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What Makes Us Alike?
What Makes Us Alike?
What Makes Us Alike?
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What Makes Us Alike?

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What is normal and who defines it?

Welcome to single mother Eira Dey’s life where regular comes to die, and controversies spring alive. With an unplanned pregnancy at twenty-one, followed by an unconventional decision to not marry the father of her child, and more recently, a media scandal involving an ex-boyfriend’s prison sentencing, Eira’s seen it all.

But Eira’s no damsel in distress, and her opinionated twelve-year-old daughter, Zasha, takes up after her. Until two years ago, they were the perfect mother-daughter team, but not anymore. Zasha disapproves of Dr Nihal Zane, the new man in Eira’s life. To make life difficult, Zasha opts to spend her summer holidays in Mumbai with her father, leaving Eira insecure about her return to Washington, D.C.

While trying to navigate the guilt-ridden landmines of parenthood, Eira finds an indispensable ally in her own mother, Kanika Dey. But Kanika has a secret that will split open Eira’s life. Will Eira follow in her mother’s footsteps and rewrite the rules of motherhood, or will she choose her daughter’s transient happiness over her own?


Praise for Love is Never Easy

“Engaging, compelling and heart-warming tale.”

“The writing is fresh, delightful and unpretentious.”
— Nirmika Singh, Executive Editor - Rolling Stone India"

Release dateMay 19, 2021
What Makes Us Alike?

Donna Dias Manuel

Donna Dias Manuel grew up in Mumbai, in an estrogen-dominated family. She has a degree in Geology from St. Xavier's, Mumbai and an MBA from Deakin University, Melbourne. After working in media, advertising, and finance in Mumbai, she moved to Bangkok and began her writing journey. Her debut novel, Love is Never Easy, was published in 2017. Presently, she lives in Toronto with her husband and daughter.‘What Makes Us Alike?’ is her second novel.

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    Book preview

    What Makes Us Alike? - Donna Dias Manuel

    Chapter One

    17 May 2017

    Washington, D.C., USA

    ‘M om,’ Zasha thundered through the back door, throwing her gymsack plump with her sweaty soccer uniform and cleats by the kitchen island, zigzagging her way through the pile of unopened mail on the floor.

    ‘Mom,’ she hollered again, this time a pitch higher.

    ‘I’m down here,’ Eira’s voice echoed from the basement.

    Wednesdays, she worked from home, a perk TJ Ellipse Architects had recently implemented to give their employees some flexibility. Zasha hurried down the wooden stairs and pushed through half a dozen carton boxes that were blocking the entrance to her mother’s home-office.

    ‘Ah, there you go. All fixed.’ Eira looked proudly at the new printer-fax-scanner combo machine she’d just hooked up all by herself. Her makeshift office was an underused part of the storeroom in her basement and was quite spartan with a drafting table that had adjustable storage, a 15" MacBook Pro and now a fax machine.

    ‘What do you think, Zasha?’ Eira asked, loading the fax tray with paper.

    ‘We need to talk, mom.’ Zasha interrupted her mother’s triumphant moment.

    ‘I want to know why you are hell-bent on embarrassing me! I’ve done the bastard child and then came close to becoming a prisoner’s child, what next?’ Zasha bellowed, looking her mother in the eye. At five feet two, she was now only an inch shorter than Eira.

    ‘Hold that tongue right there,’ Eira sputtered. ‘What’s bothering you?’ Colour leached from her face that was now stamped with guilt and concern. Lately, she didn’t know what to expect from Zasha. She could explode any time without warning.

    ‘Are you really going to play the dumb card?’ Zasha asked pointedly.

    ‘Zip your potty mouth, young lady. I’ve had enough of your verbal diarrhoea, for two years now.’ Eira admonished, staring her preteen daughter down with authority. ‘This is not you. This is all Mia.’

    Eira felt her ears go red. She was exasperated by her daughter’s disregard for her. They’d been the Gilmore Girls; they were best friends before mother and daughter. But then Shikhar came along, and before she knew it, Zasha was in love with him. Eira knew that if there was ever going to be a father in her daughter’s life, it had to be Shikhar. He loved Eira and treated her right, but more importantly, he loved Zasha, and Zasha loved him, too. How was she supposed to know he’d turn her daughter against her, or for that matter land himself in prison!

    ‘Great, just great. Now blame my best friend for all your madness.’ Zasha let out a bitter laugh. ‘Mia is the only one who gets me. Thanks to her, I’ve survived Shikhar going to prison. So please, don’t drag her into this conversation.’

    ‘Here we go again. Somehow, I seem to ace at being the disappointing parent, don’t I? Mia’s mother seems to have it all together with her pretty bakes and excellent carpooling service.’ Eira was clearly in no mood to let this one go.

    ‘You sound silly Mom. But we’re not talking about Mia’s mother right now. We’re talking about you and Dr Zane. Mia and her mother saw you’ll leisurely enjoying a coffee outside the hospital, and he wasn’t in his scrubs or wearing that geeky white doctor coat of his, so don’t tell me you just happened to bump into him.’

    ‘And what did you infer from their observation?’ Eira’s eyebrows knitted in frustration.

    ‘That you guys are at it!’ Zasha’s face creased.

    ‘Zasha, Stop it!’

    ‘You asked what I thought, isn’t that what’s going on? Mia saw him hold your hand, and she even described the pathetic love-sick look on his face.’

    ‘I umm…well we...’ Eira stuttered, the words twirling in her mouth.

    ‘Save it. I’ll be thirteen in just about seven months. I’ve never been on a date, but I’m not dumb.’ Zasha rolled her eyes. ‘Your secret’s out, but I’ve handled it.’

    ‘Let me ex…ppp…l…’ Eira’s anger departed abruptly. ‘Sorry, what do you mean by you’ve handled it?’

    ‘I gave her a reasonable explanation. I told Mia that Dr Zane’s been pestering you to go out with him and that you pitied the guy, so you went out with him this one time and that I knew all about it.’ Intercepting the look of fear on Eira’s face, Zasha’s deep-set brown eyes that she had inherited from her mother, lit up with a smug sense of satisfaction.

    ‘Now that’s just wrong on so many counts, Zasha. Why would you do that?’

    ‘Because this is such hogwash. I don’t want a patchwork family. I want a dad who’s present in my life every day or just no dad at all. No more revolving door! I was happy Mom, have you forgotten? I wanted you and Shikhar to be together. I thought we were going to be a family. But you abandoned him when he needed you the most and sent him packing to prison.’ Zasha rattled off. ‘You should be the one serving prison time, not him!’ She squawked.

    ‘Go to your room, now!’ Eira glowered. Zasha’s words had sliced her heart in two. She never missed an opportunity to blame Eira for Shikhar’s prison sentence. Zasha simply refused to believe he could do any wrong.

    ‘Great parenting, Mom.’ Zasha smirked. ‘The only reason Nani does not say anything is because…never mind. I’m pretty sure she agrees with me too.’

    ‘You leave Nani alone,’ Eira warned, turning away to hide her tears. Zasha’s acerbic remarks jabbed her already bleeding heart like rusty pins.

    Later that evening, after finishing the last edits on her presentation, Eira poured herself a glass of chilled Prosecco and settled on the couch with her iPad. Netflix and wine were great mood fixers. She scrolled through the shows that were last watched; there was Aziz Ansari, Russell Peters and Vir Das too. The Cats were definitely watching TV together, Eira thought to herself and smiled wryly. The Cats that’s what she called her mother and daughter, who had become quite a team in the last twenty-four months. And just as she was about to scroll down further, she noticed something. There it was – 13 Reasons Why. Eira had explicitly told her mother that Zasha wasn’t allowed to watch this suicide-based American teen show no matter how hard she pressed. Why then was it showing up on the last-watched-shows scroll bar? Was Zasha watching this show? What’s cooking in her brain? Should I talk to the school counsellor or let this roll over? Eira’s brain was flooded with questions about her daughter’s growing indiscretions. Zasha’s behaviour was getting out of hand; she had to be checked before it was too late. Eira decided to have the disciplinary chat with Zasha once again and soon.

    Propping a cushion under her aching feet for support, Eira punched in Nikki’s digits. If there was anyone who could help her out of this mess it had to be her best friend; besides, she was Zasha’s paternal aunt, too.

    ‘Hi, Nikki.’

    ‘Hey, babe. This is a late call. All okay?’ Nikki asked, struggling to hold the phone between her ear and shoulder as she rummaged through her closet for her PJs.

    ‘I’m up shit creek without a paddle.’

    ‘What happened?’ Nikki cleared her throat. She had just finished her daily salt-water gargle ritual and was getting ready for bed. ‘Are Zasha and Kanika aunty alright?’

    ‘Yes, they are fine and in bed. At least my mother is…Zasha must be piercing the voodoo doll she’s made of me.’

    ‘Ha ha, what did our little Diva do now?’

    ‘Firstly, she’s no longer a little girl. That angel left this house two years ago. Secondly, she’s a complete drama queen. With her, you can never tell when a perfectly peaceful conversation will turn into a rage-filled diatribe. There are moments I want to smack her hard.’

    ‘Now, now. You don’t want her calling child services, do you?’

    ‘Maybe she should call them and spend some time in foster care.’

    ‘This sounds serious. Spill it.’

    ‘You should hear how she speaks to me. Shikhar’s presence is similar to a ghost’s in this house. He just won’t leave us in peace. Zasha told me that I should be in prison instead of him. She thinks he deserves a better life than her own mother does. I drive myself insane working a crushing seventy-hour week, and she wants me to go to prison.’

    ‘Okay, please take a deep breath. We don’t want you in the emergency room. You’re going to give yourself a stroke like this. Please sip some water,’ Nikki urged.

    Eira sipped her white wine instead letting the fizzy, sweet liquid swirl around her tongue.

    ‘I know I shouldn’t have listened to her. I shouldn’t be going out on dates anymore. I’m going to die single.’

    ‘Huh. Who’s her and what dates? You didn’t tell me you were dating again,’ Nikki asked quizzically.

    ‘Alice, my crazy colleague, advised me that age wasn’t going to be on my side for much longer, and so I shouldn’t be holed up and get out more frequently.’ Eira sighed. ‘Well, Z found out, and it led to a showdown this afternoon. I have such rotten luck.’

    ‘So, here’s the thing, Alice is not who you should go to for love advice. That’s what I’m here for. Next, is there potential with this mystery man?’

    ‘There’s lots of potential, but he’s different,’ Eira said dreamy-eyed.

    ‘Different. How?’

    ‘Nihal is kind and funny, drives a Kia Sorento, and he likes picnics.’

    ‘I’m not sure about the picnics, but the rest sounds perfectly normal to me.’

    ‘Wait, here comes the weirdest part; he likes talking about his work even when I’m not asking. He loves yapping about his cases. I know the names of all his interns, the resident doctors, the other attending doctors, and some nurses too. Did I mention he is an attending paediatric surgeon at GW University Hospital?’

    ‘Okay. So that first part was shallow. I like Kia cars.’

    ‘Me too. I wasn’t poking fun at his car. It’s not as if I drive a Porsche. It’s just that I’ve never dated a man who isn’t crazy about his wheels, and I know he makes pots of money. Surgeons rake in the moolah. But he is so—’

    ‘Humble? Not flashy? Good, right?’

    ‘Kinda.’ Eira stared at her fingers: they were long and bony with an odd deep green vein bulging along the back of her hand.

    ‘Hmm. As far as talking about his work goes…isn’t that what most women want? A man who shares his day and asks about hers too.’

    ‘Yea, I guess. But Shikhar never spoke about work, leave alone ask about what I did all day. His day was always good, busy, boring or tiring. One-word answers. Nothing to explain the good or the boring parts.’

    ‘And look where that ended. Shikhar is not the best person to compare your doctor with, since he turned out to be a man with many secrets and dragged you into his mess too. I liked Shikhar, but I don’t care much for his cool attitude anymore.’

    ‘Pfft. I know—’

    ‘Just take it slow and stop overanalysing. How long have you two been dating? One…two months.’

    ‘Five actually.’

    ‘What? You’ve kept this from me for five months?’

    ‘Five months just sounds long. It’s not as if we go out every day. He’s on call at the hospital, and of course, with me trying to pick the best time when I won’t get interrogated by my daughter, I land up making these complicated colour coded excel sheets. I send them to him to see if he can schedule a date using my sheets, and it turns out our schedules rarely match. So, we must make do with texting like teenagers or grabbing a bite at a coffee shop close to the hospital, which is when you get caught by your daughter’s best friend, who insists your boyfriend has a love-sick puppy look on his face!’ Eira exhaled a defeated breath.

    ‘Sounds like a regular single mom’s life to me.’

    ‘It’s a little too normal, and you know I don’t like regular.’

    ‘Age my love, makes the ordinary seem extraordinary,’ Nikki chuckled.

    ‘I don’t like hiding. I don’t know why I lied to Zasha in the first place. I’m the mother and I am—’ Eira felt a hot tear slide down her cheek.

    ‘Babe, you’re doing your best to give her a stable life,’ Nikki reasoned. ‘Zasha is on the cusp of becoming a teenager. She’s just acting out like most teens; they rebel and try to be as difficult as possible. Hormones! We were mercurial at that age too. Remember?’ Nikki pointed, climbing into bed.

    ‘I didn’t have the nerve to speak to my mother the way she does, for sure.’

    ‘I know, honey. But times have changed, and you were the one who taught her to talk about her feelings, right from the time she was a toddler.’ Nikki reminded, fluffing her pillow.

    ‘Yea, it’s come back to bite me in the ass. Anyway, I’ve decided to lay low for a few days, and see how it goes. I know I can’t avoid the topic by sending her to her room, but for now, I don’t want any drama. I’m snowed under with work at the office; it’s going to be an intense two weeks, and if it all goes well, I will finally get that promotion I’ve been working so hard for.’

    ‘I really hope you get the promotion, but I’m not done with this conversation. So how come I didn’t know anything about this Dr Nihal and his moves?’

    ‘Nikki, you know how my relationship with Shikhar blew up in my face. I’m still so embarrassed about how I didn’t see it coming. I didn’t feel ready to tell the world I’m dating again, and as I shared, Zane is different. I don’t even know if it will last, then why talk about him until I’m sure.’

    ‘Question. Is his name Nihal or Zane, you’re confusing me.’

    ‘Nihal Zane. But he’s used to being addressed by his last name, so he doesn’t mind either one.’ Just saying his name out aloud made her tingle. A warm, bubbly feeling fizzed inside her.

    ‘Are you smiling to yourself?’ Nikki teased.

    ‘No. Why would I be smiling?’ Eira flushed, growing defensive. ‘At the rate things are going, I may have to start attending funerals.’


    ‘You know what they say, in your twenties weddings are hunting grounds for singles. In your thirties, funerals are a better bet,’ Eira said sagely.

    ‘You just made that up.’ Nikki laughed. ‘So, have you and Nihal eaten dessert or you guys crawling slow?’

    ‘With teenzilla stomping around the house demanding we don’t see each other, I doubt I’ll ever see the insides of a man again.’

    ‘Insides of a man,’ Nikki parroted. ‘You’re funny. I like that term. I’m gonna ask my husband to show me his insides tonight.’ Nikki tittered. ‘Gnite girl. Sleep it off, and remember, I have your back, always, okay?’

    ‘Okay, Hon. Thanks for not giving me the third degree and just letting me vent. I love you. Good Night.’

    Eira clicked her phone off and set it down on the table. She drained the rest of her drink in the sink and looked up at the wall clock; it was 11 p.m. Nihal would still be at work. Acting on impulse, Eira quickly tiptoed to her room and wiped away the generously spread night cream off her face. Standing before her open closet, she contemplated wearing her polka dotted, cross back summer dress that still had the tag on, but that would scream, I dressed up especially for you. Finally, she went with a more casual look. Eira pulled on a pair of distressed, white, skinny jeans that accentuated her perfect derrière, but she had to suck in her baby pouch to zip up. She had gained forty pounds during her pregnancy but lost most of it in the first year itself; the last four strong-willed ones she carried around ever since, as a mommy badge of honour. There was a nip in the air that night, so she threw on a light V-neck black sweater and looped a mint-coloured infinity scarf around her neck. Eira slapped on a little mascara making her pecan shaped brown eyes pop. She dabbed a generous amount of gloss on her full lips before running her fingers through her recently touched up auburn-coloured highlights and twisted it into a casual top knot bun. This was Eira being adventurous; she was stepping out of her scheduled love life and living in the moment. She wanted to see Nihal. She wanted to feel his warm lips over hers before the next sunrise.

    Chapter Two

    ‘H ey. You busy?’ Eira asked, attempting her usual casualness as if she was just in the neighbourhood.

    ‘Hi, babe,’ Nihal replied, his voice preoccupied. ‘Let me call

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