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Light of Worlds (Witch Apocalypse, Book 2)
Light of Worlds (Witch Apocalypse, Book 2)
Light of Worlds (Witch Apocalypse, Book 2)
Ebook173 pages3 hours

Light of Worlds (Witch Apocalypse, Book 2)

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In this ravaged, post-apocalyptic world, is Vanille Cossette falling in love with a warlock, a master of black magic? Bunky represents everything that she hates, yet she feels she cannot live without him. Now that Vanille becomes a crossbreed with a mission to destroy the Unith Witch Coven who released two bio-warfare viruses on the world and took over all governments, she will have to struggle with her dueling desires for two dangerous young men and escape from both the corrupt dystopian colony who betrayed her and the mind controlling witch coven that may be tracking her every move. Revised and adapted from the previous title, Girl Enchanted, under the pen name Reussie Milliardario

PublisherRivka Zohar
Release dateJun 2, 2021
Light of Worlds (Witch Apocalypse, Book 2)

Rivka Zohar

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    Light of Worlds (Witch Apocalypse, Book 2) - Rivka Zohar

    Light of Worlds (Witch Apocalypse, Book 3)

    Copyright © 2021 by Rivka Zohar

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    This book is a work of fiction. Any references to real people, mass media, or real locales are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, things, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination, and any resemblance to actual events, locales, persons, or things, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    Thank you to Mom and Jerry

    Light of Worlds

    (Witch Apocalypse, Book 3)

    Rivka Zohar


    Holographic images flash in my mind in rapid succession. It is like someone is forcing cinema scenes into me. What is happening? I grab my head between my hands. A news clip projects at the Whitehouse—Solar 49 Virus—313,000 dead. Now I see an image of black hooded witches in séance. She’s forcing into my mind an image of the Vatican—a hologram of another news clip, Pokuth War Virus—5 billion dead. Rioters wave the United States Flag through looting fires in Time Square. A mermaid swims underwater through a warehouse. Tubes of blood flowing out of machines. The Great Wall of China floating in the air…

    My heart slams against the insides of my chest. Now the music is earsplitting in my mind. Do you hear the song in your head? I ask Bunky as he runs with me in his arms through the woods in pursuit of the lake. I don’t ask about the images. This is something new to me and now they have stopped.

    Huh? he says in his low, guttural voice as he runs heavy-footed crashing over ferns and bushes.

    Bunky Ohare and I just escaped from the Presco Mountain Dungeon after I collapsed the Lotham stone walls with the sound vibrations of my wails. Prior to this we were forced into life imprisonment because we crossed the boundary line that separates Presco Mountain Colony from the forbidden lake. Now after my mama betrayed Bunky and me by yelling out our location to the colony members, we are rushing for our survival through the woods in pursuit of the forbidden lake that is under Unith Witch Coven surveillance.

    Uh, yeah, Bunky continues, his eyes narrowing. You bet I hear the song. I might die if we ain’t get to that lake before we get captured. You know?

    I feel the same way, I say, my eyes well up with tears at the thought of Mum’s betrayal.

    The wrathful colony members with their flaming torches and deadly weapons are right behind us coming out of the woods in pursuit of us. I wonder if my mama is with them. President Zetler Hopskin, the Presco Mountain Colony leaders, and the guards plan to torture us, force us back into life imprisonment, or even more probable, they will kill us for escaping.

    But death, though awful, is the least of my fears. Worse than death itself, the colony members will separate Bunky and me for eternity. And in my present state of utter longing to dive into the lake with Bunky and explore its depths, I feel I cannot live without Bunky Ohare, the mysterious warlock who possesses my mind, heart, and soul.

    Even though warlocks are everything I despise, I find myself powerless and completely enraptured with this muscular man with gold eyes and silky black hair. I am not sure why. I believe Bunky is my other half, my soul mate, even if he is a member of the very elite, brutal organization, the Unith Witch Coven, that has wiped out over 64 percent of the population with two consecutive biological attacks and has replaced the prior government of the United States as well as the prior governments of all the other countries of the world.

    In the year 2032 my mama, my little brother, and I escaped to a Los Angeles island for shelter and quarantine after the release of the bio-warfare Pokuth virus on the world. It was the second virus the secret rulers released. The first virus, Solar 49, was a test and much milder. The second virus occurred about six years ago. My father died of Pokuth, but my mama, my brother, and I never caught it. They forced vaccines on the populace which were supposed to counter the virus, but with that rumor has it that they also laced the vaccinations with string quadrinotes that vibrate at extreme frequencies causing the victims to be more susceptible to world power targeted diseases and other forms of control. Most of the world fell under the rule of the Unith Witch Coven, a powerful organization of witches and warlocks. Some people like Mum, Zip, and I were able to escape and go into hiding.

    As initiation into the Unith Coven of witches and warlocks, Bunky made a covenant with Satan. Bunky’s indoctrination represents all that I hate, yet I still yearn for him. As much as I abhor his association with a world regime that brutally murders, enslaves, and sacrifices its citizens, I feel powerless over my feelings toward him.

    Bunky sets me down on the edge of the cliff that overlooks the lake below. Fawns graze in the field. They lift their heads only now mindful of our presence. An unanticipated sensation brushes over me. I feel as if I am home as we look out at the water below swelling in the breaking twilight. The lake seems so familiar to me like I lived here or nearby in another life.

    My head juts back. Do you hear that? I whisper sharply. My body tenses as I detect the echoes of soft voices. Oh, no! Does the colony know we are here? I think I hear movement over the greenery and brush. It is as if I am frozen with fear. The sounds of crushing and snapping twigs and branches sound in the woods behind us. I glance behind and spot flaming torches in the dawn light moving through the saplings and ferns in our direction.

    You ready? Bunky lifts my hand in the air.

    What are we going to do? I ask, my eyes wide and my legs trembling now.

    We are going to jump off the cliff. Huh?

    Bile shoots up my throat. Suicide? I ask, trying not to cough.

    He blows out of his lips. No! He laughs under his breath.

    Oh. I swallow and exhale.

    At that second, an unexpected epiphany engulfs me. It seems like a strange time to experience such a realization, but it beguiles my spirit like an incontrollable flash of enthusiasm. If we escape our trackers, I can finally take revenge upon the woman I utterly loathe with all my heart and all my soul. Now that we are free from our life sentences, I can kill Belzera Lampeer! I can torment and mutilate her like she did to me. I still have the scars from the carvings she made on my upper chest that say, whore. If I can take hold of Belzera, I can ruin her life like she ruined mine.

    You trust me? Bunky implores with a serious expression on his face.

    I look him in the eyes, pausing for a moment. Yes. Bunky Ohare is all I want now.

    He mutters an incantation under his breath and says, Now! At once, he pulls me off the cliff with him.

    We fall through the air recklessly. I cannot believe he just pulled me into the sky. Are we going to die? We somersault toward the water below. I have never been so petrified in all my life.

    Dive now, he hollers out to me. I hear his voice echo in my mind.

    At once, he pulls me up against his body. We are chest to chest as our heads break the surface of the splendorous, forbidden lake. Light envelopes us. It flashes and sparkles—stunning, radiant. Fully submerged, Bunky and I spin around as lit bubbles surround us and rise toward the surface of the lake. It is a superb spectacle and joined with my epiphany, I feel heaven bound.

    Our clothes rip from our bodies as transformations ensue. Our legs form into fish tails—mine green, his silver! A merman! Bunky is a merman! I am shocked that he is a mer also! Our connection is beginning to make more sense now though I am still confused. I marvel that his bare chest is tight with perfectly formed muscles. Even in the flurry this stimulates me. Glistening bubbles rush through the strands of his black, disheveled hair. And his face gleams with the charisma and appeal of a dome cinema hero. Bunky is the embodiment of physical excellence.

    He brushes my white wild, long hair away from my face and stares into my eyes sending a blaze of pleasure through my body. Bunky kisses my widow’s peak on my forehead tenderly. Goosebumps lift on my neck and arms at his touch.

    I desire more. I yearn to kiss him ardently, like the time our lips brushed in the chamber, like there is no tomorrow, but we are in utter peril. And how do I know for certain if Bunky Ohare truly cares for goofy me?

    The song in my mind bursts from my body and surrounds us from every direction. The concerto is far and wide now, and for the first time, it is not only in my head. My longing for Bunky is the utmost it has ever been though I have never professed it to him.

    This lake is charmed. And now I identify for certain that the songs that have possessed our minds this past year are coming from within the lake. Something is summoning us to it. What is it? I possess a powerful craving to understand.

    My hunger for Bunky feels overwhelming now. I virtually do not even care about our lives. With my lack of romantic involvement, I do not know precisely what it is that I need in a sense. I simply want him. To be close. With all the power I hold, I tear my gaze away from Bunky and subdue my vexing desires.

    I stare deep into the water beneath us. Though the two of us are wreathed in light, it is not as bright or dazzling as the light below our bodies that shines upwards with strength like nothing I have ever experienced. It looks like the sun, but it does not hurt my eyes. In fact, peering at it fills my frame with pleasing vibrations.

    I ponder what might happen to Bunky and me if we swim into the light. Because it is so prevailing and forceful in its magnificence, I distress we may be seared alive. Is this energy source liable for my irresistible desires?

    Bunky must have perceived the expression on my face because he strokes my flowing tresses in seeming encouragement. He pulls me close and holds my body to his chest, skin to skin. This unfathomable man with gold eyes that burn into my essence should not bring me so close. I only have so much control. I try to move away for an instant, but I cannot. My body can only surrender to his touch. I wonder if Bunky feels how rapidly my heart pounds. I feel the tempos of his core like they are my own. The sonata entrances me in its sensuality.

    It has only been a short while since we dove into the waters. We still have time to flee our pursuers. I distress the colony members may search the lake for us. I also fear the Unith Witch Coven’s air scouts may have distinguished us from overhead. Both the colony and the coven are dangerous to us.

    Bunky takes my hand. I feel butterflies in my stomach. At once, the winged beauties fly out of my body. My cheeks heat as I look at them fluttering through the water in magical dance. Bunky chuckles and squeezes my hand in his and we swiftly swim downwards. As we swim deeper, I realize Bunky and I seem to be quite a distance from the shocking, yet alluring light ahead. Like the sun in the sky, the light in the lake appears close. In reality the light is far away.

    I crane my head over my shoulder, toward the surface of the lake as my body trembles. Hopefully, the colony members will not pursue us. I search through the bubbles and the light that trails up so visibly to the top. We are not out of danger yet.

    I am surprised at my vision. My sight is even more vivid under water than on land. I can see far into the distance. With no sign of the colony or the coven, I turn my gaze back toward the light deep within the lake. As we move closer, it progressively grows brighter and brighter. I can feel the intense power coming from its source. Desire runs through my veins. The song is amorous, and it is everywhere. We swim amazingly fast now. Bunky looks confident and strong with his broad shoulders and silver fish tail that shimmers and gleams. The light ahead is blinding my eyes now. I hear a lurid roar. The sound seems so intense that the vibrations envelop my body in corporeal sensations.

    You ready for the ride of your life, Vanille Cossette? Bunky teases in his low, deep voice that appeals to me so much even though it sounds almost bullfrog-ish.

    I am amazed how clear Bunky’s voice sounds in the water. I do love extreme sports, I say breathlessly even though my body quivers as we rush deeper into the depths of the lake. My speech, though stressed and shaky from fear, sounds completely normal too under the water.

    Brusquely, I feel a burst of vibrations overwhelm me. The flow of water turns chaotic. All I hear is: You’re gonna be okay. Huh? It is Bunky’s voice.

    Wrong! Bunky Ohare is wrong! My body bursts into flames. Fire covers me. The afflictions feel all encompassing, like being run over by a car where your insides squirt out and splatter all over the place and you feel every cell of it in a hundred spots.

    Then it seems as if I am yanked into the brightness below so hard that I spiral down a hole of pure light so intense that I literally burn up into nothing. Truly. The pain feels indescribable, but it

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