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Into the Unknown - A wrenching Cold War adventure in Germany's Soviet occupied zone: Berlin Fractured, #4
Into the Unknown - A wrenching Cold War adventure in Germany's Soviet occupied zone: Berlin Fractured, #4
Into the Unknown - A wrenching Cold War adventure in Germany's Soviet occupied zone: Berlin Fractured, #4
Ebook225 pages3 hours

Into the Unknown - A wrenching Cold War adventure in Germany's Soviet occupied zone: Berlin Fractured, #4

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Two lovers, separated by politics. How far is one woman willing to go to save the only love she's ever known?


Bruni, a singer and entertainer in Berlin after World War 2 thought she had it all: a career, raving fans, good friends, and an American soldier she loves.


But good things aren't always meant to last. 

When her fiancé is injured in a hit-and-run accident and flown out to Wiesbaden, Bruni knows that she must do everything in her power to find him. If he leaves Germany before they are married, she might never see him again.

But this is post-war Berlin, and the Soviets have throttled all traffic between the city and West Germany by land and by water. Her only way out is to find a truck driver willing to smuggle her across the Soviet occupied zone.

Enter Otto, a good-hearted small-time criminal. In a bid to do his part against the Soviets, he smuggles food and goods across the border while making a simple living doing it. So when a Bruni offers him to a generous sum to give her a lift across, he doesn't think twice. 

However, Bruni is not the only forbidden cargo on board. When Otto discovers that his truck has been planted with stolen antiques, he knows that this journey will be no simple feat. Especially when he has the Soviet army on his tail.

Can these two unlikely allies find a way to escape the death sentence that follows them? Will Bruni be reunited with her only true love?

Release dateJun 22, 2021
Into the Unknown - A wrenching Cold War adventure in Germany's Soviet occupied zone: Berlin Fractured, #4

Marion Kummerow

Marion Kummerow was born and raised in Germany, before she set out to "discover the world" and lived in various countries. In 1999 she returned to Germany and settled down in Munich where she's now living with her family. In 2004 she and her husband started the website, in order to show the beauties of Munich to foreign visitors. Her guide books about Munich and Germany come from the heart and give insights into the local life.

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    Book preview

    Into the Unknown - A wrenching Cold War adventure in Germany's Soviet occupied zone - Marion Kummerow

    Chapter 1

    Berlin, Christmas 1948

    The cold winter air swirled around Bruni’s legs and she hunched her shoulders as she stepped from the crowded bar into the freezing night. Victor drew her against him for a moment to shield her from the cold gust. You wait here. I’ll get the jeep and be right back. His suggestion was accompanied by a glance at the high heels of Bruni and her friends, Marlene and Zara.

    I’ll come with you, Bruni said.

    Nonsense. Victor withdrew his arm and kissed her on the lips. There’s no reason to get your shoes muddy with the snow and your feet cold. I’ll be right back.

    Secretly Bruni was relieved that she didn’t have to brave the freshly fallen snow. She might like to watch the snow from behind a window in a warm room, but she certainly hated being subjected to the caprices of the weather.

    She didn’t mind standing, walking, and dancing all night in heels so high most women wouldn’t even be able to keep upright in them but she definitely could do without having to brave nature. Nature was dirty and Bruni hated getting dirty.

    It was such a wonderful concert! Bruni’s friend Zara still swooned over the Bob Hope concert, for which Glenn and Victor, both American soldiers, had gotten them tickets.

    And this bar! They had the most incredible dance music! Marlene, the only one of the three friends who’d come solo tonight, added, How did you know about it?

    Bruni pursed her bright-red lips and gave a husky laugh. It’s my job to know about the places with the best music in Berlin. Currently, they’re springing up like mushrooms in the French sector but this one got rave recommendations from some of my regulars.

    She’d deliberately suggested going someplace other than the Café de Paris, where she worked as singer and entertainer, because there they’d want her to sing. And tonight was a night to celebrate.

    Not only was it Christmas day but Zara had also managed to get a flight into blockaded Berlin as Glenn’s passenger, and it was the first time in nine months that the three women had seen each other.

    And judging by how tenaciously the Soviet louts kept blockading the city, it might be several more months before they’d be able to repeat the reunion.

    Is that him? Marlene asked, pointing at the headlights of a jeep coming down the street toward them.

    It is. A sudden warmth spread through Bruni’s veins and took her breath away as she spied Victor’s ruggedly handsome face behind the windshield. Loving someone other than herself was a new concept and it had snuck up on her in such a way she’d not even realized the extent of her feelings for Victor. Not until he’d told her he was returning to the States.

    After the holidays he would ask his commanding officer for permission to marry her, so she could follow him to America, which would be a dream come true. She’d go there to be with Victor, but at the same time she couldn’t deny the allure of Broadway…or Hollywood…following in the footsteps of her famous idol Marlene Dietrich.

    Victor was steering the vehicle toward them, on the other side of the street, when suddenly a half-tank that had been sitting on the curb pulled away and drove headlong toward the jeep coming down the road.

    Her heart jumped into her throat and she took several steps forward, fear gripping her.

    Victor! Watch out! Bruni yelled into the crisp night, but neither of the drivers in their closed cars could hear her. Waving her arms, she jumped up and down, intent on drawing his attention, while she watched, horrified, as the scene unfolded in front of her.

    She let out a breath when Victor finally realized the threat and veered to the left to avoid hitting the oncoming vehicle. But instead of staying on its course, the half-tank aped his movement and, a few agonizing seconds later, barreled sideways into Victor.

    An ear-splitting squeal pierced the air when metal scraped against metal, while the half-tank shoved the much smaller jeep forward like a plough would shovel snow until both vehicles finally came to a grinding halt on the embankment of the Nieder Neuendorfer Lake that marked the border between Berlin’s French sector and the Soviet occupied zone.

    Victor! Bruni yelled, taking another step. A hand on her arm pulled her back and all she could do was watch the surreal scene with her hand covering her slack-jawed shock. Time seemed to slow down as the half-tank backed up about half a length and then shifted gears again and crashed into Victor’s jeep once more, sending it tumbling down the embankment.

    Moments later, Bruni heard a high-pitched scream that might have been hers, and the ugly splash when the jeep hit the icy waters of the lake. She stood frozen in place, unmoving even when her arm was released, aghast at the incident she’d witnessed. Glenn, though, quickly gathered his wits and sprinted down to the water where the jeep slid further away from the embankment as if it was still being driven and then ever so slowly began to sink.

    Bruni couldn’t tear her eyes away from the scene until she heard someone shout something she didn’t understand. Her head jerked around just in time to see the half-tank reversing onto the road and racing off into the night. She followed the red taillights along the lake until it turned left and out of sight. There was nowhere to go where the vehicle was headed – except for the closed border into the Soviet occupied zone. She suddenly realized this had not been an accident at all.

    Shivering with cold and anxiety, she turned her attention back to Victor’s jeep where it lay half-submerged, with only the passenger cabin windows above the water line. Victor himself was nowhere to be seen, not even inside the vehicle, and her hand covered her mouth as she imagined him disappearing into the cold, murky water.

    No! She raced forward, reaching the other side of the road just as Glenn ran into the lake.

    Glenn! Zara screamed with horrible anguish and grabbed Bruni’s left hand. Her other hand was taken by Marlene and together the three women stood breathless watching Glenn half run, half swim through the deathly cold waters until he reached the vehicle and frantically tried to open the door.

    Thank God, Marlene said, and seeing that both her friends had turned into pillars of salt, she took the initiative. You wait here! I’ll call an ambulance.

    She hadn’t even finished speaking when Bruni felt Marlene’s hand slip from her own and she turned her head to see her sprinting back to the bar. Through the thick fog in her brain she realized her friend must be going to ask for help. Unable to do something coherent, she simply turned her head to look at the water where the jeep was slowly sinking under the surface.

    Due to the darkness only lit by the reflection of the snow, she couldn’t make out exactly what Glenn was doing, but with a relieved sigh she watched how he dragged Victor from the jeep and then wrapped him into his arms and carried the seemingly unconscious Victor toward the shore.

    Finally her feet moved and she struggled down the embankment in her high heels and fell on her knees next to Glenn and a bruised and bloodied Victor. Some of her anguish dissolved when she saw Victor’s chest moving up and down. His eyes were closed though, and blood was oozing from his forehead.

    Victor, my darling, wake up! She was gently slapping his cheek like she’d seen people do on the silver screen, when a young man in uniform roughly shoved her aside.

    Bruni was about to tell him off, when Marlene showed up beside her and touched her shoulder. He’s a medic. They’ve already called an ambulance and it should be here soon.

    What’s wrong with him? Bruni’s famous husky voice was nothing more than a croak.

    The medic ignored her, while barking orders at some American soldiers who’d been partying at the bar and had come out to help a compatriot. Someone grabbed Glenn, who was shivering violently, and said, Come with me, we need to get you out of those wet clothes.

    Bruni was too distressed to resist when Marlene led her a few steps away to sit on a small rock, and said, We’d better not disturb the medic. He’ll do his best to take care of Victor.

    She nodded feebly, tears springing to her eyes. She’d never before felt such heartache as she did now, fearing she might lose Victor forever.

    As always, Marlene seemed to be able to read her thoughts, and said, I’m sure he’ll be fine. He’s in the best hands and will be treated in the American Military Hospital.

    Furtively blinking her tears away, Bruni gazed at her chipped nail and used this as her anchor to keep from falling apart. Look at my hands! How am I going to fix that nail?

    Marlene had the grace not to comment, and for that Bruni was thankful, but her friend’s next words made her dissolve into a puddle of appreciation at her feet.

    Look at your shoes. I’m afraid you’ve ruined those wonderful heels.

    Victor gave them to me just two weeks ago. Bruni sniffed and then started laughing hysterically. Thanks for cheering me up. I’m so worried about him. What if…

    You can’t think like that— Marlene was interrupted by the sound of approaching sirens, and seconds later two stretcher bearers emerged and carried Victor to the ambulance.

    Finally, some life returned into Bruni’s limbs and she jumped up, just as a jeep with two MPs arrived to get witness reports from everyone present. Bruni had no interest in answering questions, since she was set on accompanying Victor to the hospital, but one of the stretcher bearers held her back. Sorry, miss, but only patients allowed in here.

    But…he’s…my… She fell silent. As a civilian, and German, she had no rights whatsoever to even get information about his condition, since they weren’t married.

    Aren’t you the singer from the Café de Paris? he asked.

    Yes. Despite not feeling like it, she cast him the smile that made every man swoon.

    He seemed to take pity on her, because he said, Look. You can come to the American Hospital in the morning and ask for me. If I know something, I’ll let you know.

    Thank you.

    My shift ends at eight; wait for me at the entrance, will you?

    I will. Bruni inwardly groaned since she usually didn’t get up before noon, especially not after a night of heavy partying into the wee hours of the morning. But to get information about Victor she’d swallow the bitter pill and forego her beauty sleep.

    Bruni looked for Marlene, who was talking to one of the MPs. Glenn, in a borrowed coat, stood by her side but Zara was nowhere to be seen. Bruni walked over toward the small group, where the MP was jotting down their names and addresses.

    What happened? the MP asked, and Glenn explained while the other man was busy scribbling down the sequence of events leading to the accident.

    It wasn’t an accident, Bruni said.

    How so? The policeman’s alert eyes settled on hers.

    I thought it was, but the half-tank backed off about a half-length and then crashed straight into the jeep again.

    Were there any other witnesses?

    Glenn and Marlene shook their heads. Sorry, no. We were several yards behind, because my girlfriend had stumbled. It all happened so fast, and when we looked up we only saw the jeep rolling down the embankment; that’s when I dashed off to the waterside.

    The MP turned toward Bruni. Are you certain this is what you saw? It is a very serious allegation.

    Very certain. Despite her worry for Victor she was livid. How dare this man cast doubt on her assertion? The driver even rolled down his window and shouted something.

    What did he shout?

    I couldn’t understand. It sounded threatening. She didn’t say that, because even to her own ears it sounded incredible. A hysterical woman imagining things because her boyfriend had been involved in an accident.

    The MP did his best to keep a straight face, but nevertheless she perceived his eyeroll, indicating he didn’t believe her. Anyone else hear what the driver shouted?

    Both Glenn and Marlene shrugged, and Glenn offered, It wasn’t in English, so I didn’t understand a word.

    Well, that will be all for the moment. The MP gazed at Glenn, who looked like a drowned rat. You sure you are okay? We can take you to the hospital.

    No, I’m fine. A ride back to the barracks will suffice, and a hot shower.

    Well then, once we’re done here you can come with us. The MP turned away to ask more witnesses but, since all had only come outside after Marlene had asked them to call the ambulance, nobody had seen anything.

    Where’s Zara? Bruni asked.

    Vanished at the first sight of a military policeman, Marlene answered. Their friend had a deep-rooted fear of the authorities since she’d been abducted by the Soviet NKVD a while ago.

    The MP waved at Glenn, apparently ready to return to the barracks.

    I’d better get going, Glenn said. Tell Zara to meet me tomorrow at Tempelhof airport. Then he looked at Bruni. I’m sure he’ll be okay. I’m going to visit him first thing in the morning, and will let you know.

    Bruni somehow managed to nod, even though she felt like bursting into tears. Which couldn’t happen because, many years ago during her abusive childhood, she’d sworn to never again shed tears caused by a man. As soon as the policemen’s jeep had vanished, Zara peeked out of the bar.

    They are gone; let’s go home, Marlene said. With Bruni in the middle, interlacing arms, they steered her toward her nearby apartment in the French sector.

    Chapter 2

    Victor took a labored breath, the smell of antiseptic making his nose wrinkle and his eyelids flutter. This was so different to the smell of Bruni’s seductive perfume, and it certainly wasn’t her soft body pressing against him.

    Instead, some heavy thing pressed down on him and poked against his lungs with every breath he took. He struggled to force his eyes open but merely saw more blackness. It must be some strange nightmare…but since when did he actually feel pain in his dreams?

    He tried to stretch out to reach the light switch, but found he couldn’t. He was bound in place, unable to move or even open his eyes, while people pressed down on him, embalming him alive into a mummy. Abject fear filled him and he willed his legs to move so he could run away but nothing happened.

    A small corner of his brain realized this couldn’t be real and he was stuck in a nightmare of the worst sort. But there was nothing he could do, except to hope that it got bad enough for him to actually wake up.

    A horrible pain lanced through his leg and he let out an ear-piercing scream that finally woke him enough to open his eyes. And to close them again real fast. He was not in Bruni’s bed.

    Didn’t you say he was knocked out? a male voice said.

    He was.

    He’s awake now. Do you need much longer?

    Still need to fix the other shin.

    I’ll get morphine.

    Victor tore his eyes open and screamed at the top of his lungs. Get your hands off me!

    Shush. You had a bad motor accident. The medic is giving you morphine and then I’ll fix your other leg.

    My leg? Was that the reason he couldn’t run away? Or was this merely another layer in his nightmare and he hadn’t actually woken up? Victor’s head hurt too much to grasp the situation. Seconds later, he felt a prick and sometime later blissfully nothing. His face relaxed and he drifted back to semi-consciousness.

    He’s ready, the younger of the

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