice anything different.

    I don’t mean different. Peter tried to explain. I guess what I mean is, it feels like they’re holding something back. Something they’re not telling us.

    Kyle turned to Peter and demanded, Just what would that be?

    Matt stopped walking. Kyle, leave Peter alone. Peter, what makes you think something’s missing?

    Well. Peter began, glad that Matt was between him and Kyle. I don’t know exactly, but I’ve been reading some books about it and I think they must be leaving something out. Otherwise, it doesn’t make sense. It’s just... kind of a mystery. I guess that’s what’s bugging me.

    Kyle stared Peter down. So what’s your conspiracy theory this time Peter? And tell me, just why is it you’re the only one who sees a mystery. Kyle took a step closer. There’s no secret mystery about it you moron, we won the war. There’s no reason to keep things secret when you win. Only when you lose. We aren’t the losers.

    Matt listened to his brother and shook his head. What’s your problem Kyle? Stop being an asshole. Peter’s the one who pays attention in class, not you. If he thinks somethings missing then maybe it is, so shut up! I’d like to hear what it is.

    That pissed Kyle off. He gave his brother the finger then turned to walk away, shoving Ben out of his way as he did. Matted watched his brother for a second then said to everyone, Come on, let’s keep walking. Alright Peter, tell us what’s going on?

    Peter hesitated. Given Kyles outburst, he wasn’t sure he could explain it in a way they would accept. He decided to let it go. Really, it’s just a feeling I have, that’s all. It doesn’t mean anything.

    Okay, already! Ben said. So what doesn’t add up? He sounded a little upset himself. Tim thought it was probably because he just got pushed aside by Kyle and there was nothing he could do about it.

    Matt gave Peter a look that meant for him to continue. Peter nodded. I guess it’s just that I’ve been reading different books about Tim’s grandfather and everything he’s responsible for. They make it sound like it’s all perfectly normal. However, if you actually think about it, you’d have to question if it could have really happened that way. I don’t mean everything of course, but some things don’t make sense. Sorry Tim. I don’t mean any offense.

    Tim didn’t respond. This wasn’t the first time someone has questioned his grandfather’s accomplishments.

    Matt thought about Peter’s comment but didn’t really understand his point. Peter, exactly what is it that’s bothering you?

    Peter hesitated again. Okay. I’m talking about all the things that happened after the war ended. All his inventions. Most people accept those at face value and never really consider the probability of it. Peter looked at the others and saw they still didn’t get it. Oh come on! We’ve all had eighth grade science. Possibility verses probability. Remember? He waited but on one spoke up. He really felt he shouldn’t have to explain this one. All right, it’s possible the Sun will explode at 5:00 p.m. today. But, given what we know about the Sun, we know it probably won’t! We recognize the difference between those two things.

    We know. Matt interrupted. We all remember. But what’s that got to do with anything?

    Peter thought it was clear from Matt’s comment that he didn’t get it at all, but he also knew it was best not to question Matt at times like this. Peter shrugged. Possibility verses Probability. When I read about Mr. Johnson and all of his inventions, I thought to myself, yes, it’s possible, but then I had to ask, is it probable? Could anyone achieve the things he is credited with, as simply as it’s reported?

    Is that it? Matt asked. You’re not sure if it’s true? Well I know how to find out. Tim’s right here. We can ask him. It’s his grandfather.

    Suddenly Tim was in the spot light, defending his grandfather. Yes he did, every one of them. You know that Matt, and so do you Peter.

    I know he did. Peter said. Look, I’m not explaining this very well.

    Kyle had turned his head at Peter’s response. Well if you agree he did those things, then just what the hell are you saying!?

    Ben jumped in on Kyle’s side again, Yeah, that’s stupid. You said there was a problem, now you say there isn’t. So which is it?

    Shut up Ben! Matt snapped.

    Peter turned to Tim. I’m sorry Tim. I’m not trying to be mean or anything. I’m just trying to understand it.

    Again, Tim said nothing, trying to let it slide and not let it get under his skin. They came to the next corner and stopped, waiting for a car to pass before crossing the street.

    Peter said, "I’m not questioning that he did those things, I’m just asking how. How was he able to do all those things? It’s the ‘how’ they don’t explain in the assembly.

    I see. Matt said. But why can’t you believe it. Everyone knows he’s smart. It doesn’t seem mysterious to me.

    I don’t know, it just feels wrong. Peter admitted.

    Ben threw up his hands and rolled his eyes. Then just what the hell are you saying?

    Well don’t be mad about it. Peter said. All I’m saying is that there must be something that suddenly enabled him to accomplish those things. Come on. Before the war, he was an average student. According to his own biography, his testing scores were average. No inventions. After the war, he suddenly had all these capabilities. He became the head of the National Research Center and a prolific inventor. Something had to have happen that changed him, something that made it all possible.

    Ben was shaking his head no.

    Peter looked at their faces and knew it was useless, especially with Ben. Sometimes he thought his friend Ben was only about as smart as a box of rocks. A good little soldier on the football field, but not much beyond that. Look, just forget it. Peter said. I don’t want to talk about it anymore.

    There was an awkward silence as they continued walking. Finally, Matt spoke up. Well Peter I think what you say is interesting. Although I think Tim’s grandfather might feel insulted.

    Now Peter felt really embarrassed. It was time to change the subject. Hey what do you guys think about Susie Chan? We’ve been hanging out for a while and...

    Ben immediately jumped on Peter’s comment, cutting him off. You like skinny Susie? Oh my god. Well that explains why she’s been hanging around. But why, Peter? She’s a…

    Hey screw you Ben! Peter yelled shoving Ben back, hard, almost knocking him over. His face was flushed and Ben saw the warning sign. He had crossed the line. Matt saw it too and smiled. Everyone came to a halt, forming a circle around them, waiting to see what would happen next.

    After a moment of them facing each other down, Matt said, Alright, cut it out! Matt decided to ignore the Susie topic. At least for now. Come on, let’s go. Matt ordered. They started walking again. Okay Peter, so something happened they’re not telling us about. It makes a lot of sense the way you put it. I guess the question is, what does it matter if the assemble reveals that or not?

    Kyle’s eyes widen upon hearing the word assembly. Yeah, Tim, why don’t you have to go to the assembly? They force everybody else to go, everybody but you!

    Matt spoke sternly to his brother. Kyle I told you to cut it out. You already know why he doesn’t go. Just get over it and leave him alone. The two brothers stared each other down. It looked like blows were about to be thrown, but it didn’t come to that. Matt said, Kyle you’re just pissed off because you got caught sleeping yesterday. Well that’s on you. We’re not the problem.

    Kyle continued to stare at his brother, then lowered his eyes and said Forget it! He turned and stomped away from the group as they resumed the walk home. Matt turned his attention back to Peter. What were you saying again?

    Nothing. Peter answered, I’m not saying anything, not anymore.

    Matt smiled. Okay Peter. You seem pretty focused on this. I get it, but you need to let it go.

    Peter felt Matt’s words. They struck against his inner shield of an unsolved mystery and bounced right off. Matt I don’t think you get it at all, Peter thought. What he didn’t understand, was why they weren’t just as curious as he was? Matt, aren’t you curious? This is like a math problem that doesn’t balance out. You work through the calculation until you have an answer, but then when you test the answer, it doesn’t work. It drives you crazy, right?

    Peter looked at the blank faces of his friends. The only one who appeared to understood that curiosity, was Tim. For the others, it was a lost cause. He realized in that moment that they shied away from anything intellectual. Unless it involved chasing a ball, or some sort of confrontation, it didn’t hold their interest. He was surprised he hadn’t recognized this before, but there it was. He made eye contact with Tim, who gave him a nod of understanding.

    Tim was sympathetic and felt their friends just weren’t getting it. He believed he understood Peter’s point, although he just didn’t agree. His grandfather would have told him if something like that had happened. He was sure of it. He spoke up. I understand why you might think that Peter, but it isn’t true. I don’t know what they say in the assembly exactly, but Grandpa has never said anything like that to me. Ever.

    Kyle surprised everyone and jumped in to defend Peter. How would you know Tim? Peter could be right! You don’t know what they say. You never go to the assembly. You hide out in study hall.

    They had come to another intersection and stopped. Matt stepped over to his brother. Damn it Kyle, I said to stop it. When the intersection cleared, they crossed the street and Matt continued. Turning to Tim he said, Sounds like Peter could be right. So how do we settle this?

    Tim looked passed Matt and over to Peter. He knew only Peter cared about this. For the others, it was just an opportunity to be contrary and to see who could argue the best. For them it was a contest for dominance over each other. However, for Peter, it was different. Tim understood Peter’s need to solve the puzzle. He just didn’t know how that was going to happen. Okay, I’ll tell you what my grandfather told me about that time. But don’t be surprised if it doesn’t answer the question.

    They continued walking as Tim began. You already know, the aliens invaded in August, 2020. So I don’t need to say anything about that.

    We know. Ben said. Out of nowhere and for no reason they started bombing us from space. There was no advanced notice. No warning. No communications from them at all. It was a sneak attack. They took out our satellites and then bombed us from space. They targeted the military around the world, trying to wipe them out. Then they took out our land based communications. Anything that broadcast over the airways became a target. Then they started bombing the sea ports, and coastal cities, and large population centers.

    Ben, he already knows that. You don’t need to repeat it. Matt said stopping him.

    But maybe he should. Peter said. Like Kyle said, Tim doesn’t go to the school assemblies. Maybe we should tell the story first.

    Yeah. Ben said with a happy smile, glad that Peter stuck up for him. We should tell what we know first.

    Then for no reason other than he wanted to be contrary today, Kyle took over telling the next part. The aliens started their ground attack in the southern hemisphere, then moved northward. They killed everyone they encountered. No prisoners, just killed everyone as they swept forward. What communications did survive, like he old telephone network and some of the internet, we used to organize and assemble fighting forces and started fighting back. Those bastards forced us into hiding. Government and manufacturing moved underground, but that didn’t stop us. On the surface, we learned we had to keep moving to keep from being bombed from orbit. But, no matter how hard we fought, we were losing the war.

    Tim thought Ben and Kyle sounded like they were reading it from a book, then reconsidered, thinking they were probably quoting directly from all those school assembly’s they had been forced to attend over the years. It was burnt into their memories.

    They came to another intersection. Letting the traffic clear, they crossed, then stopped on the other side. Turning to Peter, Kyle said, Peter, you should tell this next part. You understand it better than we do.

    Peter shook his head slightly, not wanting to do it. He looked to Matt for help, hoping Matt would tell them to leave him alone. He knew that Ben and Kyle weren’t going to let it go unless Matt said so, but Matt didn’t say anything. Peter reluctantly picked up the story. According to the assembly, and the books I’ve read, the aliens had a way to conceal their locations. The reports said that they could also make themselves invisible. We never had any idea where they were, although there were some reports that said certain people could smell them if they were close enough. However, that warning usually came too late. In those cases, the aliens clocked themselves, or somehow became invisible until we had walked by them. Then they would start shooting us in the back.

    Peter stopped for a moment. He was surprised to find himself being emotional about it. He had heard the story many times, and had read a lot about it on his own. He thought he was used to it, but not this time. Somehow, it was different when he was the one telling these things. They had different weapons than we did, but according to the books they were nearly the same, just derived from a different technology base. The second big advantage they had over us, was their ability to locate our forces and track our movements. Somehow, their system could identify us, and tell the difference between us and everything else. We couldn’t hide from them. Because of that technology, they would lay traps for us. That is until Tim’s grandfather found their machine and helped us capture it. After that, we turned their technology against them. It was how we won the war.

    Tim smiled. "That’s the same thing my grandfather told me, although he would have used more colorful words. Nonetheless, just like you said Peter, the aliens were able to bomb us and lay their traps because they had what we called a Command and Control Transmitter. They found us no matter where we were. Then Grandpa found their machine. After that, the war turned in our favor. Tim saw they were all shaking their heads in agreement. So there you have it then. There is no difference." he said hoping that would settle it.

    But that’s not all of it. Peter insisted. There are no details. They don’t tell us what really happened. That’s what’s missing. For example, they only say he found the Transmitter. He radioed in and fought the aliens. Then they say our troops arrived and there was a larger fight, but not much else. They say he was injured, seriously, but was treated on the battlefield by a medical team. It’s all too generic. There must be more to it than that! There just has to be!

    Tim thought that if that was all they were being told, no wonder Peter felt there was a mystery to be solved. There was a lot his friends didn’t know about his grandfather and what had happened to him. He wondered why the school wasn’t telling them.

    Is that all they say? Really? Tim asked.

    Yes. Peter said, certain something was being withheld.

    And they don’t mention the alien claws, and the poison or that he died? Tim questioned.

    What!? No! Matt said. What are you talking about?

    Tim took a breath. Okay, I’ll tell you what I know. Although, it won’t be all of it, because I don’t know all of it. I only know what my grandfather told me. On this one particular day, Grandpa and his platoon were approaching a small village somewhere in the South America fighting theater. As they stepped out of the jungle and onto the road to enter the village, the fight began. The aliens attacked. Grandpa said the fighting was fierce and a lot of our soldiers were killed right at the beginning. Grandpa said during the battle, the aliens fired in three exploding missiles. The third one knocked grandpa against some building rubble and he lost consciousness. When he woke up, the fighting was over. The sun had gone down and he was alone. When he was able to get up and move again, he found no survivors. Everyone was dead.

    They never said that in the assembly. Ben said to no one in particular.

    Tim nodded. "Grandpa was lost, and alone at night and behind enemy lines. He was trying to work his way back to his own lines when he discovered the alien Command and Control Transmitter."

    They came to a stop at the next corner. They gathered closer to hear over the traffic as they waited for the signal to change.

    Grandpa said he took cover behind a stone wall at the corner of a blown out building when he saw it. He later learned they were just setting it up at that location. The device was guarded by enemy technicians, or maybe soldiers, or maybe they were both. Grandpa said he was never clear about that. Anyway, he found himself watching a group of seven aliens. He could hear sounds, like they were talking. He was that close. Then suddenly he found himself trapped between the two groups of aliens, five to the front and two to his right as they moved around working on the equipment.

    The boys were still standing at the corner. They had missed the green light. The signal had changed back to red again but they hadn’t noticed.

    Grandpa said he wanted to contact our forces to let them know what he found, but he was too close to the aliens to use the radio in his pocket. They would hear him open his Velcro pocket flap, and if they did, they would have killed him before he could get the message out. It was just too risky he said. Then he told me that the more he thought about it, the more he decided that he’d have to take that chance anyway. The information was too vital not to let someone know.

    The signal light turned green again. Noticing this time, they quickly cross the street then slowed again as Tim continued telling the story.

    He said he knew it was a suicide mission. Somehow, he was going to have to notify the military, while at the same time fight off seven alien soldiers. However, the Earth was desperate for this information. We were on the verge of being wiped out. He said, he figured one way or the other, he’d die anyway. At least his way someone else might have a chance. Do they tell you in the assembly how he died and came back?

    Matt shook his head no. They just say he was attacked and he was hurt, but our medical team took care of him. No one said he died.

    Okay. Tim continued. The aliens had extendible claws at the ends of their fingers. Kind of like a cat has claws, only the alien’s claws were more like needles. Either they had a paralyzing poison on them, or it was injected with them. I don’t know which. Anyway, Grandpa said that if they stuck you with their claws it, would paralyze your muscles almost immediately. However, if you could get them out quick enough, your muscles would work again. If the claws stayed in too long, the muscle would begin to die. If they stabbed you in a vital organ, like your lungs, or your heart, they died too. Grandpa said it was torture to die that way.

    Tim could see his friends were bothered by this news. It was clear they had never been told the true story. Their faces were a little pale. You know maybe I should stop. This next part is just more of the same.

    Don’t stop. Matt said immediately. Then more softly, said again, Don’t stop.

    Tim took a breath and continued. "Grandpa said his plan was to call in on the radio, then turn on the locator. He was going to attack the aliens to keep them from turning the locator off. He prepared himself, then made his move. He pulled out the radio, made a quick broadcast and tossed the locator into the bushes. It made a beeping sound. He thought for sure the aliens would come after him and the locator, but they didn’t. The aliens suddenly became busy looking at their Transmitter screens. Grandpa said that gave him a chance to get the jump of the first three of them. He ran up behind them and shot them in the head with his sidearm. One, two, three, down they went. There were four left to fight. He killed one by breaking its neck. Another by throwing himself backwards on top of it, crushing its chest, and finally blowing the brains out of the next one

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