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A Vampire's Fight: Fate's Chronicles, #5
A Vampire's Fight: Fate's Chronicles, #5
A Vampire's Fight: Fate's Chronicles, #5
Ebook137 pages2 hours

A Vampire's Fight: Fate's Chronicles, #5

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A Fated Mates Vampire / Goddess steamy romance

The fight is on for possession of my body.

Demeter wants to take my body from me, but she won't get it without a fight. Whoever her Beast is can go find his own body. All I have to do is stay home until I am a fully activated Goddess, then I am no use to them.

Defense works great until it doesn't.

They took me but my family is out there and I know they won't stop till they find me. I just hope I can hold out that long with Demeter's Beast draining my power.

One way or another, it ends tonight.

The biggest battle of my life is almost here and all I can do is slow the drain on my power. Will it be enough to keep them from killing my family and taking my body? Will I be strong enough to keep my family in one piece?

Release dateJul 27, 2021
A Vampire's Fight: Fate's Chronicles, #5

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    Book preview

    A Vampire's Fight - Rhiannon Futch



    I felt Billy get out of bed a few minutes ago but I refused to wake up. I don’t want to wake up and face a world that Grams doesn’t exist in yet. I know when I open my eyes I will see all her things stacked in my room and I just can’t. I hear Billy coming back and I leave my eyes closed. I smell the coffee when he opens the door. No. I won’t open my eyes just for coffee. I hear him walk over and feel the bed sink a little as he seats himself.

    Come on love, open your eyes. I know you’re awake. Face the day and make her proud. He knows just what to say, the bastard.

    Opening my eyes and keeping them focused on him I sit up and reach for the coffee. One sip and I feel just a little stronger. Maybe I can do this. Letting my eyes stray around the room I notice different little trinkets, various things that hung on her walls or lived in baskets throughout her home. Her books, stacked everywhere. Then I see her jewelry box, humming with energy. The jewelry box that my mother thought she took home with her and is now very upset about. I turn my eyes back to Billy, I don’t want to believe she’s gone.

    I know. I don’t either. He puts his hand on my leg and gives it a squeeze as his pocket starts vibrating.

    Looking at his pocket I ask him, Is that your phone or did you learn a new trick?

    He chuckles, No new tricks and not my phone, it’s yours.

    I grimace and take a healthy swig of my coffee, All right. Give it to me.

    He passes it over and I hold it up to unlock it, holy Hera. There are over a hundred messages! The phone unlocked I pull up the notifications and give it a Price is Right spin on the wheel to get to the beginning. They are all from my mother. She is mad as hell that the box she took was not the actual jewelry box. Babe, come sit next to me and look at these messages. They are all from my mom.

    He scoots himself up to sit next to me and read along. Some of the things she calls me, I can hardly believe my mother would say something like this. Billy frowns, Maybe we shouldn’t read all of this right now. I mean, you just woke up. I should have left it downstairs.

    No, better I see it now. Get all the bad out of the way first thing. Good news, she doesn’t seem to be driving over here yet. I haven’t given her the address but I won’t delude myself that she couldn’t find us if she wanted to.

    Billy slips an arm around my shoulders, We have a great barrier around the place, your mom couldn’t get in unless we let her.

    I know. I guess I need to get to work. I have a lot to learn and do. I’m not even sure how to wrap my head around it all yet.

    Maybe start with a shower? Clear your mind. Maybe you should resign from the job with Fate? I think someone here could step into your role, take care of the foundation and be Fate’s right hand.

    Nodding I say, Ajah could. Or her and Ryna if they chose. But I’m not giving that up. Grams told me that I needed to keep my life outside of being a protector. She said it wouldn’t be easy but it would be worth it. She also said that my protector duties would be made much easier by the fact that I have a whole goddess on my side. And, all the research I do with Fate is part of it too, so it all works together.

    He nods, I thought you would feel that way but I wanted to bring it up in case you might feel differently. I am here to support you wherever you take us.

    Tipping the cup up I drain the rest of the coffee. Passing him the mug to set on the nightstand I crawl across the bed to hop off the other side and head for the shower. I have to weave my way around piles of things and I pause at the bathroom door to look back at him, I think today will be for figuring out where to put all these things.

    He laughs as I step into the bathroom and start the shower.



    Drifting back to consciousness I am warm and cozy, my limbs tangled up with Devon’s and Charles, the comforting weight of Trust and Kindness near my feet. I can’t believe how much my life has changed in such a short time. Not long ago I was a widow just trying to stay away from being hurt again. I hadn’t even faced how abusive Charlie had been. Now, I am a goddess. I met my birth parents. I have two amazing lovers that work to outdo each other sexually. And I light up like fireworks when I have an orgasm. I sigh in contentment and snuggle in to this cuddle puddle. The guys stir and move in a little closer, I feel the weight of the dogs disappear. Suddenly I have hardness pressing in at me from both sides. What a beautiful life I have fallen into!

    We kiss a little before my need for coffee kicks in. Charles laughs and heads for the kitchen. Devon and I cuddle till he gets back. He walks back in minutes later, Maria had the tray waiting for me.

    I sit up eagerly while Devon sighs dramatically, Tossed aside like old news for coffee. Ignoring him I reach for the tray as Charles draws near, he passes it over before climbing back into bed while I hold the tray steady. We all arrange ourselves with our backs to the headboard before we each delight in the gloriousness that is Maria’s coffee.

    After some silence and coffee we are all feeling more alive. Devon looks over at us and says, What are we going to do about Natasha’s parents?

    I groan, We are going to follow her lead. I am more concerned with what is coming next from Demeter and Pru. It feels like they are both planning something and none of it good for me.

    Charles adds his thoughts, As much as I hate to say it, we probably need to go train some more. The stuff your dad puts us through is much more challenging than any obstacle course we could create up here and those dogs are ridiculously fast. Maybe we should see about taking everyone down with us? They could benefit from the training like the rest of us.

    Devon chuckles, Might help us get less drooled on too.

    That had definitely crossed my mind.

    Laughing I say, You have a point. But we have to get permission first. That is their realm. Pretty sure if we take someone down that doesn’t have permission they die.

    Hmm, Charles sips his coffee, I suppose that would be inconvenient.

    Devon rolls his eyes, Inconvenient. I am getting in the shower. Fate, as always, you are welcome to join. He sets his cup on the table and gets out of bed, sautering across the room naked and sexy as hell with his sepia skin and those thighs! Ooo! That butt!

    Charles nudges me with an elbow, Feeling a little ignored over here.

    I laugh, Aw, poor thing. He is just as distracting as you are. It’s a wonder I can get anything done these days.

    Well, he takes my cup and sets it with his on the other table, speaking of getting done, how about it?

    Giggling I push him back and climb on top of him. He growls, Yes! as I rub my slit along his length. Reaching the tip I rock my hips just so and he lines up with my entrance. I press down just enough to get the head in and I sit up straight, leaving all that space between our bodies as I begin to rotate my hips, making small circles on the head of his cock. He moans and grips my hips tightly, I drop an inch. He sucks air as I raise back up. I tease him a few minutes longer before I ride us both to completion. Leaving him laying spent on the bed I give him a kiss as I head for Devon in the shower.



    After the excellent morning sex and hot shower to finish waking me up, I head downstairs to work in the dining room. Memré joins me not long after.

    Have you seen Natasha this morning? I ask as I browse office furniture online.

    Nope, I saw Billy wander through with coffee. She is probably taking it slow this morning.

    Good. She should, her mom is pretty extra right now. A lot of the work will get so much easier once we have office furniture anyway. Got a chair preference?

    She immediately tells me a specific brand and model. I search it up and add to cart. I need to set up something with these families too. I am not going to be able to visit them all any time soon. I pull up the file I created with the names and numbers that Devon gave me. Ok, Brooks family. Let’s see, spirit affinity and they live in Canada. Phone number… I tap the number into my phone and hit send.

    The phone rings a while before a man’s voice answers, Hello.

    Hello, my name is Fate. I am looking for the Brooks family. Do I have the correct number?

    This is Herman Brooks. How can I help you?

    Well, Shit.. I did not think this through. Have you… Does your family remember the Chronicler?

    Yeah, but she hasn’t been around in a century or so. We have spoken to the guy a few times.

    As it turns out, the Chronicler is back. Because she is me. I am her. I’m the Chronicler.

    I hear him sigh on the other end of the line, And what will you be wanting from us? Assuming you are in fact, the Chronicler.

    I understand why you would be skeptical, I would be in your place. But, I am who I say I am. Have you had many people call you up saying they were me?

    Um, no. No one has.

    So no one has ever tried to pretend to be me in a century or so and you are concerned that someone will now? Really?

    When you put it that way I guess it doesn’t make as much sense as it seemed to when I had the thought.

    I do understand inherent suspicion. I don’t trust people out of the gate either. But, I think maybe considering the facts you can at least hear me out.

    That seems reasonable, what can we do for you Mrs?

    Oh, let’s keep this informal. Fate works just fine. Ok, so, while I had initially planned to seek out each of the thirteen families, after meeting the Hale family—

    Oh no, you started with them?

    You’ve met them?

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