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Choices. Everyone has to make them. But how do you choose between saving your heart or your family's legacy?

Elise, queen of the elves, has grown tired of the elf-dragon war that has plagued Feldonia since its beginning. With the constant battles, Feldonia’s famed Heartsong has disappeared, leaving the elf race with fading magical abilities. Uncertain what to do, Elise finds herself alone in the forest where she meets a stranger unlike anything she’s ever seen and on the verge of death. Against her better judgment, she brings him back to her castle. And life becomes more complicated. She finds love in an impossible situation, backstabbing where she least expected it, and a desire to see a race she has always hated live.
Will Elise follow her heart and end a war that has raged on for as long as anyone can remember, or will she follow in her father’s footsteps, creating a legacy for her family name?

Release dateMar 14, 2016

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    Heartsong - Erin Elliott


    Erin Elliott

    Relax. Read. Repeat.

    HEARTSONG by Erin Elliott

    Published by TouchPoint Press

    Brookland, Arkansas 72417

    Copyright © 2016 Erin Elliott

    All rights reserved.

    Ebook Edition

    This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters, and events are fictitious. Any similarities to actual events and persons, living or dead, are purely coincidental. Any trademarks, service marks, product names, or named features are assumed to be the property of their respective owners and are used only for reference. If any of these terms are used, no endorsement is implied. Except for review purposes, the reproduction of this book, in whole or part, electronically or mechanically, constitutes a copyright violation. Address permissions and review inquiries to [email protected].

    Editor: Tamara Trudeau

    Cover Design:

    First Edition

    To my kids. I love you with everything in me.

    Thank you for the everyday inspirations you give me!

    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve

    Chapter Thirteen

    Chapter Fourteen

    Chapter Fifteen

    Chapter Sixteen

    Chapter Seventeen

    Chapter Eighteen

    Chapter Nineteen

    Chapter Twenty

    Chapter Twenty-One

    Chapter Twenty-Two

    Chapter Twenty-Three

    Chapter Twenty-Four

    Chapter Twenty-Five

    Chapter Twenty-Six

    Chapter Twenty-Seven

    Chapter Twenty-Eight

    Chapter One

    Elise barreled through the undergrowth surrounding trees older than the elf race. Her breath came in pants, but she didn’t dare stop for fear of being caught. Leaping over fallen logs and winding her way through the endless forest, she continued on until the stitch in her side screamed for relief.

    Diving into some of the thicker brush, Elise prostrated herself as close to the ground as possible. Thinking of the sweet smelling rose bushes that surrounded her home, she watched as they grew around her, masking the smell of sweat she was sure could be noticed for miles away. Fighting to slow her breathing, Elise listened to the sound of the forest all around her, waiting for the crash that she was sure would come at any moment, but only heard the birds and other woodland creatures, chattering and carrying on as if they didn’t have a care in the world.

    Elise strained her ears, trying to hear further into the woods, using the wind to increase the distance that she could hear, but the wind brought nothing but peace with it. Surely, it couldn’t have been that easy. The dragons never gave up on a chase, not without the demise of either the elf or themselves, and the brute that had been hot on her trail was a particularly nasty one.

    Feeling beyond drained from the physical exertion as well as the limited amount of magic she had used, Elise slowly lifted herself up. She looked around her, forcing her eyes to see beyond the wall of exhaustion that was building up before her. A great many times had an elf thought themselves safe, only to be devoured by the cunning beast. Elise had no intention of going out from sheer carelessness.

    Crouching low to the ground, she surveyed all within view, but found nothing in the way of the black nightmare that she had narrowly evaded. Letting a shaky breath loose, Elise stood to her full height, her legs shaking terribly from the recent flight. She wiped the sweat from her brow using the back of her sleeve. Her long tunic was ruined, but Elise saw this as a minor issue. She was alive.

    Slowly making her way through the forest and back home, Elise let the fear from her recent battle slink back to the front of her mind. She had managed to forget the terror from it during her flight, but as always, those memories would cause her to drown in sorrow. So many lives had been lost on what they had thought, was a wounded dragon, only to find that this dragon was being used as bait by a larger and more vicious one. It had used the dying creature’s situation to benefit their cause and Elise had been foolish enough to believe it.

    Snatches of what had been said started haunting Elise as she trudged on.

    It’s just beyond the ridge.

    I believe we could leave it alone; it appears to be dying.

    Elise stumbled, falling to the ground as tears blinded her. Why hadn’t she regarded Noro’s advice? They would all be alive and with her if she’d just listened.

    It’s an ambush! Flee!

    A sob wracked her body as she recalled foolishly thinking that she could take on the giant black lizard that had crept up on them so silently because of the strange humming that she had felt just moments before it appeared. The sensation made her feel more powerful, confident.

    Elise, no, your magic is not strong enough!

    Pride had been their downfall; her pride and it would haunt her for years to come. Battles won against the dragons were so hard to come by, but they were even harder to win when Elise did stupid things like let her pride rule her logic.

    Elise, run! I’ll distract it.

    Regaining control over the overwhelming sense of loss that threatened to cripple her, she stood, continuing toward her home and the safety of other elves. She would let herself grieve when she reached the comforts of her own bed and the listening ear of her brother. Although, knowing Ryland, he would not be sympathetic, but critical of her and the mistakes she’d made. She had successfully managed to destroy the lives of at least ten other elves. Elves that had been her friends and her comrades; elves that would be missed greatly by the dying race.

    The war had hardened her, just as it had every other elf the last dozen centuries, but she refused not to grieve the loss of every life taken by those savage beasts. She would not be like her father, brushing off every elf death like it was expected. No, she wanted to be more compassionate than that.

    Elise stumbled into the clearing, her weariness starting to become more prominent with every movement. Her home was just on the other side of the field, she only had to cross it. Taking her first step out in the open, she stopped; sure that she heard something in the distance, a vibration or hum that seemed to be just out of her hearing range. She waited for several minutes, straining her ears to hear more but nothing moved.

    You can do this. The clearing is not that wide, and then you’ll be within the range of the archers, Elise told herself, trying to make her shaking legs move. Her pep talk was doing very little to motivate her though. If you don’t get a move on, they’re going to send out more elves that could possibly die to save you. Do you really want that? she scolded herself. Taking a shaky breath, Elise stepped into the open area.

    She really should have known better; she had been fighting dragons even as a small child. The giant black beast came soaring above her from wherever it had been hiding. Nearly twice as long as any dragon Elise had ever seen, it spanned the clearing without even stretching to its full length.

    Elise raced across, hoping that she could make it within the safety of the wooded area before the black demon spotted her with its green eyes. However, luck was not her friend that day. It whirled around, heading straight for her with a lazy sort of flight.

    Quit playing with me, you foul creature, Elise thought angrily. She stopped in the middle and reached for the bow that she kept strapped to her back but found the quiver empty, the bow and arrows having been destroyed in the battle by the ridge. Elise cursed silently, realizing that the choice to run was no longer available. She braced herself, summoning the last of her reservoir of magic within and finding it wasn’t as low as she thought. It was then that she noticed the same humming sensation she’d felt by the ridge; the one that had filled her with so much pride, she had sacrificed the elves that had accompanied her. Well, she wouldn’t fall for that twice.

    Looking up, she saw the black scales of the massive lizard, glittering wickedly in the bright sunshine, sending rays of light into Elise’s eyes. She blinked rapidly, trying to clear the spots away, but the creature seemed to realize what he was doing. He continued to circle her, throwing light at her from all directions.

    Elise did not enjoy this cat and mouse game. Throwing her hands up, she called the wind with her thoughts, pushing it at the frail wings of the dragon, one of its few weak spots. It blew the dragon slightly off course, but it corrected itself almost instantly. Elise threw more wind at it, creating a huge funnel that chased it for a few moments before dissipating completely. Her magic was fading with her stamina and if she didn’t get to safety soon, she would be destroyed.

    Using the last of her strength, she sprinted toward the trees on the far end, her honey colored hair flying out behind her like a long flag, signaling the dragon to where she was. She heard the intake of breath and just as a column of fire blasted down at her, she dove out of the way. Rolling in a tight somersault, she got her feet under her again, charging toward the trees that were only a few feet away. The dragon roared in fury, making Elise’s ears ring with the ferocity of it.

    She felt the wind being buffeted by large wings at her back just as she heard the twang of bowstrings being released. The beast screamed with pain as several of those same arrows must have connected with the more tender spots on its body. Elise didn’t dare stop to check. She ducked into the forest, colliding with Ryland, who apparently was heading out to help her. He wrapped his arms around her, hugging her fiercely as the sound of more flying arrows filled the air along with the roars of rage from the nightmare in the sky.

    Where are the others? he asked, his words harsh in her ear.

    Elise shook her head, too horrified at what had happened to put words to it.

    Ryland took in her response; a hardness that she had seen one too many times on her father’s features, was there in his. Another blast of fire filled the air and the trees above them glowed with the blaze.

    Elise looked up, the fire before her blurry with the draining of the last of her adrenaline. She slumped in her brother’s arms, the roar that rent the air, was the last sound she heard.


    She woke suddenly, the quiet around her startling her from her dreams. Sitting up, she realized that she was in her room and her own comfortable bed. Looking down at the silky white nightgown, she saw that she had been cleaned up as well.

    I wonder how long I was out? she said, flopping back on the bed and letting the visions she had tried so hard to repress, enter the front of her mind.

    Through the night and half the day, a voice said softly.

    Elise let out a cry of surprise, jerking her head to see her brother standing in the doorway. How long have you been there? she said harshly, trying to recover from his little scare.

    Just the past few minutes. He walked over to the only chair in her room and sat heavily, propping his chin up with a hand, his elbow on the armrest. Explain what happened in the clearing, he said abruptly.

    Elise cleared her throat, which was thick with emotion. I took ten elves with me to investigate the rumored ‘hurt’ dragon.

    Even after I told you not to, Ryland snapped angrily.

    Guilt, along with fury, filled Elise. She sat up straighter and glared at Ryland. Who did he think he was? I am the oldest; therefore, that makes me in charge. If I decide to go to the moon then who are you to question me? she spat. It was times like these that Elise regretted having him as a brother and advisor. It seemed to go to his head. She would be rectifying that before long.

    Ryland waved a hand carelessly at her, showing her just how little this meant to him. Older or not, it was still foolish, and it cost you several lives, did it not?

    Elise’s fury crumbled away, leaving the raw pain of loss to eat at her mind and heart. Her shoulders slumped under the weight of guilt, but she refused to let her brother see more than that. You’re right. It was a costly mistake and one that I will not be so quick to make in the future. I saw an opportunity to kill one of the dragons and thought little of the consequences. That is something that will haunt me for years to come, Elise said more calmly than she felt.

    If you live that long, her brother muttered.

    Elise simply stared at Ryland, the hard truth in his words made the situation that much harder to bear.

    Exactly what happened after you found the wounded dragon? Ryland asked leaning back in the chair. Calmly lacing his fingers together over his stomach, he waited for Elise to answer.

    We found the dragon easily enough. All we had to do was track the smell of rotting meat. The others were a little leery when we first arrived which, looking back now, was probably the presence of another dragon nearby. Anyway, I decided I would be the one to end its life, but Noro argued with me. He was most persistent we let nature take its course. But this was the dragon that killed father and I couldn’t leave well enough alone.

    You’re sure it was one and the same? Ryland asked, sitting up and looking intently at Elise.

    She knew this was something that was of grave importance to Ryland as well for he had been present at their father’s death just a year prior. Elise had been seventeen at the time, but Ryland had only been sixteen. Elves did not live the long lives they once had because of the war. It was he who had brought their father back. The gruesome sight of her father’s body, badly burned, still gave Elise nightmares and the reason she feared the fire of dragons more than anything else they did.

    It was missing its left eye and had a long scar across its belly. Most dragons were covered in scales; it was the unfortunate one that did not possess this armor on their bellies. The elves had found through centuries of fighting against the dragons, these were easier to kill off than the others. Granted, even those dragons were extremely difficult to kill.

    Ryland nodded in satisfaction but said nothing else.

    Noro kept insisting that I stay hidden, because something felt off. I ignored him. It was when we started to creep on the sleeping beast that the black one swooped down and attacked. I tried to get everyone to safety, but the black demon took the others out one by one until there was only Noro and me. At this point, Elise had to take a calming breath. The pain of Noro’s death threatened to rip her aching heart in two.

    Ryland apparently saw her emotional struggle in her rapidly blinking eyes and labored breathing. He stood up and walked over to her, patting her shoulder awkwardly. Years before, he would’ve given her a giant hug to calm her, but time had not been kind and had driven a wedge between them.

    Enough of this, he can’t see me as weak, Elise thought angrily, wiping away the stray tear that had trailed its way down her cheek. I thought I could handle the dragon, Elise continued.

    And what made you think that? Ryland asked, his eyes narrowed as he regarded her. Why would you suddenly be able to handle a dragon alone?

    Elise blinked; she had unintentionally said too much; she didn’t want to discuss her reasoning with Ryland. She loved her brother and she believed he loved her, but she didn’t always trust him. She felt he had his own agenda at times. She looked blankly up at him before answering, I don’t know, I just didn’t want to see anything happen to Noro. But Noro forced me to leave without him. I don’t know what exactly happened, but I heard him scream as I fled. Elise looked out the window, desperately trying to keep her emotions under control. Very soon, she would be able to cry but now, she needed to remain strong. The others were eaten or burned alive. I tried to douse them with water but as you know, one elf cannot put out dragon fire.

    And yet, you thought you could take it out on your own after, I’m sure, you’d used almost all your magical reserves on saving elves that could not be saved, Ryland said sarcastically.

    I’m not you or father. If I can save an elf, no matter what their role in life is, I will. And you would do well to remember that, Elise retorted bitterly.

    A lot of good it did you. You took ten elves with you and returned alone; without killing the dragon you set out to destroy in the first place. Yes, you’re so brave. Meanwhile, I will be going out to hunt down the black demon that found it so necessary to ambush you and chase you down even when you were so close to home. I believe this particular dragon has gotten entirely too bold. We can’t rest until it has been taken care of.

    I’ve never seen one so big either, Elise said, staring out the window while she recalled the giant. Its wingspan alone had to be well over two hundred feet.

    Indeed. How unusual that we’ve never seen it until now. Ryland stood, walking over to the door and opening it before turning around to regard Elise once more. I’m glad you at least made it home. Then he left, slamming the door behind him.

    Elise didn’t know how she felt about this statement and didn’t have time to ponder it further. The moment the door was closed, the sorrow of losing Noro hit her with a force unlike anything she’d ever experienced. Noro was a very able general, a loyal friend, and more recently, Elise’s love. No one knew of it though, just as Noro had asked. She’d loved him enough to respect his wishes. She knew he had his reasons, but she’d never asked, had never thought to ask. Now, she would never know.

    Sobs tore from her throat and echoed around her room. Tears, hot and heavy, streamed down her face and she screamed her pain into her pillow. Her heart that had been so full just days ago, felt as if it were ripping in two, leaving her to deal with

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