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Legacy of Sonship
Legacy of Sonship
Legacy of Sonship
Ebook127 pages3 hours

Legacy of Sonship

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Legacy of Sonship will encourage you in your personal pursuit of Yahweh. In this book, Ricky shares his personal journey from Church Age Pastor to a Kingdom Son.

This book will challenge your belief systems as Ricky shares encounters of un

Release dateApr 7, 2021
Legacy of Sonship

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    Legacy of Sonship - Ricky Niewenhuis



    Copyright © 2020

    This edition published in 2021 by Seraph Creative

    Edited by Barbara Burke, The Silver Quill

    [email protected]

    Cover and Layout Design by Lizzie Masters, Studio Nebula

    [email protected]

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright holder.

    Scripture quotations are from the New King James Verison unless otherwise marked.

    Printed in South Africa

    All rights reserved. No part of this book, artwork included may be used or reproduced in any manner without the written permission of the publisher.

    Copyright © 2020 Ricky Nieuwenhuis, Elpida Ministries

    [email protected]



    I have known Ricky for nearly 10 years now. He is one of the most intelligent, confident and insightful young men that I know within the sphere of those I walk with. His journey with Yahweh has been significant in his preparation to carry the message of the coming kingdom and its government leading

    him into some amazing experiences with Yahweh that laid the foundation for this book. Expect it to challenge, inspire and motivate you to deepen your journey into this arena as you read. I recommend that you do not put the book down until you have finished it, then go back and reread it. Enjoy!

    Ian Clayton

    Son Of Thunder

    Chapter 1

    How it all Started

    I often ask myself, How did I get to stand here and minister? To be very honest with you, there was a stage about eight years ago where I was so involved and so captured by the church system that I didn’t realise that the church system was actually a ceiling and not a platform.

    I was a pastor of a church, and through Ian’s teaching and who he is to us, he opened up a gateway for me to begin to see truth for what it was. I’d never seen truth the way I saw it that day, when Ian first came to our conference. Lindi Masters, this wild, incredible lady, who is also my mom-in-law, transitioned my wife and I to take over the church she had led with her husband for many years. She got hold of me and said, Rick, I want to do one more conference! I met this man, and he carries such revelation. Do you mind if I have one last conference before I hand the church over to you? I said, Absolutely!

    I can remember the opening message that Ian taught, which was that the Ark wasn’t a boat. I didn’t understand what he meant! If the Ark wasn’t a boat, then what else could it be? I didn’t hear anything at that whole conference because I was wondering how the Ark could not be a boat! My entire life I had been taught that it was a boat, and then Ian started to explain some truths. I couldn’t see it.

    My mind was not yet able to comprehend what I was receiving because I had not set my heart in motion in order to accept the mystery that had not been yet revealed. I realise that I had put Yahweh into a box.

    We all say that we know God. We know who He is, how He moves, we know what the next thing is that He’s going to do, we know He won’t take us out of our comfort zone; because we know God! That’s what I thought, until I started my journey and I realised the incredible opportunity that Yahweh had given me to start encountering a realm called Mystery.

    The realms of Mystery are things that have not yet been revealed but that are meant to be our portion, if we were to take hold of them, and begin to see them become active in our lives. I realised that I was trying to comprehend everything that was coming to me from Ian’s life and whatever I couldn’t understand, I was rejecting, because I didn’t want to be deceived. We were taught that if we didn’t understand something, we were not able to embrace it.

    We reduce the things that cannot be understood and bring them to our level of understanding and by doing that, we reduce the full nature of Yahweh to our level and then we wonder why two thousand years later, the church has stopped growing and is stagnant.

    We haven’t embraced the mystery of Yahweh because we try to apply our own understanding and fashion it into what we think the mystery should look like, thereby reducing that which Yahweh wants to do.

    I have realised that aggressive faith offends those that are stationary. When you start to pursue that which there is no language for, you will find that the ones that are stagnant will be the first ones that will start throwing accusations at you. They will not understand why you have so much joy and life on the inside and it will irritate them. That irritation will trigger them to accuse you because you are doing something that they wish they could do but they haven’t actually given their lives over to the fullness of what Yahweh has for them.

    How many times in prayer meetings have we cried out, There has got to be more than this! Lord, give us more! We are actually asking Yahweh for that which has not yet been revealed because we are not satisfied with where we find ourselves. This is exactly what happened to me. Yahweh said, I hear you, Ricky, and honour your request. I’m going to send Ian to you as an answer to your prayer, because I’m such a good God. Instead of embracing what Yahweh did for me, I rejected it because I couldn’t understand it. Yahweh said, Rick, you asked Me for more! I gave you more and you rejected it. Why don’t you stop what you are doing and start turning your heart towards that which you don’t understand, because the moment you do that, you start opening up a realm where you can access mysteries that you cannot encounter if you stay in the place you are currently in.

    You don’t have to understand everything you hear. If you think you do, you should be manifesting what you believe. When I started studying Scripture, I saw why I felt aggravated. Ian had offended me! I hadn’t even realised that my heart was harbouring an offence and I had to find out why I felt that way.

    I realised that I had unknowingly traded into a religious system that I would literally give my life for, even though it was not giving me anything in return!

    The moment you hear a statement, you cannot ‘unhear’ it because something begins to happen in your heart and you begin to ask yourself questions. That’s what happened to me. The moment I engaged with this new opportunity, I gave my heart the ability to explore a realm I had never engaged with before and it was scary! Many people in our church said that they wouldn’t want Ian Clayton back again. As the Pastor I was saying, Oh alright, if you say so.

    I didn’t realise that I had stepped into a place where I started to give in to what the people wanted instead of seeing what Yahweh had for us. I had begun to trade on what was happening around me and yet Yahweh knew the process I had to go through. I had to die to old generational belief systems that I had been taught and that I had cultivated throughout my life, in order for me to step into the new level that was available to me.

    I spent some time with Ian and his family and had the privilege of experiencing the life that he carries and the love that this couple walk in because of their relationship with Yahweh. I’ve realised the price that this beautiful family have paid for us to begin to walk in this new way and we owe our lives to this incredible couple. I am the fruit of this man’s life and the effort he invested in me.

    Ian came to South Africa periodically between 2012 and 2015. I would spend time with him and I came to realise that all Ian wanted was a relationship with my wife and I because he saw the possibility of who I could become, which ultimately was my choice to accept or reject. He was willing to pay the price in the hope that I would see what he saw in me.

    In 2016 I actively started believing the things that had been taught. I gathered together a number of teachings and started to see myself in the Word like never before. I stopped trying to judge what I didn’t believe and just looked at the fruit, which was enough for me to say, This has to be true! When I did that, a realm started to open up to me that has been unstoppable.

    My wife had turned on the diffuser in my office because she knew I was going to spend some time with Yahweh. I started to engage with Mystery, Revelation and Understanding because I wanted this encounter to become part of my cellular memory. As I was standing in my office watching the mist drifting out of the diffuser, I reached out and put my hand through the mist. Yahweh spoke to me and said a single phrase that literally changed my life. You can’t take hold of that, can you? That is like the realm of Mystery. It cannot be taken hold of by the flesh, but try to breathe it in.

    I put my face close to the diffuser and started to breathe in. I felt the mist enter my lungs and Yahweh spoke to me again and said, That mist is H20 in a gas form and when you breathe it in, it becomes liquid. That son, is revelation!

    Scripture says in John 7:38, Whoever believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him. Those streams had to have come from somewhere. That place is called the realm of Mystery. Yahweh said, What was once mystery and mist has become water running through you, which is now revelation. He requires us to sit in that place of revelation until it becomes part of us on a cellular level and when that happens it begins to flow out of us in a tangible, solid form, called understanding.

    This all stems from positioning your heart in an atmosphere which you do not understand and breathing it in continually, allowing the streams of water to start flowing until gateways begin to open. You will then see the manifestation of what was once in the realm of Mystery becoming part of who you are. You become the mystery to the people looking in and that’s where my heart is, although I am not there yet.

    Arrogance is seen from miles away, but false humility walks in through the back door of Church every Sunday. I will use the Church drummer to illustrate my point. If I said to the drummer, Brother, that drum playing was amazing! and he said, No, it wasn’t me, it was all God, my reply to him would be, "It was good, but

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