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Women... I Love You
Women... I Love You
Women... I Love You
Ebook52 pages17 minutes

Women... I Love You

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About this ebook

Learning that there is a secret in the family after years and which influences the life of several people in the next generations is not easy...

A fascinating story which aims to understand the past to bring back the truth... 

Release dateJun 2, 2021
Women... I Love You

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    Book preview

    Women... I Love You - Asma ELFERKOUSS

    By the same author :

    E-books available online:

    « Imposteur... Moi, plus jamais »

    « Tous libres... »

    « Comment j’ai transformé ma vie grâce au confinement ? »

    « A la quête de sens »

    Articles published on my blog (in French):

    Content of the work

    In a combination of ways, I have found out family secrets, all the unsaid things and a considerable transgenerational legacy. I chose, through this work, to fix this injustice in my own way by sharing the information in a fictional setting.

    I hope that the story will allow you, in your own time, to look at the history of your family, that certain sections will resonate with you and that you will be able, in your own time, to understand your ancestors and the link between parents and children.

    I invite you tell me thoughts or comments by sending an email to [email protected], I will be delighted to read your feelings and respond to them.

    Happy reading.

    Asma Elferkouss

    To Zohra...


    I see people around me suffering, unhappy and doomed little children...

    I am here, I see them, I watch them... but I say nothing...

    Yet, I am aware... if I continue like that... I do not help them... I increase their unease and participate in their suffering...

    I feel guilty... guilty of not having said anything earlier... guilty because I thought they would be able to cope... despite everything...

    Today, I just received one piece of news too many... my step-daughter just lost her children... twins

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