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Open Your Heart to the True You: A Useful Handbook to Finding Happiness
Open Your Heart to the True You: A Useful Handbook to Finding Happiness
Open Your Heart to the True You: A Useful Handbook to Finding Happiness
Ebook279 pages11 hours

Open Your Heart to the True You: A Useful Handbook to Finding Happiness

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About this ebook

In this motivational and inspirational self-help guide, readers will learn about complementary therapies for better health and fitness, healing the mind, body, and spirit, and techniques for personal development of assertiveness, motivation, and self-esteem.

Do you feel weighed down by emotional baggage and a lifetime of

Release dateMar 7, 2017
Open Your Heart to the True You: A Useful Handbook to Finding Happiness

Renee Salvatori

Renee Salvatori lives in West Virginia with her husband and four children, where she home schools one son. She continues to learn at the feet of her children; they are her best teachers. She has a passion for writing, journaling, and reading. It was this passion for writing that persuaded her to share her experiences with others. Before staying home to raise her children, she worked in the health field. She has always been eager to understand ways of healing the body physically, mentally, and emotionally. She has always tried many new ways for healing and continues to apply what works for her. She is nicknamed the perpetual seeker. She feels that life is too short not to seek all you can. She is passionate about personal growth and healing of all kinds. Finding ways to improve her life, the lives of those she loves, and those she doesn’t even know yet. She feels that life is not always pretty, but it can offer you a wonderful learning opportunity. She takes those opportunities of past and shares them from her heart. For more information please visit Renee’s website at

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    Open Your Heart to the True You - Renee Salvatori


    Mary Roberts

    When I first began to read Open Your Heart to the True You by Renee Salvatori, I had never met the woman. However, by the time I was halfway through the book, I felt like Renee and I’d been close friends for quite a while. Or maybe I was getting to know myself a little better with the help of her stories. My deepest gratitude for her bravery, and sharing her inspiration with us. It took a lot of courage!

    In our world today of unending compromise, life can deliver some daunting surprises. Often throughout a lifetime we are challenged to look for a safe place where we can recover from life crises or traumas—a place to release pain and promote the healing processes to find ourselves again. Renee’s research and lifetime work offers that safe harbor and gives the reader ideas for the best places to start this process. Keeping an open heart and mind after the metamorphosis can help us discover who we really are, and our true potentials. To begin, it’s worth the process of relief to look at who we really are now. In the big picture, this effort will ultimately improve your health and open up your mind to the true you you’re longing to become.

    I can’t begin to express how much it’s worth taking the self-challenge to restore your heart, your mind, and your soul. Reach for your goals and challenge yourself for you, and a better world.

    Renee shows us a starting place of incredible resources in which to begin your new journey. Use them wisely and reflect often. Remember, all the world is a stage. When you dance, please be kind and gentle with the people that you love.


    Writing this book has felt so very right to me. It has fulfilled me in a way I cannot explain. Herein are my truths and experiences. My writings are a product of these experiences that shape who I am. As you read my experiences, you may find many similarities from your school of life. You are all in here somewhere, either loudly in the words or quietly between the lines.

    I write of my truths today as I understand them today. I talk with you not as an expert, but as a continual seeker. I am a lover of much that I want to share, and I hope you will feel casualness as you read this. I wish these pages to be casual, as if we were sitting across from one another, friend to friend, having a chat. There is no order to the chapters, so you can pick which topic you would like to go to first. There is nothing you have to do. There is nothing you have to feel. Just enjoy your moments of reflection. Let the words go through you and stay if you feel they are of benefit to you.

    I have also shared wonderful quotes that have touched my life and pulled me along. One of my favorites is by James Oppenheim, The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance, but the wise grow it under his feet. If you are searching for that little extra something in your life, I urge you to start today, somehow and some way right where you stand, right where you are reflecting. Our betterment and contentment should never be put off. Waiting takes it into the future (tomorrow, next week, or next year). The future is never really here because it is always out there somewhere. This betterment or contentment needs to come in the now. Today is just waiting for you to join in.

    My hope is that this book helps you find some peace, health, and happiness. Anything you glean from my book or any other searches should have an ease to it. If it doesn’t flow nicely for you, then struggling with it will only bring pain and frustration. May the reflections of your own heart and mind lead you with gentle ease into a better space. May your heart be light, just as my heart has been made light again in sharing with you.

    "What within me needs to die?

    Out of this death what resurrection

    will come?"

    —Philip Simmons from Learning to Fall

    Going Within

    Whether we know it or not, we are all on a path of alignment every single day. When we crawl out of bed and place our feet on the floor, we instinctually align our posture to hold our full weight into a standing position. This act is like breathing, and we do not think about it. Internal alignment is also instinctual, and we do not necessarily need to think about it, but sometimes we have to give thoughtful attention to things that are usually instinctual. Perhaps we hurt our back or just felt weak. In those cases, we’d need to give attention to how we place our feet and our body weight before standing. Our internal alignment can also demand thoughtful attention. We may feel a little off-center and need to focus on finding balance. Finding our balance, alignment, or enlightenment is our birthright. Some people blend into this part of life easily; others go kicking and screaming. I was a kicker and a screamer. I didn’t have cancer or a major illness propelling me into my many searches, but it was an illness just the same. It was the disease of relentless DIS-EASE, or the complete opposite of ease. I was being pulled into a riptide and was sinking into frustration and anxiety. I was pulled further and further under, and little unexplained sicknesses started popping up. I didn’t even know where to begin to start healing myself. I needed help.

    My upbringing was built on what I now feel was fanatical control, based on religion and fear. We were never encouraged to think for ourselves, and all teachings were propelled through this fear of never being perfect enough. Even though I gave the religion up shortly after I got married, the seeds of conflict had been born. When I became interested in healing myself, I had all kinds of questions. Where could I start? What practices were safe? A friend of mine who was fighting cancer asked me to go with her to a series of group therapy sessions followed by meditation. I hesitated at first, but I felt she needed my support, so I agreed to go. Little did I know I was the one to be supported in the very early stages of my searching!

    After the opening session of talk, we ended with a meditation of soft, peaceful music. I closed my eyes as everyone else did, but one eye popped open continually to see what everyone else was doing. I had never seen or participated in a meditation. I didn’t know what to think, but I slowly began to relax into it. At a young age I was taught meditation was bad, but now I wondered, why? I felt relaxed and connected, and my fear was replaced with tranquility. I went home and started reading about meditation, not from my more judgmental church resources, but from non-biased resources. I also started to listen to CDs on meditating. This started me on a journey, and I was compelled to keep going. I didn’t quite understand just then, but I was being liberated.

    I think there is nothing more frustrating than trying to prepare for something without knowing what you’re preparing for. With holidays, for example, you prepare because you know what is coming. With this feeling I had, I wasn’t sure what exactly I was preparing for or even how to prepare. I felt like I was spinning my wheels. I had one foot on the gas pedal and one foot on the brake AT THE SAME TIME. I was very busy parenting, but I still felt empty and hollow, purposeless. I asked myself, Why am I here? I’d spent years visiting churches without finding what I needed. I gave up looking for a church and gravitated to other things. What I did understand from all those searches outside of myself was I needed to start inside myself first. My yearning to prepare for myself continued, and I also continued to look for the truer and better me. The more I stopped fighting the process and went inward on my journey, the more clarity I found. I no longer had one foot on the gas and one foot on the brake. I was moving forward into my journey of self. The journey was slow, but it was steady.

    I also realized, through my experiences in the school of life, that I had learned many things and I could now take what felt right for me. Did a teaching resonate with me? Did it feel like my truth? What I realized was there are many truths, either written or verbal, which are not my truths or truths that felt right for me. There is no one truth, just as there is no one personality. There are as many truths as there are people. Even if we are all fed the same food or information, each of us will digest it differently. Remember sitting in class and how some students seemed to relate to what the teacher said and some didn’t? The students’ ability to relate to the teacher wasn’t objectively good or bad; it was just different. We are all different, and this world holds so much diversity to enjoy. I can like spring while you may like summer. If a thought or idea feels good to you, then it is your truth. Everyone’s journeying will be different and diverse. Free will is truly a gift; do not give it away by ignoring it or accepting others’ truths as yours. Take your gift and your truths, and enjoy them. There is so much liberation in knowing your own truths!

    If you are doing something in your life that isn’t working, doing more of it will not make it work any better. Nothing can be resolved if you keep trying to fix unworkable situations with the same consciousness that created them. You will need to search for a different approach, a different way, or a different truth. If your life seems sick, stressful, unexciting, or limited, this is an indication something is missing. Have you allowed yourself to stop growing? Let your true inner soul connect to your physical self.

    I needed a lot of reprogramming and purging of old ways of thinking and being so my newly evolved self could be built. Some of my outdated ideas had to die so newness could be birthed, and some outgrown ways needed to casually fall away like a forgotten but beloved toy. Do you refuse to grow by holding onto old ways and beliefs because they feel comfortable? If a snake refused to shed its skin for its growing body, it would get sick and die because its body would be so compressed and compacted. A snake shedding its skin is a natural process. Can you find natural ways to grow into your new self?

    We all have to make our own changes. No one is going to change for us; that would be like one snake telling another snake he had to shed his skin. If the skin isn’t ready for shedding, the uncovered skin is raw and unusable. If that same know-it-all snake told the other snake to shed far too late, then disease and bacteria would be attached to the shriveled up skin. Change, and when it happens, is our choosing and our journey. It is our own evolution and our own rhythm.

    Love yourself enough to nurture yourself today and tomorrow, and you will find that you aren’t abandoning yourself anymore. Gautama Buddha once said, You can look the whole world over and never find anyone more deserving of love then yourself. If we want changes in our lives, we have to love our souls and patiently nurture them through the healing process. We all proceed and move forward with our own abilities and strengths. Some of us will advance with courage, some with patience, and some with purpose. All of us will find our own reasons and our own techniques.

    If you are holding this book in your hands, your soul is probably searching. I hope each day propels you further into your searches. I hope you find the healing and betterment you desire. It is yours for the taking; claim it! Believe in yourself and your ability to get what you desire. Love yourself enough to try. As you take each step along the way, you will start to see your enlightenment. If you read this book with the thought that you need to be fixed, your mind will be focused only on what is wrong with you. There is nothing wrong with you. There is everything right with you! You are capable of taking care of yourself, so pat yourself on the back for the gifts and the talents you already embrace. You are probably further along than you realize. As you turn within, you may find more answers waiting. Appreciate all the things about yourself as you proceed in this book and in your life.

    Never abandon the physical part of yourself for the spiritual part of yourself. We are born into our physical bodies for a reason. We were born to see, touch, taste, hear, and smell. We are not meant to live only a spiritual life or only a physical life. Our whole being, both spiritual and physical, should be of equal importance to us and well blended together. We can relate this to food and water. We would not deliberately dehydrate or starve ourselves in order to only drink or only eat. When we are thirsty, we drink. When we are hungry, we eat. We see the value of food and water blending. If either the food or the water balance is neglected, we take longer to get back into a healthy state. Give your whole body the optimal gift now and maintain both the spiritual and the physical. It is easier to maintain balance than to try to recover after you are severely out of balance.

    Do not resist an opportunity for growth. After all those years of taking mental notes on how you envisioned yourself to be, now is the time to bloom! We don’t have to hold onto the past anymore; we can grow into the beautiful flower we’ve seen ourselves as being.

    See your goal, reach that goal, and then reach for another, continuing to pull from all your strengths and wisdoms.

    There will come a time when we stop expecting others to give us the answers to life or matters of the heart, and we start finding them ourselves. Yes, finding answers can be hard and frustrating. I much preferred others’ answers to my dilemmas because I was used to being spoon-fed and told what to think, believe, and feel for so long. It felt unnatural going solo and thinking for myself. It unnerved me and made me feel uncomfortable. I was used to receiving others’ thoughts, opinions, and directions, and I assumed theirs was the right way, even when it wasn’t. I gave others more credit than I gave myself. I found, though, when I took off and flew that even if I got an answer wrong, I could switch course and try something else. Wrong is only an indication of a way that didn’t work. Nothing is ever set in stone. Your thoughts and truths will change.

    Now comes the time for patience as you weave your own tapestry. Patiently search out your own answers, going within to see if the answers are for you. Before you know it, your self-alignment will be as instinctual as breathing and standing. What you need will come naturally, and you will just know. Enjoy your journeying into true knowingness and liberation!

    If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put foundations under them.

    —Henry David Thoreau


    So just what is enlightenment? It is that alignment you find from going within, the fullness of you that reveals your clarity, stability, sureness, and certainty. Enlightenment is letting go of what holds you down or bothers you. It is finding ways of making everything lighter in your life. Enlightenment is also being in that light of self and standing in your power. It is forward movement or evolution, the awakening and development of the inner self or the true, authentic you. It is you that lives deep within and radiates outward. Enlightenment is finding your own inner guidance and striving toward your full potential. As you can see, enlightenment can mean so much. Which of these thoughts means enlightenment to you?

    The dictionary defines enlightenment as, A final blessed state marked by the absence of desire or suffering. It is freedom from ignorance and misinformation. That’s a powerful description. Wouldn’t the absence of internal and external suffering be welcomed?

    We all long for inner peace, tranquility, and calm. We can all have it by making daily efforts to change how we view ourselves, others, and the world. Sometimes enlightenment comes through the difficult times, when we are brought to our knees in order to make a change. It was in those moments, on my knees, that I both vowed to make a change and was most open to accept that change. Patience and nurturing will be needed as you grow, just like children need to be nurtured with sleep, nutrition, and love so their bodies can grow and develop. Find ways to nurture yourself as you expand into your new enlightenment.

    Growing can sometimes be challenging. It can be like the physical growing you experienced as a child. Sometimes the measurements on the wall indicated a major growth spurt. That growth spurt may have come with growing pains. Your mother may have rubbed your legs to ease the pain, or you may have soaked in the tub. This growth hurt, but it had to happen. Do you also remember the emotional growing that accompanied puberty? Your emotions grew and proved challenging too, but you didn’t try to stop the growth, even though it was complex. Sometimes as we are walking through the storm of growth, we beg it to go away, but we have to keep going through the thunder and lightning to reach the other side and sunshine.

    Spiritual growth can also be difficult because we can feel abandoned in our darkest hours. This darkness or growth can be compared to the protective womb of a mother. There was no light in our mothers’ wombs, yet we grew wonderfully there. We needed that dark space to prepare for our birth, and when we emerged, we were prepared for the world. Sometimes our darkness is preparing us for our enlightenment or new birth. We can also compare this process to the earth’s days and nights. If all we had were sun-filled days, then the earth would become overheated. The night comes in to sooth and refresh. Sometimes our own darkness is for our protection, refreshment, and growth. Light and dark will balance themselves out, so be patient.

    Our parents and our past can be true indicators of our emotions. They can be our gauges to see how we have changed, grown, and expanded. When we spend time with our parents, family members, or friends, we may be confronted with old ways and patterns. We may, unknowingly, resort to those old patterns of thinking we have worked so hard to leave behind. Rahm Dass said, If you think you are so enlightened, spend a week with your parents. Isn’t that a wonderful test? When you doubt that you have ever expanded, revisit the past. If you ever feel challenged or struggling while visiting those old ways from a human, a memory, or a movie, use this technique that has helped me many times. Go to a sink and run your hands under cool water. The cool water can also be splashed on your face with great benefit. This will bring you back to the new and improved you while the water washes the old patterns back down the drain.

    There are many possibilities for nurturing ourselves as we go forward. Stay open to people or learning possibilities. Do not hold thoughts of how you think you should be helped. This only limits the support that can come, and you may miss some great benefits. When we relax, we are able to see more options. Teachers are everywhere and plentiful. Some teach by good example, and some teach us by what not to do. We could learn from an old wise person or a young innocent child. A teacher may be a physical being, a book

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